

A_Girl_56 · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Queen Of Hearts, King Of Spade and Jack of clubs

I was five years old when I saw my dad getting killed in front of my eyes, I don't know if I was too young to understand or I was just heartless,  but that day I didn't even shade a single tear,

That man who stabbed my father became my new father,  taking over our family business,

I didn't know the story back then and I didn't even care, I wasn't that close to my father anyway

But, little did I know that was the end of my life as a child,  I was forced to train every single day,  and It was too much for a five years old but all my mother could say was " I'm sorry "

Till now I'm not sure why she would apologize for the things she never did,

At the age of six I killed a person and that was the first time that so-called father of mine praised me.

Years passed and my mother was getting weaker and weaker every day until she was bedridden, but even then I felt nothing,  I didn't want my mother to be sick but rather than that I felt nothing more, no emotion towards her,

Seeing there was no one to stop him, paul make me kill for money, sometimes it goes months without seeing my mother because I was given a mission after a mission,

After my mother's death, I got out of control and was sent to a mental hospital where I met, Raphael and Kennedy.

The two of them had Dissociative Identity Disorder ( DID), Although they didn't know each other their other personalities Roger ( Raphael) and Calvin ( Kennedy) were best friends because they had something in common,

They both killed Luna ( Kennedy's sister ) by skinning her alive but their parents hide that fact because they were still children, after I became friends with them I was able to control them and make them kill targets instead of going out killing aimlessly,

I was ten when I learned about my mother's true identity,  she was someone they call God, the head of Mafias   she inherited the title after my father's death but she was nothing but a puppet,  

After her death I became his new puppet,  at the age of ten I Aliyah became the head of Mafia,

But I wasn't anything like my mother and father,  The doctor said I was a 100% psychopath who was obsessed with fantasies and winning. That day I created a game called " Thief catcher "

In Seven Years I won the game and Paul's head were in my hands but Unfortunately,  Raphael's had Kennedy's personality died, and they couldn't recognize me anymore,  thus I created the new game of Card called " Cinderella's Scarytale: Kill What is Yours "

And that royal ball of cards will be my grand finale.

That's my story, the one I never told anyone,  I know you might think that I'm a psycho but I'm not, The only thing I am is different,

I'm just someone different from the rest of the world,  someone, who hates the same circle of boring life everyone is struggling to survive in.


" Ain't you done yet? "

" Just a second and I'll be done "

I'm so tired of seat doing makeup almost the whole day but since it's special,  I'll have to keep it up with it just for today,

The day we have been waiting for is here, it's Sunday 6 of August,  The day of my Royal Ball of cards.  And I'll tolerate all the makeup tortures just to make my night more special,  I have been waiting for this day for almost six years now,

" Babe, are you done? "

" I guess I am "

It was that Kennedy,  After forgetting about me he now acts as if he cares about me, I really can't wait to skin him alive tonight,  how fun will it be?

I met with Nini and Juliana last night and everything is going according to my grand plan, I took them in when they were lowly prostitutes and gave them lives and class, Since they were normies I didn't have much expectations but they are giving me surprises every single time

And somehow I started to believe the saying that everyone is a little bit crazy,

" But where are we going? "

He asked curiously and I smiled " You will know when you are there, you do trust me, don't you "

He kissed me,  Ignoring answering my question,  that brat don't trust me,  I felt like my inside was boiling but I cool myself down, I won't be seeing him after today anyway,  Let him be cocky one last time.

" Wake me up when we are there " he said calm as he lay down.


Twenty-seven minutes and we were looking at the building,  It use to be Paul Saidi's favorite place, " The heavenly tower "

One of the things I want to get rid of because they remind me of my awful past,  the one that I was nothing but a puppet,  a weakling who couldn't even protect the one who gave birth to them,

With Raphael on my left and Kennedy on my right we slowly took a step forward towards the grand finale

My numb heart started to pound heavily,  my heart beats raise and my body was hot from excitement.

