
Quick Transmigration: Perpetual Reincarnation

System: Host, what is that thing anchored at the docks? Ogden: A tai fighter? System: …This is a magic world where did you find a tai fighter?! Ogden: I built it because I was bored? — System: Host, what is that sword in your hand? Ogden: Caladbolg, the Legendary Sword of Heroes? System: This is an advanced scientific world, where did the magical sword of heroes popped out from!? Ogden: ... I forged it? — A journey without destination can not be called a journey but can the same be told about life? What if one day you found that even if you die you reincarnate with your memories intact. Since there is no end in sight can what you go through be even called living? Of course, Ogden didn't care about these kinds of meaningless questions... well maybe he cared a little. Join our server to get update notifications and I don't know, maybe to talk with me? https://discord.gg/fHupsYh

Kasaix · Kỳ huyễn
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57 Chs

The Dead Frontier (7)

As they got closer to the wall they could see countless zombie corpses sprawled all around them. What's more, they could even hear some growls and snarls, meaning there were still alive zombies around here.

Glen grabbed his fire iron tightly.

If possible he wanted to grab his pistol then and there. He wanted to shoot all these zombies on the head. Only then he would feel safer.

"Okay kid, how do we get inside?" Glen whispered to Ezekiel.

It was not like they could bust through the front gates when there were, presumably, hundreds of zombies inside the town. If they accidentally drew their attention, things could get messy real fast.

"Uhm, there was a loose log in the wall. I used it to leave the town when I wanted to go out foraging. Maybe we can sneak through there?" Ezekiel said after hesitating a little.

"Listen to me carefully now. When you are doing something you can never hesitate. If it's something you are hesitating about, don't do it in the first place. You have to be decisive. So tell me, confidently this time, how do we get inside?"

"But what if it goes wrong? What if I get us killed?" Ezekiel asked with a shaking voice.

Seeing him like this Glen couldn't help but laugh inside. If it was any other boy his age. They would already be leading the way after getting validation from a legendary figure like himself.

... Was that too pretentious? Anyway, even if he was not a legendary figure he was definitely infamous so they would feel encouraged.

I mean imagine someone like Elon M*sk giving you financial advice. Wouldn't a hot-blooded young man at least take the chance and try it?

This boy, on the other hand, still looked at things negatively. He was either very careful and didn't leave things to chance... or he was a coward. Anyway, Glen liked a personality like this. Even if he was a coward he would live a long time in this apocalypse, as long as he managed to weather through the storm that is.

"Then we would die and that's it. No one can live for eternity anyway. So tell me, how do we get inside?"

Now any other man in Glen's position would try to encourage the kid. But not him. He couldn't just say everything would be fine. Because the world was a shitty place. The faster he faced these truths the better chance he had for surviving.

And, especially in a time like this, death was all too common. He needed to get used to that... why the heck was he trying to teach this smelly brat anyway? Glen was just giving advice so it was up to the kid if he wanted to take it or not.

"Then we will go right from here and then push the thirteenth log from the main gate. After it loosens we can pass through the gap and come across Old Hank's house"

Glen pulled up his green scarf to cover his face. It was a sort of ritual he picked up from his stepfather. Well, technically it wasn't his stepfather but Glen treated him as such. He also believed that man treated him like his own son, so it was fine.

Ezekiel steadily lead the way and they finally arrived at the log he was talking about but there was a problem. The log was already ajar and it was big enough that even a grown man like Glen could easily pass through it. Not to mention the zombies.

Glen pulled out his navy out of its holster. He didn't give a rat's *ss about not making noise anymore. The whole point of being stealthy was to pass through without alerting zombies.

Still, that didn't mean he would intentionally make things harder for himself if it concerned his own life.


Glen could hear some noise behind the wall. There were definitely zombies back there. The question was how to get inside without being bitten or scratched. Actually, he was still doubtful about the scratching part but he was not willing to risk his life for a chance.

He made sure his brown duster was covering his body fully and tightened the leather gloves on his hands. With the green scarf covering his face and his cowboy hat, he looked like a full-blown outlaw. Hopefully, there were no other survivors inside the settlements he didn't want to deal with saving them.

I mean sure, helping others was a good thing but that also meant he would have to share his supplies which he didn't really want. Was he selfish? Possibly. Did he care? No.

As he slowly made his way towards the gap, Glen focused on his ears. He couldn't see the zombie. But he could hea-



As soon as Glen passed through the gap he looked towards the left where he last heard the noise from. Unfortunately for him, a zombie tackled him from his blindside. In the scuffle, he had even dropped his gun!

Glen was keeping the zombie back with his fire iron. But its face was inches away from his. He could even smell its rotten breath.

He had the urge to scream for help but he knew that the moment he made any kind of noise it would spell his own doom.

Glen kicked the zombie with all his might and tried to break away. The keyword here being try.

Due to his awkward position, his kick didn't have enough strength to push away the zombie.

He couldn't see any way out of this situation. Maybe he should risk getting bitt-


The zombie was hit on the head by... a plank? There was also a nail on it which directly stuck to the zombies head.

"Sir, are you okay?" Ezekiel asked after kicking the zombie's corpse away from Glen.

"*Huff* *Huff* ... nailed it" Upon hearing Glen's lame joke Ezekiel looked at him blankly.

Seeing that Glen felt awkward and got up to dust off his pants.

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