
Radiant Flame

In a compelling narrative interweaving transformation and self-discovery, Hikari Yamamoto, reborn as Naruto Uzumaki, embarks on an extraordinary journey across time and space. Initially grounded in the disciplined ambiance of his family's dojo, Hikari's life takes an unexpected turn during a seemingly routine school trip, leading him to a barren, otherworldly realm. Guided by the enigmatic Architect and accompanied by a mystical qilin, Hikari learns of his destiny to undergo a trial that offers the power to traverse worlds. As Naruto Uzumaki, he faces a symbolic mirror in his Konoha apartment, reflecting his profound transformation. His attire shifts from vibrant orange to a blue vortex outfit, signifying readiness for the challenges ahead. Equipped with a mask, katana, and surrounded by scrolls detailing his diverse skills and storied past, Naruto contemplates the extensive knowledge passed down through mentors and lifetimes. Through meditative introspection, he confronts the Nine-Tailed Fox within his consciousness, forging a powerful alliance that underscores his mastery over its immense chakra and his commitment to strength and understanding. This narrative sets the stage for an epic tale of growth and resilience, chronicling Naruto's journey to harness ancestral wisdom, embrace his dual identity, and fulfill his destiny as a protector of Konoha and a wielder of extraordinary power.

abishalih · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

Chapter 6 : Rebuild Bridge

Encounter with Naruto

In a secluded corner of their makeshift hideout, Haku cautiously approached Zabuza, the air heavy with the aftermath of their recent encounters with Team 7. The tranquility of their surroundings seemed at odds with the tension that filled the space between them.

"I met Naruto by the stream," Haku began softly, his voice carrying a hint of admiration tinged with uncertainty. He chose his words carefully, aware of Zabuza's usual demeanor. "He... he was different, Zabuza. He didn't see me as an enemy. He acknowledged my struggle, my reasons for fighting."

Zabuza, typically stoic and aloof, turned his gaze towards Haku, his eyes cold and calculating as they bore into him. There was a flicker of interest in Zabuza's demeanor, a subtle shift that Haku noted with caution.

"What did he say?" Zabuza demanded, his voice gruff yet betraying a hint of curiosity.

"He understood," Haku continued, recalling the unexpected empathy he had seen in Naruto's eyes. "He understood why I fought alongside you, even though our paths are... opposing."

Zabuza grunted, a rare sign of acknowledgment from the usually reserved ninja. His mind processed this new information, contemplating the significance of Naruto's insight.

"Naruto Uzumaki," Zabuza mused, his voice low and contemplative. "He's not just another shinobi. Keep an eye on him, Haku. There's more to that boy than meets the eye."

Haku nodded silently, his thoughts racing with the implications of Naruto's understanding. In that moment, amidst the shadows of their hideout, a subtle shift occurred – a recognition that their adversaries were not mere obstacles, but individuals with their own convictions and complexities.

As they prepared for the challenges ahead, Haku couldn't shake the sense that Naruto Uzumaki, with his unconventional perspective, might prove to be a formidable force they had yet to fully comprehend.

Naruto sentries 

Back in the village of Nami no Kuni, Naruto's plan unfolded seamlessly as his Shadow Clones dispersed throughout the streets. Each Clone took up a strategic position, stationed on rooftops, concealed in alleyways, and perched atop vantage points overlooking the village. Their presence was subtle yet pervasive, a silent vigilance that permeated the air.

From his hidden vantage point, Naruto coordinated their movements with practiced efficiency. With a wave of his hand and a focused command, he synchronized their watchful eyes and sharpened senses. The Clones, exact replicas of Naruto himself, stood as sentinels, their chakra senses attuned to detect any hint of disturbance or danger.

In the early stages of the village's reconstruction efforts, Naruto knew that vigilance was paramount. The threat of Gato and his underlings loomed, their ambitions to control the bridge project casting a shadow over the villagers' efforts. Team 7's mission extended beyond mere protection; it was a commitment to safeguarding the hopes and aspirations of the people rebuilding their community.

