

  Chapter 223: In order to protect myself, I had to use all my strength.

  After half a year, Xiao Yan had thought about what it would be like to meet Lin Xiu again.

  Since he stepped out of Wutan City, this was the first time he met someone who could crush him in all aspects.


  When Xiao Yan really saw Lin Xiu, he still couldn't keep his heart calm.

  Stepping on the void!

  What this means, Xiao Yan knows very well in his heart.

  It's only been half a year, and the senior has actually been promoted to Dou Zong. Is there really no bottleneck for him in cultivation?

  "Dou Zong?!"

  Looking at him, Yao Chen also let out a low cry, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

  "What's wrong? Such a young Dou Zong is indeed a bit outstanding, but for you, it's not a rare thing."

  Feng Zun looked strange. He knew the identity of his old friend. He came from the same place as himself, and there was no shortage of talented younger generations in the clan.

  Dou Zong in his early twenties is not worth being so surprised.

  "It's different. I remember that he seemed to be an eight-star Dou Huang half a year ago."

  Yao Lao shook his head slightly.

  "Break through Dou Zong in half a year?"

  Hearing this, Feng Zun was a little unsettled.

  The difference between Dou Huang and Dou Zong is not the Dou Qi energy, but the cognition and perception of space. Only by touching the perception of space can one seize the opportunity and truly be promoted to Dou Zong.

  It took only half a year to complete the leap. In terms of talent and understanding, he is definitely not weak. After

  most of the energy was sucked away, the huge pressure on Yunlan Mountain was suddenly relieved a lot. The people who were lying on the ground were gradually able to stand up.

  The survivors looked around and looked at the devastation, and couldn't help but feel grateful for surviving the disaster.

  "Outrageous, it's too outrageous."

  Hai Bodong kept smacking his lips. He never thought that Lin Xiu could actually defeat them.

  "To be able to defeat those three people head-on, the fighting skills Lin Xiu used must be at least high-level earth-level."

  Jia Xingtian looked reminiscent, as if he was still recalling the battle just now. "Low-level earth-level fighting skills can only be heard once in a while. I didn't expect to see high-level earth-level fighting skills in this life."

  The void was broken into such a large area, and the Dou Qi required must be extremely huge.

  It is really worthy of being a high-level earth-level fighting skill. I am afraid that even if I learn this kind of fighting skill, I probably can't use it.

  "I just seemed to hear Xiao Yan's voice. Did you hear it?"

  Fa Ma was very old and was not particularly confident in his hearing, especially after experiencing such a terrifying energy bombardment.

  "Xiao Yan?"

  Hai Bodong was startled, turned his head to search, and when he saw a figure, his eyes lit up, "You heard it right, he did come back, but it was a little late."

  When the energy was slightly reduced, Xiao Yan couldn't wait to activate his Dou Qi wings and approached.


  He waved his hands excitedly.

  "Didn't you go to Zhongzhou? Why are you back again?"

  Lin Xiu nodded slightly in response.

  "My teacher and I went to Zhongzhou. Later, I was worried that the death of the guardian Wu would attract the people of the Soul Palace, so I invited Feng Zun to come here specially. My father was captured by the Soul Palace and his whereabouts are unknown. I want to find some information from the people of the Soul Palace."

  Xiao Yan introduced Feng Zun to Lin Xiu.

  A real Dou Zun!

  He clasped his fists and saluted. Lin Xiu's eyes flashed with a touch of heat. If he could fight with him, wouldn't he be able to gain a lot of Dou skill experience and many attribute points?

  Although this was what he was thinking, Lin Xiu did not say it out loud.

  How could Dou Zun give him instructions if he was not related to him? What if he took the initiative to ask for advice? What if the other party misunderstood it as a provocation?

  Xiao Yan asked, "Senior, I saw black fog just now. Where are the people from Soul Palace?"

  He did not hide the expectation on his face.

  "All dead."

  Lin Xiu sighed, "You are a step late. This time, there are three people from Soul Palace. Each of them is as strong as the guardian Wu. In order to protect myself, I had to use all my strength." "

  Ah? All dead?"

