
Queen returns, please bow to her

Li Mo is a girl with mysterious background returns from abroad and joins an entertainment company as the assistant of world's most popular idol Wu bai an idol with billions of fans also known as most handsome man in the world. He's cold hearted and short tempered, he don't allow any women to get close to him. What Li mo will do after she finds out the man she's going to work is a workaholic and cold blooded devil and what is the mysterious identity of our FL?

Smily_Allen · Thành thị
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17 Chs

I'll make you mine

"I told her not to drink too much still she insisted on drinking with them. I'll make a call to manager to bring them back", thinking Wu Bai.

( Manager Ma is the manager of band seven)

" hello manager Ma come to hotel xx ", said Wu Bai and ended the call.

he started looking at momo, she's completely drunk but still she's so cute that Wu Bai is more and more attracted to her. Wu Bai started to realise that he's falling for her.

currently Wu Bai is thinking " she's so cute even after she's drunk, I don't want her to smile while looking at others. I want to see her more and more. first time I'm concerned about others. Am I addicted to her? why I'm thinking about her? did I fall for her? Am I in love? what am I thinking now, Wu Bai come to your senses. why I'm smiling everytime I'm thinking about her? I don't want to think anymore but I can't stop thinking about her.

manager Ma called wu bai.

"hello manager Ma, have you arrived?", asked Wu Bai.

" yes, I'm here said Wu Bai ", said manager Ma.

" please come to the private room 368", said Wu Bai and hang up.

(manager Ma entered the room and saw everyone are completely drunk accept Wu Bai)

" Wu Bai, why everyone are so drunk? ", asked manager Ma.

" it's a small party, so they drank so much ", explained Wu Bai.

" young people are very energetic ", said manager Ma.

" manager Ma send this drunkards to home ", said Wu Bai.

" then what about her? ", asked manager Ma.

" I'll send her home? ", said Wu Bai.

" do you really want to take her home? ", asked manager Ma.

" yes", said Wu Bai.

"it's my first time seeing you sending a girl home. so I'm a bit shocked", said manager Ma and he left with the members of seven except Wu Bai.

after manager Ma left Wu Bai went to momo and he tried to wake her up. she's a bit sober but she's not less than the drunkard talking nonsense and walking unsteadily, but she's still cute. the way she acts made Wu Bai smile again.

"Momo let me take you to home", said Wu Bai.

she rubbed her eyes and saw Wu Bai. she thought it's a dream and she rubbed her eyes again and saw again it's really Wu Bai, she started thinking am I dreaming? unexpectedly momo spouted out what she's thinking.

"am I dreaming? the Almighty God, devil Wu Bai is talking gently. momo stop hallucinating, momo wake up", said momo to herself loudly.

"what she's thinking about me, did she just call me devil? did she thinks I'm a bad person? no wonder people say drunkards speak the truth, let's see what she'll say", mind voice of Wu Bai.

" you better remember what you said just now when you wake up tomorrow ", said Wu Bai.

" why do I've to remember, do you think I'm afraid of you? listen, I momo not afraid of anyone even if it is devil Wu Bai ", said momo in drunkard tone.

"handling 100 reporters is more easy than arguing with this drunkard", mind voice of Wu Bai

" okay momo is not afraid of Wu Bai, then does momo like Wu Bai? ", asked Wu Bai while carrying her on his back.

" Wu Bai? ", asked momo.

" why, you don't like Wu Bai ", asked Wu Bai again.

" I don't like Wu Bai he's always cold and looks like a devil ", said momo.

(after hearing what momo said Wu Bai face started to change colour. now his face is indeed looking like a devil)

" so you are saying Wu Bai is a devil? ", asked Wu Bai with smirk and in unhappy tone.

" umm....he is a devil but...! ", said momo.

"but? say it clearly", said Wu Bai.

" I feels that he's gentle and he cares for everyone indirectly which made me feel like there is a warmth in him", said momo.

(after listening to what momo said Wu Bai felt unlimited happiness in his heart. then he realised that only she can make his cold heart into warm)

"then do you like him? ", asked Wu Bai.

" like? I like Wu Bai? I don't know. but I like being around him, he makes me feel comfortable. being him around gives me a sense of protection... when I'm closer to him ", said momo.

" closer to him? ", asked Wu Bai.

" I don't know why my heart beat keeps raising", said momo.

Wu Bai started thinking that momo is feeling same way as me. it means does she has feelings for me. after thinking Wu Bai is about to ask her whether she loves him then suddenly momo started saying something.

"that damn Wu Bai not only he's controlling my thoughts and expressions now he's also started controlling my heart. does he know any witchcraft or any other magic tricks", said momo in a bit swearing tone.

"is she talking about I'm doing some witchcraft? is she saying I'm manipulating her heart beat? is she dumb? clearly she has feelings for me but she's trying to ignore them. momo, now I know that you have some feelings for me from now onwards you can't get away from me. I'll make you mine ", mind voice of Wu Bai.

after talking for long time they have finally reached home. Wu Bai carried momo on his back all the way because Wu Bai car is taken by manager Ma to send others home.