
Queen Of Heart's: Revisied

"Some people love with passion like a blazing fire in their hearts whereas some keep the ocean of compassion inside theirs. The loss or defeat of one leads to another's destruction." For they had the best and worst of each other. In the nick of time, Lu Jianjun was puzzled looking at her. Is she for real? The bundle of a burden he owned was not the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form were completely altered. Whenever he saw her she seemed different! Like a mystery for the brain but an answer from his heart. What will happen...Whether he can or cannot solve this mystery? This is a tale is about their separate path branching from ending towards the delightful beginning of fated love...

Surviving_17 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Not going to Vanish

Surprise flashed in his eyes, Li Jianjun can clearly read the suspicion in her glaring eyes, the frown on her face authenticating his judgment. He traced the path her eyes flows which were directed towards Louis's ear, precisely on the diamond earring he wore.

Still amiss?

Li Na cautiously observed Louis's whole frame tallying with the image in her mind. The earing caught her attention but...the side she was observing is Louis's right side. And on that night the earing she saw was on the left.

She didn't get the opportunity to observe the right ear as it was dark and the man's shadow under the dim light was falling at an angle to his right side hiding him. Her eyes narrowed while processing the similarities between the memory and person.

Even with the shadow, there was enough lamplight falling on him for the glittering diamond in his right ear to shine. If he was wearing the right ring then that dim light should have sparkled the incident light just like the left one did.

Two possibilities? Either the man was not wearing the right earring or he dropped it somewhere. And what are the odds of finding it on the cliff? Less than one to visit the site, cause it's been a month and if he actually lost it accidentally he had enough days to search. Or an unfavorable case, the earing might be dropped somewhere else.

Whatever, even if she didn't find the ring, one thing is clear, the person who murdered her doesn't come from any moderate family to even afford a single ring studded with diamonds. Thinking of that, He wasn't just the figure to trap her or a puppet only to execute the task of protraying Zhang Han but might have been taken a part in the planning for months. Otherwise, why would a rich man volunteer himself as anything could go wrong? Smart criminals don't usually prefer to show their face. He could find the body double with the same height and frame. That would be more convenient.

What's the probability of the men's having that height of exactly or less than a few centimeters. Because less than that is more suitable for traping because a few inches can be compensated with the shoe heel. Just the exact measure Louis's wearing right now to reach the accuracy of Zhang Han's height.

She's well aware of the shoe type Zhang Han usually wore.

What the hell? Li Na suddenly had a sparking moment as she cursed the millionth time. Why didn't I think about it first?

The man from that night was not only there to kill, but... he must have planned her murder for some unknown motive. Looking from his standout either he knows everything...every detail about Mei-Xing...and Mei Lein. Was her personal and professional life was no more secret?

Knowing nothing is impossible he must have seen her dead body, right? Not to forget she had exactly matching features with Mei Lein. If Mei-Xing was the real target then he must know every minute detail to distinguish her from her twin sister. Not to mention the popularity of an A-lister celebrity and very soon through Mei Lein's Hollywood debut, she's well recognized at an international level.

And most importantly...How could she forget...she'd called him by Zhang Han's name, there's no way he couldn't have heard her, only if he was not actually deaf.

So...it's not only to trap but... he was also there to eye witness her death. Personally? He got to be an old foe waiting in the dark to attack. Was she followed all those years? Not possible...she never followed a fixed schedule but acts without a plan. Her family be followed.

Li Na held her head at the frightening possibilities that both her identity was exposed on every level. Her real and the professional.

Her eyes narrowed dangerously towards the man standing near the door.

Abstracting the data, the man dressed in a white suit had a moderate chance to be the man she was searching for, according to his height and the wealth he was wearing. Not to forget his connection with the man standing in front of him. They both are wealthy and rich above a certain margin. No doubt! Other than that she didn't even know his name or profession. But the man is under suspicion, on the radar.

At least she got a starting point, to begin with. If he anyhow had a connecting link, he'll be busted. Whether he's guilty or not she'll find out.

Taking a harsh breath, suddenly, a sharp pain occurred in her brain as she winced while rubbing her temples. Oh, God, such an inadequate analysis had already made her head dizzy.

"So weak and so stubborn!" Li Na froze hearing the man's threatening voice, Lu Jianjun's footstep slow as he made his way to where the young women sat. "Where you waiting for me to join you."

She forgot about the pain as her spinal cord lengthens in an attentive mode.

The moment Li Na turned to face Lu Jianjun, her eyes widened more than he expected and he knew he lost her attention to something he didn't like. Who does she takes him to be? A maniquin standing in a showroom.

