

"In the end, you really didn't send any signal to me. Is he really okay to be left alone?" asked Ottar in Bishop Nicholas' room.

After speaking with Nicholas, Allen stepped outside and was met immediately by Ottar, who had just finished his soup. As Ottar made his way inside, his eyes fell upon Nicholas' knife resting on the table. In that very moment, Ottar realized that Nicholas had never intended to use it against Allen from the beginning.

"Achaa... you really didn't use that knife at all."

"I will not repeat the same mistake," Nicholas said.

"How will you convey this to the Arcbishop? Will you lie?"

"We haven't reported Allen to him from the beginning; all we need to do is keep quiet and let the boy live in peace."

"Live in peace... huh? Do you really believe that?

The black and white haired child mentioned in Daemon Servus' black gospel. That child likely has something to do with them.