

There are many wizarding families in magical Britain.....Some more powerful than others.....some wealthier...some famous.....some unknown....and some taken for granted.......but there is one thats cut above the rest.....different from the rest they are from one of the oldest house to exist and one of the 28..... Do you know why being one the kindest loving tolerant and warm family and sticking to the light side even when being called the 'Blood Traitors' the family name has weasel in it hahahahah...........well you are about to find out.. support me by donating https://paypa l.me/ Alihamza2 12011?locale.x=en_US

ReadingDreamer · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Fight love and balls

When the teacher took longbottom to the nurse. Both slytheibitch and harry were on their brooms and the Sytheibitch threw the remembral and harry catches and blah blah blah he becomes a seeker and shit.....well that's that.....Then there she was Ron first and only good lay that he kept for good Hermione. I don't know how she got together with this useless ron in the movies but things different now as i know the future and who is my only lady only one thing remains, Hook up with as many girls as possible before settling for old age..... But as i am only 12 right now lets start in a year until then lets enjoys some romance with the red headed girl.....A man should always have a fall back girl and this witch is mine. As i walk towards the duo and start my plan to have her eating out of my hand and looking into it this will be easy...or will it

so things went up and i chatted her up and slowly i moved to her good book little by little

then this happened....

Ron walked down the Great Hall with Hermione, he was wondering if he should offer to carry her books because she looked like she was having a hard time of it. If I offer to carry her books, Ron thought, she might get the wrong idea and think I like her. Ron continued to stare at Hermione's ongoing struggle with the mountain of books in her arms.

"Ron, you baboon. Quit staring and help me with all this." Hermione shrieked, rolling her eyes. Really, she thought, he can be quite thick.

"Yes. Well..., sorry." Ron stammered, taking half of the mountain from Hermione arms. "Where did you get all of these books, anyways?"

"Some are textbooks, most are library books. I got a little bored after my extra credit work." Hermione replied simply.

"A little?" Ron asked, his eyes bugging out of his head.

"Honestly, Ron, some people actually like doing something productive with their spare time."

"And how much spare time have you got?" Ron replied tartly, eyeing the books in both of their hands.

"Plenty." she said, fluffing her hair. Hermione thought of what she just did. Did I actually just fluff my hair in front of Ron? One look at Ron's disbelievingly expression told her that indeed she had.

"Are you alright?" Ron asked, something peculiar in his eyes. When did Hermione become such a .. .a. . .such a girl. Ron was shocked with his conclusion. With the exception of fourth year, Ron had never really seen Hermione in such a way. He began to blush and he didn't even know why.

"Of course I'm alright." Hermione snapped. Although, in her mind, Hermione was steadily going over the reasons why she would fluff her hair in front of Ronald Weasley.

One, I have finally over exerted my mind and I can no longer carry on regular conversations with a regular person ,Ron was no Lockehart , without making an ass out of myself.

Two, the powers that be can quite possibly hate me and would love to see me make an ass out of myself.

Or, a little voice said, you did that because you are madly in love with Ron and want to have his babies and just wanted to look good in front of him.

Hermione rolled her eyes, she didn't know whose little voice that was, it wasn't hers, it sounded a bit like Harry's. That would be like Harry too, trying to get me to believe that I'm in love with Ron. Hermione snorted aloud.

"Did I say something funny?" Ron asked, rather dreamily. He was picturing Hermione fluffing her hair just for him before he could stop himself. Ron became aware that he was staring at Hermione like a piece of meat dangling on a stick and he was a wild animal.

"'Mione ..." Ron murmured, still dreamily with his eyes shining with apparent emotion, reaching his hand out to touch her hair. Hermione kinda has beautiful hair. Hermione pulled away, part of her wanted him to and part of her was embarrassed at what he was trying to do. People from other houses were beginning to watch ,this seemingly romantic gesture on Ron's part, with interest. The boys closest to Ron and Hermione were holding back laughter. The girls were holding back 'awws'.

