
Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Arthur Astley, a man who has his wishes indirectly granted through a strange assessment in form of survey. He wanted to be a knight? Was born bastard of the drunkard king, Robert Baratheon. Liked rain? Spent his childhood in Storm's End. Wished he had physical gifts? Well, it goes without saying, he has the blood of House Baratheon and a system to boot. Simped for Raiden Shogun? She's right there. Though, nothing is ever quite so simple. His beloved Goddess is practically useless, majority of nobles look down on him due to his heritage and the conflicts of the ever-spinning Game of Thrones are on the horizon. Given the opportunity to succeed in his ambitions, Arthur... now Edric Storm is determined to make the most of his new gifts despite all the obstacles ahead of him. Tags: Weak to strong, Romance, Action, Adventure, System, Multiverse (potentially), Harem (possibly), Bannerlord-Skyrim-like System, character development, hot-blooded protagonist, strategic battles, handsome mc, kingdom building, reincarnation. One advanced chapter alongside a timeline are available in my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev 5 advanced chapters on my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/SovereignOfHeaven)

SovereignOfHeaven · Trò chơi điện tử
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98 Chs

Rose of Highgarden

"Where is my father?" Robb Stark questioned, looking across the field of the fallen from atop his horse. There were many sullen faces among those who Eddard Stark had led. His face began to drop the longer the silence persisted. "Where… is my father?"

"He fell in battle, m'lord." One of the levies replied, lowering his head. "He was taken down by many arrows from the Lannister men."

"..." Robb Stark took a deep breath.

"The King also fell in battle."

"Retrieve my father's corpse." Robb Stark took a deep breath and glanced back at his men. "He will be buried under the crypt in Winterfell as all the other Lords of Winterfell before him were. Lord Tywin may have escaped in this battle but he won't be able to run forever. He will pay… with his life."

The North remembers…

Away from his men, Robb Stark was hacking a tree with his sword until he could barely lift his arms. There were streams of tears falling down his eyes as he knelt down in helplessness. Catelyn Stark approached her son with slow, steady steps as she tried to make herself look strong. She too, was heartbroken.


Robb Stark stopped, turning to her as he dropped his sword. "I was too late… too slow."

"It's not your fault, you rode as swiftly as you could with enough men to win the battle." Catelyn Stark approached him, embracing her son. She sniffled slightly. "And you won…"

"This victory feels empty…" Robb Stark shook his head, closing his eyes in sorrow. "I failed my father… the King… they died because of me. Even the Lannisters, Lord Tywin and the Kingslayer, got away. They'll run all the way back to the Westerlands and we'll never be able to get our hands on them. They will hide in Casterly Rock as long as it takes."

"That may not be true…" Catelyn Stark stroked the back of his head. "Who is to say that they will be able to cross through the Riverlands unharmed? They might still be caught. They will… even if they hide, they won't be able to hide forever. There will always be a way to catch them." 

"..." Robb opened his eyes, nodding slightly. "I'll kill the traitors if there's a way… I swear it. They will pay for everything they did." 

The next thing Edric Storm had opened his eyes to was a large tent adorned in Baratheon symbols and banners all over. It was lavish, especially for a tent. It even had a whole mini feast presented on the table. Arthur had been waiting for him to wake up and eventually fell asleep himself.

'How long has it been?' Edric Storm sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked around and saw Arthur sitting at a table to the other side. Shaking his head, he got up and walked to him. "Wake up."

He shook him and Arthur's eyes stormed open. "Ah… you're awake, Edric."

"You'd make a terrible night guard, you know that?" Edric Storm raised an eyebrow. "How long have you been waiting by my side?"

"Too long, I'd say. Many people were starting to get worried that you'd never wake again." 

"That… wouldn't be the first. Did we catch them, the Lannisters?"

"No… they managed to slip away with most of their cavalrymen." Arthur sighed, shaking his head. "King Robert fell in battle… so did Lord Eddard Stark. Despite the great victory, the Realm will be in shambles soon. No King, no Hand and you… well, the pressure of the entire Realm will rest on your head. The Lannisters won far more than we did."

