

Amy POV:

I Can't believe what Elijah said that I'm their mate but when Edward confirms that my heart skip beat "how could that happen?" "Is that real?" I questioned myself, when Edward saw my concerned face he bent down at my level, and I flinch with that he moves back little but when I met my eyes with him, I can see he is hurt with my action and that felt me guilty "we are no harm for you little one, how we hurt you? You are our other half ,our soulmate love of our life, we will kill for you and die for you but we never harm you" Edward said and I can see honesty in their eyes and somehow I felt relive and happy to know that I'm their mate I don't know why but yes I'm happy that I'm their soulmate .when I was in my thought they all sited around me in circle and Ember sited front of me and took my hand in his hand " are you ok love?" he asked and I look at him and nodded, with that his expression turn from worried to happiness. "I'm so happy for that I LOVE YOU love" he said and give me bear hug and I started blushing prosperously in his arm then he apart me and he saw in my eyes like he want to ask something and chewing his lower lips nervously when I saw chewing lips somehow I feeling hot in my body I want the bite my lip and I can feel that my pre cum is dripping and ruining my brief, my thought was broke when I hear growl and saw surround me they look at me with passion " We can smell you little one like someone is exited" Edward said behind my back in my ears ,his hot breath fanning at my neck and that make me so hard "your smell is so fucking sweet and in toxic it make me crazy" Elijah said in hoarse voice ,at their comment I become red like tomato and suddenly Ember slammed his lips on my lips he started licking my lips due to this sudden action I become blank I don't know how to response because I'm not responding he broke kiss and asked "What happen Amy didn't you like I kiss you?, I'm sorry I have to ask first your permission" he said in sad tone and he is facing ground while he talking me to seen him sad I felt like my heart was clinching in pain so I took his face in my palm and see I eye and said that " you didn't do anything wrong actually um." , "Actually what, then why are you not responded while I kissed you" he ask in impatient voice " umm actually I don't know how to kiss I've never kissed anyone before so.." I said and fiddling my finger in nervousness to hear that his expression is amused and they all start chuckling and that make me on my defense mode "What so funny in this so you all are chuckling I have never in relationship before so I have not experience do you have problem with that?" I asked in little angry tone and they all up their hand in surrender "woah woah' little one relax don't angry with us we are not jock at you but we are happy and proud that we are your first" Eathen said with his ear to ear smile and after hearing this I've start blushing and staring at my lap when Ember took my face in his palm and said that " you don't have to shy we are very grateful to have you, you are a pure soul baby now listen me just follow my step I'll teach you how to kiss" he said with wink and again he start suck my lips and that make my body more hot and I start moan he take this opportunity and shove his tongue in my mouth and start to devouring my mouth he is dominating in our kiss and I happily submitted Infront him, it felt so great his lips are so soft and sweet this is the best taste I've ever tasted in my life we kissed each other until our lungs scream for oxygen and we apart after that we both are panting and he put his head on my head and said " this is my life's best experience I've ever head thank you for that love, are you enjoyed our kiss?" he asked and I nodded shyly. He laughs and take me in his embrace "now time to sleep little one it's already midnight and we have to wake early tomorrow so we can start our climbing early" Eathen said. we all walk in tent our sleeping bad already spread so we have to just lay on them I'm sleeping in middle my right side is Elijah and Eathen and my left side Edward and Ember they all are hugging me like I'm their lifeline and I'm happy for that soon I 'm drifted in sleep this is best day of my life.

Edward P.O.V.-

I woke up early before sun rise, I'm laying at left side of my mate tomorrow night was blissful for us our mate accepted us with our reality, my big concern is gone now first I was frightening that if he knows about us will he reject us? But now I'm happy and my world is sleeping beside me. I'm not heavy sleeper and I always got up early for training, now I'm wake up and it's bit cold because we are in jungle but it's refreshing atmosphere so I decide to prepare breakfast for everyone, when I started to get up Amy snuggle in my arm and I saw him, his mouth slightly open and his saliva dripping from his mouth but he looking so peaceful and adorable in sleep because of cold he snuggle to me so he can take warmth from my body I slowly stood up and cover him with my blanket and he snuggle toward Elijah and Elijah take him in his embrace and smiling while sleeping. We are werewolf so our body is naturally very warm it can handle minus degree temperature but Amy is human so little bit down temperature make him sick so it's better idea that he takes warmth from our body and we loved that, I started prepare breakfast well we are basically feral so we can eat raw meat but for Amy I have to cook and I think that he don't like if we eat raw meat in front of him so I cook rabbit and started plating breakfast is almost ready .Amy come out from camp with rubbing his eyes he still looking bit sleepy he look at my side and smile I stood up from chair and greeted him " hey handsome" and kissed him on his lips "good morning" he greeted me back " are you sleep well at night? Do you feel cold?" I asked him "I sleep well, it's little bit cold" he said. I take his hand and lead him to wood fire and we sited there I come closer to me and put his head on my solder and put my hand on his waist "I still can't believe this is all real it's look like I'm seeing beautiful dream and I'm never want to wake up" he said "this is not dream love but I promise that we make sure to that your every beautiful dream become true.