"Ron!" she shouted, putting her hand out to block his if tried this stunt once again.

Ron blinked a few times. "What?" he asked, finally out of his trance. His mind was trying to make sense of what he had done.

"Never, ever, try that again," Hermione started in a deadly voice, "in front of people."

Ron took that deadly voice to heart. But then the full force of what she had said hit him. In front of people?, Ron thought. A slow devilish grin started on his face, I wonder if I can try it in private?

But alas as she was yet underdeveloped we needed to wait some time.That harry he fucking ruined it almost that pip suique would come up with such a bold idea

"Ron! Mate! You're drooling." Harry whispered. Ron looked at Harry absently and turned back to the busy work of drooling and staring. "What are you staring at?" Harry continued.

"Hmm? Say something Harry?" Ron took his hand out from under his chin and looked at his friend. Harry looked in the direction Ron had been staring, all he saw was Hermione.

"I said, what are you staring at?" said Harry, obviously exasperated. Ron was oblivious to the obvious.

"Oh. Nothing. Just...erm...uh... So, take any notes, mate?" Ron sputtered and blushed.

"Why are you changing the sub-are you blushing?" Ron acted like he hadn't heard Harry, pretending to be absorbed in the notes he was now writing. But they didn't look like notes, more like scribbles. Harry tried to peak over Ron's shoulder but Ron kept maneuvering so Harry couldn't see squat. Sneak attack, thought Harry. Harry smirked and didn't try anything for five minutes, he could see that Ron was steadily letting his guard down. Quietly, Harry made his move. His hands made quick work of stealing the parchment right out from Ron's nose.

"Harry...no!" Ron choked out. Ron could see his mate studying the parchment quietly. Maybe he won't notice them, maybe he just won't see it. Thinking hopefully, Ron continued to watch Harry. His hopes were shattered when he heard what Harry said next.

"Ron, what does HG stand for?" he asked dumbly. It stands my social death, if you don't shut your fat trap, Harry.

"Nothing Harry. And don't talk so loud." Ron whispered desperately. Harry's face went blank. Then suddenly his face showed signs of understanding everything.

"You. Hermione." Harry pondered a bit more, then shouted, "RON!-"

"Keep your voice down." Ron whispered desperately, seeing some of the other students eyeing them, curiously. Harry nodded and continued.

"You like Hermione." Harry stated in a whisper, his eyes wide.

"Tell me about." said Ron, in a defeated voice. "Let's talk about it later?" Ron asked. He knew he'd never get Harry off his back if he didn't give him an explanation.

A few hours later, after many had went to bed, Ron and Harry sat in the Gryffindor common room. Hermione stayed for a while, trying to see what was up and when they didn't tell her, she finally stormed off, exasperated. Harry stared at Ron blushing after Hermione. For Ron, the silence was unbearable, he was wondering what Harry was thinking.

"So. You...erm..and Hermione." Harry said, embarrassed.

"Well. It's mostly me. I don't think Hermione likes me." Ron replied, his face beet red.

"Yeah, me neither." Harry said. He saw Ron's crestfallen expression and hurried to fix what he said. "Not that we can't change that."

Ron turned away from the roaring fire of the Gryffindor common room to goggle at Harry. "Pardon?"

Harry grinned devilishly, "We could make her like you."

"Yeah. When pigs fly." Ron replied, rolling his eyes. "So. You're okay with me liking Hermione?"

"'Course, why wouldn't I be?" Harry said, "Anyways ,we're drifting from the matter at hand."

"Which is?" Ron asked, puzzled.

Harry stared at Ron, as if he was daft. "To make Hermione like you. Pea Brain." He threw in for good measure. Ron replied by making an obscene gesture with one of his fingers. Harry ignored him and continued, "What you gotta do is make her fall in love with. Or kiss you, whatever comes first."

"You mean like, seduce her?" Ron asked shakily.

"Uh. Erm. Sure, why not?"

