
Queen Of Heart's: Revisied

"Some people love with passion like a blazing fire in their hearts whereas some keep the ocean of compassion inside theirs. The loss or defeat of one leads to another's destruction." For they had the best and worst of each other. In the nick of time, Lu Jianjun was puzzled looking at her. Is she for real? The bundle of a burden he owned was not the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form were completely altered. Whenever he saw her she seemed different! Like a mystery for the brain but an answer from his heart. What will happen...Whether he can or cannot solve this mystery? This is a tale is about their separate path branching from ending towards the delightful beginning of fated love...

Surviving_17 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Big Brother

Lu Junhui stared at her warily, " But...Are you sure? I mean, you truly don't remember me. You better not be playing any trick."

Li Na's face turned black her mouth twitched seeing the fake facade of been surprised. The reddening of his ears showing how much he's beaming in joy inwardly.

'Why is he overreacting! Clearly, he is playing!' The Elder lady was much more convenient to communicate than this young man.

Li Na pursed her lips as she frowned at him, " You heard what I said. Go and ask the doctor," Her displeasure and annoyance were clear.

"With your mind full of tricks and schemes, I won't even trust God if he comes and gives justification on your behalf..." Lu Junhui shook his head and began to laugh." Haha...Such evil soul, nobody can justify."

A weird and annoying smile spread across Lu Junhui's face whereas as only God knows what was cooking in his head.

Li Na lightly raised her eyes brows as he literally looked like a fool grinning without a reason and then sober up infront of her piercing look demanding for an answer instead of his foolish smile.

Getting into all serious mode, Lu Junhui brushed his hands above his all settled hair seeming all cool and collected in front of her while flaunting his charms.

Li Na tsked inwardly, 'Tsk, Poor lad nobody told him acting cool and being cool are two different things. You don't look cool by acting but more like a fool.'

Li Na shook her head at his ignorance as she said mockingly, " Should I increase the AC in the room that might help you to cool down to start talking?"

Lu Junhui shot a fierce and brutal look towards Li Na, he wasn't too dumb, not able to interpret her sarcastic tone.

"Awe…now you're being cute," she countered and smiled harmlessly. " I won't mind if you began introducing yourself?"

Previously offended and now angered, Lu Junhui's pale face became beet red. His blood boiled at her offhandedly complimenting him as if nursing a child after a tight slap.

Cute? She said cute! He was already pissed off when ordered to shift Li Na into their Manor but the truth of her memory loss contented him a bit.

Frustrated, Lu Junhui spoke rattling his teeth. "I'M YOUR BOSS!"


You got to be kidding me!? Li Na blinked a few times as if she misheard something but the smug look appearing on his face dissolved her doubts.

"What a joke! You don't seem like a grad," she responded with a flat tone and limped expressions.

Lu Jun-hui was about to proclaim his achievements at his very young age when Li Na spoke curtly, "Oh, wait! have you completed your schooling? Or we both work in a circus!"

"Circus!? Are you out of your mind? Do I look like someone who works in a circus? " Lu Jun-hui instantly fumed at her remark.

"Well...I could be wrong...but that's because I don't want to be judgemental about your looks. You're well suited to be a joker." she replied expressionlessly, "You know they say...looks can be deceiving but the character is real."

"Wh-What do you mean by..." Slow-witted Lu Jun-hui took his time to connect the dots, his eyes widened with fury after realizing she associated his character with a joker in a circus. "Are you trying to say I act like a joker!?" he asked sharply.

"Yup..you fulfilled all the required specifications for the job! Except for the fact, you're void of humor but that's good for you."

Curious, he asked with narrowing eyes."How so?"

"Your face is enough to make people laugh. And you don't have to open your mouth…and show your witless brain."

"How dare…How dare you insult me? You're a joker! Your whole life is a circus! Even you look like a bigger joker." he retorted spouting venom out of his mouth." I've got an entire Business to run and have a successful life, unlike a loser like you who attempts suicide for short failures."

Li Na deliberately chooses to ignore his last sentence and rolled her eyes at him and said with a chuckle." Business? Really? You run a business. Who's the fool dare to make you the boss? Boy, you're been pampered unnecessarily."

