
Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Arthur Astley, a man who has his wishes indirectly granted through a strange assessment in form of survey. He wanted to be a knight? Was born bastard of the drunkard king, Robert Baratheon. Liked rain? Spent his childhood in Storm's End. Wished he had physical gifts? Well, it goes without saying, he has the blood of House Baratheon and a system to boot. Simped for Raiden Shogun? She's right there. Though, nothing is ever quite so simple. His beloved Goddess is practically useless, majority of nobles look down on him due to his heritage and the conflicts of the ever-spinning Game of Thrones are on the horizon. Given the opportunity to succeed in his ambitions, Arthur... now Edric Storm is determined to make the most of his new gifts despite all the obstacles ahead of him. Tags: Weak to strong, Romance, Action, Adventure, System, Multiverse (potentially), Harem (possibly), Bannerlord-Skyrim-like System, character development, hot-blooded protagonist, strategic battles, handsome mc, kingdom building, reincarnation. One advanced chapter alongside a timeline are available in my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev 5 advanced chapters on my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/SovereignOfHeaven)

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98 Chs

Wedded And Bedded

 [Edric's POV]

Even when she was as opaque as any other person, Raiden Shogun seemed ethereal as ever. Her piercing, dark, purple eyes glowed as beautifully as a distant dream. Together, they birthed a purple paradise that lured me into an eternal slumber.

I caught myself falling into a daze, shaking my head to break out of it.

"How is it?" I questioned, regaining focus. "Do you feel… alive?"

"I had forgotten that feeling." Raiden Shogun mused, observing her surroundings. "Or perhaps, I never knew what it meant to be alive even as I lived… for I had only been created as a tool for Raiden Ei, the true Shogun and God of Eternity."

"You don't wear her shackles anymore." 

"I always have, Edric Storm. Even as I was separated from her." She looked indifferent, yet I felt a sadness in her eyes. "The cage of her design is not something I can break out of. I was created with a set list of rules which could not be altered nor broken, or so I thought, until… you changed that."

She continued without interruption.

"These feelings that I harbour for you should have never come to be, and yet they exist." She shook her head. "When I struck Alysanne dead, it had been my nature to act that way. To be ruthless and smite down any obstacles in the way of eternity… there was no room for mercy or kindness in my heart. It was the way that I had been created."

I knew that some of what she said was true. In many ways, it was… tragic.

"... It is no excuse, Edric." Her purple hair swayed in the wind. "I truly do not expect your forgiveness on the account of my nature. My actions, in the end, are my own, and I shall bear the guilt that comes with all of them."

"That is the best thing you can do," I nodded, not wanting to linger in the past and search old wounds. "You must know this place well, no?"

"Though its appearance is similar... this plane is different." Raiden Shogun shook her head. "It seems to be far vaster - and I sense... other existences."

"Other existences?" I blinked, looking beyond the horizon. There seemed to be only an endless barren land with those shinto gates scattered all over. A wasteland toned in grey, black and red. "I suppose exploring couldn't hurt-"

"No." Raiden Shogun shook her head. "We shall stay here."

I raised an eyebrow.

A sword of lightning materialised in her hand. A physical sword that glowed with divinity.

She pointed her sword to the side, where a messy hill of countless weapons stood behind me. There were other things, too, like gold dragons, waterskins and the Blackfyre-styled armour. It didn't take me long to realise that these were all the things I had stored up.

"Take your weapon of choice."

"... Are we sparring?" 

"Don't you feel any sense of humiliation? You were bested by that god even when he lowered himself to your level of strength. Not only were you bested, you did not even last a moment." She pointed her blade at me. "Will you be so quick to accept defeat against your Night King?"

"I'm sure one is far inferior to the other," I remarked, choosing to draw the sword at my side.

"Then you should not take a fight you cannot win." She countered. "Do you seek triumph, or are you content with defeat?"

"You should know the answer to that."

"Then prove it."

