
Pure bliss

A boy arrives at his village only to end up in a place where people struggle for a notebook that can make anything written in it possible, now he has to fight his way to the top

SpadeZ_9706 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Chapter 5

I decide to try if I can do the other abilities in the book


The power of fire is very self-explanatory. A person can create fire using their mind.

Self-explanatory I don't understand anything about it, fine let me try it

I close my eyes and I also spread out my palm to try and create heat then I open my eyes to see a flame

Wow it was that easy

"Are you kidding me, you must have a large soul affinity to be able to use fire magic" Jake said amazed


"Yeah it drains one's soul if the soul affinity is weak"

"What training have you been doing" I asked


"Just homework out, a hundred situps, a hundred pull-ups just a hundred of everything," he said casually

"You say that like it's no big deal," I said dumbfounded

Ava then came to our room as we were discussing

"It's time for the third event," she said as she opened the door loudly

Learn to knock first

We immediately teleport to a dark forest

"Hello another wonderful day to start an event today you have to survive in a night in the forest of eternal darkness good luck" he disappeared again

As I look around I can't find Jake and Ava anywhere

Damn it I'm all alone in a dark and scary forest

I decided to stay where I am so I don't encounter anything dangerous

Just then I started having a headache and it got intolerable

I fall due to the severe pain in my head just then I see my grandma getting stabbed brutally by the mayor

"Grandma!!" I yelled as I ran ignoring the pain in my head but they disappear

I fall to my knees thinking about what just happened now

Was that an illusion... Yeah... An illusion of how would my grandma be here

Then I realized the severe headache was still there as I clutched my head

Ugh what can I do about this

"Yo Lee" I see the mountain spirit sitting on the tree

He jumped down and tapped on my head then I felt the headache go away

"Thank you but what are you doing here"

"I don't know why people call me a mountain spirit when I'm just a demon" he grinds

I quickly moved back as I put distance between us

"oh come on I won't hurt you I just want to enjoy the show" he grinned

I glared

"And I must say I did enjoy your screams the most like I said I just love watching people break," he said enthusiastically

"You're a psycho! " I yelled

"But I'm not the one who killed my parents" he smiles

"k... Killed why would I do that" Suddenly an image pops up of my parent covered with blood in my head

Suddenly I feel tears flowing from my eyes

"Of course, you didn't now go find your friends now, and before I go just remember my name is Akuma " he waved at me before he left

Right, I didn't kill them why, why would I cry for something that isn't true

I wiped my tears and proceeded to look for the others

When I found Jake he was about to stab himself

"sorry... Sorry... Sorry" he tweeted as he repeated those words

I quickly grab the dagger away from him

"What the hell Jake snap out of it" I slap him hard on the cheek

He then looked at me and hugged me tightly

"You are the greatest friend I ever had Lee" he hugged me tightly

"What was all that about," I asked

He then pulled out from the hug

"Something here seems to be causing nightmares"

"Then we have to find Ava quickly," I said as we both ran to look for her

We then find her being strangled by a demon with four arms

I quickly ran and set the demon on fire which caused it to let go of Ava as I caught her

When I was about to let go of her she quickly kicked my face and jumped back to the ground

"what was that for," I said in annoyance

"hmph" she simply ignored me

Ha women

I then looked at the demon for signs of life but it was lifeless

"was this what was causing the nightmares," I ask taken

"I think so"

Seiya appears again beaming with excitement

"The event is now over, the person that slayed the demon of nightmares gets a reward, come forward Lee" he gestured at me

I walk to him and he gives me a small mirror

"This mirror can reflect the attack of anyone, use it wisely because it can only be used three times" he grinned

Well that's a bummer

"Hey Seiya why are always so happy," I asked curiously

He teleports everyone out leaving only the two of us

"Well the first owner cursed me to oversee this event so that each new generation participate I hope someone will free me from this," he said solemnly

"In that case, I will surely free you from this," I said determined

"I hope so" he teleports me back to my room

"So what did he say" Jake beamed

"Nothing" I waved him off

"ah fine I guess I can't force you" he sat back down

When I laid down an image of my parent's bloodied bodies

I immediately shake off this thought it is all not true I can't kill my parents

Hey another hard time writing so you guys make sure you appreciate it

SpadeZ_9706creators' thoughts