
Raising a Demon Empire

Being able to leaving from her past lives' grief and pain through death. Lishe Que began looking forward to being an annoying ghost. Sadly a certain god had heard of her plans and completely destroyed it by having her reincarnate in another world. Being chained to a physical body, with her trusty system (another chain)she is forced to complete missions to create the perfect demon empire. Having had so many things not going her way Lishe discovers ways on how to destroy or escape the system while having trouble becoming a ghost. It is her decisions that locks that worlds possible fate.

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14 Chs

10 River

When the sun rays shone down past the trees and between the bushes in the cave. Lishe energetically dragged her lil brother out of the small cave and went in search of a river.

A few minutes ago the system explained to Lishe that there were three ways for a non-magical creature to gain a magical foundation: making a spirit elemental contract, creating a demon contract, or the third consuming pure magical essence.

Spirit elemental contracts are the most common and are the easiest to form due to how wide spread these spirits are, as well as how friendly they can be. The System provided lots of information on the spiritual elements but Lishe eventually had to eliminate them as an option. Spirit elements hate demons and they would try to attack a demon the moment they feel the demons magic. Plus, the system mentioned how the host that had chosen this path was exploded by its fire spirit the day they became a demon.

Creating a demon contract is a less common practice used by those who wish for a large boost in magic power and ability is a small amount of time. This was another option Lishe had to discard mostly because of how the demon would then own the person getting what they wanted. From what Lishe knew about demons its that most are prideful and wouldn't listen to a lowly servent.

Consuming pure magical essence is an almost extinct practice the system had found along with one of its previous hosts, that loved hunting for treasure, who was eventually killed in the claws of a dragon. The system didn't mention anything that could have any effects on Lishe so she believed this was the best option.

The system told Lishe that she had to follow a river downstream then, cross a green bridge to the other side, continue straight and she should have reached the Forest of Light.

Lishe had asked the system why she had to go to a different forest but all she got was an excited voice telling her, "Because we are in the Dark Forest, host~"

At the time she didn't know why she had a bad feeling concerning the systems choice of words but she quickly got rid of the feeling and instead Lishe focused her attention on the little rabbit beside her. Since he woke up this morning he has been keeping the flashlight (fairy) close as comfort, even when the fairy finally woke up and started struggling to get free he held it tightly until the fairy gave up.

Throughout the trip to the river the fairy looked at Lishe with mournful eyes asking them to let it go but her brother was happy and she ignored it to keep her adorable knight happy plus the sound of bells was oddly relaxing.

They eventually arrived at a river and as told by the system they followed it downstream. The further they went the brighter the river became. until they finally found that the light was coming from a group of fairies playing in the river.

One of the fairies seemed to have spotted them approaching and flew towards them. The moment the little rabbit saw the fairies it dropped the fairy on its mouth and hopped over to the fairies that started playing along with him.

Lishe stayed where she was and compared the fairy her brother had dropped. The fairies from the river emitted a light blue hue while the one that was trying to get rid of the saliva that fell on it was just a plain bright light, similar to the flashlights back home.

This fairy didn't seem too interested in the other fairies nor did the fairies seem interested in this one either. She asked the system why this is and was told in a slow manner.

"Host, fairy culture goes through many changes throughout time." In other words the system didn't know either because of how long it slept and Lishe wasn't going to get an answer from it.

So, right when the fairy was done cleaning itself and about to fly away it was pressed down onto the ground by a heavy object.

Lishe decided to keep the fairy until she found a way to communicate with it and can finally satisfy her curiosity plus she also believes her brother would probably become sad if his toy disappeared.

Ignoring the hopelessly struggling creature below her paw, Lishe continued to look at the grey spotted rabbit happily jumping into the puddles the water fairies made next to the river. Hearing the soft ringing of bells and the few panicked ones from beneath her, Lishe thought for a moment that it wouldn't be so bad to delay her dream of becoming a ghost. But that was only for a moment.