"I don't think I can manage to get anyone to fall in love with me." Ron stated, glumly, "Or to kiss me."

"Why not? You're, uh, nice looking boy. Besides, the plan we'll come up with will be so genius, Hermione won't know up from down by the time you're done with her, old boy." Harry could see it already, Ron and Hermione. Hermione will keep Ron so busy, he won't even notice me make my move on Ginny. Harry smirked.

"I don't know. Hermione is pretty smart. What if she figures out what we're doing?" Ron asked, thinking of Hermione's wrath if she ever found out

Ron stretched, blissful in the couple of seconds after waking up that he knew nothing. His mind blank, he opened his eyes to stare at the curtain ceiling. Then he remembered what had happened. He rubbed his eyes and chided himself for being so foolish as to get himself involved in Harry's 'little plan'. At that moment, Harry opened the curtains of Ron's bed. Speak of the devil...

"Ron! You big fat layabout!" Harry shouted at Ron, about an inch from his face. "You should be putting the plan into action, not goo-gaaing the curtains!"

Goo-gaaing the curtains?

"What are you talking about Harry?" Ron asked disgruntled about being woken up. Harry sputtered a moment then continued on with badgering Ron.

"I have no clue." Harry responded. Figures. "Anyways, now is not the time to be focusing on me. We have to focus on your love life."

"Harry, you've obviously lost your mind." Ron said with disgust. "I can't go through with that dumb plan of yours. I just can't. Hermione's a smart girl, she'll figure it out. She'll hate me, she might even beat me up, you seen what she did to Malfoy . That could be me."

"Ron, I'm this close to hurting you." Harry said, gesturing with his index finger and thumb. "You gotta stop doubting your self, Ron. I mean you're a...erm...you could be very...erm...debonair when you want to be." If Ron doesn't go through with this, I can just kiss my dreams of Ginny goodbye, thought Harry.

"Harry, if you had half a brain, you'd be scared of putting the plan into action too. If Hermione finds me out, she's bound to find you out. Then we'll die, at the hands of our best mate."

"No, she won't. You just gotta be more confident. Look, put on your best tie and robes, then we'll be off." Harry commented, pulling Ron to his feet with force. "I'll be in the common room, waiting for you, as I'm sure Hermione will be waiting for you. You just gotta be positive, Ron." Finished Harry while walking off.

Harry's right, just gotta be positive. Ron walked to his wardrobe and started digging through his clothes, looking for something suitable to wear in the presence of his ladylove Hermione. I feel like such a girl. After a while, he found a tie that was practically new and some robes that didn't fall above his shoes.

In the Gryffindor common room, Hermione sat, eagerly awaiting Ron. Harry sat beside her, noticing how fixed her eyes were on the stairs leading to the dormitories. He smirked thinking Hermione wouldn't know what hit her.

Hermione was thinking about something else entirely. Ron and Harry had been acting weird since early yesterday. Something was obviously afoot. Hermione intended to find out what. Hermione knew she should respect her friends privacies, but she was tired of always doing what she should and not what she wanted. She desperately wanted to be privy to their little especially if it involved a new adventure.

Ron had been haunting Hermione's mind every since yesterday, his actions of the day before shadowing every thought she entertained. Hermione didn't know what had gotten into him. It was like he had been possessed by a entirely different person. A person Hermione liked. Not that Hermione liked Ron. At least, she believed she didn't. Hermione Granger thought the whole idea of liking Ronald Weasley was preposterous. Utter rubbish is what it is, thought Hermione.

Sadly, Ron thought the same thing. He knew that Harry had every intention of putting him through what could hardly be called a good plan. Sure, it was fun to just talk about doing it, actually putting the plan into action was absolutely ludicrous. At least Ron knew it was crazy,Harry on the other hand thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.