'Of course he is… of course Eddard Stark is dead. Even here, he couldn't evade death…' Edric Storm sighed, lowering his head slightly. "Sometimes, great sacrifices have to be made so that we might have great victories. I believe my father's death was almost inevitable… but-"

"How could you say that about your own father?" Arthur frowned. "They were not sacrifices. They were losses… losses that didn't need to be made."

"I used the wrong term for it… I didn't want either of them to die but it happened and there's not a thing we could've done about it." Edric Storm shook his head. "You know full well that Robert wanted to be at the front of battle and that no one could change his mind. Eddard Stark was a soldier, too. He didn't hide from battle. When you're so close to death… there's always a chance you'll be touched by it."

Edric frowned, looking down.

"I… did the best I could. It's not my fault that they threw themselves into the fire and got burned."

"Yes… you did. I would've died a hundred times over if it weren't for you watching me from above." Arthur sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry… it's just that the losses have taken their toll. I still can't believe that Rolan isn't with us anymore."

"He was a bloody idiot." Edric Storm scoffed. "If he had remained by my side, he wouldn't have died without reason. But noooo… he wanted to be a hero. He wanted all the glory and so, he paid the price. Little good it did him, in the end."

"Well…" Arthur poured himself some wine and drank his entire cup. "I managed to retrieve his corpse. He'll be set to rest at the Stormlands, his home. After this… you'll be crowned King, won't you?"

"Unfortunately." Edric Storm made a slight smile, tilting his head. "This Realm is truly doomed."

"I think it needs someone like you during times like these."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Edric turned to him.

"It needs a warrior to keep the peace." Arthur replied, standing up. "There are many who already look up to you as someone who cannot be beaten."

"I don't want to be just a warrior. I want to be a gardener as well." Edric shook his head. "A scholar, a wise and powerful King. I want to do the best I can. Brute force alone isn't enough to have long-lasting peace."

"I have faith that you will." Arthur managed a smile, grabbing his shoulder. "You can be the finest King that ever lived."

"So long as I wear that crown… that's what I'll strive to be." Edric managed a chuckle, pouring some wine for himself. "Until then, allow me to still enjoy myself. Looong days await both you and I, Ser Arthur."


"Soon, my friend. Soon." Edric smiled, raising his cup. "Let's drink away our pain, here and now. Wash it all away!"

"I can't deny your command, Your Grace."

They toasted and both drank up.

Edric put up his index finger. "That… my friend, is too soon. I have barely been a prince."

"Whether you like it or not, that day is fast approaching. Better get used to it." 

"King Edric 'Storm' of the House Baratheon wakes!" Dorian walked into the tent. "Must be strange, rising from bastard to one if the most powerful men… well, the most powerful boy in the Seven Kingdoms."

"Aye, it does not feel real sometimes. I never even wanted to rise so high. Knighthood was enough for me." Edric shook his head, spreading open his arms."But… here I am."

"Aye." Dorian poured himself, Arthur and Edric some wine. "Here we all are, thanks to none other than you."

"I suppose so…"

"You suppose? Hahahaha… you scared those bloody Lannister dogs shitless! Bam… bam… bam, down they all went to your arrows of death! It was among the most terrifying sights I've seen in all my life."

"I… don't remember it too well, if I'm honest. Most of it is a blur."

"You also earned the respect of all the men who stood with you. They sing your praises all day and night." Dorian chuckled. "It has become almost irritating hearing those lads outside glorifying you to no end."

"The way you took control and led the way forward personally… was truly inspiring." Arthur added. "I don't think anyone else could've done what you did defending that ford."

"I failed, in the end. They just rode to the side and crossed the Red Fork on a separate crossing regardless." Edric shook his head. "I… could've killed Tywin Lannister right there. I could've ended it all. Yet, I… missed and merely grazed his helmet."