I stepped forward with an overhead swing, which she blocked with ease. It was strange, clashing with someone stronger than me. It was like me attacking some malnourished peasant... except I was the malnourished peasant against a god.

She pushed me back and flashed forward with deadly speed. She went for the head.

Using hyper-focus, I managed to escape the attack with only a small cut on the cheek. Or so... I thought.

In less than an instant, a terrible gash across my entire body was cut, which was followed by several more slashes all over. Though it was supposed to be a 'dream", I felt all the pain that came with it. I fell to the ground, powerless, as the surge of lightning paralysed me.

"Lightning strikes twice." She told me, tilting her head slightly. "Would you wish to learn how to do that?"

I groaned slightly, watching the gash close on itself. It did not take long for me to get back on my feet. Looks like my healing factor here was on a whole different plane.

"You know, that's one way to advertise a move... almost kill the person you intend to teach," I remarked.

"You cannot die here." She countered.

"I noticed." I looked at my sword. "So, how do I perform that?"

"We start with the basics first. What do you consider your greatest advantage in a duel?"

"Hyper-focus, if I had to choose... or lightning if we're including magic."

"Indeed, they are great tools at your disposal." She nodded in agreement. "Alas, there is one that you looked over. It's written all over your banners everywhere you look."


"With fury comes your true strength." She nodded. "It is then that the skies shift in your favour; when rain falls, wind surges and lightning erupts ever so easily. Anger gives rise to your physical attributes as well, making you swifter and each blow mightier. It is fury that heightens your prowess in battle, whether physical, spiritual or elemental." 

"Fury can lead to irrational decisions, however," I argued. "It can be as much of a disadvantage as it is a strength. Unless… I can control it."

"Precisely; if you can erupt in a frenzy at will, yet be able to channel that fury with absolute focus - then you would know no equal in your plane. You would act decisively, without much time for thought, yet not irrationally. The perfect warrior."

Mastering both forms of battle instincts and using them simultaneously… of course, this was something I had already experienced in part yet haven't been able to replicate. 

"I suppose you're hinting at my rampage in Mistwood." 

"You are right. Fury is in your blood, yet your mindset in battle is to be strategic and calculating, therefore suppressing its effects rather than using both in tandem." She raised her sword effortlessly. "For the time that we do have until you wake… try erupting in fury."

It was easier said than done… finding that balance. I stopped counting how many times she kicked my ass around. Either I wasn't angry enough or that anger blinded me. Though, I was starting to learn to better fight her blows.

"You've adapted to my attacks somewhat." She remarked. "Your movements are sharper as well. Good - you shouldn't waste your energy on any unnecessary actions."

She really was taking the whole teacher role in earnest…

I appreciated it, of course. It was the one way she could support me as she had no power over the outside world. Being the original source of my magic, someone who had a great deal more experience and an observer of my every fight, she knew far better than I did in many aspects.

"At this rate, it won't be too long until I surpass you." I japed, engulfing my sword in lightning.

"You are still a thousand years too young to make such declarations."

No way she humbled me with a line you'd hear in a CN. 

"I'm an early bloomer."

She smiled slightly.

"Shall I shatter your confidence once more?"

"I'm afraid that isn't feasible."

Resolve and confidence was not much different from fury, so I found. If I lacked in both, I'd be weaker. I needed to believe I was on par to stand my ground for even a moment.

Delusion of greatness… till you make it up there.


I woke up feeling like absolute shit, which wasn't too shocking. After the adrenaline and wine wore off, all the soreness from Loras' blows came out of hiding. I decided to walk it off.

I asked him before our match to perform at his best, making a jestful remark that I'd send him to the Wall if he didn't. I was paying the price for it today… though it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. 

After fourteen days of tournaments, competitions and feasting, Harold Arryn's wedding began at last. All the lords had been in attendance at the procession, riding to the Sept of Baelor steadily. Harold wore his best drip while his wife-to-be wore a fine white gown. 