As the sun arced overhead, casting dappled shadows across the village, Naruto's Shadow Clones remained steadfast. Their watch continued uninterrupted, a testament to Naruto's strategic foresight and their unwavering dedication to the task at hand.

From his concealed position, Naruto surveyed the village below. The sound of hammering and construction echoed through the streets, a symphony of resilience and determination. The villagers, undeterred by recent turmoil, worked tirelessly to rebuild what had been lost, their spirit buoyed by the assurance of Team 7's protection.

Through the eyes of his Clones, Naruto witnessed moments of camaraderie and determination among the villagers. They shared stories of perseverance, exchanged smiles of encouragement, and labored side by side to lay the foundation for a brighter future.

Amidst the bustling activity, Naruto's Clones remained vigilant, their resolve unwavering. They scanned the horizon, eyes sharp and senses alert, ready to spring into action at the first sign of trouble. Naruto's commitment to the village and its people was reflected in every Clone's stance—a silent promise to defend, protect, and ensure that hope prevailed over fear.

As the day wore on and shadows lengthened, Naruto maintained his vigil alongside his Clones. His presence, though hidden, was a reassuring presence amidst the villagers' efforts. Together with Team 7, they stood as guardians, their unity a beacon of strength amidst the lingering shadows of uncertainty.

Gato rampages 

In the heart of Zabuza's territory, chaos and fear swept through the village like a dark tide as Gato's men laid waste to homes and businesses. The once peaceful streets echoed with shouts and cries of distress as villagers scrambled to escape the rampage.

Zabuza, a formidable presence amidst the turmoil, stood unmoved by the chaos surrounding him. His gaze, steely and unwavering, surveyed the destruction with a cold detachment that masked a simmering fury. His territory was under siege, his authority challenged by Gato's brazen display of power.

Amidst the smoke and debris, Gato himself appeared, flanked by his arrogant entourage. His posture exuded arrogance as he approached Zabuza, a sneer playing on his lips. "Zabuza," he spat contemptuously, "you've failed me once. The bridge must be delayed no longer. I want it destroyed within the week."

Zabuza's jaw tightened, his fists clenched at his sides in a silent display of restrained rage. His eyes bore into Gato with an intensity that spoke of suppressed violence. "You dare threaten me, Gato?" Zabuza's voice rumbled low, a dangerous edge slicing through the air. "The bridge will be completed on our terms, not yours."

Gato's smirk widened, his arrogance undiminished by Zabuza's defiance. "We'll see about that," he taunted, the challenge hanging heavy in the air like a gauntlet thrown down. With a dismissive gesture, Gato turned on his heel and retreated, his entourage following suit, leaving behind a village ravaged and a shinobi leader seething with anger and determination.

As Gato's footsteps faded into the distance, Zabuza remained rooted in place, his mind already calculating his next move. The deadline imposed by Gato was a direct affront to his authority and plans. The bridge was not just a construction project; it was a symbol of power and control—a foothold in the strategic landscape of Nami no Kuni that Zabuza was not prepared to relinquish.

With resolve hardening in his heart, Zabuza turned his attention to rallying his loyal followers and strategizing their response. The storm of Gato's aggression had ignited a fire within him, a fire that would burn fiercely until his objectives were met and his enemies were brought to heel.

The heroes

In the humble confines of Tazuna's home, emotions swirled like a tempestuous sea as Tazuna's grandson vented his anguish and anger. His voice cracked with raw emotion, echoing through the room as he confronted the harsh reality before them all.

"My father died for this bridge!" His words reverberated with the pain of loss, each syllable heavy with the weight of sacrifice. Tears streaked down his cheeks, a testament to the turmoil within his young heart. "And now they want to destroy it!"

Team 7, gathered around him in solemn solidarity, felt the impact of his words like a heavy blow. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke exchanged somber glances, their own memories of their previous mission flooding back. The sacrifice of Tazuna's son had not been in vain—it had been a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of the people of the Land of Waves.

