
Chapter Two


Gradually, I begin to get into a daily routine, this week has been the firm gently easing us into to their culture as a firm, where our cubicles are, learning everyone's names, learning the ins and outs of their computer systems and how they prefer to do things. The first department my group has been allocated to is litigation, and I am loving it.

Our supervisor is the one of the few black female attorneys within the firm and she is the first woman to head the litigation department, Miss Khumalo is my WCW everyday. She cut the boys down to size when they made comments about her accent and it was glorious, I could barely contain my laughter.

My group isn't all bad, Thabo, Geraldine (surprisingly) and I have become more acquainted with each other, they seem to want to genuinely learn and do their best which is something I can work with. Kyle and David seem to be more preoccupied with boosting their egos more than anything, but as long as they pull their weight, I couldn't care less. Geraldine, still blushes anytime I mention her and David but I think she has come to realise he is a playboy and a charmer who will say anything to get what he wants. I think him and Kyle are keeping a tally of how many girls each can sleep with in the office, it's pathetic really.

Alka and I have gotten closer over the week, eating lunch together and texting everyday will do that. I still don't consider her a real friend yet but she is definitely a good acquaintance, she seems to already have the scoop on the office drama, and she does not mind spilling the tea. I've learned that she lives with her parents, not by choice, her strict parents won't let her leave the house until she is married, talk about old fashioned. But she loves home which makes it easier for her I guess, we have more in common than I thought like we both love reading books and Superhero movies and I enjoy her company, I can see our acquaintance blossoming into a beautiful friendship.

It is Friday evening and I hear my phone ring, as I answer the voice says I have a collect call from Westville prison from Noluthando Dlamini and whether I accepted the charges which I did.

" Sawbona Ma"

"Hey my baby, how are you doing?" She asks, " I am well Ma, I started working at the firm this week."

"Really?! thats great love, are they treating you well? Oh I'm so proud of you my baby, I miss you and your sister so much!"

"I know Ma and they are treating us very well, lunch was fully paid for by the firm all week so I'm happy so far, and I miss you too Ma."

She laughs, "I see you still love your food, mtanami (my child), "always, somethings will never change ", I reply.

As we continue our conversation, I wish I could see her face and hug her, I really do miss her. Ma was arrested in 2010 for murder, she killed her boss who had been sexually harassing her for years, she was his personal assistant and she and my father were never married but had joint custody of us. She still hasn't said what made her snap after enduring the harrassment for years, and Caroline has never forgiven her and has not talked to her since she got arrested.

She plead guilty and was given 25 years due to the brutal way in which she killed him, I never read the newspapers, watched the news or read the court transcripts about it. Quite frankly, I don't care how she did it, I know she had her own reasons and I'll always love her. I just wish she let us visit her, she never allowed us to come see her, Baba only saw her when the courts transfered us into his sole custody and it was tough on him too.

They had a working relationship since they were friends before they had us and were on good terms before Ma was arrested. The call then says one minute remaining we say our I love you's and I promise to give Caroline her love and the call is ended.

When I said my parents brought me to Jozi, I meant uBaba and my step mom, Thokozile, she really stepped up when uMa went to prison. She and Baba were already married but had to move into a bigger home to accommodate my sister and I and our baby brother, Lindani. They have been very supportive of both my sister and I's ambitions, Carol is completing her Masters in Criminal Psychology, she wants to become a doctor in the field, so she will be in university for awhile.

I text Caroline asking if she wants to come over, she texts back that she has a date that she is getting ready for. That's my sister, ever the social butterfly, we are fraternal twins and I always attributed her booming social life to her looks and personality, but she contends that I have less friends because I'm too picky and I can be very quiet which is unnerving for some people. I don't agree 100% with her but she is the psychologists. I text her to be safe and that Ma sends her love. To which she doesn't respond.

So I make my way to my bedroom.

I am ready to unwind and relax so I opened my laptop and open netflix, I've been meaning to watch a few series, so I have the pizza I ordered on the bed, a glass of cool drink and some snacks. I want to finish at least one full season tonight. I end up watching Altered Carbon and I am hooked but its 3am and I can barely keep my eyes open so I switch off the laptop and switch off the lights and fall asleep.