When Ron stepped of the last stair Hermione gasped. There was something different about him. Maybe that other side of him that resurfaced the other day is back again. Either that or Hermione was seeing Ron in an entirely different light. A light that she wasn't too fond of if that A light that she wasn't too fond of if that was the case. It was perfectly fine to think Ron had changed in some way, but for Hermione to think her feelings towards Ron had changed was, again, rubbish. I don't like Ron, of course I don't. Do I? No, no I don't... it's Ron, not bloody Professor Lockehart.

Harry's smirk widened when he looked over to see Hermione's stunned face. Although her stunned expression was somewhat mixed with thinly veiled disgust, that didn't bother Harry. Everything is going according to my plan, thought Harry. Even though Harry didn't like to keep many things from his two best mates, Ron especially, he had to keep the fact that he liked Ginny away from them. Harry felt that if they found out, he'd never be able to show his face, he had to win Ginny first. He noticed Ron in front of Hermione and quickly wiped Ginny from his mind, not that it was easy, even thinking about her made him feel guilty.

"Hermione, shall I escort you to class?" Ron asked, offering his arm up to Hermione. Harry's green eyes glittered with barely contained laughter, that's not what I meant by being debonair, Ron! Thankfully, Hermione accepted his arm with a puzzled expression on her face. "Would you like me to carry your books too?" Ron offered, holding out his free hand to Hermione.

"Sure... Ron. How..erm kind." Hermione said holding out her book bag to Ron. Ron accepted, nearly falling over from the weight of the books. Struggling to put the strap over his arm while the other was interlocked with Hermione's, proved to be a hard task indeed. If Malfoy sees me like this, he'll never let me live it down.

Arriving to their first class, which was thankfully with the Hufflepuffs, Ron collapsed into his seat. Then remembering to be debonair, he jumped up and pulled Hermione's seat out for her. Lavender and Parvati shot him puzzled, yet knowing looks.

"Really, Ron, you don't have to do all of this. I mean, seriously, don't." Hermione murmured, falling into her seat.

"Yeah, Ron, stop it or she'll suspect something." Harry whispered, leaning over towards Ron.

"You told me to be debonair!" Ron muttered back, looking aggravated.

"I told you to be debonair, not a chump!"

after that to get back at him i gave him a nice dream it went something like this.....

Harry sighed after a long and tiring match of quidditch. Naturally he had won the game, and naturally, Slytherin House was pissed. The raven sighed, his dark hair falling into his green eyes. He was exhausted, completely exhausted.

"Potter..." Draco Malfoy, marched up to the boy. He flipped his white hair to the side and folded his arms across his chest.

"Malfoy..." Harry responded. A long pause came between the two as they stared at each other, "Is there something you wanted?"

Draco sighed, walking closer to the raven haired boy, "You've got some nerve Potter... I mean really, what spells are you doing anyway? It's ridiculous, you, cheating and getting away with it.."

"Maybe I'm just good, Draco...Did you ever consider that?" Harry stepped closer, glaring harshly at the boy.

They had constantly been at each others throats, ever since they had joined Hogwarts. It was a never ending battle between the two. They had never physically fought, usually it was only with spells and words. But today, Draco had the nerve to haul off and shove Harry against a post.

"You listen here Potter, if you don't back off and start losing some matches I'll-"

"-You'll what?" Harry shoved him back, scowling, "You know as well as I do that you wouldn't think of doing anything-"

Before he finish his words there was blue spell glow (Dúr lór).......both of the went to sleep.....

"-You know nothing about me, you don't know the things I'm capable of," Draco pinned Harry against the post, hands on both sides of his head.

"Back off..." Harry warned, not wanting to fight the other.

"You son of a …" Draco groaned, grabbing Harry by the hair and slamming their lips together.

Harry fought for what felt like over a minute, but it was only a few seconds. After he realized that Draco wasn't trying to kill him, he began to relax. Harry didn't expect his first kiss to be from a guy behind the quidditch field, especially that guy to be Draco Malfoy. It was an awkward kiss, confusing and new to the both of them. Fourteen was a confusing age, especially for two hormonal wizards. It soon came naturally, and they were forcing their lips together, bruising them as they nipped at each other. Their teeth clashed as they fought for dominance, raking their nails through each others hair. The possibility of getting caught was slim to none, but as soon as the thought hit both of them, they pulled apart, gasping for air.