"You shot that arrow across the damn field, across hundreds of paces… grazing his helmet is already an achievement anyone else would consider impossible." Dorian stroked his beard. "While you did not kill him, you gave him reason enough to fear you. He knows what he is against now."

"That just means I won't get a chance like that again…" Edric lowered his head slightly.

"You're too hard on yourself, boy." Dorian pat his shoulder. "Nothing more you could've done. While, yes, Lord Tywin did manage to run away… where to and with how many men? Not enough. We will catch the lions in due time, my prince. For now, celebrate! Not only did you show everyone your prowess in battle, you also led men to victory at such a young age."

"This is a stepping stone to your future victories… and there will be many more, I am sure."

Dorian raised a cup to Edric, drinking it all in one go.

Edric managed a smile.

"As long as Renly followed his part of the strategy… it shouldn't be much longer until this war is brought to an end."

"See? Drink." Dorian nudged Edric. "You've earned it."

"... Some more wine wouldn't hurt."


The routing Lannister forces were met with Riverlands resistance along the path to the Golden Tooth, dwindling their numbers further. However, due to Lord Tywin's earlier raiding, there weren't any banners standing in the way. The Riverlords much preferred to defend their keeps and holdfasts from getting burned. Due to their rapid speed, the forces under House Lannister managed to retreat back to the Golden Tooth before anything could be done to stop them.

Jaime Lannister entered the hall alongside his father who had the same… strange expression ever since his defeat. Jaime didn't know what disturbed his father to such a degree. At the high seat of the hall sat Alysanne Lefford, who had been castellan in her father's stead.

"Lord Tywin." She left her seat and bowed. "How was the battle…"

"It would have been worse." Jaime Lannister managed a smile. "Your father, Lord Leo fought with courage in the great battle… alas, I hear that it was Prince Edric who shot him down from afar. He was one amongst many great knights and lords who fell victim to his bow. I believe… that would make you Lady of the Golden Tooth now."

"... Pardon me but how could it have been worse?" She frowned deeply.

"The King was slain by me and his Hand also fell in battle. I consider those to be greater losses for the Iron Throne than the men we lost." Jaime Lannister stated, glancing at Lord Tywin. "Besides, we can hold off any force from Casterly Rock. It's impenetrable."

"That is the only thing that can be done now… the royal force is too large and ours too small to combat it." Lord Tywin nodded. "The Realm lost its two most prominent protectors and its stability will be put to question by others outside of the Westerlands. We will find unlikely allies… with a common enemy."

"My lady!" A man burst through the doors of the hall, clutching an unsealed letter. "My lords… Lord Renly alongside many of the Reach lords have rode deep into the Westerlands with twenty thousand or more riders. Tens of thousands of swords are said to be behind them. They may be planning to take Casterly Rock!"

"Take it… no." Jaime Lannister shook his head, making a deep frown. "They plan to keep us away from it. If they've reached Casterly Rock already, we truly are surrounded."

Lord Tywin sighed, lowering his head. This was the first time he had been cornered like a rat in all his life. The first time there wasn't even a glimmer of victory.

"Surely, surrender would be the only option?" Alysanne questioned.

"We will come to a decision."

Lord Tywin turned to Jaime Lannister who frowned slightly.


"A decision that seeks the best for House Lannister."


After a day of celebrating, Edric Storm woke up the next day somewhat wasted. Though, after a good cold bucket in the face and some early morning training, he was in fine form. Sandor Clegane had accompanied him almost the entire day alongside Dorian. Recently, the Hound had taken his duties more seriously which surprised Edric slightly.

"Ser Hound, you're awfully close today." Edric stated, glancing at him. "Isn't your reason for joining me no longer valid? The Mountain was slain, after all."

"The sole reason why I stand here is because of you." Sandor Clegane spoke in his usual rough, rasping voice. "You saved my life more times than I could count."

"Wouldn't be many, then." Dorian jested, smiling slightly.

"For a man who looked pretty from his horse and seldom drew a blade, you have a sharp tongue." Sandor Clegane glanced at him, frowning slightly. "I almost forgot you were even there."