" Why is he coming? "

The annoying voice of Raphael distracted me from getting my orgasm, I felt like killing him at that moment but I hold myself back

" Because he needs to be here "

I replied shortly and he didn't drag it more, I guess his mother's death shook him big time,

The moment we step into the hall, there was no one just like how I ordered,  It was decorated extravagantly as if there was some devilish sacrifice but no single soul was to be traced,

" Did we come to the wrong place? "

I walked fast to the upper floor of the hall leaving the two of them wondering,  suddenly the door started to lock themselves in an insanely speed " What the fuck is happening? "

Kennedy screamed and I couldn't help myself but laugh,  It was so satisfying and enjoyable,  They wanted to come up to me but I lit the fire and they were sounded by the fire ring.

" Did you forget about me or you were playing a game, my little mouse? "

They couldn't even hear me, they were busy fighting for their lives and it was pathetic,  Calvin and Roger were never like this I wish these two were dead instead.

" You know isn't funny right?, I'll drop the chandelier right on top of your heads if you don't entertain me "

I was feeling my orgasm near the door I just needed a little trigger and I will feel that feeling I had when I first kill a person,


Kennedy's arm caught fire and right that moment my mind blow, my legs trembled and I fell on my knees as my eyes flipped,

I was biting my lips with one hand on my chest and another between my legs,  that was the feeling I was looking for,

It felt so good only heavenly beings will understand,  as my mind was blank, and my sight was dark I suddenly felt something fall on my head, I tried to open my eyes but everything was blurred

I struggled to keep myself awake but I was too weak at the moment and then I remembered when we were in the car Kennedy gave me the water that tasted weird,

I can't believe I am drugged,  I was angry but I couldn't do anything because suddenly my whole world stopped.


I wasn't sure how many hours passed but I woke up feeling so hot, I opened my eyes and saw Nini and Juliana,

They were both tied with a rope which will mean that the hunter becomes a prey

They says, when the hunter hunts the hunter then the hunting game is over, I suppose there is truth in it,

I watched the fire that was spreading slowly and the shadows behind it were so familiar,  it was Kennedy,  Raphael,  Caro, and Rachel,

Those four joined forces together. What a bunch of losers,

" I'm sorry I couldn't protect you " Nini who was crying said as she bite her tongue,  followed by Juliana.

I know I should be sad but I wasn't,  I just didn't know how to feel at that moment,  but somehow when the fire was getting closer and closer I felt excited,  humans usually felt fear but I wasn't

My legs were burning,  and I watched as my skin piled off, It was painful,  I was supposed to cry in pain at that moment but until the fire burned my thighs I was already cum four freaking times.

And now the fire started to spread fast but then I saw something weird,  both Caro and Rachel were pulling up their faces,  It was fake face mask  when their true faces were revealed I was a little shocked despite being in pain,

It was Raphael's mother and that bitch psychiatric, they were both alive,  then to whom does those bodies belongs to?

I couldn't get a chance to think because my face was burning,  but the feeling wasn't bad at all, if I knew that death was this fun I would have tried it sooner than wasting my time playing games for years,

I have to come back one day, I have to experience this feeling again,  I can't be gone for good, I still have so many plays in my notebook,

As my soul slowly started to leave my body those thoughts were all I could this of,

It will be a waste if I died like this, I might be villainous but I didn't choose this character it's the character that chose me, I could have been a better person If I was raised like one but...

" God If you are there here me out..."

"  I need to be reborn as the worst version of me "

And those were my last words.


When one's Pov ended another takes over, after working as a maid for years finally I Marina Hunter will get what I deserve, The future I deserve.

My baby boy Raphael will have a bright future as well because from now on, I'll be the head of all Mafia,  and every one of them will worship me like a god.

I couldn't help but smiled as I watched everyone gathered at the Royal Ball welcoming the new era of Mafia god,

" I'm god, nothing more nothing less,  The almighty is what I shall be with no attachment,  no family or lover, I will be, The god and god shall be my only title, I..."

Bam! Bam!

The gunshot was heard,  the marina and the doctor who was mixed in the crowd both fell to the ground and the whole place become silent.

" Your God is here ", The deep and authoritative voice was heard,  and suddenly everyone bowed.

>>>>>>>> End <<<<><<<<<