Naruto's jaw tightened, his resolve hardening as he remembered the battles fought and the lives touched during their mission. The memory of Tazuna's son, who had stood bravely against overwhelming odds, fueled his determination to protect what had been fought for so dearly.

Sakura, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, stepped forward gently. "We won't let that happen," she assured Tazuna's grandson, her voice steady despite the turmoil in her heart. "We'll protect this bridge, just like your father wanted."

Sasuke, usually reserved, nodded solemnly in agreement. His thoughts turned to the lessons learned from their battles—lessons of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering determination in the face of adversity. "We'll stop them," he affirmed, his voice quiet but resolute.

Tazuna, who had been listening quietly, placed a reassuring hand on his grandson's shoulder. "They will," he said, his voice carrying the weight of experience and conviction. "These young shinobi are not just protectors—they are warriors of honor."

The tension in the room eased slightly, replaced by a shared understanding and determination. Tazuna's grandson, though still grieving, found solace in their words and in the strength of their resolve. With renewed determination, he wiped away his tears and nodded bravely.

Outside, the village bustled with activity as villagers began to mobilize for the task ahead—rebuilding the bridge that symbolized not just a physical connection but also the indomitable spirit of the Land of Waves. Team 7, united in purpose, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, their hearts heavy with the weight of responsibility and the echoes of sacrifice, yet buoyed by the hope and determination that burned within them.


In the bustling village square, Team 7 stood united before the determined villagers, their presence a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. Naruto, his voice ringing clear and resolute, stepped forward to address the gathered crowd, his eyes alight with determination.

"We won't let Gato destroy what Tazuna's father died to build!" Naruto's declaration carried across the square, echoing off the walls of nearby buildings. His words resonated with passion and conviction, igniting a spark of determination in the hearts of those who had gathered.

Sakura stood beside Naruto, her gaze steady and supportive. "This bridge represents more than just a pathway," she spoke, her voice calm yet firm. "It's a symbol of our unity and strength as a village. Together, we will rebuild it."

Sasuke, typically reserved, nodded in agreement. "Gato underestimates our resolve," he added, his voice carrying the weight of their shared determination. "We will not falter in the face of his threats."

The villagers, their spirits bolstered by Team 7's unwavering confidence, murmured their agreement and nodded in solidarity. With renewed purpose, they began to organize themselves, gathering tools and materials necessary for the daunting task ahead.

Under Naruto's leadership, teams were formed—some tasked with clearing debris, others with gathering supplies, and still more with beginning the initial stages of construction. The atmosphere buzzed with activity as villagers set to work, their determination matched only by their gratitude for Team 7's steadfast support.

Throughout the day and into the evening, the sound of hammers striking nails and voices raised in encouragement filled the air. Team 7 moved among the villagers, offering guidance and assistance where needed, their presence a source of strength and inspiration.

As night fell over the Land of Waves, the first beams of the new bridge began to take shape, a testament to the villagers' resilience and their unwavering determination to reclaim their future. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke stood together on the riverbank, watching the progress with pride.

"We've made a good start," Sakura remarked, her voice soft with satisfaction. "But there's still much to be done."

Naruto grinned, his eyes reflecting the flickering light of nearby torches. "We'll see it through," he affirmed, his confidence unwavering. "Together, we'll rebuild this bridge and show Gato that he can't break our spirit."

Sasuke nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the bridge's silhouette was beginning to take form. "This is more than just a bridge," he murmured, a note of determination in his voice. "It's a testament to our strength and our unity."

Alerts and evacuate 

In the cloak of night, Naruto's Shadow Clones were dispersed strategically throughout the village of the Land of Waves, each one vigilant and attuned to the slightest disturbance. Positioned on rooftops, hidden in alleyways, and stationed at key intersections, they functioned not only as sentries but also as guardians of the villagers' safety.

As the enemy's movements began to escalate, the Clones sprang into action with seamless coordination. From their vantage points, they observed the encroaching threats and swiftly communicated danger through a network of signals and shouts. Their voices echoed through the night, alerting villagers to the imminent peril and urging them to evacuate to designated safe zones.

