
Quintessential Requime

UngodlyOne · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs



[Level Of Proficiency]

H  G  F  E  D  C  B  A  S  SS  SSS - SSR  EX

[Grades Of Power]

Lesser  Intermediate  Advance  Great  Grand  Superior  Supreme  Peerless  Absolute  Omni

[Types Of Power]

Developmental skills

- These are skills are born from one's own experience.

Innate skills

- Skills that came from one's origin, preferably bloodline.

Special skills

- Skills that had touch upon the laws and concepts of the world.

Unique skills

- Skills that had touch upon the laws and concepts of the universe.

Ultimate skills

- Skills that had touch upon the laws and concepts of the reality.

Source Origin skills

- Skills that had touch upon the working of the natural order of existence.