
Queen Of The Wolf King

On a rainy night, Emma was raped by depraved men. To escape, she ran into the "Ghost Forest", a place known as the hiding place of the devil. Emma thought she had died at the hands of brutal men, but in the end, she was saved by the Wolf King. Returning home, Emma and her boyfriend Philip eagerly prepared the best things for their wedding. But unfortunately, during the celebration party, she was possessed by a strange man. Emma painfully broke off the engagement and fled to another city. But the demonic man still clings to her, gradually using his power and cruelty to bind Emma, ​​not giving her a chance to escape. What's more terrible, on his neck he also wears a jade necklace, just like the Wolf Queen who saved her life last time. The horrifying secrets of his identity are gradually being investigated by Emma. But she didn't know that she and he had a contract binding fate, not to be able to escape...

JiMin13_ · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 01: Chasing in "Ghost Forest"

In the cold black night, Emma Watson ran over the thorny path. Behind her, two dumb men were aggressively chasing, the distance was gradually shortened. Emma's long, silky hair was sticky, soaked with rainwater. The fragile white dress was not enough to warm the trembling body right now.

Emma was about to run out of strength, her eyes glazed, feeling she was about to collapse right now.

"You bastard, don't run."

The black, fat man holding a gun pointed at Emma. His high-pitched voice echoed the path, mingling with the gasping sound to form a very jarring sound.

Unfortunately, on the way home from work, Emma encountered bandits. They not only robbed her money but also played a cowardly game, demanding to force Emma. Experiencing a fierce struggle, she was lucky to flee into this place. But those estrus men never forgive her. Emma was exhausted, stumbling into the empty forest beside her.

This place is called "ghost forest", it is said that many demons and wolves are lurking, just waiting to eat prey. This forest exists close to the city center. However, no one dared to set foot here. The reason because people are afraid, and wary of the ghosts that people recount. Also because of the gloom, the forest created by the forest, easy to make people cold.

Emma is very afraid of the devil. But now she has only one option, which is to run straight into here. Emma bit her teeth, eliminating all fear, quickly finding an open path to enter.

The sound of the wind whistled louder. The old trees of the sky shook giant clusters of leaves like ghosts beckoning. Based on the faint moonlight, Emma vaguely saw the way. However, she still could not avoid being pierced by the sharp branches into the soles of her feet.

It hurts!

Emma was scared, took a deep breath, and stripped the leaves into the jungle. She walked and prayed to Heaven for help, do not let those two wretched men catch up. The small body swayed, swallowed by the old forest.

Emma was exhausted, unsteadily leaning against a large rock, venturing to sit down. She rolled her eyes and glanced around. Until she saw a few little bugs playing with leaves, she felt a little more secure.

At least, besides her, there are still living around.

Suddenly, behind Emma, a large figure gradually approached. Because of being too tired, Emma temporarily failed to discover his existence. She stroked her chest with her hand, almost when she saw the deep wound on her body. Blood still oozed through the mouth of the tear, extremely painful.

"Ah-ha, beautiful people. Finally found it. "

The man grabbed Emma's shoulder blades and pressed down hard. Emma's bones immediately transmitted the feeling of pain, just like the flesh that was completely broken.

Emma let out a cry, struggling to run but couldn't keep up.

"Please forgive me!"

Emma screamed painfully.

Her body was thrown back by the man, lying flat on the wet ground. The accomplice quickly approached, licking his mouth and looking at Emma excitedly.

"Wow, well. Mr. Peter is very good. I thought she was running away. "

Emma struggled to resist, her slim skirt, revealing her white, smooth skin. Their despicable desires exploded. Under the crotch, the man was stiff. Emma cried out loud, looking at the big, fat body of the guy slowly pressing on top of her body. The thin skirt was torn. On Emma at this time only underwear to shield sensitive places.

The man took off his shirt, grabbed her hands to his head, then bent down to kiss Emma's hair. The fragrance of flesh made him extremely happy. The other man stood looking with lust. His senior has not done it yet, he does not dare to benefit first. Not careful and punched immediately. Emma bit her lip, avoiding his missed kisses.

Waiting for him not to notice, she bent her legs, using her knees to forcefully lower the lower legs. The man howled in pain and angrily slapped his hand into Emma's face.

"Whore, let you die."

Emma's mind was stunned, in terrible pain, feeling like her soul was being drained.

Seeing Emma lying still, her breathing became barely alive, the new man temporarily calmed down, and continued to bend down to kiss the white neck. Emma quietly shed tears. She clenched her hands. This pure body is the greatest gift she gave to Philip. Only two months left they will get married. If he knew she was raped by these dirty men, then he would still love her.

Emma cried, biting her lip. Only by biting her tongue to die immediately ... but Emma still wants to live, want to enjoy this beautiful world. She was breathing hard, her whole body was about to be exposed in front of them.

Just as the man was about to take off Emma's bra, a terrible roar from afar echoed. Emma realized it was a wolf howling, but she had no strength to run away. The two men also recognized the sound of wolves, immediately scared, but still could not afford to leave the delicious prey, Emma.

The juniors were terrified, dazedly looking around, scared to call:

"You, hurry ... hurry and run. There is a wolf. "

Peter refused to let go of Emma, quickly took off his pants, pulled out the rising eagle, and said, "Shoot hungry wolves. Coward, are you afraid of four-legged animals? "

In the darkness, creeping green spots gradually appeared, moving toward the three people closer and closer. Emma also saw it, but she just closed her eyes, completely not caring anymore. The juniors were scared, backed away, then quickly ran away. But horrified, less than two minutes later, his large body was thrown back, jerked like a dead chicken.

On his chest appeared a long scratch, straight into the chest, looking at the ribs. Red blood poured out wet, and the smell of fishy smelled straight up the nose. From within the luxuriant grass, a pack of eight wolves gently walked out. They stand in two neat rows, forming a sufficient path.

The man stopped the movement, his face turned pale. He looked at his dead men on the ground, looked back at the fierce wolves, and silently swallowed.

"The big brother forgive me. If you want to eat, then eat this woman. "

He kicked Emma with his foot.

She looked blankly at the wolves, her lips moving in words. After a while, the biggest wolf, the powerful wolf came out. Where it went, the rest of the wolves howled up there. The huge brown fur, and the cruel blue eyes, struck the calm step by step and with power towards Emma.

The man was afraid to pee. He cursed a sentence, then threw it away. The sharp gaze of the wolf's head immediately narrowed. The man suddenly felt the grass behind him falling, cold all over his body.

Before he could turn his head to look, his body immediately transmitted the feeling of pain. The right arm broke off, neatly in the mouth of a wolf. Red bloodshot out, and he collapsed to the ground crying.

"Animal, I kill you."

He frantically searched for a gun, but the gun fell off while fleeing. Less than a minute later, in the dark forest quickly rang his tragic, mournful cry.

Before fainting, Emma saw the giant figure of Lord Wolf coming to her. It bowed slightly and dropped to Emma's neck to sniff. The turquoise stone necklace worn on the wolf's neck swayed, rubbed against

Emma's cheek immediately emitted a green light. The wolf's eyes suddenly changed.

Emma did not protest, tears silently fell. Unjustly dying like this, she was not content.