As soon as Lu Jun-hui heard Li Na calling his brother a fool instantly he exploded as he wishes to strangle her to death. "You're the fool here. The spoiled one." He was so angry he couldn't form words.

Lu Junhui seemed like a harassed kid who was abused wrongly. His breathing began heavied as if he would physically explode at any second.

Taking pity, Li Na aids him smoothly, "Ok, ok. Little devil. It's all me, Fine. Now calm down, and take a deep breath. There must be a good reason you the boss himself comes to meet the employee." as furious he turned to leave stomping his feet but stopped remembering his Big Brother's order given to him.

She enjoyed his act of being cool jumping into the enraged face.

Controlling her laugh, she chided from the back, "Feeling better?"

"..." He gazed at her pointedly and somewhat assaying to glare frigidly like a real angry boss.

"I'm sorry." She murmured. "Now, you'll feel better?"

"Say it again." He instantly walked back and demanded.

'Huh?' Li Na let out a helpless sigh, ' He's indeed a spoilt brat.' she couldn't help saying, "Sorry!" as she grabbed a tissue from the bedside and offered him. "Something on your lips."

Overwhelmed by winning the argument, Lu Jun-hui curled the corner of his lips, pleased by the subdued change in her attitude.

With a little grin, He took the tissue and wiped his mouth when she pointed at the corner of his lips.

"There, yea," 'wipe that little bullshit on your lips.' she spoke inwardly.

"Your good name?" Li Na questioned politely. Maybe she could remember a memory related to him.

This time without performing or acting but nose held high he replied egoistically. "Lu Junhui!"

Li Na: ~mind blank~"Oh...K."

She exclaimed, "And... you're my boss!" the remark sounded more like a question.

"En," he nodded.

Li Na felt like she is coaxing a wild little puppy, never knew when he would start to bark.

Feeling a little disconcerted while shielding her wrist tattoo, she asked awkwardly. " By any chance…do you have a sibling? A Brother, maybe?"

Abruptly, Lu Jun-hui threw a displeased look at her, frowning his brows he glared at her hard as if a pervert is inquiring about his treasured family.

"Of course, you do! Save that look on your face." she mumbled to herself, and wearily leaning back, she asked. "Alright, can I ask you a favor?"

Lu Jun-hui's frown deepens. He didn't like her asking him favors of any length.

Tension gathered at his brows as he became anxious, "What do you want?" his tone nervous and worried. Li Na noticed his strange behavior.

'Huh? Did I say something wrong? Why is he stressing about asking for a favor?'

"Nothing much, I need your cellphone." she extended her hand, confident that he won't reject her small request.

Getting suspicious, he questioned, "Why?" while steadily gawking at her, Lu Junhui reluctantly pulled out his cellphone.

"To play games, you're just too boring." His expression became guileless, she urged. "Damn, I just need to make a call. Uh...Huh! Not a word." She shook her index finger at him to stop him from asking any further.

Unwillingly he opened the screen lock and slowly placed it on her palm. Lu Junhui's lips stretching into a thin line.

Just when Li Na saw his screen wallpaper she was stumped and dumbfounded, she turned to Lu Jun-hui and inflicted. "Seriously, dude!?" she squinted her eyes while showing him the screen.

"What?" he did not understand at all what she meant nor did he find anything wrong with his phone.

Gritting her teeth, she fretted, "Lu Jianjun?" A huge smile broke onto Lu Jun-hui's lips. A proud and dignified look befalls on his face as if his pointed nose grew a few inches proudly. His ranking skyrocketed at full speed as if in the game of cards he got what was needed, the king of hearts to defeat this queen of hearts.

Ready to flaunt, Lu Junhui smirked, " You're such a big liar! You refused to know me but you recognized my Big Brother? Of course, even if you die and reborn you can't forget him." Li Na threw a nasty look at him...and paused in her actions while typing a phone number.

It's obvious Lu Jun-hui doesn't know what he said was true. Somewhat true. Maybe less than a little as...She really can't neglect him? Mei-Xing, now Li Na felt as if she knew Lu Jianjun from before.