"I was at the side of the boy whom I've sworn to protect." Dorian countered, shrugging his shoulders. "How can I do that if I rode down and got myself killed? Sure, I may have killed a dozen or so men but in the grand scheme of things, it would have been a great waste of my brilliant talents."

"Dorian isn't a knight…" Edric added, glancing at the two. "Daggers and knives do far better in enclosed areas with fewer opponents rather than fields with thousands. Dorian is not suited to that kind of battle."

Dorian smiled, nodding without saying a word as he glanced at Sandor.

"I am no Ser either." 

"I consider you one, Ser Hound." Edric smiled slightly as he turned to him. "You fight with courage and skill that only a select few have. I also know somewhere deep down, beyond that cold exterior, is a man who wants to do good. Though, a guard can only do so much good as their master allows. It's not quite your fault that you got tangled with the Lannisters considering your House's ties with them."

"I don't need your sweet words, Prince." Sandor Clegane scoffed. "Just know that I am willing to give my sword to your cause."

"I appreciate your loyalty, Sandor." Edric smiled, turning away. "I swear I won't put your sword to waste." 



Margaery Tyrell sat around a beautiful garden of golden roses, eating some of the most exquisite and most extravagant fruits in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Peach, most of all, was her favourite. She looked beautiful in a green dress with golden flower patterns decorating it. Her longer, thick and curly brown hair adorned her appearance perfectly. She looked at her grandmother with her beautiful brown eyes, wondering what she had been reading for so long.

Olenna Tyrell put down the last of her letters and Margaery couldn't help but grow curious.

"So many letters at once… is there news of the battle?"

"King Robert Baratheon and his Lord Hand Eddard Stark both fell in battle. The Lannisters ran with their tails between their legs when the reinforcements from the north arrived." Olenna scoffed, sitting back. "They wrote that Edric Storm fought with great valour and killed hundreds of men across the field with his bow alone. Blessed by the Warrior, so they say…"

"Hundreds?" Margaery raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly. "Mayhaps not hundreds but surely there is a reason why he is the youngest to ever be knighted."

"The Florent bastard will soon enough be King, there is no doubt about that." Olenna took a grape and ate it, shaking her head. "If only that Cersei knew how to spread her legs to someone who wasn't her brother. Now we will have a King with Florent blood… giving more reason for them to believe that they should rule the Reach. This upstart boy may very well favour them and grant this wish."

"Though he has Florent blood, would it be fair to consider them family? Edric was raised by Renly and didn't see his mother past his birth." Margaery questioned, smiling as she reassured her grandmother. "I sincerely doubt he would push their claim and risk instability after barely being crowned. If anything, he likely would appreciate our loyalty for taking the Westerlands in his name."

"... That is not enough." Olenna countered, frowning. "With the way matters are, we shouldn't remain idle. Even if the Florents do nothing… we must remain ahead."

"How would we do that?"

"All Kings need a Queen." Olenna Tyrell smiled slightly, turning to her. "You are a little older than him and as beautiful as they come. Gods know you have more wits than the rest and you are a lady of House Tyrell, the most powerful and rich House in the Seven Kingdoms which would ensure the Realm's stability. That is all that this Edric… Baratheon should desire in a lady. If he had any wits about him, that is. These Baratheons are seldom clever."

"I could be Queen…" Margaery's eyes widened slightly as she smiled. Though, she raised an eyebrow as a thought crossed her mind. "Is he not already betrothed to a Stark?"

"Hah… the minds of men are fickle. Boys even more so." Olenna laughed a little. "That arrangement was made by two men who are now dead and I've heard many rumours of how the two who were arranged strongly disagreed with it. When the boy is made King, do you think he is not capable of making his own mind and acting upon it? All that you must do is be a little convincing… and House Tyrell's position will not be put into question by the Florents again. You would be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, no less."

"A little convincing?" Margaery made a sly smile, tilting her head innocently.

"Oh, you know well enough."