
Desperate Escape

The cold night air whipped at Ikki's face as he sprinted away from the manor, his heart pounding in his chest. The sound of angry voices and barking dogs echoed behind him, getting closer by the second.

"Find him! He can't have gone far!" shouted one of the mafia members, his voice filled with rage.

"Don't let him get away! Don wants him alive!" another man called out, the urgency in his tone unmistakable.

The barking of the dogs grew louder and more frantic, signaling that they were closing in on the boys trail. He could hear the pounding footsteps of the mafia members behind him, their shouted threats and curses growing more desperate as they struggled to keep up.

"We'll make you pay for what you did to our Man!" one of the pursuers yelled, his voice straining with the effort of the chase.

"Where the hell is he?" another man asked, the frustration in his voice evident.

Ikki's breath came in ragged gasps as he put every ounce of his strength into staying ahead of his pursuers. He knew that if they caught up to him, he would be dragged back to Reimond to face an unimaginable fate.

"You can't run forever, Boy!" one of the pursuers taunted, trying to rattle his nerves.

But Ikki refused to let their words affect him. He knew that he couldn't afford to lose focus, not when his life was on the line.

With adrenaline surging through his veins, Ikki deftly maneuvered through the shadows of the manor's grounds, staying out of sight as he searched for a way out.

He knew that every second counted, and he needed to act quickly to elude his pursuers. As he glanced around the area, he noticed a weak point in the wall surrounding the manor, and a daring idea began to form in his mind.

"I need to find a way out of this place, evade the cameras, and make it to the ship," he thought, his mind racing as he tried to piece together a strategy for escape. "If I can just reach the ship and stow away, I might have a chance at getting out of this alive."

Gathering his aura, Ikki concentrated it into his palms, focusing intently on the task at hand. He could feel the energy building up within him, the power crackling like electricity in the air. His heart raced as he prepared to unleash his aura, knowing that he had only one chance to execute his plan successfully. "Here goes nothing," he thought, steeling himself for the challenge ahead.

With a deep breath, Ikki thrust his hands forward, releasing a powerful burst of aura that exploded against the wall. The force of the explosion sent shards of stone flying in all directions, creating a hole just large enough for him to slip through. The sound of the blast echoed throughout the area - a deafening BOOM followed by the CRASH of crumbling stone and the CLATTER of debris settling on the ground.

Not wasting any time, Ikki sprinted towards the newly-created gap and leaped through it, narrowly avoiding the debris that rained down around him.

The sound of the explosion and the crumbling wall would undoubtedly alert the mafia to his escape attempt, but Ikki hoped that the confusion and chaos would buy him precious time to put some distance between himself and his relentless pursuers.

As he emerged on the other side of the wall, Ikki knew that his escape had only just begun.

As he turned a corner, Ikki spotted a ladder propped against a wall, leading up to the rooftop of a nearby building.

Without hesitation, he sprinted towards it, praying that this would be his ticket to freedom. His muscles screamed in protest as he leaped onto the ladder, but he forced himself to keep moving, climbing as fast as his aching limbs would allow.

Once on the rooftop, Ikki paused for a moment to catch his breath, then quickly got to his feet and began to run towards the port. He could feel the aura within him, the warm sensation that seemed to envelop him. Despite his dire situation, a dark smile flickered across his lips as he thought,

"Well, at least my aura treats me better than my own family ever did."

Focusing his aura into his arms, he enhanced their strength and coated them with a sticky substance, which allowed him to grip the edge of the building as he made his way across the rooftops.

The cold wind whipped around him as he leaped from one building to the next, his heart pounding in his chest. Ikki knew that he couldn't afford to slow down, not when his pursuers were still hot on his trail. With each leap, he came closer to the port and the ship that would be his salvation.

As he made his way across the rooftops, the barking of the dogs and the angry shouts of the mafia members seemed to grow fainter, and for a brief moment, Ikki allowed himself to hope that he had managed to put some distance between himself and his pursuers.

