


Today is Yook Dong-sik first day at the new section that he have been promoted to. He has to perform very well today because if he does not make a good impression on the first day it would be bad for him. First impression is the last impression.

It is 6:10 in the morning and Yook Dong-sik's arm is going on. Yook Dong-sik is feeling lazy and grumpy right now.


Yook Dong-sik reached his arm out of his blanket and turned the clock off.


Yook Dong-sik opened his eyes and peeked his head out side of the blanket.


Yook Dong-sik cursed because of the sun rays coming in the room were touching his eyes and were very bright.

Yook Dong-sik rubbed his eyes as he Yawned. Yook Dong-sik looked at the time.

Yook Dong-sik sighed.

He is a little bit of nervous because he has heard the section that will work it has a very strict and somewhat rude boss. Even though the boss directs in other sections too but Yook Dong-sik never have seen him before. So, he is pretty nervous about it.

Yook Dong-sik got off his bed and headed straight to his bathroom.

Yook Dong-sik used the toilet.

Yook Dong-sik then went to the bathtub.

Yook Dong-sik reached the bathtub and accidentally hit his knuckle on the bathtubs corner.

"Ugh! F#@k! So, F#@ki~g great!"

Yook Dong-sik was in a lot of pain because of the bathtub hitting his knuckles. He looked down at his hand. He noticed that his knuckles were very red.

Yook Dong-sik sighed.

"great....just great..."

Yook Dong-sik rubbed his knuckles.

After that Yook Dong-sik took a bath and did his morning bathroom rituals.

Yook Dong-sik went and got changed in the clothes he was going to wear for the office.

Yook Dong-sik got changed into a white turtle neck shirt with a brown checker print blazer on top. With matching pants as the blazer. Time 7:50 in the morning.

Yook Dong-sik came out of the bathroom and looked at the time.

Yook Dong-sik froze..

Yook Dong-sik office place is pretty far away from where he lives it always takes him at least 30 minutes to get there. So, if he does not leave now he might get late.

Yook Dong-sik went to the mirror and quickly fixed himself. He grabbed his bag.

Yook Dong-sik quickly ran out of his apartment and went to find a cab. After he found a cab he quickly told the driver where he has to goes.

After like 35 minutes Yook Dong-sik arrived at the Company. He looked at the time and it was 8:25 in the morning.

Yook Dong-sik quickly gave money to the cab driver and ran in the company.

Yook Dong-sik made his way to get signed in.

Signing in helps the company to stay track on which people came on time /late or didn't come. Yook Dong-sik was luckily early. He still has 5 minutes

Yook Dong-sik looked at the time. 8:27 in the morning.

Well now it's 3 minutes.

Yook Dong-sik made his way to the new compartment he would be working at.

The day went pretty well. Until there boss Sei-In woo arrived. He seemed to be in a pretty bad mood. Sei-In woo came in the office look at Yook Dong-sik's direction.

Yook Dong-sik was pretty busy with work. So, he didn't realize Sei-In woo was looking at him.

A college on Yook Dong-sik side elbowed him and whispered.

"hey-... The Boss is looking at you.. Greet him or something"

Yook Dong-sik paused for a bit. Taking in his college words.

Yook Dong-sik quickly stood up and bowed 90° to Sei-In woo.

"good afternoon sir! I am the transfer employ!"

Sei-In woo was a bit surprised by his sudden reaction.

Yook Dong-sik continued

"my name is Yook Dong-sik! I am happy to be working here. I hope I never disappoint you sir..."

The people in the room were surprised and impressed as well.

The college neck to Yook Dong-sik made a thumbs up to him.

Yook Dong-sik smiled a bit...

Sei-In woo calmed down because he like how Yook Dong-sik introduced himself and was respectful towards him. Sei-In woo was liking Yook Dong-sik.

Sei-In woo finally spoke in a relaxed tone.

"I am your boss... Sei-In woo... I am pretty sure you already know about it. Mr. Yook Dong-sik..."

Yook Dong-sik nodded

"yes sir... I know about you..."

Sei-In woo smiled a bit

"Mr. Yook Dong-sik please come in my office."

Yook Dong-sik looked up at Sei-In woo nervously

"o..okay sir"

Sei-In woo gestured Yook Dong-sik to follow him and started walking towards his office


Yook Dong-sik nodded and followed Sei-In woo.