
Queen Of The Wolf King

On a rainy night, Emma was raped by depraved men. To escape, she ran into the "Ghost Forest", a place known as the hiding place of the devil. Emma thought she had died at the hands of brutal men, but in the end, she was saved by the Wolf King. Returning home, Emma and her boyfriend Philip eagerly prepared the best things for their wedding. But unfortunately, during the celebration party, she was possessed by a strange man. Emma painfully broke off the engagement and fled to another city. But the demonic man still clings to her, gradually using his power and cruelty to bind Emma, ​​not giving her a chance to escape. What's more terrible, on his neck he also wears a jade necklace, just like the Wolf Queen who saved her life last time. The horrifying secrets of his identity are gradually being investigated by Emma. But she didn't know that she and he had a contract binding fate, not to be able to escape...

JiMin13_ · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 02: King of wolves

The sound of wild animals screaming made Emma wake up. She stirred a little, but her whole body became extremely painful. The sides of the eyelids gently opened, bringing Emma back to reality. Right now, she is lying on a counter, with a thick layer of leaves lined on the bottom.

Looking around, this is a fairly large cave, with sharp, jagged cliffs, that look like the fangs of the aggressive wolves Emma saw last night. She thought she was dead. But after pinching her cheeks and hurting her body, Emma realized that her life was big, she was still alive.

She stood up with her hands, but before she could take a few steps, her weak body fell to the ground. A sharp cliff immediately cut into the palm of his hand, causing Emma to bleed. The unexpected noise accidentally woke the wolves guarding outside the cave. Two young wolves quickly rushed in, rushing towards the position Emma was sitting.

She was startled, and hurriedly backed away, but did not feel scared of them. If the wolves intended to eat her, they would not forgive her last night. Two animalistic men were also tragically killed.

Emma risked looking directly into their eyes.

Two pairs of bright eyes swayed with every movement Emma created. She faltered, forever saying a sentence:

"Thank you ... Thank you for saving your life."

The wolf's eyes immediately changed.

Immediately afterward, they turned their faces and turned to leave. Emma breathed a sigh of relief. She understood, surely these wolves did not mean to harm him. Thanks to them, she preserved her life last night.

In other words, this wolf is her benefactor. Emma hobbled back to the counter. She lay her back to lie down, and the feeling of sleepiness continued to come.

Emma's eyes slowly closed, and soon after, she quickly fell into a deep sleep. The sky outside has begun to rain. The sound of leaves ringing brings cold air and fog. Emma doesn't know how long she slept. When she woke up, the sky had changed to the afternoon color.

Sunset covers the forest.

Emma suddenly did not feel afraid of "ghost forest" anymore but also felt strangely love. Emma's body also felt a lot healthier. She stood up, trying to hobble out the cave entrance.

A large wolf back sat on the flat stone slab, his ears, his ears up and down. Emma realized it was the leading wolf.

Recalling the moment when the majestic wolf walked between the two rows of wolves bowing down, Emma suddenly shuddered. The wolf also realized Emma's appearance, but it did not look back. He sat motionless, his sharp gaze straight towards the red-pink sunset.

The sun was about to set, the darkness devoured everything when the power of the wolf was crowned. Emma calmly sat down beside him, her legs swaying, saying nothing but just watching the sunset on the horizon of the forest. She had once dreamed of watching the sunset and the man she loved the most.

But the truth was completely the opposite, Emma and a wicked wolf watched the sunset until the night disappeared. The wolves brought Emma some forest fruits to eat. After finishing his cup, Emma crouched into a small corner and fell asleep again. But this time, she slept a lot more.

When Emma vaguely opened her eyes, feeling the scenery around her was moving very fast. The wolf carried her on her back. The fur is soft, not stinking at all, on the contrary, it also brings the breath of the mountains and forests, making Emma extremely comfortable. It carried Emma to a clear stream, then howled for several hours.

For two days, Emma had not been bathed, her body was dirty and extremely uncomfortable. She understood what the wolf meant, smiling and stroking its fur. But the wolf immediately backed away, not wanting to touch her.

"William, from now on I will call you William."

Emma said with a smile. Seeing the wolf still staring at her, Emma pretended to frown, annoyed.

"Come on, William. Did you take me to the stream to take a shower and stare at me like that? "

William lowered his eyes, then leisurely changed his posture, and turned around into the deep forest. Emma laughed at its figure until she disappeared. She took a deep breath and gently took off the ragged coat picked up in the forest before, to the side.

The cool water surrounded the flesh, making her extremely refreshing. Emma wet the long black hair, carefully scrubbing around the mouth of the wound to avoid infection. She took a dip, watching the cold moonlight shining on the top of her head. Nature and people combine into one, and the feeling is great.

Reaching ...

Right next to Emma, obscured by the lush grass, was a large python, its red eyes stuck out her tongue looking at her with lust. The mucus around his mouth kept getting wet. Emma stood with her back to it so she couldn't see it. She was still engrossed in singing some music with messy words.

The big python began to move her body, gently bending, raising her head right behind her back. Python "ghost forest" mutant, huge giant, they can swallow from six to seven people at the same time. With a close distance like this, Emma certainly could not escape.

She picked up a smooth rock and gently rubbed her soft skin. The feeling was relaxing, just like in the hot springs Emma had been to.

Suddenly, a handsome, gentle, and gentle face appeared, stuck in Emma's mind without fading. Philip, her childhood boyfriend, wondered what he was doing now. Emma's sudden disappearance is sure to leave Philip heartbroken. Who knows, he is still rushing through the city to find her.

Emma silently shed tears, momentarily sighing. The pig-silver moon shone down on her slim, seductive body, and at the same time reflected the giant python's large, puffy, bared fangs.

Emma stiffened, her hands beginning to tremble. She did not dare to turn her head to look, just tried to glance, based on its reflection, observing every gesture and action. The python raised its head, its red tongue sticking out, licking up and down, gently crawling towards her.