Li Na wondered. Why didn't I notice him earlier? Was he looking this deadly wearing the sapphire blue formal shirt, sleeves rolled up, top buttons undone. He was looking formal yet casual. But the point is he's wearing her favorite shade of blue. Li Na couldn't take her eyes off him.

She stood up involuntarily.

"Sit down," he ordered.

Out of survival instinct, Li Na and Lu Jun-hui wanted to run away as two barking wolves ran upon a seeing a flamed tiger. But Lu Jianjun caught them as if stepping on their shivering tails.

No one leaves!

Both Li Na and Lu Jun-hui were dodging direct eyes contact with Lu Jianjun while inwardly screaming and cursing each other. Whereas, Lu Jianjun orders the maids to reheat the cold food.

Elegant dining room with custom wood and marble floor inlays, exquisite chandelier with a fabulous interior. It looks breathtaking under an eclectic metallic light fixture.

Li Na observed each and every corner of the dining hall taking her own good time. Her gaze fell on each item as if it's the first time she's seeing a grand hall like this. Her eyes roamed everywhere except for the man sitting right in front of her. And she did a great job ignoring his striking presence but soon her mind was filled with his thoughts. Which went stranger to her and swarmed her consciousness away from where she wasn't in control of them as if running on an automated mode.

' Won't complain if he is a narcissist even if he's not, then he should be. Never thought I would be agreeing for this, definitely, he should have an attitude. Otherwise, crazy heads like me not let go of such charmer a waste.'

Tsk is already a waste though...as she is out of the race.

'Why doesn't he talk much? He should talk more...its strangely a happy distraction.'

Happy distraction? What is that?

' Why haven't I met him before? Maybe...' her thoughts were going all over the places with him to dodge his presence. She couldn't stop fussing trying to get hold of herself in such mess. But seems like something slipped from her hands already.

'Mei-Xing!' a male voice reordered.

Li Na felt like she heard Zhang Han call her in a murderous voice.

'...maybe we could be friends!' her thoughts took a sharp U-turn.

Since from Ethan's outlook, it's a deadlock situation where two processes; Li Na and Lu Junhui were waiting for another member, to take action such as releasing a lock. He thought he did absolutely right by informing the Kernel.

Meanwhile, Lu Jun-hui was glaring accusingly at Ethan.

His soul yelled at him, "Ethan! How could you do this to me? Am I not your friend anymore? Why did you betray me?"

Ethan remained expressionless standing behind his boss's chair.

Lu Jun-hui sided, "Ethan! I'm talking to you? Answer me? Why did you betray me?" he whispered lowly near Ethan's ear.

Glancing at his boss Ethan saw Lu Jianjun was busy looking at the girl.

He replied in whispers, "You started it. Who called me to eat those medicinal herbs."

Lu Jun-hui broke down: "Sorry Bro, I didn't have much choice. But you shouldn't have called brother! I'm doomed!"

"Apology not accepted!" Ethan frowned before recovering to his unvarying face as Lu Jun-hui sat back on his seat.

The pungent smell filled again when a few maids bought the heated dishes.

Lu Jinajun frowned as he shot a displeased look towards Lu Jun-hui for overdoing the given task. His icy expression made Lu Jun-hui quiver with fear, he was on the verge of crying. ' Don't get angry...you don't know, she deserves more.'

~Who let the dogs out~

~Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof~

~...who let the dogs out...~

Lu Junhui's phone roared loudly.

~ woof, woof, woof...~

~who let the dog out~

~woof, woof, woof...~

Panicked, Lu Jun-hui picked up his cellphone, his hands shaking as the phone vibrate with each bark and he tossed and flung unable to get a stable hold on the phone.

Seeing Lu Jun-hui tossing the cellphone like trying to hold the burning lava, Lu Jianjun's expression turned impatient. He just glared at him to make Lu jun-hui go erratic.

"Haha..." Li Na couldn't help but burst out laughing. " I would be least surprised if your ringtone would be...

~I'm a barbie girl...in the barbie world...

~ Life in plastic, It's fantastic...and not the dogs barking!" How could she spare a chance to mock him but her lyrics died down along with her laughing when she saw Lu Jianjun getting impatient with both of them.

Looking at the phone screen, "I have to go! It's my Baby Tao..." saying that Lu Jun-hui dashed out with crazy speed. He knew what was coming next if stayed even half a second.

So better opt for damage control.

Lu Jianjun pinched the skin between his eyebrows and said in a cold tone. "Ethan, please go and look after him." Ethan nodded before leaving with stomping steps also planning to get even with Lu Jun-hui.

Turning his head Lu Jianjun saw Li Na tightly shutting her eyes before sneakly her right eye opened slightly and closed shut as she saw him staring at her.

What is she doing?

He's not going to vanish!