
Radiant Flame

In a compelling narrative interweaving transformation and self-discovery, Hikari Yamamoto, reborn as Naruto Uzumaki, embarks on an extraordinary journey across time and space. Initially grounded in the disciplined ambiance of his family's dojo, Hikari's life takes an unexpected turn during a seemingly routine school trip, leading him to a barren, otherworldly realm. Guided by the enigmatic Architect and accompanied by a mystical qilin, Hikari learns of his destiny to undergo a trial that offers the power to traverse worlds. As Naruto Uzumaki, he faces a symbolic mirror in his Konoha apartment, reflecting his profound transformation. His attire shifts from vibrant orange to a blue vortex outfit, signifying readiness for the challenges ahead. Equipped with a mask, katana, and surrounded by scrolls detailing his diverse skills and storied past, Naruto contemplates the extensive knowledge passed down through mentors and lifetimes. Through meditative introspection, he confronts the Nine-Tailed Fox within his consciousness, forging a powerful alliance that underscores his mastery over its immense chakra and his commitment to strength and understanding. This narrative sets the stage for an epic tale of growth and resilience, chronicling Naruto's journey to harness ancestral wisdom, embrace his dual identity, and fulfill his destiny as a protector of Konoha and a wielder of extraordinary power.

abishalih · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

Chapter 7 : Finally Reincarnated

Hikari Yamamoto's journey through lifetimes of mastery under the Architect's guidance culminated in receiving a reincarnation token, which he promptly used. In a twist orchestrated by destiny, he found himself reborn into the world of Naruto as Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja attending the Genin graduation exam at the Konoha Academy. Supervised by the venerable Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, along with Iruka Umino and Mizuki, this chapter of Naruto's new life unfolded with unexpected twists and challenges.

Part 1: Genin Graduation Exam

Naruto approached the Genin graduation exam with a quiet confidence born from centuries of training and experience. Despite choosing not to wear the Konoha headband on his forehead, he effortlessly demonstrated his basic skills—power, speed, and agility—during the physical tests. His movements were precise, his techniques flawless, catching the attention of both examiners and fellow candidates.

In the practical examination, Naruto flawlessly executed three basic ninjutsu techniques, showcasing his control over chakra and his understanding of fundamental ninja arts. His performance was a testament to his dedication and the depth of knowledge inherited from his past lives.

Impressed by Naruto's abilities, the examiners conferred upon him the rank of Genin and presented him with the Konoha waistband. Naruto accepted it with a nod, choosing to wear it around his waist as a sign of respect for the village and its traditions.

As Naruto mingled with his peers and celebrated his achievement, he couldn't shake the feeling that his journey in this new life was just beginning. Memories of his previous incarnations and the wisdom they imparted fueled his determination to excel and uncover the mysteries of this world.

Part 2: Mizuki's Scheme

Amidst the celebrations, Naruto encountered Mizuki, an academy instructor known for his ambition and cunning. Mizuki, sensing an opportunity to exploit Naruto's eagerness for acceptance, approached him with a proposition that hinted at higher ranks and recognition.

"Naruto," Mizuki began in a conspiratorial tone, "the Hokage has entrusted me with a secret mission. He wants you to prove yourself worthy of a higher rank, possibly even Chunin, by retrieving the Forbidden Scroll of Seals from the Hokage building. This mission must be completed discreetly, without alerting the ANBU. Do this, and your future as a ninja of Konoha will be assured."

Naruto listened attentively, his mind processing Mizuki's words with a mix of caution and curiosity. While Mizuki's proposal appealed to Naruto's desire for validation, his instincts honed over lifetimes of experience warned him of hidden agendas and potential dangers.

"I understand, Mizuki-sensei," Naruto replied calmly, masking his reservations behind a facade of youthful enthusiasm. "I'll do my best to complete this mission as instructed."

Mizuki's eyes gleamed with satisfaction, believing he had successfully ensnared Naruto in his web of deception. Little did Mizuki know, Naruto was not as naive as he appeared. Guided by the Architect's teachings and the memories of past lives, Naruto intended to use this mission as an opportunity to unravel Mizuki's true motives and safeguard Konoha from potential threats.

Part 3: Battle with Mizuki

Under the cover of nightfall, Naruto embarked on the mission to retrieve the Forbidden Scroll of Seals from the heavily guarded Hokage building. With precise movements and heightened senses, he navigated through the labyrinthine corridors, evading the vigilant eyes of ANBU patrols stationed throughout.

