

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

Destroyed Companion

The next morning, at the inn, Sarale comes out of her trance opening her eyes and blinking back the sun. The circlet in her head glowing faintly in the morning sun. She groans at the light in her sensitive eyes. She suddenly hears a rumbling growl outside her door as if a large reptile had entered the halls, but instead of sliding, she hears heavy, yet careful footsteps that thud past. Sarale stands and stretches, yawning and ending in a squeak. She sighs and dresses, leaving her room to see Aktlass in the hallway approaching Karma's door to knock on it. The view of him without his armor and fur shawl was an unexpected sight for her as she sees him in only his leggings and nothing much else. his scars covering his shoulders and back, chips of scales missing from the small patches on his body. His hair pulled forward over his shoulders in two parts as he messes with one part half asleep.

Sarale yawns as she walks down the hall on her way to the stairs.


"Nice ass." (Slaps Aktlass' behind)

Aktlass jumps from the sudden connection and turns around in panic from the sudden wake up call. his lazy eyes now wide awake as they scan the hall until he finds Sarale at the stairs. his tongue flicks from his mouth in frustration as he holds back his words with a hiss. Sarale starts laughing after hearing his frustrated panic while she heads down the hall main floor.

Aktlass waits for her to stop then knocks on Karma's door. As he waits for a response, he hears a whistle down the hall and turns to see the blacksmith Sarale and Karma had met walking by.


"Nice buns, man. You work well, doncha?"

Aktlass straightens up and glares at him with a stiff look of concern as he discreetly covers his rear.


"who the fuck are you!?"


"oh, what? you knew here or something? Name's Vajor. Nice to meet you." (reaches to shake hands)

Aktlass glared at him like he was strange. This look that he gave made Vajor shiver with nerves and back off, pulling his hand back, and walking away down the stairs stiffly. Aktlass watches him leave then knocks on the door once more. Karma finally answers, rubbing the sleep from their eyes and looking up at him tiredly.


"Hm? ...Oh hey. Come in, come in. I'm all done dressing."

Aktlass sighs in relief from seeing Karma finally and follows them inside the room and shuts the door. The echoes of Karma's voice reached downstairs where Sarale and Vajor both heard them.


"hot damn! That's a nice ass."

AKTLASS: *shouts*

"why!!? What's with everyone and my asss!!?"

Sarale doubles over in laughter, clutching her stomach as she does, trying and failing to catch her breath. After a moment she calms down and wipes the tears from her eyes, holding her side and sighing.


"Oh by the divine, I needed that,"

She calls a barmaid and orders her meal when she hears a snicker behind her. Valor, the blacksmith, walks up behind her greeting the barmaids and other guests until he sees her at his usual table.


"Oh! Well, hello there, lass. Nice seeing you here."

Her face flushes as she turns towards the sound of his voice, realizing he was talking to her.


"Hi, I-it's nice to see you again too."


"I never introduced myself to you, lass. My name's Vajor Eirrondronnol."

SARALE:*Looks away shyly*

"Sarale Filyn, nice to meet you. Uhm, thanks by the way, my shoulder feels a lot better."(Sneaks a glance and looks away again.)

Vajor was leaning an elbow on the table holding his head up with a fist as he smiled at her knowingly.


"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Sarale. Where's ya flamboyant friend? I would have thought he'd be with you."

Karma and Aktlass approach the table.


"Sorry to tell you but I was actually helping our big guy here. The name's Karma. And to educate you, dear friend, my preferred gender is 'flamboyant'."

Vajor's laugh echoes through the entire bar until he sees Aktlass, making eye contact with him by mistake. The unsettling nerves made him shut his mouth.

SARALE: *chuckles*

"Aktlass is a good friend. Don't worry about him too much. I don't think he'd intentionally hurt anyone, unless they pissed him off or went after Karma."

The barmaid returns looking at Aktlass with unease and Sarale smiles at her kindly as she rushes off. Sarale takes a sip of her tea and sighs contentedly, as the steaming liquid warms her throat and hands. Vajor looks at her blinking as a nervous smile creeps across his face as if he was reassured by her words.


"alright. I'll take your word for it."

Karma and Aktlass sit across from them at the table. Karma orders everyone some breakfast. When the barmaid returns with their order, they take Aktlass' plate and hand it to him to help the barmaid out with a reassuring smile. Aktlass simply starts eating, content with the meal.


