
Purple Dawn Till Dusk : dearest through the time

#COMPLETED# ***All chapters marked- (edited) have been edited by Larkspur and Aoi_Tenshi Late At Night- "Cancel your engagement with my stepsister and marry me" Senja said brazenly. Xiao Tianyou looked at the little girl in front of him with amusement, "But, why should I marry you?" Senja tilted her head to one side and smirked coquettishly, "Because I am smart and beautiful. Moreover, I know how to find Gong Xu" "Why do you think I care about this Gong Xu guy?" He asked with a cold voice. "Of course, you care! He was the one who killed your wife." Xiao Tianyou glared at her with menacing eyes. His thin lips shut tight before he spoke in a low and hoarse voice. "Are you threatening me?!" "I wouldn't dare!" She feigned fear and continued, "Let’s call this ‘relationship with benefit’." *** She was a cunning and haughty professional thief from modern era. Together with her three brothers, she stole whatever ‘requested’. However, Senja was sent back to ancient time by an elderly woman to find someone named Yun. Only by finding him could she come back to her era. Once she arrived there, people from the kingdom’s army claiming that she was a daughter of a formidable clan of spies who had been kidnapped for a year. *How could that be??* She was sure that she hadn't occupied someone else’s body, so how could she have become a brilliant divine girl with virtuous conduct and noble demeanor, who had also saved the country? *Hmm...* Resolve this by feigning amnesia then... hee-hee... So, she can fake a memory loss, but can she keep up to HER reputation?! Especially since their personalities are poles apart! Then there’s the overprotective grandfather of hers who has forbidden her from stepping out of the manor lest she be kidnapped again! Grr..………How can she start looking for this Yun guy if she can't go outside? There’s just one way! Marry the military commander a.k.a, the Second Prince, Xiao Tianyou. Argh!!!…….. he is the fiancé of her vicious stepsister!! *A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Everything is going against me!* ........................................................................................ ##Meet me on instragram : jikan_yo_tomare Disclaimer : cover picture is from pinterest.com Check out my other stories: **THE STORY OF DUSK **The Love of a Lycan

jikanyotomare · Lịch sử
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549 Chs


Gu Xie didn't have reaction for a minute and just stared at Senja with brooding eyes. However by the time that passed, the pain in his purlicue area gradually entered his frozen mind.

His clouded eyes becoming more and more focus, this sudden clearness make his disoriented memory colluding with the unseen force inside his mind. He screamed on the top of his lung.

This time it was Elder Dam who dragged her back and didn't let her go, he directly hauled Senja out.

"No more Senja!" He said with angry voice that indicating no room for negotiation.

The last glance before the guard close the door was Gu Xie banging his head to the wall while screaming painfully.


Outside the prison.

Elder Dam is fuming mad with Senja ignorance. He turned around to face her with intention to reprimand her harshly to not get involved in this matter anymore.

However to his surprise, the moment she turned around Senja suddenly pounced her small body to his embrace and sobbing softly, her shoulder trembled.

The initial angry Elder Dam dumbfounded, his back stiffened by her granddaughter sudden action. Eventually his wide palm was stroking her purple hair slowly to appease her sobbing.

His angry subsided drastically.

With teary eyes Senja look up to her grandfather, there was stain of tears on her cheek, upon seeing his dearest granddaughter crying a wave of panic and helplessness strike him. Added with Senja tremble lips and shaking voice she said softly.

"Grandfather, I am afraid… that man was shouting at me"

Elder Dam hugging her tightly with a comforting voice he said. "It's alright, grandfather is here. Don't be afraid"

When Senja heard his comforting voice, her cry broke out. She cried until her heart contented for long time.

Xiao Tianyou and Utara who were standing by the side didn't make any voice. Utara annoyance subsided by Senja tears that flowing down. Regardless of anything she was still a delicate girl from noble family with kind heart. Who would dare to act harshly in front of her? Even though she is amnesia now, her nature wouldn't change, right?

however Xiao Tianyou just get more annoyed when he saw Senja acting like spoil little girl.

It was her who wanted to meet that man and it was also her who persisted to come closer to him, but why she is crying like there is no tomorrow now? As though as, someone wronged her badly.

Elder Dam's heart broken when he heard her cry, at this point how he have a heart to angry at her or even reprimanded her? He even wouldn't dare to raise his voice, afraid to startle her.

And that was Senja motive.

Because of the situation already develop like this, she has to squeezed her brain to dealt with her protective grandfather first. With this, for the meantime Elder Dam wouldn't argue with her or talking about the scene inside the prison.

Senja rubbed her tears with her sleeves and with hoarse voice she said. "Grandfather could I stay at room beside you? I am afraid if there is another scene like last time" The moment she said 'scene like last time' she didn't forget to shiver her body lightly.

"Yes, of course. You stay there. With that grandfather also feel more at ease"

As Senja predicted, Elder Dam will complied.

With Elder Dam consent, Senja silently glance at Xiao Tianyou who still emotionlessly standing not too far from them and cheekily smile inside her heart.

With Senja stay at room beside Elder Dam it would prevent him to barging inside her room again and interrogated her like last time, right?

Hehehe… One move, three problems solved. I am indeed talented.