  Hearing this, Xiao Yan's face turned pale and he staggered.   

  The people of the Soul Palace are very good at hiding. Unless they show up on their own initiative, it is very difficult to find them.

  Thinking of the broken clues to find his father, he felt sad and emotional.

  Using all his strength can kill three Dou Zongs?

  Yao Chen, who followed him, couldn't help but show a bit of a strange look. He was only a one-star Dou Zong. Didn't this kid think there was something wrong with his words?

  Lin Xiu patted Xiao Yan's shoulder, looked at his desperate face, and said nothing.

  Falling to the ground, Luo Yantian, Mulan and the other three elders rolled and crawled, kneeling in front of him, begging for mercy, and reviewing their sins.

  "There is no regret medicine in the world. If I had known this would happen, why did

  I do it in the first place." Lin Xiu shook his head, and his figure turned into a shadow when the voice came out.

  These people still wanted to resist, but they had consumed a lot of energy to resist the energy aftermath emitted by the high-level earth-level fighting skills before, and the gap between them and Lin Xiu.

  All these people were killed.

  After doing all this, Lin Xiu walked towards Zi Yan, glanced at her and paused slightly, "Who is this?"

  Looking at the strange and beautiful woman next to Yun Yun, he had some guesses in his mind, and then Yun Yun's words confirmed it.

  "Do you have anything to pack? I'm going to leave for Zhongzhou."

  He looked at Yun Yun.

  If the death of one Wu guardian brought some warnings to Lin Xiu.

  Then the death of three more guardians was equivalent to ringing a warning bell for him.

  With this frequency of death, Lin Xiu dared not guarantee whether the next person to return to the Soul Hall would be a Dou Zun.

  Anyway, with his current situation, escaping should not be a big problem, but it

  would be very difficult to win. The higher the strength, the greater the gap between each level.

  In addition, after being promoted to Dou Zong, his Yuanqiao of Guiyuan Jue needs to replace a batch of seventh-level magic cores, and seventh-level magic beasts are rare in the Jia Ma Empire.

  "I don't have anything to bring."

  Yun Yun had already made preparations. Now almost all the disciples of Yunlan Sect have been dismissed.

  And some skills, fighting skills, and this kind of sect heritage, she also stored them on her body early. What

  's more, how can the current Yunlan Sect still look like Yunlan Sect?

  Looking over the ruins, Yun Yun felt heartbroken but had no other options.

  Nalan Yanran knew that Yun Yun was going to Zhongzhou, and without any hesitation, she decided to follow him.

  After that, when she saw Xiao Yan coming, Nalan Yanran argued with him.

  Enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, and the argument between the two became more intense.

  "Xiao Yan, I think there might be someone who can help you."

  He gave Yun Yun a look, and when she pulled Nalan Yanran away, Lin Xiu also put his arm around Xiao Yan's shoulder and walked to the other side.

  "Senior, tell me, who is it? Tell me quickly."

  For Xiao Yan, the biggest problem at the moment was where his father was.

  "Han Feng."

  Lin Xiu said.

  "Didn't you kill him?"

  Xiao Yan was stunned.

  "No, Han Feng was on the verge of death that day and was taken away by Xuan Guardian. This time, Xuan Guardian used all kinds of means, and I didn't detect Han Feng's breath. In addition, he is a sixth-grade alchemist, and the Soul Palace should not kill him. If Han Feng is alive, he may be in the Black Horn Region now."

  Lin Xiu was not sure whether Han Feng would continue to appear according to the content of the book, so he spoke vaguely.

  But even so, it was enough for Xiao Yan. What he lacked was a clue.

  "Thank you, senior. I will go to the Black Horn Region to look for it now."

  Xiao Yan was a little impatient. Before leaving, he invited Lin Xiu to visit Xingyun Pavilion after he went to Zhongzhou, and he would take him to visit the Four Pavilions Conference.

  Not long after, Lin Xiu was also ready to leave, and at this time, Xiao Yixian woke up slowly.