
Pure or Toxic Love?

have you ever wondered if your love is pure or toxic?, this story is a story of a Boy in his freshman who is hopeless in love, his past relationships are filled with Toxicity. Now that he's starting to have a new life to a new University. Unexpected Drama,Romance,and trauma will come to his way. Gem a cute chic freshman who went through a lot of bad relationship making him hopeless in love has another break up once again. his relationship doesn't last long whether he dated a man or a woman and everything he does always ends up bad. His 3 Best of friend, Max,Luis and Rosa are always there to support him. the 4 friends are finally freshman having their story begins in the university. As they walk Gem saw a handsome man who is completely surrounded by people made his heart beats fast. Is this fate?. The Man noticed Gem and his friends making him go towards them, but soon after a girl suddenly clinged on him.whats going to happen next?, will Gem get heartbroken again? Trigger warnib: This book contains explicit SA, Toxic , Cyber bullying , Abuse , Etc. This is my first time making a story so hopefully you will like it . (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)I'm not really good at grammar at story description hehe but I try my best

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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Next day it was Sunday, Gem was hanging out with his friends at a mall telling them about what had happened between him and Neil yesterday.

"he was fun to hang out" Gem said with a grin on his face

The three looked at him with mouth opened because they were shocked about it

"Gem, .I'm happy for you!" Rosa said as she hugged him

Gem didn't even notice about it and just keep on smiling

"well as long as he doesn't hurt him I'm okay with it" Max added

Gem looked left and right to look at them and gave them a stare of displeased "why do I feel like you're trying to make me feel that he's a bad guy" Gem said

the three then look at Gem and just laugh it off "hahahah nooooo" They said making Gem more suspicious about them

Gem just decided to brush it off and continued to have a drink.

it was already afternoon,so, they went to a movie,went to the mall, bought some stuff. they decided to go to Luis' place but suddenly, Neil called Gem

"Gem? are you free this afternoon?" Neil said with a calm tone

the three looked at Gem confused, making Gem to turn away from them and smiled "Oh well I was about to hang out in my friend's place, why?" Gem responded

"oh I see I see, I was about to ask you to watch a movie together, you did say you wanted to watch the Avengers end game" Neil replied

"oh! well.." Gem paused for a minute and looked at three

"guys what should I do? we just watched the avengers just now and Ne-...Brother Neil just told me to watch it with him" Gem whispers.

The three look at each other and then look at Gem

"just go for it!" Rosa replied with a whisper

"don't worry about us and just go to your dear Brother Neil" Luis said with a laugh

"well just go after you meet up with him" Max said with a whisper

Gem nodded "well what time are we going to meet up and where?" Gem said

"oh I'll send you the location, I already bought some tickets since I'm already here" Neil responded causing Gem to be shocked

"oh! then I'll be on my way then!" Gem responded

"great, I'll be waiting" Neil replied with a happy tone and hangs up

Gem slowly looked at them and smiled brightly "well I'll be going now! I'll see you later or maybe tomorrow ahhaha" Gem said without thinking he ran

"and there he goes" Rosa said

"seriously that idiot, he could've taken a taxi" Max said with a sigh

"oh come on you guys, give him some slacks, and I'll call dibz that he's going to spend the night on Senior's bed tonight hahahahhaha" Luis said

the three joked around and finally they went to Luis' home


Gem finally arrived where the cinema is, he was panting a lot as he look around to find Neil.

