

Amy P.O.V.

I was with Eathen and helped him to fix tent "little one I'm going to collect some rocks so we can make fire place ok ,stay here and don't move from here I will be back in 5 min", he said and I nodded my head and he walk near the woods and disappeared in them I sitting near camp and watching forest night activity, there is so calm and positive environment, I loved it already I wish I could stay here forever and with that though I sigh suddenly, I see someone's shadow in near woods and I was frightening for that but I gathered courage and go there when that thing come out from darkness , it is a very cute rabbit I went near him to catch him and play with him, when I walk near him he start run away and I start to chase him in that I've not realized that I was far from camp location and something click on my mind "oh my god I'm lost in forest!" I said in mind and I start panic, my breathing is now fast and my heartbeat increasing, "Amy you stupid what did you do boy, they told you to stay at camp place and you not listen them and now you are here lost from your track you idiot" I start curse myself in my mind.

Tear belled in my eyes and I look everywhere but I can't see anything except dark and due to that I'm shivering like leaf. When I start to walk, I saw a big wolf come out from forest, he is growling at my direction, he has red glowing eyes and he is bigger than average wolf with mud brown fur his teeth are so sharp and big, his saliva is dropped from his mouth and he is look at me like I'm his prey. When I see him, my mind screaming to run and I step back slowly but as he senses that I'm trying to run he growl so loud and my body freeze at where I stood. he is circling around me like he going to ready for attack on me and he stop in front of me and run at me with full speed, my mind goes blank and my eyes fixed on him, but suddenly another wolf come from behind me and jump on that wolf, this wolf is larger than that wolf and he has jet black fur with deep blue eyes he furiously growled at that wolf and my knees goes weak I don't have energy to stand more so I drop on jungle floor, they both start to circle each other and jump to another, I start panicked to seen that and then other three wolf come behind me, they are replicas of that wolf, when I saw them I'm terrified " oh my god they are going to kill me now what I will do" I panicked in my mind like they understand what I'm think right now, they start growling soft and down their head like they convinced me that they are not going to harm me and somehow that relax me much and give me protected feeling, they start to come near and sited around me one of them rubbing his head on my hips, somehow I felt to caress his fur and I did it his fur is so soft, shining and warm somehow I felt warm and clam surround them I started to think about Edward, Eathen, Ember and Elijah they are worried for me and searching me and for that I was trying to stand up but they start growling at me and I meekly sit again suddenly I listen sound like snapping neck and turn my head to saw what is going on the red eye wolf's body lying lifeless on forest ground, black wolf is howling loudly his mouth is full of blood and that make me too sick. I want to throw up, he walks at our direction and my heart sunk in fear, he will kill me also, I think but somehow, I felt that he will not hurt me, when he reaches near me all wolves around me get up and howl at his direction when he come near me, I not move, he start to sniff me and I stare in his eyes and something flesh my mind, their eyes remind me of them the victor brothers "who are you?" I whisper and they look each other. And something like bone popping sound come from their bodies like they are reshaping and my eyes wide in horror when I saw that they are no other than the victors my eyes stuck on them and I can't blink that also not bother me that they are naked like new born baby "are you ok little one? Are you hurt somewhere?" Edward asks me in husk voice and darkness consumed me.