
Pursuit of Wealth

In the bustling city of Bangalore,India, Sanjay, a regular programmer, faces challenges caused by Chatgpt and an economic slump. As he questions the value of conventional success in a world dominated by social media, a mysterious encounter grants him the extraordinary power of NZT-48. With this newfound ability, he navigates the complexities of the tech industry, surpassing his peers and wrestling with the moral implications of his actions. 'Pursuit of Wealth' unravels a compelling tale of Sanjay's journey as he grapples with the balance between ambition and integrity, leaving an unforgettable mark on the tech landscape.

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10 Chs

Commotion At School

He arrived at his school on his bicycle. No one knew about his ventures except his close family members.

"Hey Dude, how are you, buddy?" Aditya, his best friend, patted him on his back.

"Fine, man."

"Wow! You look like you just came back from vacation. You seem happy despite being suspended; you even took an extra week off."

"It's alright, man," Sanjay said.

"Alright, buddy, but be careful. After you got the teacher suspended, all the other teachers started badmouthing you. Even some parents prohibited our classmates from talking to you. This includes Riya."

Sanjay showed no concern, but in a glance, he could see that all his other classmates were ignoring him.

Aditya informed him about everything that happened after he was suspended. Soon, the class started, and nothing unusual happened except that all the teachers avoided him.

During class, he could easily multitask in his head without any issue. Over the last two weeks, he monitored his body every day for any side effects just like in the movie. He felt relieved that there weren't any. But his consumption of food was increasing; every day, he needed at least four adult-sized portions. His appetite was huge for a 14-year-old.

He also needed to start exercising and learning martial arts if he wanted to stay fit for a longer time.

From the next day, he started jogging early in the morning and began learning martial arts from YouTube videos. Although online lessons at this time were not up to par, his NZT was enough to substitute for it.

Within a few days, his physical fitness started improving at a tremendous rate, and along with that, his genius was getting recognized in the class when he was complimented by his new math teacher for his out-of-the-box thinking.

Slowly, all his classmates started to ask him questions, including Riya.

"Hey Sanjay, are you going to appear for the national math Olympiad?" Riya asked.

"Maybe, if you are going, I am also going," Sanjay replied. Riya giggled, and Sanjay started to flirt with her.

Aditya, sitting there, was astonished by how confident his brother had become. Previously, he didn't even have the guts to look at Riya.

"Maybe I should learn some moves from him to impress Jaya," he thought to himself, looking at Jaya, who was busy practicing math. She turned around and looked at him. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing," he replied, putting his head down.

While Sanjay was talking with Riya, a few boys entered his class, and within seconds, one of the boys threw a punch at him. Sanjay dodged it by a few inches and immediately jumped from his chair.

"Riya is mine, you shit!" the boy threw another punch at Sanjay, aiming for his stomach. But before the punch hit him, Sanjay brought his left knee to the front in a classic Muay Thai battle stance, and it met the boy's fist.

The boy screamed in pain and knelt on the ground. All his friends surrounded him.

"Ahh, here it goes," Sanjay thought, taking his battle stance once again. He knew he might get suspended again for dealing with the bullies.

At that moment, Aditya threw warm water from his bottle into the crowd and shouted, "Acid Attack!!!"

Panic ensued, and people started running. Some shouted, some ran towards the washroom, and some just waited there in shock, thinking they would soon die.

They didn't know it was only warm water, and their faces were only hot for a few minutes. Sanjay, Riya, and Jaya stood there dumbfounded while Aditya laughed hysterically, standing on his chair. If someone saw him, they would think of the Joker from Batman.

Soon, all the teachers came running to see what the commotion was about. They saw multiple people literally crying. After asking a few more people, they soon understood what the commotion was about.

This time, both Riya and Jaya stood up for Sanjay and Aditya and explained the entire situation. All the people involved were taken to the principal's office. After discussing everything, the parents of all the bullies were called.  The situation was quickly resolved, bringing an end to the eventful day.