"I mean he hasn't eaten us yet, we'll he hasn't eaten me yet. (shrugs) I don't know about Karma… probably."

KARMA: *points fork*

"What!? hey! not at the table, Sarale!!"

Karma says as Aktlass Watches their reaction contemplatively then keeps eating as if it didn't bother him.

SARALE:(innocently flutters eyes)

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Karma. Don't do what at the table?"

KARMA: (sits back in seat smugly)

"Do you go acting all innocent, woman. I wouldn't even be surprised to know you dreamt of a certain new friend of ours."

Sarale's eyes widen as her face flushes crimson,


"No! I, mmmm,"

She covers her face with her hands, tucking her chin to her chest.


"I didn't even sleep."


"oh right, you meditate. meditating on that handsomeness, am I right?"


"noooo. That's not how my trance works, why are you like this?"

AKTLASS: (bumps Karma's shoulder)


KARMA: (Disappointed)

"hm? oh, fine. I'll quit."

Vajor didn't know if he should laugh or stay quiet.

SARALE:(to Aktlass)

"Thank you."

She takes a deep breath and sighs, releasing the built up emotions in one breath, and trying to get the flush on her face under control. She holds her mug in both hands and takes another sip.


"Vajor, how long have you been a smithy? I was looking at the blade I bought and it's absolutely gorgeous. Most blades are too heavy at the tip, this one isn't, it's perfectly balanced. I've never seen anything like it."


"I've been working for a good decade here in town. but before that, I lived among the dwarven lands for a few years and they taught me everything I know about the trade."


"makes sense. Your love for your craft and the training you received definitely shows in your work… Are you okay? You look a bit pale."


"hm? ah... well…(to Aktlass) Hmm~ hey, friend. Sorry if this come's off as rude, but you wouldn't happen to be Ootashi the orc bounty hunter are you?"


"He's/ I'm not an orc...."


"Is what he says. He doesn't like his orc lineage, so we try to be careful with that. Right, big guy?"


"That too, but not to that extent. I'm yuan-ti half-orc, born as a hatchling."


"Ooh. I didn't know that much. so, yeah you're technically not a true orc since you were born from an egg, right?"



Vajor's nerves started to settle as he realized the conversation didn't have much meaning to Aktlass.


"you guys are a bunch of ragtag misfits, ain't ya?"


"You said it, man."


"I mean you have a drow, a yuan-ti half-orc hybrid, and a tiefling… What else did you expect? The only thing that outshines the strangeness of us, is Karma's flamboyance."

Karm sticks their chest out proudly as if they took her works as praise.

Sarale giggles and shakes her head as she finishes her meal and waves the barmaid over


"Excuse me, miss, may I get some dried meat?"


"Sure thing? What kind of meat?"


"doesn't matter really, just bring whatever you have."

She pays the barmaid and the woman leaves to fetch her order. Once the barmaid returns Sarale thanks her and wraps the meat up placing it in her pouch.


"why order it here?"


"It's a treat for Talon. I mean, I could have hunted it down on my own, but why kill anything needlessly. They have the meat to spare and he's not picky. (shrugs) Plus I'm helping out local commerce, even if it's just a little bit."


"... ah. the hawk, yes? You named her talon?"


"Him, and yes."


"... hmm? odd. The hawk smelled like a female. I guess I should study foul more."

Aktlass looks at his bowl only to find it empty, forgetting that he finished it. Karma notices and orders a larger serving for him. Once the barmaid returns with his food he takes it himself and starts to eat it. Him taking the plate from her startles her as she flees. He doesn't seem to notice as he eats his food.

SARALE: (watches barmaid flee)

"It's mating season for Hawks. That's why he smelled like a female."


"Oh. that makes sense."


"oh right! you asked earlier that you wanted to trade out your axes when you passed the smithy looking for us yesterday, right?"




"Well, guess what our giant fluffy friend here is the owner. think you can help us out a bit?"


"Huh!? sure. I can do that. we can have a look at them when we get there. That sound good to you, Ootashi?"

Aktlass looks at Vajor blankly when he says his other name. The empty stare makes him shut his mouth again and fill with nerves.


"... Aktlass. Only my enemies call me Ootashi. So please don't become one of them."


"uh... yeah, sure. Thanks for telling me."


"Then we can go after we finish here. I want a bit of sun."


"The warmth is great and all, but why does it have to be so damn bright?"

Aktlass looks at her for a moment then digs around his back and stands to approach her. He pulls something out of his back and places it on her head.