"Harry..." Draco barely whispered.

"What...?" he wiped his mouth, feeling strange.

"C-come with me," he grabbed the boy by the wrist, dragging him completely out of sight.

Harry was quiet, not wanting to speak. Of course, he had no idea what Draco was up to, but he didn't really care. A warm feeling was filling his stomach as Draco pulled him into one of the many towers that surrounded the field. Draco pushed him to the floor of the tower between the bleachers, knowing that the last place anyone would look for them was out there. The platinum blonde boy straddled Harry's hips, leaning down to kiss him deeply. Their second kiss was more passionate, almost loving. Draco slowed down the kissing and worked his way to Harry's neck. The raven let out a slight moan as the kissing and sucking against his throat began. A slight chuckle emitted from Draco's chest and throat as he continued to torment the younger boy. Harry gasped as the older boys thigh pressed against his groin, grinding slightly. Draco sat up, pulling his robe off, followed by the one Harry was wearing. Harry began to speak, but was quickly quieted down by Draco's lips. He worked them slowly, silently telling the younger boy to keep quiet. It was still new to the both of them, but Draco did know what he was doing. Harry just laid there, completely submitted to the other boy. He let out a slight complaint as Draco began removing the rest of their clothing. Harry knew what was going to happen, knew it was inevitable at this point. It was only a matter of time before Draco had stripped them both of any article of clothing they held. A nice sized erection stood between both of their legs, and

and Harry was quite surprised at the size- very large for a boy of his stature. He felt himself blush as Draco eyed him and his semi-hairless body. Draco reached his hand down, grasping Harry's member. The boy gasped and bit his lip, wanting to feel more of the one that was taking all of his innocence from him. Draco ran his hands through Harry's thick head of hair, gently pulling him up onto his knees. They were eye level again, and their lips were pressing tightly against each others as they pulled their bodies together. Harry became mildly confused as Draco stood up, locking his fingers in his enemies hair. Draco's large cock was in his face and he got the hint when he looked up, the platinum blonde winking at him. Harry nodded, grasping the erection in his hand. His mouth opened and he carefully took the member into his moist cavern. Draco let out a sigh, groaning as Harry began bobbing his head back and forth.

Draco had known personal pleasure, whether it be from arguing with people, fighting, casting spells, or even silently masturbating while in bed at night...but none of that compared to the feeling of Harry's lips and tongue working at his cock. Draco let out a nice moan that caused the boy on his knees to shiver, pulling away from the cock.

"I didn't tell you to stop," Draco frowned.

"You didn't tell me to continue either," Harry smirked as he stood up, "let's do something else..."

Draco nodded, "Come here then..." he wrapped his arms around the younger boy, pulling him close. He placed two fingers to Harry's lips, "Suck..." he commanded.

It wasn't like Harry to submit to someone so freely, but even if Draco was considered his enemy, he was oddly comfortable with their sexual acts. Harry opened his mouth and sucked on the boys fingers as their lower bodies ground together. They moaned as they watched each other, not wanting to look away. It was the most exotic and out of control thing either boy had done. Exotic, because they were having their first sexual encounters with another boy; out of control, due to the fact that they were risking being caught. Harry soon had his arms wrapped around Draco's neck, moaning into his ear as the fingers he had just coated in saliva were being inserted into him. He dug his fingertips into the boys shoulder blades, gasping as the two digits thrust in and out of him. Draco smirked, thrusting the fingers deeper inside of him, curling them just right. Harry let out a muffled scream as he buried his face into Draco's neck. In any other situation, Draco may have been rough and demanding- ripping at the boy and being forcefully dominant; but in this case, Draco was gentle, allowing the both of them to feel pleasure.

