
The authorre is a little bit drrunk so enjoyx the chaptre


Hello, there author here.

What's up? Today 2 chapters again, enjoy!


Acedia was chilling in his Pub sipping from time to time on a Harvey Wallbanger (1.25 oz vodka, 0.5 oz Galliano liqueur, orange juice) while watching some Rainbow six siege "Meaty Marley" videos. When he got a spurt of inspiration: [Couldnt I create an op Gun in my Pub and the use that guy to shoot through portals? Wait I actually never tried using my powers. That's so dumb. Damn that sloth stuff seems to be rubbing off, back when I was still living I would have tried creating portals and stuff immediately. What do I do instead? Watching some really good gamers destroying noobs. Let's go on an epic training montage!"

And that's what he did. Creating portals? EASY! Creating Spatial constructs? EASY! Creating Gojo's barrier? EASY! Copying stuff from random animes? EASY!

But then that idiot noticed it. He trained in his pub. He is literally god there, soooo he didn't train because he used his "Pubs" power not his "Personal" power. Way too many PPs in here. Anyway, to train his abilities he will have to leave the pub. To do that he made himself ready.

He conjured some training clothes and a bottle of chocolate protein shake. When a TING-A-LING could be heard when some...being entered the pub and this being looked like a fucking Dementor out of Harry Potter.

This reminds me of a weird pickup line:

Are you a Dementor?

Because you just took my breath away.

Context: I have heard this line at a convention and the guy that said that was slapped into the face later, I don't believe because of that line but maybe he had another even worse one?

Where was I before yeah right...So that thing entered and Acedia just looked at him with a deadpanned face and said: "I don't sell souls sucker. Do you understand the joke dude? Because you look like a dementor...anyway welcome to my pub. What can I do for you?"

The dementor thingy stopped in its tracks to the counter when Acedia said that and replied to Acedia: "If was allowed to, I would fuck you up for that joke! But I would like to have a Black Death long drink."

Acedia walked behind the counter while the dementor dude sat down in front of the counter and Acedia made the drink. First filled 3 ice cubes in a cocktail shaker. Then he poured blue curacao and tequila over the ice. He added grenadine syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and blood orange juice and shooked the Black Death long drink vigorously. He then filled a tall long drink glass with 3 fresh ice cubes and pour the Black Death long drink through a strainer into the glass. Then he decorated the Black Death long drink with a slice of orange and a cocktail cherry.

After that was done he gave it to that dementor dude who immediately took it into his hands.

The dementor-ass-looking dude put his glass on his shadow-hidden lips and then took a long sip. Then he sighed: "Damn that's really good! Congratulation consider me a regular from now on."

Acedia just told him: "Nice. What's your name btw? I am Acedia."

The dementor dude then said: "My name is Azrael, but most people know me as Death."

"Holy shit dude! That's pretty cool." Acedia said with an impressed facial expression.

"No dude it totally sucks. You know I'm responsible for all deaths in every universe there is, only a few multiverses have their own after-death systems like MCU or Bleach. In other words, I am responsible for a lot of different world beings and etc. But Humans are the worst. I'm telling you those guys are horrible. On earth ᓭ╎ ̇/ℸ ̣ || リ╎リᒷ ℸ ̣ ∷╎ꖎꖎ╎𝙹リ ⎓𝙹∷ ⍑⚍リ↸∷ᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ ∴ᒷリℸ ̣ || ℸ ̣ ⍑𝙹⚍ᓭᔑリ↸ ᔑリ↸ ⎓╎⍊ᒷ there was a universe ending scenario and I have to sort them all out into good and bad its horrible and those filthy humans...I TELL you are the worst. I hate them, they kill way too many people every day. I really am about to get a burnout."

After that Azrael started to sob and told Acedia about how much work he had to do today. He drank one drink after another and at the end of his drinking spree, Death was totally drunk. Like me, I was at a small party and drank way too much today. Thanks, Grammarly for correcting my grammar. Anyway, Azrael then fell asleep and Acedia was nice enough to create a new room for his guest with a simple bed. He then teleported Death to his bed. He didn't want to touch him. Acedia watched family guy. POGGERS.


The author here the second chapter will still come today, but it may take a little while see ya later.