"I know you have a circle, but this might help too if it's clear out."

he had put a hand woven blueblade grass cap on her head. It fit her well.

SARALE: (Nervously)

"I… Thank you, Aktlass. This'll definitely help."

He tilts his head with a smile. Then steps back to lean on the table waiting for them. He had finished his meal already.

SARALE:(to Karma & Vajor)

"Are you two ready?"

She stands and waits for the two when a man bumps into her from behind.


"I'm so sorry I didn-"


"watch it chimney sweep."

Sarale doesn't react to the slur and simply smiles at the man, knowing what was about to happen.

The man suddenly stops in his tracks as if he was facing a stalking predator. He turns around to see Aktlass staring at him as if he were a starved Titanoboa as he flicks his tongue at the man. The man backs away and bumps into a barmaid, getting his back covered in food.


"s-s-s-s-sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it..."

The man panics and runs out of the tavern in a hurry. Aktlass hisses with a flick of his tongue then yawns normally. Karma stands up and pats Aktlass on the shoulder proudly, and he only looks at them confused. Vajor was a bit shaken by what just happened but didn't say anything since he thought to do the same. Sarale just waves at the man as he flees before following after everyone.

Everyone follows Vajor out the door and into the street.

She stops in her tracks when she sees the state of Vajor's shop. Her heart sank to her feet. Vajor steps forward with heavy footsteps that leave foot shaped potholes in the street with every step.

VAJOR: (mutters)"... my shop..."

Vajor approaches the shop to see the windows were broken in with many materials having been destroyed or missing just from the entrance alone.


"MY SHOP!!! WHO THE FUCK TOUCHED MY FUCKING SHOP!!!? I'LL KILL THE FUCKER!! sonnova lether faced, atur hamminstym, cock skelg, tikund nothaar!! wizja denthar skelga inseg en mess avor mot halag damn shop!! aved jeg bevinja denthar avor sludge dung skithjupa, thja arboth askelg vragwun jeg gotek jala thji anywhere biri bathjert smithy! thja'll alfra wulfa lurl vzlunr borfra lurl hrounvor e eth lurvlor mondavrik! aved jeg'm igegond heth thji! skelg! halag damn skirth mivundr!"

[translation](son of a bat faced, no dick, cock fuck, bitch whore!! How dare that fucker make a mess of MY god damn shop!! when I find that piece of sludge dung filled asshole, they better fucking wish I don't see them anywhere near another smithy! they'll never get any trades from any blacksmith in the entire realm! when I'm through with them! fuck! God damn shit cunts!)

Every time Vajor started a new sentence, he would slam his foot into the ground until he made a crater big enough to create a sinkhole and get his foot stuck.


"Skelg!! halag damn dath. jeg thakk mot damn vot stuck. kuridir skelga. Jeg'm gana ilv inseg kuthlik denthar tikund alfra sets vot e lurl hrounvor rir eom lag eom lurl avor vok zaedrokur aundra!"

[translation] (FUCK!! god damn it. I got my damn foot stuck. mother fucker. I'm going to make sure that bitch never sets foot in any blacksmith for as long as any of us draw breath!)

Vajor yanks his leg out the ground and dusts himself off as he speaks then slams his foot to the ground at the end of his claim, then spits into the deep hole his foot was stuck in and walks out of the crater fuming.

Sarale stares at the building then at Vajor and flinches when he stomps. She looks about ready to cry when she hears the piercing call of a hawk above.


"This is all our fault. (to Aktlass & Karma) They were after us."


"well... Technically it's my fault cuz they're after me… You're technically just here and he's basically stalking me."

AKTLASS:(glares at Karma)



"The fact that they attacked the shop means that they think we knew the smithy here. But how? We never met the guy before and I only heard rumors of his skills, which is why I brought us to his shop in the first place."


"I don't care who's fault this is. If nothing else, it ain't yours. Imma make sure I hunt down that fuck shit and sell of their fucking nuts to the kobolds fur fucking with my shop!"

Vajor looks at the group with disinterest for their concerns. He didn't blame them at all and came to understand they were only victims of circumstances that fell out of their control. He knew what that felt like and a thought came to his mind that calmed him down enough to think.


"... If they attacked my shop thinking we were friendly, then they probably think I was gonna turn tides and flip on you for saying that in the first place, but you know what? (smirks deviously) Imma let them keep thinking that. Cuz I'm joining you on your travels. That's if you'll have me, of course."