When he finally saw Neil, he was surrounded by some people

"are you interested in becoming a model?" A female casting said

Neil gave her a smile "sorry but I'm not interested" Neil politely rejected

more. casting agencies keeps on asking him but he kept rejecting it, finally he saw Gem. He raised his hands to the people and gestured for respect and went to where Gem is

"you're finally here" Neil said with a smile

Gem looked up to meet his eyes "haha yeah, and you seemed busy earlier so I didn't have a chance to say hi to you" Gem said

Neil gave a small laugh causing Gem to blush abit "haha well they keep asking me to be a model..only a model tho" Gem was confused why he said the word "model" twice, but decided not to bother asking about it

"well what time is the movie starting?" Gem asked

Neil checked the tickets "about 30 minutes, but I haven't bought any snacks since I was waiting for you"

Gem placed his hand on Neil's shoulder "Then, your Junior here should buy some snacks"

Neil looked at where Gem's hand is "no need Gem, I'll be the one treating you"

"no Neil, I you already bought the tickets,so-" Neil abruptly responded "Gem, I asked you to come with me even when you were going to your friends, so let me treat you"

Gem couldn't say anything, he put down his hand and gave a small sigh "okay fine, but I still feel bad for you buying everything, tickets and all" Gem said with a little bit of sad tone

Neil placed his hand on Gem's head and slides it to the back of his head "Gem, don't feel bad about it, just think of it as an apology for being an asshole to you okay?"

Gem now feels even more bad because Neil already apologized for what he did, even tho he doesn't hold grudges about it Gem thinks that Neil regrets on what he did "no..I well .anyways let's just go buy then" Gem said with a stutter

Neil nodded

after a while they finally bought some snacks and went to the movie theater

when the show was on going Gem couldn't concentrate because he already watched the movie. instead of the movie he kept on looking at Neil

Neil was concentrated on the movie. Gem noticed Neil's facial expressions, when he's annoyed he looked away from the screen and frowned, when he's sad he tried not to show any emotions at all, when he's happy he cross his arms and keeps smiling, when he's anxious his eyes squints and trying not to look at the screen. Gem keeps observing Neil making him to fall in love with him even more.

Finally Neil looked at Gem, and they made eye contact, Neil smiled and whispered "somethings wrong?"

Gem shook his head "No, nothing the movie is very nice huh" Gem whispered

Neil nodded still smiling and went back to watch the movie

Gem was getting abit bored "Neil" Gem whispered

Neil leaned to the left to hear clear what Gem is about to say "yeah?" he asked

"can I use your shoulder as a pillow?" Gem asked

Neil looked at Gem trying to comprehend on what Gem asked, he looked away for a minute and decided to lean more closer "mmm" Neil said

Gem didn't even hesitate and rest his head on Neil's shoulder as they watch the movie

what they didn't know is Kit was right behind their seat looking at them

he was going to take a photo of them but it's their privacy and he's in the cinema so he can't use his phone

when the movie ended people are now getting out of the cinema, Kit too left leaving some people and Gem and Neil behind

"the movie was really nice, I'm just sad that this is the end of the avengers" Neil said as he sigh

Gem didn't respond making Neil to look at him.

When he saw Gem crying because of the movie, Neil's eyes widen "Gem?" Neil said with a soft voice

Gem still didn't respond. Neil squints his eyes and clenched his fist

Neil suddenly tap Gem's head causing Gem to flinch and look at Neil "huh..oh sorry Neil were you call" Neil suddenly wipe Gem's tears away causing him to stop mid sentenced.

Gem's eyes widen "Neil?" Gem said being confused

"even when the movie already ended, no sad scene happened you're still crying?" Neil said with a flat tone with an aggressive look

Gem flinches causing him to avert his gaze on Neil "oh haha, well that's how i am whenever I watch a movie I guess" Gem said. of course he lied his reason

Neil And Gem looked away from each other. Neil stood up after Gem

they went outside of the theater

as they walk

"well Neil, are you perhaps hungry? it's already 5" Gem asked

Neil looked at the time, he was about to agree but he forgot that he does not have enough money since he has used some money for the movie and snacks. "oh I'm all good, is there any place you're about to go to? we should hang out more" Neil said with a flat tone

Gem thinks for a minute "oh hmm..well I'm a bit hungry right now so let's just go some restaurant" Gem said making Neil to have a unamused face

"Fine but which one?" Neil asked

Gem looked through his phone and showed it to Neil, it's a 5 star Restaurant

Neil frowns "Gem, y'know I can't afford this, let's just go somewhere cheaper" Neil said

Gem looked at his phone before looking at Neil, Gem was hesitant for a minute "oh that's alright Neil, I can treat you with the meal and it seems like a good food too" Gem said with a smile

Neil placed his hand to his own face as if he's having a headache "Gem, y'know what forget it, let's just not go eat here or out, instead I can cook you some food, much more better" Neil said as he sigh

Gem's eyes lit up "oh I guess that's a good idea!, your cooking was really nice!"