From his vantage point atop a nearby building, the mafia sniper watched Ikki's desperate escape attempt unfold through the scope of his rifle.

As the sniper observed the kid from his vantage point, a myriad of thoughts swirled through his mind.

"This kid is resourceful and fast, more than I initially gave him credit for. But I have my orders from the Don, and I can't let my own judgment interfere with that."

He continued to watch, his finger hovering over the trigger, the tension mounting. "I know Fish and Giuseppe are itching to end this chase and take the kid out. They've made their opinions loud and clear. But the Don's orders were explicit – we're to capture the kid alive, no matter the cost. My loyalty is to the Don, not to the whims of my fellow mafia members."

The sniper took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. "I have a job to do, and I won't let anything, or anyone, stand in my way.

This kid won't elude us for much longer. I just need to find the right moment, and I'll bring him in – alive."

He knew that he had to incapacitate the kid without causing serious harm – a difficult task, but one that he was determined to accomplish. The sniper exhaled slowly, steadying his aim. With a silent prayer on his lips, he whispered,

"May the saints guide my aim and spare this kid's life."

Then he squeezed the trigger, sending a single shot toward the kid's thigh.

As the bullet found its mark, striking Ikki in the thigh, a searing pain shot through his entire body. He stumbled, gasping for breath as he tried to process the sensation. "I've been hit," he thought, panic rising in his chest.

He gritted his teeth against the agonizing pain that threatened to overwhelm him. The sensation was a mix of fire and ice, a burning ache that radiated from the point of impact.

I could taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth, the result of biting down too hard on my tongue to keep myself from crying out. My ears rang from the gunshot, and the scent of gunpowder lingered in the air.

Calling upon his aura, he focused it on the wound, stemming the flow of blood and creating a temporary blockage that would allow him to keep moving. "I can do this," he told himself, determination taking hold.

As Ikki sprinted through the shadows, his heart pounding in his chest, he couldn't help but think, "Every step I take could be my last."

The sniper's watchful gaze and the relentless pursuit of the mafia weighed heavily on his mind, but he refused to let fear take hold. "I have to stay focused," he told himself, each breath coming in ragged gasps.

Ikki stumbled, his wounded leg threatening to give out beneath him. He gritted his teeth, willing his body to keep moving despite the agony.

As he approached the port, the ship that represented his only hope of freedom loomed into view. Ikki knew that he needed to reach it before the mafia closed in on him, but he also realized that the area would be heavily monitored. With his heart racing, he scanned the docks, searching for any cameras and planning his approach.

He spotted a series of cameras and devised a path that would take him through their blind spots, minimizing his exposure to their watchful lenses. Moving swiftly and silently, Ikki made his way closer to the ship, staying out of sight and evading detection. Each step was a struggle, his muscles screaming in protest as he forced himself to keep moving.

With a twisted grin, Ikki muttered to himself, "Who needs a gym membership when you can get a full-body workout running for your life, huh?"

Finally, he spotted the ship he was looking for, and with a deep breath, he mustered all his remaining strength and leaped from the edge of the building. As he soared through the air, Ikki focused his aura on his feet, preparing to soften the impact as he crashed into the water below.

With a loud splash, he hit the water, sending ripples out in every direction. The shock of the cold water momentarily took his breath away, but Ikki knew that he couldn't afford to waste any time. He swam towards the ship as quickly as his injured leg would allow,.

Unbeknownst to Ikki, a drunken deckhand had been taking a break on the ship's deck, nursing a bottle of cheap whiskey. Startled by the sound of Ikki's splash, he squinted into the darkness, trying to make sense of the noise.

"Wha...whozzat?" he slurred, taking another swig from his bottle. "Must be...mermaids or...somethin'." He chuckled to himself and continued his hazy vigil, occasionally glancing over the side of the ship, hoping to catch another glimpse of the mysterious "mermaids."