"I have no objections. Though if you're wanting revenge, then I think I can help."


"excuse you, self-centered elf, don't you mean we?"


"Excuse yourself. I'm not self-centered, but I am the only one that can speak to animals and Talon saw what happened. And he saw where they went."


"That doesn't mean you should be the only one helping, miss 'got everything'! They came after me, so you being my bestie alone is enough to get anyone after everyone in this town."


"With that said, Imma get what I can pack to bring with me and get changed for travel. You guys can follow me if you want, but the shop's a mess now, so I can't get you nothing new to help you much."

SARALE:(hands over a small bag)

"You can use this. It's a bag of holding. Nowhere near full, so feel free to pack whatever you want into it." (to Karma)"I didn't say you couldn't help. I just said I could, if we're playing semantics. I just kinda figured you'd help, cause fuck those cunts and you're my bestie too. We're a package deal."

Talon floats down and she raises her arm allowing him to land on hand. He hops closer and nuzzles her cheek. He chirps and nibbles at her hair before settling on her shoulder.


"You want to help too, don't you?"


"well thank you. I'll put it to good use."

Vajor enters the ruined shop and Aktlass starts following him without a word and Karma does their best to follow after.

SARALE:(offers hand to Karma)

"here let me help you."

Once inside the shop she looks around her ears drooping at the state of Vajor's shop. He'd worked so hard and it was destroyed so quickly. The anger replacing her sorrow was righteous and the aura around her shifts to something menacing as she mutters under her breath in elven.


"Sunti sal Wutheh Tel' yth siilen did bren, sal am going lor uann nehel'feer pay."

(When I find the folk that did this, I am going to make them pay.)


"oh you gonna join in on this manhunt for my shop? That's sweet. That makes me feel a lot better."

SARALE: (Blush)

"We are the ones responsible. It's only the right thing to do. Wait.. you know elven?"


"ya think a firbolg wouldn't know elven if they weren't raised by elves?"

SARALE:(Blush harder)

"that's not… mmmm."

Sarale covers her face with her hands and tries to hide behind Karma.

Aktlass followed Vajor to the back room where he patched up Sarale. The room was missing a lot of material from the scraps he'd use, to the ore he collected. Vajor slams his fist into the wall behind him as he steps into the room and cleans off the smithing table. It didn't have any other marks except for the enchantment he carved into it.

VAJOR:(holds out hand to Sarale)

"Hand me the sword I gave ya, lass."

She draws the blade and hands it over, her face still crimson. She steps back next to Karma and watches Vajor with an innocent curiosity.


"what are you doing?"

He sets the blade on the table and the marks instantly glow. The sword rises from the table and he grabs a hammer and carving file and chips away at the blade but by bit until an intricate weaving was glowing along the edge of the blade. The glow stops and the blade drops back in his hand for him to hand back to Sarale. He points to a worn out piller.


"Stay where you are and take a swing at that."

Sarale takes the blade in hand and feels its weight in her grasp, before raising the longsword and slashing it at the pillar. The pillar suddenly collapses from an invisible cut that burns through it. Sarale quirks a brow and grins dangerously.


"This is going to be fun."


"Alright, it worked! You next, Aktlass."

Aktlass reaches for his back and a greatsword appears from nothing as if it were being unsheathed from a void. Vajor looks at it for a moment in surprise from seeing the greatsword suddenly appear in front of him. He looks at the mark on it and sees it has a dark mage's enchantment of invisibility on it.


"Where the hell did you get this?? This blade looks like it's about a good century old!"

AKTLASS: (shrugs)

"Given a job to hunt a warlock. Found this in his things after killing him and breaking his lifeless charms. This too."

He pulls out one of his axes from his side. It emitted a dark smoke from the hilt at the base of the blade. Sarale sheaths her blade looking up at the ax Aktlass holds.


"Dark magic. If you found it from a warlock more than likely the result of a demon pact. Should be harmless to the wielder, just be careful. Aktlass dark magic is nothing to ignore. If you notice anything strange let me know. I may be able to help and if I can't, I know who can. The blade causes necrotic damage from the looks of it. Might even stop people from healing naturally."

Aktlass pulls the ax away from Vajor and puts it away.


"Then he shouldn't touch this."


"Touching the hilt should be fine, but the blade itself, no. He shouldn't."

As soon as Aktlass sheathed the ax in its custom sleeve, the dark cloud stopped falling.


