
My life really sucked

My name is Alex Benjamin I'm a 26 year old bum who does nothing but watch anime and play video games. Don't get me wrong I might be a bum but I'm not the stereotypical bum.

I'm not fat nor do I live in anyone else's house. Well my parent's do pay my apartment's rent I can't possibly be able to do that.

Anyway as I was saying Im not the stereotypical bum but that didn't mean I wasn't a bum and leached of my parent's.

Today I wanted to change that. I wanted to stop leeching of my parent's and get a job because honestly speaking I kinda hate myself for it.

It's 12:00 pm and I get ready for my interview. I wear my nicest clothes. Use my best perfume and head outside.

You might be wondering what job I got. Well when I was younger I was actually into engineering so I tought I could maybe use the skills I learnt when I was younger.

I arrive at the building nervous. 'Ok calm down now Alex it's just a interview nothing big.' Trying to calm myself is literally the worst thing I can do.

'This will get me nowhere.'

I enter the building taking a big breath and put up my most confident face.

__________________Two hours later___________________

"I'm sorry Mr Alex we cant have a person without a degree to work in -insert bigshot company name-." The guy tells me with the most unapologetic face ever

'I mean he could've tried to do be apologetic.' With a sigh I get up and leave the building.

The walk home is very depressing as it starts to rain.

'Wasn't there only a 2% chance of rain.' I am about halfway to the apartment.

I cross the zebra crossing halfway through crossing it

I see a giant truck honking at me as it's come full speed at me

'Fuck Fuck move.' My body couldn't move for some reason my body just froze in it's place.

Bracing for impact I close my eyes.


The truck rams into me full force. I feel like every bone in my body is being shattered into pieces as I fall into the ground.

"Ahhhhhhh help there's an accident."

"Someone call 911."

"Call an ambulance immediately."

I hear the noise around me. 'Atleast I finally get noticed in life.' I laugh to myself. This was really my first time I got this much attention.

I wake up in a dark place. I can't hear anything, I cant move nor speak.

'Where am I?'

After a few minutes of just floating around nowhere I finally hear someone.

"Hello child it's good to meet you."

"Am I dead?" Suprisingly I could talk I ignore his greetings because I really wanted to know if I had just wasted my whole life.

"Well that's very rude of you child, but yes you are dead."

"So that means your God."

"Well I wouldn't say that, I am what you humans call the Grim Reaper."

"Huh I expected you to be all angry and filled with rage."

"Oh child you're kind doesn't know about me one bit."

"Anyway why am I even here I mean shouldn't I be like infront of God and be judged?"

"Well yes thay is what usually happend but I have a preposition for you."

"Fine tell me about it."

"Well you see your death has deeply saddened me you were just getting back o-" I cut him off before he could continue.

"You the Grim Reaper are sympathetic. That is the biggest bullshit I've heard since it was revealed that kaguya was the final villain in Naruto."

"That is quite rude child, but as I said I'm not as bad as you people think I am."

"Anyway as I was saying the death of you had saddened me so I want to give you another chance at life a-" I cut him off again.

"Wait won't God be unhappy of you doing that?"

"Child please stop interrupting me. To answer your question he will only if I let you do everything and anything you want. Anyway as I was saying you can either choose the world you live in or get any two abilities that I show you the one you don't choose will be randomized."

"That's actually pretty reasonable."

I think about it. 'Getting to choose the world is good but the abilities being randomized will definetly give me something stupid, but what if all the abilitied are stupid.'

After a few minutes of thinking to myself. I knew what I would choose.

"Well Mr Grim Reaper I accept your Preposistion and I would like to choose the two abilities."

"Well that's wonderful. I'll show you the abilities.

After a few seconds of waiting I see 8 diffrent abilities infront of me.

1 Pyrokinesis:- User will be able to control and release fire. Mid level

2 Wind control:- User can control all air around him. Mid Level

3 Immoratality :- User is Immortal but needs live sacrafices every month. High Level

4 System :- User has the quest like system from hit manhwa Quest supremecy, the rewards will be changed according to the world but the user will get difficult quests. High Level

5 Charm :- User is extremely attractive to all females around him. Low Level

6 Master learner :- User is able to learn 10 things masterfully. Mid Level

7 Basic knowledge:- User can speak all languages in the world he resides in. Low level

8 Levitaion :- User can levitate for 15 seconds. Low level

"You can only take Low level if you choose a high level ability or you can have two Mid Level abilities." Man thilere goes my hopes of taking all the op abilities anyway onto thinking.

I immediately take out Levetaion Pyrokinesis and Wind control. This is because if I was sent to the world of Dragon Ball Z They would basically be useless.

Next to go was Immortality because It can be a double edged sword because if I am born in like Naruto it would be no problem with a sacrafice but in walking dead it would be stupidly hard.

Master learnes and Charm where next to go as Charm would be useless in world's with op guys.

Master learnes was good but only 10 things was a bit low.

That only left two as I knew System would be op in all worlds as it will be changed plus he knows how the system will work as I have read about 18 chapters of it.

All in all it took me about 5 minutes total to know which abilities I would get.

I look up to the Grim Reaper and tell him with a smile

"I would like system and Basic knowledge."

"Well those two are very wonderfull choices. Now it's time for you to reincarnate and don't worry I will get you a handsome body."

"Wait you won't tell me which world I go to?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

Without being able to do anything else my eyes? soul? close and I lose consciousness.

Man this was hard but I hope you like it. If you do you can give me a vote

Thanks and Bye

Sub_Sonicccreators' thoughts