He swam as silently as possible, using the shadows to stay hidden. Each powerful stroke he took through the water left a faint trail of red in its wake, as the scratches he had sustained during his rooftop parkour had started to bleed.

As he approached the ship, he spotted the anchor chain and grabbed onto it with his waning strength.

His muscles screamed in protest as he began to climb the chain, his wounded leg making the ascent even more difficult. Ikki gritted his teeth and ignored the pain, focusing on his goal of reaching the top.

As he climbed, his inner monologue raced, '"I can't give up now. I've come too far to let them catch me. Just a little further..."

As Ikki struggled to maintain his grip on the wet chain, the taste of salty seawater filled his mouth, while the cold, biting wind stung his face. His wounded leg throbbed relentlessly the sensation was like a thousand burning needles piercing his skin, tearing at his muscles and leaving him gasping for breath.

The sound of his own heartbeat pounded in his ears, drowning out the distant voices of the ship's crew and the barking dogs that had been chasing him just moments before. It was a constant reminder of the precarious situation he was in, and the urgency with which he needed to escape. As sweat and blood mixed, dripping from his body into the dark water below.

Meanwhile, on the deck of the ship, the crew went about their business, blissfully unaware of the desperate struggle unfolding just below the surface. The night was dark, and the water was inky black, providing the perfect cover for Ikki's daring escape attempt.

Despite the overwhelming pain, Ikki continued to pull himself up the chain, his determination and willpower propelling him forward. Each inch gained felt like a small victory in his battle for freedom. His breaths grew ragged and labored, but he refused to let his resolve waver.

'"Almost there,"' he thought to himself, as the deck of the ship came into view. '"I can't afford to fail now. I need to make it to safety."' With one final burst of strength, Ikki hoisted himself over the railing and onto the deck, his body trembling with exhaustion and pain.

With one final push, Ikki reached the top of the chain and pulled himself onto the ship's deck, collapsing in a heap as he tried to catch his breath.

Gathering his strength, Ikki forced himself to his feet and began to maneuver his way around the ship, keeping to the shadows to avoid being spotted by the crew. He could hear the boisterous laughter of the intoxicated crew members, their voices slurring as they stumbled about the deck.

"Hey, you remember that girl in Genua?" one of the crew members hiccupped, a wide grin plastered on his face as he clapped a hand on his buddy's shoulder.

"Yeah, she was something else!" his friend replied, winking and making a suggestive gesture with his hands. "Genua's got the best women, hands down!"

One of the crew members, a burly man with a grizzled beard, leaned in closer to his comrades, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Alright, I've got a story for you guys. So, there was this one time in Genua, right? I'd just come off a long voyage, and I was looking for some, uh, companionship, you know?"

His friends chuckled knowingly, encouraging him to continue. The man took a swig from his flask and grinned, his eyes lighting up with the memory. "So, I'm walking through the streets, and I come across this place called 'Madame Rosaline's.' I heard it was the best in town, so I figured I'd give it a shot."

He paused for dramatic effect, and his friends leaned in closer, eager to hear the rest. "I go in, and there she is – the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Long, silky black hair, deep blue eyes, and legs that went on for miles. I swear, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven!"

The other men laughed and slapped him on the back, their eyes wide with interest. "So, what happened next?" one of them asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

The storyteller smirked, taking another swig from his flask before continuing. "Well, let's just say that she showed me a night I'll never forget. It was worth every penny, I tell you. If you ever find yourselves in Genua, make sure you pay a visit to Madame Rosaline's. Trust me, you won't regret it!"

The men erupted in laughter once more, clapping each other on the back and trading their own tales of unforgettable nights spent in the company of beautiful women. All the while, Ikki continued to evade them, staying hidden in the shadows as he made his way to the container that would serve as his escape.

As he carefully navigated the ship, Ikki muttered to himself with a hint of madness in his voice, "Seems like I'm not the only one trying to get lucky tonight. Except I'm betting on a container instead of a lady!"