The gray eyed boy rubbed Harry's back before removing his fingers. He watched as Harry fell to his knees, whimpering. Draco hadn't realized that he nearly drove the boy to an orgasm, stopping his motions just before that was allowed to happen. He grabbed their cloaks and laid them out before helping Harry lay down.

"Relax for me..." Draco was flushed, completely gorgeous. He spoke in a soft tone, the words flowing off his tongue like no other.

"This is going to hurt..." Harry whispered, biting his lip softly.

"Maybe for a bit..." Draco spread his legs, laying between them. He brushed the hair from his new found lovers face, placing a gentle kiss upon the scar he held, "I'll take it slow," he winked, sending chills through Harry's body.

Harry nodded, spreading his legs wider. Draco spit into his hand, rubbing his cock to get it slick. It wasn't normal for him to carry something with him such as lotion, or even a condom..so he did with what he had. Harry's breathing was shaky as he watched Draco position himself. He lifted Harry's hips slightly, rubbing his stomach to help him relax. Harry gasped, trying to contain his screams as Draco thrust his cock inside of him."D-Draco!" Harry finally screamed out, arching his back.

"Oh fuck...you're so tight..." he shut his eyes, holding back the movements he desperately wanted to do.

Harry reached up, running his fingers through Draco's hair, "Move..." he pulled their lips together, moaning into his mouth as Draco began thrusting into him.

"Tell me what you want Harry..." Draco kissed his neck, biting down and sucking.

"You..." he whimpered, rocking his hips.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard..." he bit Harry's neck harder, thrusting his hips faster.

The two moaned together, their hands roaming all over each other. They couldn't stop touching, biting, kissing, and screaming. It was intense, more than just intense, it was pure ecstasy. The last thing either wizard thought they would be doing was having sex after a long game of quidditch, especially together. But they were, and they were enjoying it. Harry was screaming louder as Draco sped up, slamming the head of his cock into Harry's sweet spot. The harder he went, the better it felt. They were completely wrapped up in each others arms, legs intertwined, and sweaty bodies mashing together.

"Harry, I'm.. oh.." Draco held onto the boys hips as he rammed his cock deeper inside of him, "..fuck I'm cumming.."

"Inside me..." Harry bucked his hips, screaming loudly as they began to reach their end.

Draco moaned loudly, digging his nails into Harry's hips as he came, shooting himself deep inside of the young wizard. Harry was next, sitting up into Draco's lap as he bounced himself on his cock, screaming out the others name as he came between them. Their lips locked in a sweet kiss, something so soft and delicate, it could have been recognized as love...

"Harry..." Draco laid down with him, playing with his hair as they relaxed.

"Mm.." he smiled, resting his head against Draco's chest.

It wasn't often that the two said each others first names, it was normally only their last name that was said when they spoke of the other. Today was different, and the two were still enjoying the company of the other.

- Later -

"Where were you?" Ron rushed up to Harry, noticing that his hair was a total mess.

"I was just out getting some air and clearing my head..." he tried to fight a blush as he recalled where he really was.

"What are all of those marks on your neck?" he asked.

"They look like hickeys," Hermione walked up, a smirk on her face, "so who is she?"

"What are you talking about? They're bug bites..." Harry tried to walk away quickly, but suddenly noticed Draco standing with his group of goons.

An owl flew overhead, dropping a letter at Harry's feet. He lifted the note and opened it. Perfect handwriting graced the page as he looked it over, "Want to go out tomorrow night?" Harry smiled, placing the letter in his pocket.

"Who is it? Your girlfriend?" Hermione and Ron were right over Harry's shoulder, trying to read the letter.

"No one, just some spam..."

- Morning -

Harry stood outside, Ron and Hermione by his side. It was early before class, and they were just watching the sun appear in the sky. The morning air was chilled, but not so much that it required any heavy clothing.

"Harry," he turned, seeing Draco standing with his goons slightly behind him.

