

  Chapter 188: Guardian of Canaan Academy

  When these words came out, Lin Xiu was stunned.

  Has the situation become so bad? !

  He never expected that he would end up paying Su Qian for it just because he wanted to deal with Han Feng on a whim.

  This result was not what Lin Xiu wanted to see anyway.

  After all.

  He knew very well how Su Qian treated him.

  When Su Qian was attacked by the heart fire before, he almost emptied the medicine storehouse accumulated by the academy for many years as the elder.

  So many medicinal materials, just to save himself.

  And this time, for his own sake, he even decided to give up his life.

  People are not plants.

  At this moment, Lin Xiu felt that his heart was hit hard by someone, and it was painful.

  After traveling through the Douqi Continent for several years, he felt the warmth of being cared for for the first time.

  "Great Elder, I can't leave you behind."

  Lin Xiu shook his head firmly. He still had the fighting power. Although he couldn't directly cause harm to the Xuan Protector, it should be no problem to interfere and assist Su Qian.

  "Don't make trouble. Now is not the time to be willful."

  Su Qian's face sank.

  Without waiting for Lin Xiu to continue speaking, Su Qian pushed him out with a palm.

  Then, Su Qian made a virtual move with both hands, and his fighting spirit quickly condensed, colliding with the attack from Xuan Protector.


  Su Qian retreated seven or eight meters, smashing a three-story restaurant.


  Su Qian roared when he saw that Lin Xiu did not move.

  In the black fog, the chains rustled.

  "Hehehe... Old man, you can't take care of yourself, and you still have the mind to care about others."

  Xuan Protector threw out two chains again.

  Not far away, Medusa glanced over here, but she was entangled by Wu Protector and had no chance to get out and help for a while.

  The two chains hit Su Qian accurately and knocked him away again.


  The corners of Su Qian's mouth overflowed with bright red blood, and the black on his face became more and more intense.

  On the one hand, he had to suppress the fierce power in his body, and on the other hand, he had to guard against the attack of his Dou Zong opponent.

  At this moment, Su Qian was very uncomfortable.

  "Let him die. He is just an old man. As long as Lin Xiu can be saved, it won't take long for him to become a Dou Zong and take over my position to protect Canaan College. He may even achieve higher achievements than me in the future."

  Su Qian's expression was calm as the thought flashed through his mind.


  the world became heavy for no reason, as if it was covered by a huge force, and it became difficult to breathe.

  "Su Qian, you are a bit embarrassed to be the elder. You can't even save your own life."

  A vicissitudes of life voice came slowly.

  I saw that the void was twisted around Su Qian, revealing a gray-robed figure.

  He just slapped his palm casually, and the void shook violently, cracking a dark crack.

  The black chain that shot over sank directly into the crack.

  "Elder Qian?"

  Su Qian was stunned when he saw the person coming.

  He actually scared this person out.


  The four elders were also stunned when they saw the gray-robed man.

  Under normal circumstances, the guardian of the college will not show up easily, unless the college encounters a catastrophic disaster, it will appear.

  Like the last time Han Feng led the team to attack the college.

  The guardian never appeared.

  "You two stink bugs dare to bully my Canaan Academy, do you think there is no one in my academy?!"

  The gray-robed man's eyes were like lightning, shooting at the black mist of Xuan Guardian, like a shock wave.

  The black mist shook, the color dissipated a lot, and a human figure was faintly revealed.


  Seeing this scene, the Wu Guardian left without hesitation.

  "Boy, you are lucky."

  Xuan Guardian glanced at Lin Xiu, and his figure flashed to Han Feng, who was only a head.   

  A hand reached out from the black fog and grabbed the head. A translucent soul emerged, and Han Feng's facial features could be vaguely seen on it.

  "The soul of a sixth-grade alchemist is also enough to deal with the punishment of the Lord of the Palace."

  Xuan Guardian said inwardly, and then he sensed the flame inside, and his eyes lit up, "There is also a strange fire, good! Very good! This time I am not only innocent, but also meritorious! Hehehe..."

  The black fog shrank and covered Han Feng's soul, preparing to wrap it up.

  At this time, Lin Xiu suddenly pinched the seal and pointed at Han Feng's soul.

  "Flame Soul Separation Technique!"

  A low shout sounded, and an invisible energy wave entangled Han Feng's soul.

  His facial features were distorted, as if he was suffering from some kind of pain.

  Then, a wisp of light blue flame broke free from his soul.

  Lin Xiu, who had horns and was made of flames, pounced on him and was wrapped in flames, and flashed back to Lin Xiu's side.

  "Little bastard! You deserve to die!"

  Xuan Guardian had never seen such a method, and was stunned for a while before coming back to his senses.

  But in just a split second, Han Feng's Sea Heart Flame had been taken away, leaving only a soul.

  Elder Qian stood beside Lin Xiu.

  Seeing this scene, the black fog rolled a few times and quickly left towards the sky.

  "Little guy, you are quite courageous. You dare to snatch the strange fire in front of Dou Zong. I'm not afraid that he will be desperate."

  Without chasing, Qianmu turned his head to look at Lin Xiu, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

  Cultivation is about resources and opportunities. Many times, talent is only a person's lower limit, but how high the upper limit is depends on how courageous you are.

  If you don't dare to fight for some opportunities in front of you, you will have limited future achievements even if you have talent.

  "In front of Elder Qian, what do I have to worry about?"

  Lin Xiu smiled honestly, clasped his fists to him, and then flashed to Su Qian's side.

  "Great Elder, how are you injured?"

  He looked concerned.

  "Just take a rest for a while. But you, kid, didn't you see what happened just now? I told you to run, but you kept hesitating. Do you want to see me die in front of you?!"

  Looking at Lin Xiu, Su Qian was furious. He raised his hand high, and when it fell on Lin Xiu's head, his strength was only one tenth of what it was.

  "Next time you encounter something like this, don't hesitate. Remember, if you have a green mountain, you will not be afraid of a lack of firewood. You can't let other people's sacrifices be worthless."

  With a sigh, Su Qian said earnestly.

  "Don't worry, elder. I promise that such a thing will not happen again in the future."

  Lin Xiu looked very serious.

  Unless you can predict the enemy's moves, who can guarantee that you will not be ambushed?

  Su Qian didn't say much, just shook his head slightly.

  "Elder Qian."

  Seeing the gray-robed man approaching, Su Qian's eyes suddenly became resentful, and his whole body exuded resentment.

  Since he took over the position of elder, these old guys have become hands-off shopkeepers one by one.

  In such a large academy, they are basically nowhere to be seen.

  "Ahem... nothing, let's go back to the academy first."

  Qianmu wanted to teach Su Qian a lesson, but seeing his expression, he swallowed the words that were on his lips. After

  years of seclusion, he finally found hope of breaking through to Dou Zun.

  If he said a few words to Su Qian, and this kid quit, he would be in trouble.

  "Elder Qian, Great Elder, you go first, I'll take care of something and come right over."

  Lin Xiu glanced at the beautiful figure standing alone on the eaves in the distance.

  The faint moonlight cast a silver glow, covering the curvy body.

  The purple dress swayed in the wind, and the hair fluttered.

  There were fiery eyes all around, trying to see Medusa's face clearly.

  But they were pricked by the needle-like aura she exuded, and they dared not look directly at her, but just looked around secretly.

  "Boy, you are not young anymore. If you take her down, you can save a few years of detours."

  Qianmu winked.


  Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment.

  "Don't pay attention to him. Deal with it as soon as possible. We'll walk slowly and wait for you."

  Su Qian said, and took the elders, Han Yue and others with him, and followed Qian Lao away, "Return to the academy."