His light chuckle, a mix of desperation and dark humor, echoed silently in his mind, giving him a twisted sense of camaraderie with the drunken crew.

Ikki pressed on, doing his best to avoid the raucous crew members as he searched for a suitable hiding place. Finally, he spotted a stack of containers near the far end of the ship. One of the containers was marked with the words 'Republic of Padokea / Heavens Arena Property: Building Renovation.'

Seeing this as his best chance at finding sanctuary, Ikki approached the container, his heart pounding in his chest. He fumbled with the lock, trying to unlock it as quietly as possible. Finally, the lock clicked open, and he carefully opened the container door just enough to slip inside.

Once inside, Ikki closed the door behind him, plunging himself into darkness. The container wasn't the most comfortable place, but it provided the security and solitude he desperately needed.

As Ikki hid in the shadows, he felt his aura gradually receding back into his body, leaving him feeling drained and weak. His vision blurred, and he swayed on his feet, struggling to stay conscious

.His wound started to bleed profusely. He knew that he needed to tend to his wounded leg as quickly as possible, or he might not make it through the night.

With shaking hands, he summoned his katana and gripped the edge tightly, the sharp blade cutting into his palm. He gritted his teeth and bit down hard on his tongue, the coppery taste of blood filling his mouth as he tried to stay awake and focused.

The metallic flavor lingered on his taste buds, serving as a stark reminder of the pain he was enduring in order to survive. With each swallow, the blood mixed with the saltiness of his sweat, creating a taste that was both repulsive and invigorating.

In the midst of his suffering, Ikki couldn't help but chuckle at a sudden, absurd thought. "Who needs a protein shake when you've got a mouthful of blood and sweat?".

Determined to remove the bullet lodged in his thigh, Ikki positioned the tip of the katana against his leg, taking a deep breath to steady himself. With a swift, precise motion, he sliced into his own flesh, blood welling up around the blade as he cut through muscle and tissue.

Ikki's breath hitched in his throat as he fought against the overwhelming pain, but he refused to give in.


He forced himself to continue, finally managing to dislodge the bullet and flick it away with the katana.

His leg trembled violently beneath him, and Ikki knew that he needed to act fast to stop the bleeding. Desperately, he tore a strip from the bottom of his shirt and tied it tightly around his thigh, creating a makeshift bandage. The pressure helped to slow the flow of blood, but Ikki could still feel his strength ebbing away.

Exhausted and battered, Ikki stumbled toward a pile of cement bags that lay in the darkness of the container. The rough texture of the bags scraped against his skin as he slumped onto them, his body trembling from the pain and the effort of staying conscious.

In an attempt to distract himself from the pain, Ikki couldn't help but let out a dry, sarcastic chuckle. "What a fantastic day this has turned out to be," he thought to himself.

"Dodging bullets, mafia, and dogs, just to end up bleeding out in a shipping container full of cement. Life really knows how to keep things interesting."

The cool air inside the container stung his open wounds, sending shivers down his spine, but also providing a small measure of relief.

The scent of damp cement and the lingering odor of seawater filled Ikki's nostrils as he fought to catch his breath. The rhythmic creaking of the ship's hull, coupled with the distant murmur of the ocean waves, formed a somber soundtrack to his dire predicament.

As he laid there atop the bags of cement, his senses slowly began to dull, and the darkness that enveloped him seemed to press in from all sides, threatening to swallow him whole.

Through the haze of pain, Ikki found himself smirking at a grim thought.

"At least if I die here, they won't have to go far to mix the cement for my tomb," he mused darkly.

Despite his best efforts to stay awake, Ikki's eyelids grew heavy, and his vision blurred. The pain, the cold, and the taste of blood in his mouth all began to fade away as his body finally succumbed to exhaustion.

With one last, desperate gasp for air, Ikki slipped into unconsciousness, his battered form cradled by the unforgiving cement bags that would serve as his makeshift bed.