
Quest Maker of Soul Land

Willingly dying at the hands of his only teacher to repay all his debt, Jason simultaneously plans his reincarnation and finds himself in the body of an 'evil' cultivator named Ja Sun wanted by one of the three strongest power of the Douluo Continent— Spirit Hall. But hope isn't lost. His trait from his previous life never left his side and now he will make missions in the Douluo Continent and live another life, this time, a life not owed to anybody. *** Note: I do not own the cover art. Timeline: The events of this fanfics take place eleven years before the start of the main novel. Of course, I do not own the Douluo Dalu universe. Since I am writing about the timeline never covered in the major timeline to completion, many things may be a part of the fanfiction but not mentioned in canon. *** Ps: After seeing a few complaints, I realized to add two warnings. The mc is definitely a trained fighter and not innocent since he can kill but he doesn't go around killing that much even when others love to do it. I know, it's strange since it's a cn novel but honestly we have enough men who love to cut roots. And, the character of the individuals from main novel will be slightly AU. For instance, Xiao Wu would only hug and keep chirping Ge, Ge. (Spoilers) The fem mc and others, well, I tried to put more personality, make their tongues sharper but it turned out AU. I accept that and realized that it needed to be mentioned, too. Hope you all enjoy the fanfic. *** Read 60 advance chapters and support the novel @ Patre on.com/Fanharem

FanHarem · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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383 Chs

Beast God's Persuasion

Ja Sun, Ja Yin, Violet, and Zi Ji finally reached a particular region. It was another lake. In the Spirit Dou Great Forest, lakes and ponds are considered quite lucrative and thus, are occupied by the strongest in the region. This particular lake was protected by... five 100000-year-old beasts technically.

Zi Ji had always wanted to bring back Bi Ji and the moment the violet-haired Abyss Demon Dragon laid her eyes on the elegant-looking green-haired woman, she jumped forward with a huge smile and hugged her, "Sister Ji! It's been a long time!"

Although Bi Ji didn't deny Zi Ji her hug... her emerald pupils were still on Ja Sun. She was rightly surprised. She had come to hear many things after her exile but seeing was something else and since Ja Sun didn't even care to hide his spirit rank now that he was a Titled Douluo without a Title, she felt a little amazed at his quick progress. But if she would have considered the resources he used, then she would have been more impressed by his ability to digest all of it.

"Who dares trespass our territory!"

From within the lake, a gigantic blue dragon with a bull's head rushed out while the Titan Ape, too, jumped from high up the mountain and straight into the lake, causing the ground to shudder.


"So, as you can see, I always try to keep my subordinates as peaceful as possible."

On a metaphorical seat of power, Ja Sun calmly explained as two men sat on their knees with their faces brutalized to look similar to a pig's rather than humans while Zi Ji was still crackling her knuckles as if she hadn't had enough of beating these two beasts named Da Ming the Sky Azure Bull Python and Er Ming, the Titan Giant Ape.

"Yes... we can see that," the man who was elder and would have been the more handsome of the two brothers, Da Ming, nodded with a pale expression while Er Ming didn't dare lookup.

"Hmm, so, you two will find a place in King's Lair," Ja Sun added. He could find some use for the two beasts... especially their hides. Carefully keeping the twinkle of greed in his eyes tucked away, he continued, "Now, off you go. I want to have some words with the ladies."

This made the two brothers grit their teeth.

"We'll be fine," Bi Ji sighed softly, "I promise no harm will come to Xiao Bie."

This did relieve the two of them greatly as they retreated to a safer distance from the lake.

Only now did Ja Sun look at the other beast who had opted to turn into a human. With her long brown hair tied into a rather elaborate scorpion tail that reached her ankles, the woman wore a modest brown tunic and pants and her large brown eyes were filled with a hint of caution. She was beautiful just like Bi Ji, Zi Ji, Violet, Ja Yin and so many more he had met in his life... so he didn't feel all that different.

Giving her a short smile and a nod since he had come to understand from Ah Yin the kind of strength one needed to give up their foundation and start over in a weaker human body, he turned to look at Bi Ji, "Even if it doesn't look like it, I am sorry for what happened."

The green-haired woman narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms under her breasts. She had gotten enough time to ponder about her situation to be positively vexed by Di Tian's decision in exiling her. Had she been there... Ja Sun would have taken at least a longer time conquering the King's Lair rather than a short week.