Neil was flattered from Gem's enthusiast in his cooking and gave Gem a smile "alright let's grab some Ingredients first"

Gem Nodded and they went to the market place, the two had fun talking to each other, As Gem told Neil that it's been a while since he went to a market since he always orders food online.

they laugh and was filled with smiles. after everything they went to Neil's place

"Now that it reminds me, Gem this is your third time being in here" Neil said with a small laugh

Gem flushed red making him embarrassed since they barely even know each other yet He only realized that He keeps being in Neil's Place "haha yeah...Its probably because I already had a first night here, that's why" Gem said with a sarcastic tone

Neil slowly looked at Gem and smirked "well feel free to stay here for the night if you want, I don't mind"

Gem opened his mouth trying to say something back but no words was coming out so he turned his face away from Neil and sat down on the floor near the bed

Neil chuckled as he entered the kitchen, preparing food to cook

Gem was patiently waiting for Neil as he used his phone, talking to his friends. and it suddenly occured him

("I wonder how I'm going to face Senior An tomorrow,I did say I'm not going to meet up or have contacts with Neil anymore...but then Neil told me he's going to tell Senior An...other than that..Me and Neil seems to have gotten close with each other....and...what's weird to me is...whenever my body touches his..my body feels weird, is it because of what happened last Monday") Gem questioned himself from his thoughts

Neil put a lid in a pot, waiting for it to be fully cook and went to where Gem is. He kneeled down and his face is close to Gem. "Gem?" Neil said, as he snap his finger Infront of Gem's face

Gem was surprised and suddenly moved back away from Neil as he placed his hand to where his heart is "jeez Neil you scared me" Gem said as he try to calm himself

"well you were in a daze again" Neil responded as he look Gem up and down

"oh sorry haha..is the food cook yet?" Gem asked

Neil shook his head "no not yet I'm just trying to simmer it" Neil said causing Gem to look confused since he doesn't know how to cook but he just nodded as if he knows what Neil has said

Neil suddenly went besides Gem as his shoulder met Gem's "Why are you sitting on the floor? it's hard and cold you could've sat on the bed y'know or lay down" Neil said

Gem placed his phone down and fidgets abit "well it's kind of rude y'know" Gem responded

"well not really, and besides we're friends, so relax" Neil placed his hand around Gem's shoulder causing him to flinch and tensed up

Gem's heartbeat beats fast ("what is this, I was fine when I used Neil's shoulder as my pillow at the theater why am I tensing up now")

Neil looked at Gem, he already knows that Gem is tensed but he still didn't let go of Gem and secretly smirked "Gem? what's wrong" Neil asked

Neil's sweet deep voice is making Gem to react even more, is it because he's alone with Neil?, or is it because he remembers the time from last Monday

Gem tried to calm himself but he's still tensed

Neil's face suddenly went closer to Gem's ears "Gem? is something wrong? you're tensed" Neil said

Gem got goosebumps "Neil you're to cl-" Suddenly Neil kisses Gem's neck causing Gem to freeze

Neil keeps kissing Gem's neck making some love mark. He started to lick his neck and his hand moved, inserting inside Gem's shirt trying to reach his chest

Gem bites his lips and started to have a reaction

Neil stopped and looked at Gem, making Gem to look at him. as the two looked at each other their faces gotten closer and closer until they finally kissed.

Neil Gave Gem a passionate yet aggressive kisses "Hrmm wa..ca br" Gem trying his best to say "he can't breath" Gem pushed Neil away gently and started to pant "wait please, give me a moment" Neil pulled Gem and started to kiss him again, as Their tongue intertwined, Neil started to suck on Gem's tongue as he play with Gem's nipples.