Time passed from a few days to a few months, and BuzzTalk became a sensation. Politicians and celebrities swiftly adopted the platform, enticed by its smooth interface and the prestigious blue tick feature. Despite catching Twitter's attention, they chose to overlook it, realizing that if they provided enough perks, they could dominate the market.

BuzzTalk was still struggling to turn a profit, so Sanjay decided to bolster it by releasing some new hit games. His monthly earnings skyrocketed into the millions of rupees. With summer vacation on the horizon, he effortlessly sailed through his exams, boosted by the cognitive enhancements of NZT. He was confident that if he couldn't excel in such a straightforward examination, he might as well not exist at all. With the exams behind him, he eagerly embraced the upcoming vacation.

Now, the time had come to launch Instagram in both India and the USA. Seizing the opportunity, he secured a collaboration with Tata Communication and expedited Instagram's launch by four months compared to its original release date in his previous life. Juggling coding and managerial responsibilities, he eventually had to hire a small team of five individuals to handle the day-to-day operations. While most of the IT aspects were handled by his contracted team at Tata, the additional team in Bangalore was now taking care of the routine business affairs.

In a few days, he would be traveling to the USA to ensure the smooth operation of the Instagram launch and to spearhead its promotion. Two members from his team had already been stationed in the USA to oversee most of the arrangements. His plan was to collaborate with influencers and promote Instagram through their YouTube channels. To accomplish this, he organized a launch party and extended invitations to prominent YouTube personalities, though he had to skip inviting Hollywood stars due to budget constraints.

As his parents insisted on him not traveling alone, his uncle accompanied him on the trip. His uncle had become his official attorney, handling all the vital paperwork and legalities. Sanjay ensured that his uncle was duly compensated for his services, which left his uncle content and satisfied with their working relationship.

After a grueling 24-hour journey, they finally touched down in California, the heart of the renowned Silicon Valley, a hotbed for startup ventures. Their prearranged hotel driver was already waiting for them, and after freshening up, they headed to the launch party in the hotel's grand ballroom.

Sanjay donned an elegant Armani suit, exuding confidence and sophistication as he took to the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a very good evening to all of you! Tonight, we are here to witness the birth of something extraordinary—the launch of Instagram!

We're not just talking about an app; we're talking about a revolutionary way to capture, share, and celebrate the beauty of life itself. Instagram is more than just a photo-sharing platform; it's an avenue for self-expression, a space where experiences come alive, and stories find their voice.

This platform is a testament to your adventures, your creativity, and your unique perspective on the world. From mesmerizing sunsets to heartwarming family moments, from thrilling escapades to everyday marvels, Instagram is where your visual tales find their home.

Get ready to embark on a journey where every image is a narrative, every video sparks conversation, and every post forges a connection. This is more than just pixels on a screen; it's a window to a universe of creativity and human expression.

So, let's come together and celebrate the joy of sharing, the thrill of discovery, and the magic of connection through the lens of Instagram. Here's to new friendships, unforgettable memories, and an entirely new way of experiencing the world. Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey, and here's to the many captivating stories that await us on Instagram. Cheers!"

The thunderous applause filled the room, marking the beginning of an unforgettable evening. Guests immersed themselves in the flowing drinks, with some hitting the dance floor, capturing every moment for Instagram, and others recording vlogs for their YouTube channels. Meanwhile, a few girls were busy flaunting their outfits on Instagram, adding to the vibrant energy of the party.

Sanjay ensured that every invitee had downloaded Instagram onto their phones. He chatted with the guests, his charm catching the eye of a few girls, to which he responded with a hint of interest. The party carried on into the night, filled with laughter and joy that echoed throughout the hall.

Hey there, it's the author checking in. I might have gone a bit too fast with the story. My bad! I promise to slow things down in the next chapters. I'm kind of new to this whole writing gig, so I hope you'll bear with me.

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