But if the new Beast God thought she'd let herself get so easily persuaded then he had another thing coming.

"I don't believe you. I've been betrayed by you before... what makes you think words can do at this point?"

"Hmm... you're right," Ja Sun smiled, "You let yourself get scammed. I was lying... I'm not really sorry... so, yeah, that's it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something to talk about with this woman... Xiao Bei, is it?"

Ja Sun looked at Xiao Bei as Bi Ji's expression changed. Zi Ji reluctantly bit her lips while Ja Sun looked at Yin and Violet, "Would you mind giving me some privacy?"


"Absolutely, not!"

Ja Yin and Violet had opposite responses but the latter was to his liking and he waved his hands at others.

"I'm not done!" Bi Ji scoffed, a flash of anger finally passing through her gaze as Ja Sun looked at her before snorting a chuckle, "Are you under the misconception that I am Di Tian? I'm the shameless bastard who got you exiled so don't test me. I have all the strength right now and you..." he trailed her body with a vicious stare with a smirk forming over her lips, "Have value that means I wouldn't kill you... but divine intent has wondrous uses. Talk to your friends. Ja Yin misses you, too. And when I'm done talking with this lovely mother, I will call for you."

She blinked but as she found Zi Ji passively tugging her arms, Bi Ji released a sigh and left alongside the others.

With only two of them remaining, Ja Sun stood up and began taking rounds around her. But his gaze never truly made her uncomfortable. In fact, Ja Sun wasn't even looking at her but he took in the surroundings and continued asking her questions.

"How long has it passed since you became a human?"

"31 years..."

"And why have you only stayed in the realms of Spirit Douluo?"


"Don't answer that, instead, tell me one thing, did you make your daughter enter that phase, or did she choose it for herself?" Ja Sun's question made Xiao Bei frown and she questioned instead, "What does she have to do with anything?"

"Nothing? I'm just curious."

"... she chose it for herself," Xiao Bei sighed.

"Hmm... Now let me tell you why haven't you been able to break into rank 90 and higher," Ja Sun changed the topic, "By every right, any spirit beast who can reach the rank of 100000 years will have their talents forever upgraded. Thus, even if they become human, their potential is regarded as the cream of the crop... but to actually make use of your humanity, you have to stay in civilization and learn their methods. Do you even know why the beasts are given the option to become a human?

Why your memories of becoming a human are blurred if not removed outrightly?"

His question made the woman shake her head.

Even Ja Sun wasn't clear back then but the conversation with the Lady of the Lake had cleared a lot of things and he responded with an unamused expression, "Beasts are heavily discriminated against but beasts who have human comprehension... can be considered great assets. If you become a human, naturally, you'd want to be with humans. You controlled this urge because of your daughter but there aren't many like you. And, when you assimilate with a human society... for better or worse, you turn more and more human in heart and mind."

"Beasts are selfish, too... but currently, the ruling party is of humans. Heavens favor humans. And thus, we have this strange method of cultivation where even beasts like you have to kill another beast to get skills higher than rank 60..."

Recollecting his thoughts to not go beyond what Xiao Bei can comprehend, he hummed and finally stopped in front of her, "I'm going to stay here and observe your daughter's transformation... well, it's not like she can move or anything. During this period, I would like to have you as close to me as possible so I can clear a few of my doubts. In return, I will help you reach the rank of Titled Douluo."

Though stunned, Xiao Bie couldn't help but gulp thickly and gazed at Ja Sun. She was a beast but he looked more beastly than she could ever hope to be. With her instincts flaring in as she felt just the magnitude of threat he represented but how he'd spoken to her with enough respect, she said the same thing she told Bi Ji once, "I... don't own this lake."

And this caused Ja Sun to grin, his sharp maw laid bare, "You're right. I own this lake now so your family is welcome to stay until your daughter peacefully completes her transformation."

With that, he turned around, and then seemingly remembering something, he looked over his shoulder, "Could you be a dear and send Violet and Ja Yin here. It's time for their training."


"Here! I made some carrot stew with mashed carrots on the side and my special carrot buns!"

While Ja Yin and others were allowed to eat to their hearts' content, Bi Ji had suddenly approached Ja Sun of her own volition to invite him for a special welcoming dinner by Xiao Bei. Well... Ja Sun wasn't the kind of guy to deny a mother's cooking, a mother as lovely as Xiao Bei so he agreed... oh, how wrong he was.