"Ah" Gem moaned as he placed his hand on Neil's thigh near to his man area

Neil suddenly stopped and stood up, Gem was in a daze and couldn't comprehend what just happened, until Neil grabs Gem, making him to stand up and pushed him to the bed. Neil started to remove his shirt

Gem stared at Neil as he leaned closer to Neil's upper body as he start kissing his chest, his abs then he slides his tongue towards Neil's nipple.

Neil suddenly gave out a grunt as he grab Gem by the hair pulling it back.

Neil stood up and started to unbuckle his belt but he soon realize that he left the food to simmer. He suddenly let go of Gem

"..Neil?" Gem said with a confused tone

Neil suddenly got off the bed and went to the kitchen "sorry I almost forgot that I was cooking" He said with a chuckle

"oh.." Gem said as he looks disappointed

Gem sits up the bed and scratches his head realizing that he was about to do something bad in the heat of the moment

"well the food is ready I'll just plate and fix the table" Neil said

When Neil was setting up the table, Gem has a flushed face, he couldn't look at Neil's face as he sat down on the chair

Neil sat at the opposite table of Gem and giving him some spoon,fork rice and the food he cooked.

Gem took a bite trying not to be awkward because of what happened, he couldn't believe that he didn't even push Neil away again.

"how's the food?" Neil asked with a calm tone

"it's good" Gem replied as he's being awkward about it

("how is he so calm after what had happened, wait other than that, ay shit! why didn't I push him away?, I told myself that we're just friends and I'm not going to do anything with him anymore yet I AURGH what was I thinking!?, or am I even thinking!? I don't know!!, after this meal I'm going home and reflect but before that

") Gem looked down and he is turned on ("I should do something about this")

Neil tried to ignore Gem being silly with his facial expressions but he couldn't help but smile as he eat

after a while they didn't even talk, they just eat. Gem got up and went to the bed immediately and grab his stuff "Neil thank you for the meal but I forgot that I'm actually meeting up with my friend's house today! see you Neil!" Gem raised his hands gesturing respect and suddenly ran towards the door and left

Neil couldn't say anything and sat down and leaned back as he couldn't believe that Gem really left like that after the meal.

Finally when he couldn't hear Gem's footstep anymore he started to laugh. Neil looked at the door and smirked "Gem, I'll let you go this time, but next time once you come back here, I'll be sure to lock you up and I'll never let you get out of this house without my permission" He said to himself

As Gem was inside the taxi he couldn't help but pinch himself

"ouch, so if wasn't a dream it was real, we k.kissed again.nit just that we almost" Gem talks to himself making the driver concerns about Gem.

Gem noticed the driver and gave him an awkward smile and went to his phone

"GUYS EMERGENCY" Gem said to the group chat

"What!?" Luis replied

"HUH!?" Rosa replied

"what what?" Max replied

"yes?" Kit replied

"I almost slept with Senior Neil again!!!" Gem replied

there was a sudden silent from the gc and suddenly

"WHAT HUH WTF GEM" Luis replied

"HOW WHY!? NOW?!" Luis replied


"MY HOUSE NOW GEM OR FACE MY FURRIE" Luis replied once again

"I know I know! this is bad! I promised myself I wouldn't! BUT I COULDNT RESIST AGAIN!" Gem aggressively types fast

"oh so you guys are really together Gem?" Kit replied

Gem was confused "what do you mean!?"

"well I saw you and Senior Neil inside the theater and, you were using Neil's shoulder as your pillow, it was quite sweet not going to lie hehe" Kit replied

"😱" Rosa replied


"although we aren't in Luis' house anymore you better explain it tomorrow Gem!" Max replied

"😭" Gem replied

after that moments he went to Luis' house explaining everything. Luis understood and sighs, they talked all night. Gem went home and went to bed. Gem did had fun being with Neil, this week was hell for Gem