Yohn Royce would walk his daughter over to the groom, removing his house's cloak so that Harold could drape an Arryn cloak of his own over her. This act signified the passing of protection from father to husband.

They would kiss and make their vows, before the High Septon declared them to be "one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever."

Considering it was a match I made as consolation for Yohn Royce and his daughter, it seems to be going more than well. The leap from the fourth son of a lord to the Lord Paramount is no small thing, while Harrold gets legitimacy by marrying the daughter of the old and powerful House Royce. The court of the Vale seems to be taken by him, too. 

Sweet Robin was an insignificant price to pay for such a result.

Another night of feasting followed, where Harrold Arryn and Ysilla Royce cut open the wedding pie from which a dozen birds sprouted. It was a strange tradition… what if the birds shit inside of the cake? I ain't eating that, respectfully.

After having my fill from the feast, I went on my routine of chatting around.

The first was the man of the hour himself.

"I have you to thank for all of this, Your Grace." Harrold modestly lowered his head. His lips curled into a charming smile. "In your honour, I'd wish to name my firstborn son Edric Arryn."

"That is a great honour, indeed." I nodded, smiling. "May the Gods grant you that son sooner than late."

"As we have their Chosen Son's blessing, it will not be long." Ysilla Royce added, looking at her husband with glittering eyes. 

How endearing… bar any accidents; they will have many children, I'm sure.

"That was my idea." Mya approached, pouting slightly. "Wasn't it, Mychal?"

He was not too far behind.

"Indeed, we also sought to name our firstborn son Edric…"

Something tells me the number of babies being named Edric will skyrocket…

"There can never be too many Edric's." I laughed, shaking my head. "Name them away."

"How about a competition, Ser Mychal?" Harrold Arryn proposed, looking certain of himself. "Whoever has a son first, claims that honour."

"A silly competition." I chuckled, though my sister and brother-by-law looked determined.

"We are agreed, Lord Arryn." Mychal smiled, looking to Mya. "I believe we began the race early, however."

"May the Gods choose who is triumphant." Harrold smiled, raising a cup of wine as a toast.

"Yes, my lord."

Afterwards, I'd do some more socialising with the people who weren't as fond of me like the lords from the Westerlands and Iron Islands. I couldn't tell who disliked me more as I had killed a great many knights and highborn in the Battle of the Fords while I went on a purge in the Iron Islands.

Some had benefited from my actions as they climbed the ladder of succession, even going so far as to compliment me. 

Eventually, Margaery Tyrell found me.

"Care for a dance, Your Grace?"


I courteously obliged. 

She moved as gracefully as ever, making my sober self look incompetent. Funnily enough, getting drunk makes me more coordinated in such activities - or so people tell me. 

"I have pleasant news to share, Your Grace."


Margaery danced at a slow and steady pace as if to compliment me. 

"Maester Gormon has reason to believe that I am with child."

I smiled. Of course.

"That is splendid news." I held her hand gently. "I shall pray to the Mother for your good health and a beautiful child."

"I am certain it will be a blessed child." Her large brown eyes looked directly at me, almost in a suggestive manner. Her lips curled into a smile as we continued dancing. "After all, it is your child."

"I heard about your bet with Arianne." I changed the topic slightly. "Is it true that you'll be returning to High Garden?"

"Will you miss me, Your Grace?" She tilted her head slightly. "You would always be welcome to visit, if you so wished."

"I'm afraid that there is a great many duties I must fulfil before I can think of such luxuries."

"You should not burden yourself so much." She took a look of concern. "Your journey North is not so necessary; Lord Robb should be competent enough to defend the Wall from some wildlings on his own."

"How can I not act while a foreign force invades my Realm?" I countered. "Since everyone was so insistent on this tournament, I made it a grander affair, yes… but make no mistake, I would have much rather rode North if not for Lord Harrold's wedding."

