
Raising a Demon Empire

Being able to leaving from her past lives' grief and pain through death. Lishe Que began looking forward to being an annoying ghost. Sadly a certain god had heard of her plans and completely destroyed it by having her reincarnate in another world. Being chained to a physical body, with her trusty system (another chain)she is forced to complete missions to create the perfect demon empire. Having had so many things not going her way Lishe discovers ways on how to destroy or escape the system while having trouble becoming a ghost. It is her decisions that locks that worlds possible fate.

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14 Chs

0 Intro. to Death

It was a busy day for all. Going from home to work, and paying for living expences. Or getting to school on time before the bell rings. All went about their day with a swift and quickened pace as well as an urgency to be active.

There was however, one exception who was oddly laying on the middle of the side-walk during rush hour in this city of business.

None paid much attention to the body. Most being around the clock workers with the belief of 'time was money,' focused on getting to their buisness meetings before the time assigned.

As for those who had the time to glance at the body, they did just that. 'The authorities would handle it,' is all they'd think before they continued on around the body and on with their lives.

The body belonged to a woman, laying face down on the concrete floor. With an emptied bottle of alcohol laying within arms reach next to her, one would understand, her previous night was spent at a bar.

It immediately is clear to locals which bar she was at the night before without any of them saying it.

The bar was famous in the area, for their unique taste and strong alcohol. So, everyone was able to take notice of the label on the bottle and make the connection.

If one were to have looked closely they would have noticed the young lady, in her early twenties, was abnormally pale and cold to the touch.

With her long brown hair sprawled about, if someone had taken the time to approched her they would have noticed her condition, and she would have been asked to head for the hospital or take pills to ease her pain (assuming she was hungover).

But when they saw her peaceful and unconcerned facial expression, they end up walking away and letting her enjoy her nap before her hangover kicks in, as they all have had one of those nights at least once, they knew how bad it was the moment they woke up. This was the kinship that brought a community of overworked people together to leave people to enjoy their last moments before all hell broke loose. And so with these thoughts in mind they left the lady on the floor.

Sadly this kinship didn't help much for the lady's current situation. It just made her seem like another person had passed out from challenging a bottle from the famous bar.

which did happen often, and ends with a challenger passed out on the streets the morning after. People were shocked the first few times it happened after the bars' opening but quickly adapted and it became an everyday thing as there were no true casualties (until now that is...).

People new to the area would usually be shocked on their first time seeing it happening. So, the residents kindly, pull them to the side and patiently explain what's happening.

Unfortunately for the young lady, no one considered that something really was wrong and took the time to stop and check on her condition; and the report of her death would be announced on the second day when they find that she still hasn't moved.

Currently however, there is a soul frantically circling the body yelling at the passerbys.

"Sir! sir! please can you stop for a moment and... SIR!... Miss can you please check on my body and- Please!!! miss MISS! please wait!"

Unfortunately, just like her body, the soul had even less luck in being noticed. The people just kept passing through her and the wind hungrily swallowed her words into nothing.

Before the soul could ask/haunt another person, it was pulled from its position and was forced to sleep by a warm and comforting energy.

Unknowingly leaving her body, world and all her troubles behind.