"The sword. It has an elven enchantment with dwarven work... Unless that warlock stole this from a settlement, this shouldn't be away from the great chambers."

Vajor studies the greatsword for a while when he sees the mark on the hilt. It was a carving of a life tree half covered with leaves and the other half dead branches.


"... The tree of life?"

Sarale steps forward and touches Vajor's arm gently as she studies the blade.


"That's very rare. Maybe a life theft enchantment? The damage dealt heals the one wielding it. (to Aktlass)I've seen it before back in the underdark. This is an absolutely beautiful Aktlass. You'll have to tell us the full story of how you came to possess it sometime."

AKTLASS: (smiles softly)


Sarale steps away from Vajor, all at once aware of their close proximity and flushes, crossing her arms across her chest as she waits for him to work his skills.


"I look forward to it, friend."

Aktlass smiles brighter. Vajor chuckles at her jumping back from him, then gets to work at the table. He was instantly rejected by the sword and it dropped on the table as if not wanting to be touched.


"Ah! What the!!? Is there more to this??"

He tries to wield the sword and gets rejected again, sending the sword forward. Aktlass catches it at the hilt with no reaction as he holds the blade in his other hand and the hilt steady in his other.


"Good christ, it lives! What the hell?"


"Many elven made weapons reject new enchantments. Especially those not made by the one attuned to them. (shrugs) it by the one who crafted the blade. A safeguard of sorts to keep the crafters' intent intact."

Aktlass looks at the sword and sticks it back in its sleeve. The entire sword vanishes with the sleeve and strap as if it were never there.

VAJOR: (rubs hand)

"That and it seems the sword was made with an ego of sorts, to choose its wielder. As soon as I tried to take the hilt, I saw this... Child? She screamed at me and that was it."


"a guardian spirit then?"


"No. It's already attuned to him. But I don't understand how. A living sword... Should usually choose its wielder after a certain trial or something... I have got to hear this story."

KARMA:"Uh, hey. What about my things?"

Karma holds out a double-bladed scimitar and sets it on the table with a puzzled look. Vajor takes it and examines it. Karma then places their long sword on the table to see what he says about it since it was oddly made.


"Hm. You take real good care of your blades!"


"Thank you. I make sure to keep everyone's weapons clean... Except his. He never let me touch his stuff."


"And for good reason."


"Yeah I noticed."

Vajor leans over the double-bladed scimitar.


"Hmm~ you don't see one of these very often, mind if I ask where you got it?"


"pirates. Had a label on the box for discarded goods. Since they were getting tossed I said I'll take that. Fixed up a bit and kept it since."


"Sounds like everyone 'as a story for their blades, except you."

He glances at Sarale who shifts her weight from foot to foot.


"I mean you gave me the blade."

She opens the largest compartment of her quiver and pulls a beautiful elven longbow free. She notches an arrow and draws the string back, as she does everyone can hear the bow whisper, "Tal defeat lor salen enemies."

[translation](Swift defeat to my enemies.)


"An Oathbow? Ya don't see one of those everyday."

Sarale shrugs and lowers the weapon, letting the string return to normal and placing the arrow and bow back in her quiver.


"pulled it off the body of an elf after he tried killing the high priestess from my temple."


"... Remind me never to piss you off."


"You'd have to do something serious for me to get angry with you."


"Is that so? I'll keep that in mind, lass."

Sarale's flush grows deeper and she looks away with a whine in her throat, causing him to chuckle as he starts the process of enchanting Karma's blade. The scimitar hovers above the table as he carves runes into the blade and lets it fall back to the table. He holds it up, inspecting his work with a nod, before turning to Karma.


"'ere ya go. Try it out, I think you'll like it."

Vajor fixes up one of the training dummies that had fallen over and steps back to the table to work on Karma's longsword next.

Karma Unfolds the scimitar feels an energy surge through their arm, giving them the urge to throw it. They swing at the dummy from a distance and the blade of the scimitar flies off with a vibrant chain of light attached to it. The dummy gets stabbed straight through and torn in half once Karma pulls it back.


"Ooh, hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"


"I'm glad ya like it."

He enchants their longsword and hands it back looking at them expectantly.


"Well, 'ave a go. See whatcha think."

