

Everyone has a dirty secret; Sato is no different. Sato Ichiko, raised by an abusive foster father, is obsessed with torturing insects. When he was young, he would spend hours capturing insects and subjecting them to various forms of cruelty. This sadistic behavior gave him a sense of power and control, allowing him to momentarily escape the pain of his traumatic upbringing. As he grew older, Sato's fascination with inflicting suffering on bugs evolved into a twisted hobby, fueling his dark desires and serving as a disturbing outlet for his pent-up anger and resentment. When he entered high school, it was no surprise that his classmates picked on him, especially four bullies at his school: Auto, the captain of the football team; Mika, the popular cheerleader; Ren, the class clown; and Hiro, the intimidating school gang leader. They saw Sato as an easy target due to his introverted nature and strange interests. Little did they know that their relentless torment only fueled his sadistic tendencies further, pushing him closer to the edge of his sanity. When the summer semester started, Sato preferred to attempt his new experiments on his tormentors rather than his insects.

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2 Chs


The fly flies in a flock as it makes an escape. A lengthy screw nail, however, binds its lower body. The nail keeps it from moving, even though it tries to free itself. As the fly draws its last breath and flaps its wings a few more times, Sato carefully drives its nail into the insect.

The young man placed the nail on each body and dismembered them one by one after removing the nail because its fly was half-dead.

This was Sato's calmest moment. In these moments, Sato felt a strange sense of tranquility as he carried out his meticulous and methodical dismemberment of the flies. The repetitive and precise nature of his actions provided him with a rare sense of peace, as if he had found solace in the act of dismantling these small creatures.

As Sato was about to slowly behead its fly, a ruler hit his desk with a loud smash, which caused Sato to sit up straight, waking up to reality.

His classmates giggled and whispered at the sight of Sato and their English teacher, Mr. Moto. Mr. Moto stood at the front of the classroom, his stern gaze fixed on Sato. The sudden interruption had shattered the tranquility that Sato had momentarily found, leaving him feeling exposed and embarrassed in front of his peers.

"Would you mind telling us what you've been up to, Mr. Ichiko?" Mr. Moto asked. "Your eyes were only fixed on your desk and not on the broad."

Sato felt the bungling of his cheeks. He remains silent, as he does not know how to explain his current self-pleasure, not only to Mr. Moto but to the whole class.


A student named Mika screamed, breaking the stillness by pointing towards Sato's desk with her finger. Mika was the most popular in class and the head cheerleader. "Oh my God, a dead bug is on his desk!" She groaned.

Sato's embarrassment deepened as he realized that not only had he been caught daydreaming, but they had also noticed a dead bug on his desk. The class erupted in laughter, and others sneaked in disgust, making him feel even more humiliated.

"Oh look! Sato is dissecting a fly this time!" A boy named Roy laughs. "Mr. Moto, maybe we should call the exterminator, because their bugs are laying around for Sato to collect!"

Ren's quip caused a fit of laughter among the entire class. When it comes to Sato in particular, Ren is the class clown since he usually causes a scene and has a way of making people laugh.

"Let me check." Mr. Moto said this before he walked over to Sato's desk, only to find the fly's dismembered body parts scattered on his table.

"You did this?" He groaned. "Good god, why would you spend all your time on this?"

Sato's face turned red with shame as Mr. Moto examined the gruesome scene on his desk. The dismembered body parts of the fly were evidence of Sato's bizarre and disturbing preoccupation. The laughter in the classroom grew louder, intensifying his humiliation.

"Mr. Moto! Can you please send Sato to the principal's office?" Mika asked, raising her hand. "It's so clear he wasn't paying attention to your lessons and was busy torturing a poor bug."

Mr. Moto sighed, his disappointment evident in his eyes as he nodded in agreement with Mika's request.

"Sato, please go to the principal's office immediately," he said sternly, hoping this would serve as a wake-up call for the troubled student.

The classroom fell silent as Sato sheepishly gathered his belongings and made his way out of the room, feeling the weight of his actions and the consequences they had brought upon him.

"I'll be taking Sato to the principal's office," Haru said. "I won't let him wander around school grounds collecting insects like last time."

Haru is the class present. He ensures everyone in class is following the rules and maintains discipline. Taking charge of the situation, Haru guided Sato towards the principal's office, determined to prevent any further disruptions to their learning environment.

"Alright, Haru, you can take him." Mr. Moto agreed, then opened his English text book. "Alright, everyone, where were we?"

As the class process began, Ren called out. "Hey, Sato, are you Team Rocket? Because you seem to be collecting bugs like Pokemon!" The class erupted in laughter, lightening the tense atmosphere. Haru gave Ren a grateful smile for diffusing the situation and refocusing everyone's attention on their studies.

Sato and Haru walked along the hallway towards the principal's office. As time flies, Sato accidentally trips and grabs Haru by the arm. Disgusted, Haru pushes Sato aside, giving him a sore eye.

"Get your dirty hands off of me. Your fucking disgusting."

Sato winced in pain but quickly regained his composure. Realizing the severity of his actions, he apologized sincerely to Haru for his clumsiness and inappropriate behavior. Haru, still visibly upset, accepted the apology but made it clear that such actions were unacceptable and should never happen again.

Haru was the one and only friend Sato had ever had. They have known each other since they were children and have always been there for each other. Haru was the new school president and had a reputation for being fair and just.

Sato had been bullied for several reasons throughout his school years, and Haru was always there to support him and stand up against the bullies. Sato admired Haru's strength and determination, and their friendship meant the world to him. However, Sato couldn't help but feel guilty for putting their friendship at risk with his recent actions.

Once they were in the reception, they met Auto sitting on one of the waiting branches. Auto is the captain of the football team and Sato's tormentor, as he always picks on him during lunch.

Sato's heart sank as he saw Auto sitting there, a knot forming in his stomach. He couldn't help but feel a surge of anger and frustration, but he reminded himself to stay calm and composed. Haru, sensing Sato's unease, stood by his side as a silent source of support.