
Valentine Detective Agency

Echo sighed and watched as Dylan made a few repairs to his new suit of power armor. The two were planning on making a trip to this 'Diamond City' that the elder lady, who she now knew as Mama Murphy, had mentioned when she was helping Dylan with finding his son Shawn.

She closed her eyes and hummed along with a song that she had playing on her pip-boy. She was trying her damned best to block out all the noise of Dylan's welding attempts so she could feel at least some peace.

      Soon the constant noise and mumbled curses came to a stop. She cracked an eye open to be greeted with the sight of a highly annoyed Dylan and a confused Preston.   She held back the laughter she so dearly wanted to let out upon seeing their two very different expressions as they both looked at the power armor.


After a while they had set off to Diamond City, Echo had tried to talk Preston into going with them but he wanted to stay behind and keep an eye on the others.

She kicked a can around in boredom. The dog, she now knew as Dogmeat, walked along side them.

      Looking around she settles her gaze on a badly destroyed city. She let out a small sigh and stops kicking the can, "This is so strange, one morning everything is fine and normal only to wake up what seems to be a few hours later to find out you've been frozen for over 200 years.."

Dylan nods in response, "Yeah it is, but we've gotta make the best of it if we plan on finding Shawn."

She fell into silence after the short conversation.


The trio walks through the city before they come across what looks like a stadium that was built up with scraps of metal to represent a city.  She lifts a brow as she stares up at the rickety structure. "I'm guessing this is Diamond City." She hears Dylan speak to her right and Dogmeat whine from her left, she was to busy watching a woman yell into an intercom to form a reply.

She stayed still while Dylan walked over, she sighed and followed afterwards. She could hear the woman whisper yelling at him about getting into the city.

She watched in silence as she says something again over the intercom again and the large gates start to open, as the two start walking up an angry fat man walks out of what she guess was the entrance to the city.  He starts yelling at the woman about something with the press, Echo wasn't really paying attention to them, before realizing he had guests who were going to be entering the city and started apologizing.


Dylan had tried to get some information about someone who could help them but failed to gain such information from Mayor McDonough.

The two walked aimlessly into the city and looked around, Echo was standing near the middle of what seemed to be a market when she heard a robotic voice speak, "Nani ni Shimasuka?"

She jumped and whirled around to see a robot that was looking at Dylan who was staring at it in a rather confused manner. "He's asking what will you have." Echo laughed lightly at her friend before her attention was caught by a bright neon sign with an arrow pointing, "Valentine... huh." She began walking in that direction, ignoring the fact that Dylan was calling after her so he ended up having to run to her to see where she was going.

She followed the sign and turned down an alleyway to hear two men talking about something called the 'Railroad'. She was interested but chose to ignore them so she instead looks at another sign that said 'Valentine Detective Agency'