Vajor motions to the wardrobe behind him and steps away, waiting for them to try out their longsword. Karma steps a good distance from everyone and leaves a gap between them and the wardrobe. They dance the sword around elegantly, stepping closer to the wardrobe, then give a heavy swing with one hand and the blade grows and shrinks back like a spring instantaneously. The wardrobe creeks open and the top falls off to the ground with a clean cut through it. Karma hops on their toes in glee like a giddy child.




"Well someone's excited."


"I take it ya like it then."


"Aight, so what asshole should we go for first, Vajor!? I know like three low noble bitches that could be the culprit for wrecking our handsome smithy's shit!!"

Karma says as they swing the sword about in the open space ready to attack whoever came next.

VAJOR:(grins dangerously)

"I say we take 'em all out. Can never be too certain."


"Talon saw where the culprits went. We could probably catch up and get the information we need from them."

Aktlass looks at his normal ax then looks at the other one at his side. He simply shrugs and puts it away and stands at the door ready to walk out.

VAJOR:(to Aktlass)

"Want me to enchant that big guy?"

Aktlass looks at Vajor then to the ax again and shakes his head.


"I don't think it's necessary."

Vajor shrugs and looks around scratching his head.


"Well give me a moment to get changed and I'll be ready, (to Sarale) 'at is unless ya wanna watch."

Sarale's eyes widened in shock. The color of her face, ears, and neck flush bright red as she does a full 180 and rushes past Aktlass, into the main area, with a squeak. Vajor just laughs at her cute reaction and goes to pilfer through a secret compartment in the wall. Karma trots out happily after her with Aktlass wandering after them smiling at Karma's glee.

After a few moments Vajor reappears wearing his travel clothes. A pair of tailored trousers, an elbow length shirt, an embroidered vest, and a pair of leather boots. His greataxe strapped to his back. Sarale gapes at him and quickly looks away, when he catches her staring.


"whenever ya lots ready. I'm good to go."

Aktlass walks past Sarale and Karma grabs Sarale's arm and drags her out the door with them. Vajor walks out with them giggling to himself. Sarale steps out into the early morning sun and blinks, grumbling as she fixes the grass hat lower on her head to block out the sun. The cry of a hawk can be heard from high above and she turns, hooking Karma's hand in the crook of her arm and guiding the group down the road and out of town.


"They have a few hours head-start. We need to be quick. Once they hit the forest, Talon won't be able to help. I'm fast so try not to fall behind."

VAJOR:(flirty smirk)

"Don't worry 'bout me lass. I can keep up."

She turns pulling the hat Aktlass gave her lower on her face, to hide her flush as she quickens her pace, earning a chuckle from Vajor. Aktlass picks up Karma and puts them on his back then races after Sarale and Vajor. Karma shouts in excitement from the ride. Sarale glances back and grins at her friends. She shakes her head and picks up her pace, rushing ahead.

The team races out of the town and into the open road following Talon until they reach the forest entrance. Sarale slows drawing her blade and shield, her keen eyes scanning the trees as she cautiously enters the forest. She stops, kneeling next to a footprint in the dirt path. She looks around before pointing down a branching path. She looks back at the group.


"That way, I smell a fire."


"Alright, then."

Aktlass flicks his tongue and stands straight as Karma climbs him to step on his shoulders and hop into the tree branches to follow in secret. Aktlass and Vajor look at each other and slip into the woods off the beaten trail.

AKTLASS:(from the trees)

"We will follow through the trees. see if you can get their attention."

Sarale nods as she glances up to see Karma's tail wiggle in the trees. She leads them through the forest, following the tracks along the trail. She pulls her shield closer to her body and spins her blade in her hand, loosening up her wrist. She crouches down behind some bushes, when she hears several voices through the trees. She peeks over the brush, her eyes narrowing when she sees someone familiar. Sheathing her blade and placing her shield on her back, she stands and walks into the clearing,


"Well, I never would have thought to see you here, Lendral."

The men jump to their feet, drawing their weapons as they face her. Lendral, a tall but slender half-elf looks in her direction.

LENDRAL:(smiles sarcastically)

"Look at what the Tabaxi dragged in. Sarale Filyn, how have you been sister?"

The men grumble and whisper as they look at each other with concern. Some of them get into defensive stances.


"Easy boys, I'm just here to talk,"


"Right, cause an ash-face like you would knows anything about being civil."

A few men snicker at his comment, but Sarale just gasps in faux offense.


"brother, I'm hurt, the least you could have done was call me a dirt elf… (shrugs) well at least I'm actually an elf, unlike you."



"oops, did I strike a cord?"


