
It's not so bad

chapter 7

• seven •

( Winter's POV )

"TRANSFEREE would you mind introducing yourself in front of the class?" Ms. Kura as I've known said

I can hear my heart beating so fast. I'm freaking nervousness! No words left my mouth as the feeling of anxiousness crawls inside me. Can the ground just open up and swallow my whole being?

What should I do?

I can feel the cold sweat runnin' down the side of my face. My knees shaking in fear.

"U-u-uhm" I stuttered

I looked around feeling everyone's gaze on me. Now I'm feeling more nervous than before. All the attention is on me, observing my every move. I hate this kind of spot. I hate situations like this.

I took a shaky breath "uhm"

"I'm Winter Villegas nice meeting you all" as faint as I could I introduce myself. Feeling shy I didn't waited for the teacher to tell me to sit down as I sat hurriedly don't want to feel gazes on me.

I averted my attention on my desk. I think I'm getting a heart attack.

This is the perks of me being anti-social. My anxiety kicks in whenever the attention is on me. Are all introverts like this?

"Tsk weakling" I heard the girl at my back scoffed

What's her problem?

I saw Kly smiled sweetly at me just sitting right beside me. Her smile was telling me that my introduction was okay and I don't need to worry. And all I did was smile back at her.

She's kinda' kind tho, a social butterfly.

Not long after our class started and finally I knew the name of our teacher which is ma'am Hailer. Kura is just a term used which also means teacher. Students were forbidden to call them by their names as it is charge disrespectful. So students call teachers Kura or else they will be punished. You must be wondering why all of a sudden I have knowledge of that. Blame Kly, I happen to ask her why call our teacher Kura and not ma'am or miss. Then she blurts out every information including the unneeded ones. That's how talkative she is. But for some unknown reasons I don't find her uncomfortable. Yeah she's weird but in good kind of weird.

Putting back my things on my backpack I heard Kly rushed beside me.

"Hey Winter wanna go lunch with me? They're serving some free desserts today" Kly happily beam at the mention of free food. She must be a foodie person too.

Still feels awkward around her I still said yes. So basically me and Kly are walking towards the school's cafeteria.

Since the cafeteria is on a separate building so we have to walk a couple of miles to get their and Kly didn't hesitate the chance to tour me around.

"This is the comlab and next to it is a the art room. You can come around anytime you want we don't have specific schedules in arts anyways. And we have two different campuses, first campus which is this campus is called campus Ultor"

"C-campus what?" I asked all confused

She looked at me "campus Ultor. And the second is campus Herden which is at the-" she turned me around my left side where a small students aisle is separating a huge building. Wow I didn't noticed that before. "-other side"

We were already outside the building and now walking towards cafeteria building.

"Is that the college campus?" I asked literally confused! My brows frown.

Kly clicks her tongue "well, no. It's hard to explain but let's just say that campus is for the high rankers"

"You mean the elite kids?"

"Hmm you could say that. But one things for sure don't get involved in a bad situation with the elite kids" she warned me emphasizing the 'elite kids'

Amidst my confusion I heaved a sigh "that's the last thing I'd do"

The cafeteria is much larger than I thought. It's well organized and it's packed. There's section for each kind of foods. You can see dessert section, fast food, bread and pastries and oh! There's a section for vegetarians too. Gosh I'm so in love with this building.

My eyes glitter at the sight of foods. Bringing my tray to the fast food section ordering chicken burger and onion rings. Not forgetting to buy myself a cup of coffee. Totally forgetting the crowd inside this building. What the F! For a moment I didn't felt nervous. Maybe because no one was looking.

Imagine my happiness right now. I'm in cloud nine!

My smile fell when I can't see a vacant chair. Okay so now I feel shy.

I was startled when Kly grabbed my hand.

"Let's go to the dessert section, there's free dessert" she then pulled me towards the destination

Amazed by the delicious looking ice creams I got myself some chocolate uh- I forgot what's it called. But it really looks delicious. Taste delicious too.

Kly easily found us a seat for two persons only. And I'm glad I'm with Kly or else I would be ridiculously standing there holding my tray.

"You're a food person too?" Kly asked amused looking at my plate

I smiled genuinely at her for the first time. She's really a great company, I don't usually talk much with people I met like a couple of hours ago. But somehow I feel like Kly and I have known each other for a long time because of how comfortable it is.

"Yep" I said popping the "p"

"Guess what? I am too" she laughed

"Oh I've noticed"

We were talking and our conversation went on and on from this topic to another one. Turns out Kly loves movies and books.

Getting a sip from my coffee I suddenly felt breathless. Coughing I looked around and I don't even know why. Kly felt my uneasiness and she stopped licking her fork full of icing.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing" I shrugged. Contented with my answer Kly continues to eat

Why am I feeling so weird all of a sudden? I can't even explain this emotion right now. It's like I'm out of air but my lungs are just fine. I'm not nervous but my heart is beating at a fast pace.

This is just nothing. Brushing of the feeling completely I went back to sip my coffee again.



A/N: and I'm back! Hope you love this chapter guys tell me your thoughts through the comments I would love to read it