Families emerged from their homes, startled by the urgency in the Clones' warnings but reassured by their presence and guidance. With firm yet gentle directives, the Clones guided groups of villagers away from the impending battlefield, ensuring they moved swiftly and safely through the labyrinthine streets of the village.

Children clung to their parents, eyes wide with fear but hearts calmed by the reassuring presence of Naruto's Clones. Elderly villagers leaned on each other for support, their steps hastened by the urgency conveyed by the Clones' vigilant calls. Throughout the evacuation, the Clones maintained a watchful eye on their surroundings, ready to react to any sign of danger with swift and decisive action.

Behind them, the sounds of skirmishes and clashes grew louder as Team 7 and Gato's underlings engaged in fierce combat. The Clones, undeterred by the chaos unfolding around them, remained steadfast in their mission to protect and evacuate.

Their efforts bore fruit as the last of the villagers reached the safety of the designated zones, where other Clones awaited to guide and reassure them. With the evacuation complete, the Clones maintained their posts, ensuring no villager strayed back into harm's way.

Team 7 cooperation

Under the cover of darkness, tension gripped Tazuna's household as the menacing presence of Gato's underlings closed in. The air was thick with fear and uncertainty, but within moments, Kakashi and Sasuke leapt into action with the precision and speed befitting skilled shinobi.

Kakashi, his Sharingan eye ablaze with focused intensity, darted through the shadows like a ghost. He moved with calculated grace, effortlessly evading the crude assaults of Gato's henchmen. In a blur of movement, he incapacitated one assailant after another with swift, well-placed strikes and precise jutsu, ensuring none could pose a threat to Tazuna's family.

Meanwhile, Sasuke, fueled by his growing prowess and determination, moved in tandem with Kakashi. His movements were a testament to his training, each strike a calculated response to the chaos surrounding them. With lightning-quick reflexes and the finesse of a seasoned ninja, he intercepted attacks aimed at Tazuna's family, swiftly dispatching the assailants with a combination of taijutsu and well-timed Fire Style techniques.

In the midst of the skirmish, Sakura stood unwavering beside Tazuna, her green eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. Despite the chaos unfolding around them, she remained composed, her medical training complementing her combat skills. With practiced efficiency, she guarded Tazuna against any potential threats, ready to intervene with precise strikes or medical aid as needed.

Together, Team 7 demonstrated seamless coordination and unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. Kakashi and Sasuke's synchronized efforts neutralized Gato's underlings swiftly and decisively, ensuring Tazuna's family remained unharmed. Sakura's vigilance and expertise provided crucial support, safeguarding Tazuna and maintaining stability amidst the chaos.

As the last of Gato's underlings were subdued, a brief moment of calm settled over Tazuna's home. Kakashi's gaze swept the surroundings, ensuring no further threats lingered, while Sasuke stood alert, ready to defend against any potential resurgence. Sakura offered a reassuring nod to Tazuna, silently conveying that they were safe under Team 7's watchful protection.

In the aftermath of the skirmish, Tazuna's gratitude was palpable as he expressed his heartfelt thanks to Team 7. Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura, though weary from the battle, shared a brief moment of relief before turning their attention back to the ongoing conflict elsewhere in the village.

 Earth Dragon Subduing Palm and Smashing Fist appeareance

In the heart of the Land of Waves, amidst the tumultuous clash of wills and chakra, Naruto Uzumaki stood firm against the formidable duo of Zabuza Momochi and Haku. The air crackled with tension as Naruto, adorned in his new attire and armed with his resolved determination, faced off against the deadly pair.

Zabuza, wielding his massive executioner's blade, lurked like a shadow, his eyes cold and calculating. Beside him, Haku moved with graceful agility, his hands poised in a series of intricate seals that promised swift and deadly jutsu. The moonlight glinted off the surface of the water nearby, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield, where every movement could mean life or death.