"What do you want, Bitch?"


"I just want some information, is all. Would you happen to know who ransacked the smithy's shop in town? He's very upset about it and I offered my services to help him get the compensation he deserves."

VENDRAL:(draw sword)

"I have no clue."

Sarale stares at him, her jovial nature from before blanks, as her expression goes dead. Her voice dangerously calm.


"I always could tell when you were lying, Lendral. It was you, Wasn't it?"


"And if it was?"

Vajor's jaw clenches as he circles around the group to flank them. Knowing Aktlass was doing the same from a different vantage.

SARALE:(draw sword and shield)

"Then I'll have to teach you a lesson, like I used to do back in training."

Lendral rushes towards Sarale. She blocks his attack with her shield and brings her sword down across his arm, cutting into his flesh. Lendral growls and jumps back readying his next attack. Lendral's men rush forward when Vajor charges from behind, slamming into one of them and taking the group by surprise. The man he hit stumbles to the ground and Vajor brings his greataxe down into the man's chest, tearing his weapon free and glaring at the others.


"Alright lads, who's next?"

Aktlass flanks the other side and dashes out of the bushes, catching another by the throat with his necrotic handaxe and instantly takes the man's head clean off. he throws his other ax at the one that stopped and turns to see him only to catch the ax with his face.

Karma casts a booming blade on their longsword and drops from the treetops and stabs one of the last three men in the shoulder before setting off a discharge of electricity through him that forces him to explode into a thunderous storm of lightning. The last two nearby quickly jump out of range of the explosion, one stumbles to catch himself while the other trips and falls back on his bottom in shock of the surprise. karma stands and swings their sword to clear the disturbed dust from the air.


"surprise, mothafuckas!!"

SARALE:(to Lendral)

"Did you really think I came alone?"

Lendral growls and lunges forward, slicing his longsword in a wide arch nicking her cheek and scratching her armor.


"Hey! You just scratched my armor!"

Vajor stalks towards the men Karma startled and grabs one of the men by the shoulders and lifts him into the air ready to hurl him at Aktlass like a ball.


"Oi! Don' be touchin' the merchandise!"




"I meant the armor darlin'! (see's Lendral swing) Lass look out!"

Sarale looks back just in time to see Lendral slam his blade in her shoulder, catching the seam and tearing through flesh.

She yelps, taking a step back and glaring at Lendral.


"maybe you should focus on your foe instead of that dumb brute."

Sarale's eyes flair with anger as she arches her blade down across Lendral's chest, knocking him off balance, and flips her blade ready to swipe it across his legs, catching him across the thigh. He stumbles onto his ass and looks up at her in panic, back peddling away. Her expression is dead as she stalks after him. Her aura menacing and Lendral turns scrambling to his feet and darting into the trees. Sarale rushes after him.


"Get back here you little rat!"

Vajor curses under his breath before looking at Aktlass ready to throw the man. He scrambles and curses at him trying to get down, but is no match for the Firbolg's strength. Aktlass approaches the corpse he threw his ax at and rips it out of the skull then readies up with it to swing. Vajor hurls the man at Aktlass. The man kicks off, knocking his trajectory off balance.


"Shit! That would have been a good throw too."

Aktlass adjusts his stance at the last second and swings upward through the man's head with a force strong enough to send the body back onto its back with a splat in front of him. Karma glares at the last man standing and he runs off into the woods. Karma sighs and holds out their wrist, clutching their fist to activate their bracer, turning it into a crossbow and firing a bolt that hits him in the head, stopping through the eye socket. the man collapses forward.




"we should follow 'fter the little missy. She's hurt an' may need help."

The trio quickly followed after Sarale.

Sarale's eyes are locked onto Lendral as tree limbs slap and scratch at her face. They burst through the tree line and Lendral misty steps gaining distance. She slides to a stop and drops her blade and shield, pulling her bow from her quiver and notching an arrow. She takes aim, raising her bow into the air and drawing back, adjusting for the wind. The bow whispering to her in elvish, she responds in kind.


"Swift death to you who have wronged me."

She releases the arrow with a calm breath and watches as the arrow soars through the air striking her target in the back. He stumbles and falls to the ground bellowing in pain. She smirks and hooks her bow over her shoulder, drawing her dagger and walking up to Lendral.


"p-please.. please. Sister. Spare me. Mercy."

Sarale tilts her head, her lilac eyes glimmering in the sunlight.


