

As the CEO of a multinational corporation that sells superpowers to the highest bidder ("the finest superpowers money can buy"), you'll cast powerful magic, invent futuristic technologies, and manipulate your stock price to impress shareholders!

Senhor_do_gamer · Thành thị
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40 Chs


It's a firm response, and an excellent sound bite. The journalists like it. So do the staff members of MetaHuman in the crowd.

You nod toward a third journalist, and he stands.

"Anton Clark, of Sophic Investor," he says.

"Somebody from your TV show already asked a question," you say, not without humor. "Don't get greedy."

He smiles, then goes on, "It concerns me that MetaHuman has appointed a complete unknown as CEO at such a dangerous time. Aren't you simply being used as a scapegoat—somebody to point the finger at when the company inevitably crumbles?"

Are you a patsy? It's a question that's been lurking at the back of your mind since Winston offered you the job.