

There are many wizarding families in magical Britain.....Some more powerful than others.....some wealthier...some famous.....some unknown....and some taken for granted.......but there is one thats cut above the rest.....different from the rest they are from one of the oldest house to exist and one of the 28..... Do you know why being one the kindest loving tolerant and warm family and sticking to the light side even when being called the 'Blood Traitors' the family name has weasel in it hahahahah...........well you are about to find out.. support me by donating https://paypa l.me/ Alihamza2 12011?locale.x=en_US

ReadingDreamer · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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18 Chs

Classes Flight and anti-stupid Charm

I was as calm as water in a lake no changes in facial expression because I knew they can't do shit to me as I am not same old Weasley who was a poor chap that could not do anything for himself nope no I am Roland Billius Weasley the most successful Child prodigy of the century and I have a full team of goblin lawyers and Protection of one of the most powerful force of magical world Gringotts...

Mcgonagal was starring hole in to me with her classic no fun only business look and I just smiled at her...

"Mr Weasley it is against the rule to attack fellow mates and it's been only hours into the school and you have broken a taboo rule on the first day...."

Than a man walked in. He had dark robes with a dark suit dark hairs and deep dark eyes. He did not look odd with stuck up nose and sharp eyes he looked quite cool and handsome I knew who he was as one of my favourite character in the HP series the badass S.Snape. But he look pissed off at me due what I did to his house members and I don't blame him he has a repo to keep up with. but I think we can be friends....

"Headmaster I want immediate expulsion of this kid as per rules". said Snape

"Let first hear his reason for doing it"said a wizened voice as an tall old dude with a plump body and long beard with glasses walked out of the great hall.

"Albus Dumbledore" I whispered to my self.

he looked as if asking why i did it ...but as Guru in both Legilimency and Occlumency I knew he wanted to read my mind so make my self clear I filled my head with of an old guy(Dumbledore) making out with a white hair and pale skin dude (aka Grindelwald) on king side bed with a city view at the back...With Snape tied to a chair made to watch.Yep I don't like people peeping in my head and I made sure that they would never ever try that again.

As i did that I could see color drain from both Snape and Dumbledore"s faces as if they had seen something no one would expect to know about ....

I smiled at the two before me and said " Well as you heard me the first time its them who attacked first and I just practiced my right to defend myself from harm being done into me. Instead of me getting expelled you must worry about how are you going to explain to my people about what just happened today let me tell you the law is equal for everyone or for those who have tons loads of money and goblin lawyers and they will not take kindly when they know that someone tired to force them self into my mind I hope you like what you saw because it can get viral even if there is not internet here news travels faster in Magical Britain.

"Mr Weasley you should calm down I know kids can be a bit...mischievous so if you would be kind enough to let them be I will make sure that they apologize to you" said Dumbledore looking all kind and dandy.

"But headmaster he broke the rules" shouted Snape....

"Some just broke the law" I said.

Snape glares at me with a murderous look...

"Enough Severus"said Dumbledore "We all know who was fault here" and its just skirmish between Kids and especially boys we can let it be for now". I Hope that there won't be anymore of such incidents in the future". But the kids family my not like it i hope you can handle what follows young Mr Weasley" said Dumbledore while looking and Ron and than turned around and said "Now off to your Dorms kids dismissed".

Well after that was over we went to our dorms i gave a Fuck you look to Slythebitch and went to our rooms went to sleep

(Next day in Dumbledore's office)

"I will not let this rest i will make him pay for what he has done."shouted a man with long white hairs and a long nose he held a long cane in his hand he was the father of Slythebitch Draco Malfoy Lucius Malfoy.

"You can try if you think you can prove it and you know the boy hold a lot of power now that he is affiliated with Goblins" said Dumbledore.

"it is not over"said Lucius Malfoy as he stormed out of the office.....

Mean while our hero was busy making up a plan for what to do next...with an evil smile on his face....

The next moring everyone gathered for the classes first was charms it was the same as cannon except that i nailed the Wingadium leviosa chram by using it to levitate my body than we had the herbology and the than we went for Potions where snape tried to embarrass me with his Question but forgot that i was a Monster in Potions if he gets the newspaper daily haha than we went to flying class and it went well untill i tried helping Neville out this time by casting a new charm that i named the anti stupid charm. It is as the name tells that prevents stupid shit from happining well almost but still he did not break his arm but was still scared unconscious but i think we can fix that soon too...As this was going on both Harry and Slythebitch were at it again....