"did you have mercy when you went after my friends?"

She kicks him back onto his stomach and kneels on his back, grabbing a handful of hair and yanking it back as the others break through the tree line. She looks at them with a blank expression, the aura around her dark as she presses her dagger to the half-elf's neck.


"you're going to tell me what I want to know and you're going to tell me truthfully. If you don't, I'll kill you."

Vajor stoops to pick up her shield and sword.


"That's hot."

Karma jerks a bit from seeing Sarale's expression. they've seen her this way before, and they swore to never get on her bad side for as long as they lived.


"(to Vajor)Christ above, really? (mutters)That still makes me nervous."

Aktlass stood watching Sarale wide eyed in terror as his small scale patches rose from the chill he felt under his skin.


"And the realms call me creepy. Remind me to never upset her, please."

"join the club, big boy." Karma tells him.

Vajor shrugs, "I like strong women, maybe even a little crazy."

Sarale presses her chin to Lendral's temple, "who sent you?"

LENDRAL: (Whimpers)

"It was a nobleman. Names Selmas Vergins. He-he paid me to find the tiefling and bring her back alive."

SSARALE: (growls)

"Them, not her."


"Sorry! Sorry!! Please!"


"Why does he want Karma?"


"I-I-I don't know! I didn't ask! I swear he just told us to kill you and take them alive. We-we didn't know about the shopkeeper and orc."



She digs her blade into his throat, breaking his flesh as a thin line of blood forms across his pasty skin.


"Y-yeah! Sorry! Yuan-ti! We didn't know about them!"

He trembles, swallowing as he tries to back away from the blade.


"Take a guess."


"I don't know! I swear. All he said was they used to do tournaments. Something about a prize! I don't know, I wasn't listening! I swear!"


"Who trashed his shop?"


"We-we did. We thought it would cause them to run you out of town. We-we were going to ambush you two. Take you by surprise. I got to you and he got the Tiefling."


"Their name is Karma."


"Yeah, Karma! B-bu-but that's all. I swear, please. Please don't kill me."


"I'm afraid I can't do that Lendral."

She goes to draw the blade across Lendral's throat and pauses looking up at Karma as they shout.


"S-SARA! Sara! Wait a minute! don't do that!! Don't kill him! you can't kill him! please!... y-y'know...? You… wanted to prove you're not like the others?"


"Karma's right, Dove. Even if I'd like nothing more than to watch that bastard drown in his own blood. He's not worth it."


"... Alright, fine. I see where you're coming from."


"Thank you! Thank you! Argh!!"

Sarale stands, digging the arrow in his back deeper and twisting it, before yanking it free.


"Shut up."

She hoists him to his feet and shoves him forward. He stumbles and she follows after him, her expression still dead as she passes by Karma and Vajor. She was in no mood for talking or banter and that was clear by the look in her eyes. Every so often shoving him as he slowed his pace.


"Keep moving."


"sara! sara! Hold on, please!"

Everyone follows her back to the camp. Sarale turns to look at Karma, grabbing Lendral's collar and making him stop.


"Yes, Karma?"

Karma quickly holds their hands to her wounds and casts healing hands on her shoulder.


"We can't just have you going around like this. I know for a fact that you keep forgetting your hurt at times, but come on. this is a bit much."


"Oh yeah, that. (smiles tiredly) thank you, my friend."

Karma sighs in relief. Vajor smiles at the pair and walks up next to Sarale, "ya need to focus on healing. I'll take care of this crooked-nosed knave." He lifts Lendral up and over his shoulder. He hands over her sword and shield from his other hand.


"Oh here. You dropped these."

She takes them as she sways on her feet. The adrenaline from their fight wears off.


"Thank you, Vajor."

Aktlass catches her from stumbling and picks her up off her feet to carry her bridal style. Sarale stiffens reflexively.


"That's not necessary, Aktlass. Thank you for the thought, though. I can.. I.. I."

She sags in Aktlass' arms, her body going limp as she loses consciousness from blood loss. Karma looks at her in shock for a moment then looks at Aktlass.


"She lost too much."


"she's pushing 'erself too hard."

LENDRAL:(scoffs) "She's always been like that. Overachieving and pushing through her pain. Made everyone at the temple look ba-."

Vajorknocks Lendral on the head with his fist, knocking the half-elf unconscious.


"'at's enough o' 'at."

Aktlass flicks his tongue out and Karma huffs in approval as they continue to the camp.