"Draco," he responded.

"Did you get my letter..?"

Harry blushed slightly, "Y-yes..."

"Well why didn't you write back?" his eyes got wide and he almost looked hurt, to say to least.

"I was sort of busy, and .. well I forgot by the time night came and I figured-"

"-What's going on?" Hermione questioned. But Hermione didn't need to wait for an explanation, she could see the red marks on Draco's neck that matched Harry's. It was clear that the two were up to "something."

"It's nothing," Harry lied, "can I talk to you in private?"

Draco nodded, grasping Harry by the wrist and dragging him away from the group. He parked them in a corner, out of sight, and leaned into Harry, "Why didn't you write back..?" he whispered.

"I was just thinking things over..that's all..." Harry smiled as Draco wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him into a soft kiss.

"What type of things?" he rested their foreheads together.

"Just was wondering if you and I were … well you know, dating?"

"Well of course we are.."

Harry nodded, "What will people think?"

"I don't give a fuck what people think," Draco pushed away, "well...more like, what my father would think..."

"You don't think that people would think any less of you because you're a queer?"

"I'm still smarter and stronger than anyone and-"

"-you two," Hermione marched up, "you're dating, aren't you? That's where you were yesterday," she pointed to Harry, "and you couldn't be found for your spell competition yesterday..." she pointed to Draco, "Not to mention you both have hickeys on your necks and you're now both blushing," she placed her hands on her hips, nodding.

Draco scowled, "It's none of your business, you mudblood."

"Draco..." Harry grasped his arm, "stop it," he turned to his friend, "yes, we were together. It may all seem a bit strange but...well actually it is really strange."

Draco frowned, shaking his arm free from Harry's grasp, "I'm out of here..." he stormed off, hearing Harry call after him. He began running, avoiding the one he now referred to as his boyfriend.

Harry groaned, "I'll talk to you later about this Hermione..." he took off running, quickly catching up to Draco, "Malfoy," he ran faster, tackling the older boy to the ground.

"What is wrong with you?" he shouted.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!" he shouted back, pinning him to the ground.

"Harry this is all so new to me and I don't want your friends getting involved right now..." he sat up, frowning, placing his hand on Harry's hip.

"I don't either, I don't know how she knew..well, actually I do..she's smart but-"

"-is it really that obvious that I love you...?"

"Well it wasn't to me..."

"Well what about to Granger?" a few students walked past, raising their eyebrows and whispering. It was quite the site, Harry straddling Draco's hips as they sat in the grass...it was clear that something was going on between the two, but they didn't seem to mind that people were starting to stare.

Harry sighed, "She's-" he paused, watching Professor McGonagall march over.

"Potter, Malfoy, we had a report that you two were fighting..?" she looked at the strangeness of the situation.

"No Professor McGonagall," Harry spoke up, "we were honestly just talking.."

"Just talking..." Draco agreed, removing his hand from Harry's hip.

"Well...alright. Get to class then..." she eyeballed them one more time before walking off.

They sighed together, looking into each others eyes, "So now what?" Harry spoke.

"We kiss..." Draco smiled, pressing his lips to Harry's.

Hermione, Ron, Crabbe and Goyle, all stood from afar, watching the two kiss on the grass of the school. Their mouths were agape, and they we and they were all in shock. It wasn't what anyone expected, not even Hermione. She had most likely expected the two to fight, haul off and hit each other or whip their wands out and begin casting spells against each other. But no, they were kissing; kissing so passionately it was amazing and quite amusing.

"Bloody hell..." Ron dropped his books for class, "Harry's a queer?"

"And Malfoy..." the two goons said together.

"They actually look happy," Hermione folded her arms, smiling.

"People are watching, Harry..." Draco held his hands.

"We should get to class then..." Harry stood, pulling Draco to his feet, giving him a final kiss...

Ahhhhhhhhhhh...came the screams of both harry and slythibitch yep i gave them the same fucking dream hahahahahahhahaha...