"Besides, it is an opportunity to see the Wall's defences firsthand and strengthen my authority in the distant North."

"For the Others, is it?" Margaery remarked. 

"You know about them?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Word spreads swiftly in these parts, Your Grace. I have heard a word or two of your plans."

"I see…" I nodded. "It's all for them. If they succeed, there is no future to speak of."

"The Realm could not ask for a mightier King to fend them off, in that case."

After we finished, I wished her well and decided to kick the newlyweds into action.

"May I have everyone's attention?"

"Be silent, the King is speaking!" One of my knights shouted with a booming voice.

A group of men slammed their cups in response to my request, silencing all the noise.

"Lord Arryn and his wife have said their vows, we have feasted, danced and sung in their name. There is but one thing left to do, my lords and ladies..."

"To bed!"

"To bed!"

"To bed!"

Like hungry dogs that found a fresh bone to pick, the entire hall erupted - mostly the men. However, I'd be lying if I said the ladies weren't looking just as eager. 

"Agreed." Harrold rose from his seat. "This splendid night should not be wasted."

"To bed, it is!"

I said, clapping my hands.

The men carried off Ysilla Royce, who had been charged with the burdensome duty of disrobing her. They enjoyed it very much, from the look of things. The men spoke vulgar, suggestive jokes about her body and what awaited her.

As for Harrold Arryn, he had similar treatment, except it was from the ladies instead. That man was having the time of his life.

I didn't partake in it, watching from afar.

It was not a tradition that I was particularly fond of. The day I allow another man to disrobe my wife is the day that I'm dead. Alas, everyone seems to be having a good time, so I won't spoil their fun.


"Looks like you won't be riding North anytime soon."

He had remained in his bed, still looking weary. Though, his eyes shined as brightly as ever.

"I… can manage." He showed his 'strength' by rolling to the side and slowly sitting up.

"No." I refused, shaking my head. "Rest your body, Arthur. You would only slow us down. Besides, I have need of you here."

"Is that so?" He blinked, raising an eyebrow. "What would you have me do?"

"The greens who came with us from Storm's End - I want you to train them. Prepare them for battle." 

"... I see." Arthur nodded.

"It's a good source of experience for you, too. You are an excellent and dedicated learner in the ways of war… but can you teach it to others? Consider it a test of leadership."

"I won't fail you." He shook his head. "They'll be ready for any sort of battle required once you return."

"Good." I smiled, nodding. "Also… while you recover, you'll get time to practice your penwork. If I recall, you considered it subpar."

"Aye…" He chuckled. "You are most considerate, Your Grace."

"Indeed, I am, Ser Arthur. You are fortunate to have a great King like me." I spoke with a jestful tone.

"You are not wrong."


As I returned to my bedchamber, Rhaerra was standing not too far from the door. 

"There you are." I remarked. "You're being oddly stingy with that mask."

"I didn't wish to steal the attention away from your Queen of Love and Beauty… nor today's bride." She slowly removed her mask and hood, revealing a face that was truly stunning. Her long silver hair swayed free while a pair of enchanting violet eyes stared into mine. "Here is your mask, champion."

Her beauty was no jest, eclipsing every other I had seen… except one. Since I was so used to being around a goddess, it wasn't something that caught me in a daze.

"Why hide such beauty?"

"I would prefer being valued for traits other than my appearance. It is a matter of little consequence to me." She shrugged her shoulders. "Men tend to only value what they see. If there is nothing to see, then they will be less blind to other things."

"That is not something exclusive to men." I chuckled, shaking my head. "The first impression will always be what you see. You shouldn't be so ashamed of your beauty. It's a gift that makes many things easier… I'm sure you know."

"Regardless, I ask of you to bestow me with a greater role in your court. It is my desire to contribute to your reign."

"Oh?" I stroked my chin. "Mayhaps I could use a woman of your talents…"

After settling some matters and preparations, my cold and harsh journey North would begin.