His slightly blank expression brought great joy to Bi Ji as she commented, "Hmm, Beast God, you were right. Scamming is an act too pleasant to give up so easily..."

"Scam?" Xiao Bei looked at Bi Ji with a confused expression. While Violet was already out of commission after her training, Ja Yin was left holding her stomach as she laughed wantonly while even Zi Ji had a pleased smirk on her lips.

"See?" Ja Sun replied in kind, "Too bad, I can't be exiled over getting scammed."

"Oohhh! Tooo gooooodddd!" Ja Yin's laugh picked a higher pitch as tears threatened to emerge from three of her eyes while Bi Ji's expression froze and Zi Ji sighed softly. Over the course of following Ja Sun, Zi Ji was well aware that she could take him on as many physical battles but she shouldn't ever pick a verbal one with the Beast God of there's.

Still, Ja Sun picked up the treats and tasted them and he was pleasantly surprised.

Soon, Ja Sun and others got accustomed to life here just as they would have anywhere else. Da Ming and Er Ming were sent to the King's Lair while Xiao Bie and her comatose daughter had nowhere else to be. Finally, Bi Ji and Zi Ji had gotten a chance to finally reconnect but Bi Ji still refused to return to the King's Lair.

Previously, she hadn't known why she didn't want to return but now, Bi Ji wanted to be cordially invited by Ja Sun.

She had expected this to be a hit on his pride. A Beast God lowering his head to her... but...

That very same night, with an excited Zi Ji who couldn't stop smiling, Ja Sun reached out to where Bi Ji and Xiao Bei would rest and smiled, "I cordially invite you to King's Lair. Your skills at healing cannot be replaced easily and your demand has never been lowered even after your exile... and to be honest, Di Tian was a fucking idiot to have exiled you. At least with you there... King's Lair would have managed to put a fight for the entire week..."

Bi Ji's lips remained parted and Ja Sun kept looking at her.

What should she be even feeling when facing this new superior of hers?

Anger? Why?

She was the one who should have been cautious of scams and hadn't gone trusting a complete stranger.

Happy? Why?

She wanted Ja Sun to feel troubled... but he didn't think twice before asking her formally to return. And unlike Da Ming and Er Ming who were forced to relocate, she still had a choice.

Frustrated? Why?

Because nothing had gone according to her realms of thinking as soon as she'd met him.

She was frustrated that while Di Tian had given up on Violet, Ja Sun picked her training up once again and taught her diligently. His arrival had caused THEIR auspicious emperor to find what she was looking for and Zi Ji even claimed that while Di Tian lowered his head in front of the mysterious existence in the Emerald Lake... Ja Sun kept his head held high...

So... lowering her head... Bi Ji couldn't help but ask, "What if I want Life Gold?"

"Done," Ja Sun smirked but she scoffed and looked at Zi Ji. The dragon held a pair of glasses in her hands and Bi Ji snatched them out of Zi Ji's hands after a moment.

Wearing her pair of glasses, Bi Ji gazed at Ja Sun, "And at what capacity am I being called back? A healer?"

"Oh, no..." Ja Sun smiled, "You will be... the one administrating the King's Lair. Personally, I don't care about it that much and with HER still in the lake, the area doesn't need much protection... oh, I have something else I want from you but... that is too personal. It's better to ask for that later."

Bi Ji frowned, not liking the sound of that.

"Let me tell you something, Beast God... even Di Tian could never leverage his strength for my affection—"

"It's cute that you think that but no. I'm engaged," Ja Sun shrugged and waved at Xiao Bei, "Same time, tomorrow?"

"Yep!" Xiao Bei grinned. They have been going through the general education of the human world while they observed the transformation of her daughter so they found each other rather pleasing to the eye. Not to mention the fact that the impact of the attractiveness of a Three-eyed Silver Sage and Golden Empyrean was a level higher than their lion counterparts... and since Ja Sun hadn't really done anything to negatively impact the small family, she didn't mind his presence at all. In fact, he hadn't derided her dishes and taste in carrots one bit so...

To her, he was already the personification of a perfect ruler.


Shoutout to Danny, Jon M, James25 ma, Strange Loop Sleuth, Dicky Wongsonegero, Kaiseth, Glenn McDowell, Hedgeboar, Matthew Rogers, DavidJ, Austin Roberts, and Yahya Mokheimer!!

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