Arriving at the chamber where the scroll was safeguarded, Naruto confronted the solemn reality of his mission. The Forbidden Scroll, a repository of ancient knowledge and powerful techniques, held the potential to alter destinies and shape futures. As he unsealed its protective layers, Naruto felt a surge of reverence and caution, knowing the responsibility that came with such profound knowledge.

In the stillness of the chamber, Mizuki materialized like a phantom of treachery, his presence casting a shadow over Naruto's contemplation. The instructor's eyes gleamed with anticipation, believing Naruto to be ensnared in his scheme without suspicion.

"Naruto," Mizuki's voice echoed through the chamber, laced with false camaraderie, "you've done well to retrieve the scroll as instructed. Now, hand it over to me, and your loyalty to Konoha will be rewarded beyond measure."

Naruto turned to face Mizuki, his expression carefully neutral. "Of course, Mizuki-sensei," he responded evenly, extending the scroll towards the instructor.

Mizuki's grin widened with triumph as he reached out to claim the scroll, unaware of the storm brewing beneath Naruto's composed exterior. But Naruto's compliance masked a deeper strategy—one crafted from centuries of wisdom and the Architect's guidance.

"Before I relinquish this scroll, Mizuki-sensei," Naruto's voice carried a subtle undercurrent of resolve, "there are truths that must be addressed. You are not acting on behalf of the Hokage's wishes, but rather pursuing your own ambitions and alliances with darker forces."

Mizuki's facade faltered, his expression darkening with suppressed anger and apprehension. "What do you know, Naruto?" he demanded, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

"I know enough," Naruto replied calmly, his gaze unyielding. "But that's inconsequential now. What matters is that your deception ends here."

With a sudden surge of movement, Naruto sprang into action with a fluidity and speed that caught Mizuki off guard. Their ensuing battle was a dance of shadows and strikes, each move calculated and executed with precision honed through centuries of combat experience.

Naruto deftly evaded Mizuki's attacks, his movements a testament to his mastery of ninja arts and strategic prowess. With each exchange, he maneuvered Mizuki into a position of vulnerability, exploiting gaps in his defense with calculated strikes.

Sensing an opportunity, Naruto unleashed a technique that startled even Mizuki—the Thousand Shadow Clone Jutsu. The chamber filled with countless replicas of Naruto, each imbued with his chakra and acting as an extension of his will. The overwhelming presence of his clones left Mizuki reeling, struggling to fend off the relentless onslaught.

Amidst the chaos, Naruto seized the opportunity to administer a delayed-action poison using his expertise in the art of poisons—a skill refined over lifetimes of study and refinement. The toxin, carefully concealed within his strikes, began to take effect, sapping Mizuki's strength and resolve with each passing moment.

Mizuki staggered, his movements growing sluggish as the poison coursed through his veins. Despite his determination, he could not withstand the inexorable grip of defeat that closed around him.

Part 4: Aftermath and Revelation

As Mizuki collapsed to the ground, weakened by the poison's effects, Naruto stood over him with a mixture of relief and resolve. The echoes of their battle faded into the chamber's silence, replaced by the approaching footsteps of ANBU operatives alerted to the disturbance.

"Naruto," a familiar voice called out, breaking the tension that hung in the air. It was Iruka, who had followed Naruto to the Hokage building after sensing something awry.

"Iruka-sensei," Naruto greeted him, his voice steady despite the lingering adrenaline. "Mizuki-sensei attempted to manipulate me into stealing the Forbidden Scroll. He's also involved in activities that threaten Konoha."

Iruka's expression hardened with resolve as he processed Naruto's words, his gaze shifting between Mizuki and Naruto with a mixture of concern and admiration.

"The village must know the truth," Iruka declared firmly, turning to the approaching ANBU operatives. "Take Mizuki into custody. He's betrayed the village and endangered us all."

The ANBU moved swiftly, securing Mizuki and escorting him away from the chamber. Naruto watched silently, his thoughts swirling with the implications of Mizuki's betrayal and the revelations he had uncovered.

As dawn broke over Konoha, Naruto stood before the Third Hokage and Iruka, recounting the events that had transpired during the night. He detailed Mizuki's manipulation and the threat he posed to the village, ensuring his actions were understood within the context of protecting Konoha.

Impressed by Naruto's courage and foresight, Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded solemnly. "You have shown great strength and integrity, Naruto Uzumaki. Your actions have saved Konoha from a grave threat."