
Raising a Demon Empire

Being able to leaving from her past lives' grief and pain through death. Lishe Que began looking forward to being an annoying ghost. Sadly a certain god had heard of her plans and completely destroyed it by having her reincarnate in another world. Being chained to a physical body, with her trusty system (another chain)she is forced to complete missions to create the perfect demon empire. Having had so many things not going her way Lishe discovers ways on how to destroy or escape the system while having trouble becoming a ghost. It is her decisions that locks that worlds possible fate.

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14 Chs

9 Objective

The previous night Lishe was able to find an abandoned cave or rather the entrance happened to be hidden by three large bushes. The moment she entered the cave she laid her younger brother next to her before passing out.

When Lishe woke up the next day her mind was clear and refreshed. Lishe knew she had to deal with that 'system' in her head; she can't just continue with her life while ignoring its existence no matter how tempting it was. Plus she needs her soul to become a ghost...definitely not something she wants repourposed. "Umm...System?.."

*Ding* "Yes~ my 398th update?" The system responded clearly in her mind. The system changed its voice had from its cold mechanical voise to a prepubescent childs voice thinking his upda- host would become willing to talk to it.

During that time Lishe was ignoring the system, it had went through countless voice modifications that would hopefully catch her attention and start listening to what it had to say. And finally it finally felt as though its hard work has paid off.

Sadly, what the system didn't realize was that it had said update instead of host. So, while the system saved the childs voice to its main storage file, Lishe was thinking about the reasons why it told her its kill count? Was it to assert dominance? Was it going to kill her now?

The thoughts that popped into her mind sent shivers down her spine but she still continued think of her purpose for speaking to it and reluctantly spoke. "I'd like to know the main mission objective and the side tasks."

"Yes host! The main mission objective is to build a demon empire that would stand tall for many centuries and as for your side task...since you aren't currently a demon it is required that you become a demon in order to accomplish the main mission."

"Ok so...before we start. Can you tell me the basic knowledge about this world that I must know?" Lishe had little to no knowledge concerning this world. In her previous life she had spent most of her time looking to learn something new and interesting.

People always thought of her as a diligent and eager child but she wasn't doing it out of joy. She had to learn how to adapt how to survive to grow into a person who knew how to escape the schemes and jealousy. She learned new things until it became ingrained in her; became habit.

" Well...my data may be a bit outdated but from what I know this is the continent of Prugri. Many creatures of different origins live on this continent. From the dragons atop the floating islands to the fish people at the bottom of the lost sea, these creatures all agreed to keep to themselves.

All sentient creatures are divided into two groups clans and villages. Demons are welcomed by the clans men and rejected by the village people. Demons can be born into any race so its common knowledge to identify a demon by their pitch black horns and the large amount of magic they contain. Thats all I can tell you for now host."

"That's all right..." From what she can tell this is for sure a fantasy type world and clearly she is is going to be the bad guy in this story called life. Regretting her current life choices Lishe asked the childish voice in her head." What am i required to do first in order to become a demon?"

"For your first task you are to Gain a magic foundation. Host must follow systems instructions."The systems childish voice didn't leave Lishe any room for objections but even if it did she wouldn't tell the system what she thought.

"Yes, system~" She spoke in an obeient tone but her heart was screaming.

'This damn parasite has no conscience!!'