Naruto took a deep breath, centering himself amidst the chaos. He could feel the pulsating energy of the Earth Dragon Subduing Palm and the raw power of the Smashing Fist coursing through his veins. With a primal roar, he lunged forward, his movements fluid and precise, aiming to disrupt their synergy.

Zabuza, ever the tactician, anticipated Naruto's attack and swung his blade with lethal intent. The massive weapon cleaved through the air, aiming to catch Naruto off guard. With a burst of speed, Naruto sidestepped the blade, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow. In response, he unleashed the Earth Dragon Subduing Palm, channeling chakra into his palms to create a dense, swirling vortex of earth and wind.

The technique erupted from Naruto's hands in a whirlwind of force, slamming into Zabuza with stunning impact. The ground trembled beneath them as the earth dragon roared, its massive form surging forward to ensnare Zabuza in its grip. Zabuza gritted his teeth against the force of the attack, his muscles straining as he fought to break free from the earth's grasp.

Meanwhile, Haku, ever vigilant, seized the opportunity presented by Naruto's distraction. With a fluid motion, he weaved through the chaos, his movements almost dance-like in their grace. Water gathered around Haku's hands as he unleashed a torrential assault, aiming to overwhelm Naruto from multiple angles.

Naruto's senses heightened with adrenaline as he sensed the impending danger. Drawing upon the Smashing Fist technique, he focused his chakra into his fists, channeling the energy into a devastating force. With a resounding cry, Naruto unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike enhanced by the power of earth and wind.

The Smashing Fist shattered the water attacks with explosive force, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. Naruto's fists connected with Haku's defensive maneuvers, cracking the ice mirrors and disrupting the flow of water. Haku staggered back, momentarily thrown off balance by Naruto's relentless assault.

As the battle raged on, Naruto's strategy became clear. He alternated between offensive bursts and defensive maneuvers, using the Earth Dragon Subduing Palm to control the battlefield while employing the Smashing Fist to counter Haku's fluid and evasive tactics. His movements were a symphony of martial prowess and strategic thinking, each technique honed through years of training and tempered by the crucible of combat.

Zabuza, recognizing Naruto's growing prowess, intensified his own attacks. The air around them hummed with tension as blades clashed and jutsu collided. Naruto's determination burned brightly, fueled by the memory of his comrades and the villagers who placed their trust in him.

With each passing moment, Naruto's confidence grew. He could feel the rhythm of the battle, anticipating Zabuza and Haku's movements with uncanny precision. The Earth Dragon Subduing Palm and Smashing Fist techniques melded seamlessly, creating a formidable arsenal that pushed his limits to new heights.

Through gritted teeth and a steely gaze, Naruto fought on, his spirit unyielding against the onslaught. The clash of wills echoed across the Land of Waves, a testament to the bonds forged through adversity and the strength found in facing one's fears head-on.

As the battle reached its crescendo, Naruto's relentless assault began to wear down his adversaries. Zabuza, his stoic facade cracking under the pressure, grunted with exertion as he struggled against the earth dragon's grasp. Haku, ever composed but visibly taxed, countered Naruto's strikes with calculated precision.

In a final, decisive moment, Naruto gathered his remaining strength. With a thunderous roar, he unleashed a culmination of his techniques—Earth Dragon Subduing Palm and Smashing Fist merged into a singular, devastating blow. The ground beneath them shook violently as the combined force surged forward, overwhelming Zabuza and Haku in a dazzling display of power and resolve.

Silence descended upon the battlefield as the dust settled. Naruto stood amidst the aftermath, his chest heaving with exertion but his spirit undaunted. Zabuza and Haku, though battered and defeated, regarded Naruto with a mixture of begrudging respect and acknowledgment.

"You've grown stronger, Naruto Uzumaki," Zabuza grunted, his voice rough but tinged with a hint of admiration.

Haku, ever the calm presence, nodded in agreement. "Indeed," he murmured softly, his eyes reflecting a newfound understanding.

Naruto, breathing heavily but wearing a triumphant smile, extended a hand in a gesture of peace. "Let's end this, together," he offered, bridging the gap between former adversaries with a promise of cooperation.