
Chapter 2: And so It begins

TW: mention of murder, sewercide, and slight pedophilia

Hitherto on "PsychoxPsycho"

Shuichi felt a smile creep on to his face. He wiped the smile off his face when someone else spoke.

At the moment

No one pov

The two Psychos got ready as usual

And got to school at the usual time

Kokichi pov

I just started school and I immediately gained a crush...

How did that happen

He's just sooooooo handsome!!

Who would ignore him!!

I hugged myself as I thought about him

Is it equivalent to starting a book series/T.V. series or an Anime/Managa series or a Movie series and immediately crushing on a character??



But did that ever happen to any of you?

I got to my class

And sat in my usual seat

And then he comesssss!!!!

But instead of sitting in the seat in front of me...



Okay Kokichi stay calm

Before he gets suspicious

No ones pov

While Kokichi was panicking and simping at the same time Shuichi just admired his face

Like bro what

Just take an auta saken picture geez its not that hard bro-


Just after Shuichi FINALLY Decided to take a picture of Kokichi the teacher comes in and handed out the lesson and went up to the board


The period just before lunch came around

Well this is what happened

New pov unlocked!!

Shuichi pov

As I walked into class I walked to the empty seat next to him and I finally was able to talk to him maybe..

I sat down

No reaction this time

"Hey" I said as he jumped


After a minute he finally spoke "Hey!" He stated cheerfully sounding a bit childish "wanna get some lunch with me?" I asked he smiled


I cant even

"Of course!! I would love too!!" He said smiling again



"Is it fine I take a picture of you??" I asked

Great now hes goimg to think I'm weird..

"Oh!! That's fine!!" He said smiling "great!!" I say

"3.. 2.." As soon as I said one I took the picture it was beautiful

Hes so beautiful

"OOO! Can I see?!!" He said I showed him "its beautiful!!" He complimented it "thank you!!" I say

Kokichi pov


He wanted a picture of me!!!

And it actually looked good!??!!

The teacher walked in which I wish she hadn't

If I go berserk and start a random killing spree

Id kill her first cuz she keeps staring at my love weirdly

Shes 29 too

And My love is 16

Why on earth would he want to go with her she dont even look good either like



She went on with the lesson

I hate her so much!!

Not because she's a math teacher no

But because she INSISTED that Shuichi answered all the questions and had the AUDACITY to ask 'WhY aReN't AnY oF yOu TrYiNg?!??'


She'll definitely be the first person I kill

How should I kill her...


The best question is when..

"Shuichi can I talk to you after class??" She asked with fake shyness "uhmm... Sure??.." He said


If she confesses her love to Shuichi and Shuichi says no that'll be the perfect excuse to kill her!!!

I have the perfect plan too!!

I kill her and make it look like suicide!!!!

I'm a genius!!!

But I would need to eavesdrop on their conversation though hmm...


After class I managed to listen to what they where saying

"So Shuichi-" she started

"No." He said coldly

"But you don't even know what I was going to say" she said despair trailing her voice

"Fine what" he said

"Can we-" she started again

"No. Ew absoultely not!!" He raised his voice but still said coldly

"WHY" she started crying


My plan is going acording to my plan!!!!

"I said what I said" he stated I heard him walk to the door so I bolted as quietly as possible

I waited at his locker

And he finally came

"Oh Ouma-san!! You're here!!" He exclaimed "yea!! We planned to have lunch together didn't we!?" I explained happily "we did" he stated and grabbed his lunch out of his locker then grabbed my hand and kissed it making me blush I saw a smirk form on his face I tried to yank my hand back but as soon I took it from him he managed to get it back

"WHA-?" I confusedly scream "I can't kiss my friends hand like a Gentleman?" He questioned I just blush

"Lets just go get lunch" I say still holding his hand "Well i have my lunch the person that is getting lunch is you sir" he said "that is why we're walking to my locker" I say with a giggle

After I got my lunch we went to the rooftop no one goes there well except us now

We were having a good time talking about everything and nothing

Then the school day ended


I was walking home I felt like someone was following me I soon shrugged it off as soon as I got to the store

No ones pov

The purplenett went to the store to get groceries and supplies for... His scheme

Anyway back to the ravenett he was cleaning with his sister Tsumugi

They were listening and singing their hearts out to moves like jaggger by Maroon 5 then it ended and Cant hold us by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis they sang their hearts out that too

When they finished cleaning Shuichi made dinner and Tsumugi took care of their garden

They lived by themselves because their parents (also psychcos) got themselves in prison and their unlce doesnt want to raise them because they look and act like their parents

Shuichi had a weird Obsession with blood, and a sadist which he got from their mother and sadistic father

Tsumugi also a sadist and also has a weird Obsession with blood and pain

Shuichi and Tsumugi both are obessed with blood, and murder

They watch true crime for fun and at times they watch danganronpa together

When they were done eating and cleaning this includes dishes and when Tsumugi was in the shower, Shuichi decided it was a good idea to rewatch season 1 of Making A Murder

Tsumugi walked out finished her shower and epsiode 1 just started she had an idea ahe gasped overdramaticly "who do you think you are watching our favorite T.V. show? WITHOUT ME???!!??" She said with a fake cry at the end "I hope you know it just started and its not even playing" stated Shuichi as he walked back to the couch with a buncha snacks "Oh... I knew that!!" She smiled lying "No you didn't.." He said "you're right.." She said


Kokichi returned home and saw his favorite show, BuzzFeed Unsolved, on but it was paused and his sister and cousin and cousins boyfriend was in the house his sister and cousins boyfriend was chatting, Milan and Haijme, and cousin, Nagito, was making dinner kokichis favorite, beef stroganoff, they noticed Kokichi was home "what is all of this?" He said in shock "its not even my birthday" he said getting teary eyed "your right its not your birthday" said Haijme "M-Mom told us t-to do this b-because s-she knows you m-miss her K-Koko" said Mikan "psst- He goes by Kokichi now" whispered Nagito to Mikan "O-oh my a-auta how c-could I f-forget???!! I-I'm sorry Kokichi!!" She said "Its alright Mikan you can still call me Koko" said Kokichi

But His mom, Celestia, isn't wrong he missed her very much but due to an adoption of a child she can't come to their house yet. Kotoko has to get to Celeste and Kirigiri before they can introduce her to their trans sibling and sister

Enough about that

They ate their dinner as they watched BuzzFeed Unsolved

They soon all went to bed

Including the sadistic Blue berries


seriously i dont so dont correct it

_Kokichi_Ouma_creators' thoughts