
The True Meaning of Nightmares

Do you ever think about doing something that is part of the dream but there is something that is part of nightmares?

What am I saying is that there is something that is part of the dark and good of everyday life and there is the Ying and Yang and without darkness, there can't be light and so they had to be together?

What I am saying is that there is something that will bring the balance between the two and nightmares is the definition of something that is part of lies and something that is in our minds and the darkest part of the minds that is telling us to believe in something that is an image.

It's something that we are not part of and it is part of lies and despair. The darkest mind of memory is part of the brain that is in the back of the head and when monsters and something that is part of a myth are in our head and that is always called nightmares.

A nightmare is nothing more but lies and heartache that is not real but the dreams are not real either and so we must believe in something that is false. Do you know why there are always stories about the gods of other stories that exist? It is because it tells us to fear the god's power and it says that there is the reason why the world is shaped as it is and so we must believe that this world is built on lies and not truths.

I know that there are questions about the gods and goddesses of other cultures and also the reason behind the real reason that there are so many religions to believe in but that is something that you must believe in your own way and that is how we describe this world afterlife and hell. In many ways.

Heaven being describes as a system of the pure but there is also a false system too but I not saying to believe in my words or not but there are times where there had to be questioned to answer our world and found out how we can save it and figure out or origins. We need an understanding of those stories and so research them and try to figure them out your own way.

On why this world can be base on lies or truths about the world of our origins and a system that will fail those who seek the power to make the world a better place but always fail at the end and then there is another that break that system of peace and that describe the matter of perspective and an understanding of what yet to come.

But now, I will go back to the storyline and I hope what I say to understand the reason behind this story and I will make it as fun as possible. So enjoy the rest of the story.

In Amber's nightmare, she was trying to figure out how did Ago got in here, and Ago meaning swords is the rebirth of the Maiden of Swords and so she had a connection with Amber and then plus she is also a cardholder and she had the diamond of three-card.

This card holds the Arch Angel Uriel inside and he is known as the Angel of Wisdom and so she also had her card ability and then plus her own skills as an elf with angel power.

"I was hoping to find you outside of your nightmare but we need to get out of here and you need to get stronger and find the rest of the Maidens. We also hold to save this world and also stop the goddess of dreams and play."

"I want to find out more about this power that we have to defeat her and also we need to leave."

"Okay." Ago notice that the nightmare was making Amber uncomfortable to talk and so Amber woke up and she sees that Ago was right there and then there was Emily and Swift right there with her.

"What happens?"

"You have passed out due to the strong connection and we need to talk also. So come on and I talk to you alone and also you can come to Swift I believe that you might be a maiden but I don't know yet but let go."

They went outside and they talk about what Nexus said.

"Listen, what the giantess told you was correct and also some of it is wrong also due to the fact that it is all real and there are different dimensions throughout the multiverse and then there was something that is bothering me and it is the goddess trapping people within her dreams and then making people believe that they are having nightmares."

"Yeah, that is correct but it all real. I thought when we defeat the goddess all of her effects will live our minds."

"You is right but that not going to happen due to you already dying and your soul went into another person body and so that is why you are having problems getting back to your original body that is in dimension 7 but dimension is destroyed from the warfare and so that is hard to go back to and rebuild but there is another way and that is the night world."

"What does the night world have to do with us getting back dimension 7."

"It will help get to the dream world and save some people that are trap inside of the goddess dream world and so you might be able to restore dimension 7 but I doubt that it will help them."

"Help who?"

"The beings that are inside of the cards but I talk later but for now let handle the soldiers from the human kingdoms first though."

Cath was holding them back and she was having trouble when the holy knights show up and she had a problem with the holy power that they present with them but Cath is also a part goddess and so she is half effect by its powers and she just barely attack them with half her powers and so she said, "What is taking them so long?"

It was something that Cath needed to do and she had trouble defeating a holy knight but then she felt the connection and she was falling down to the ground and she had held her head and she had gotten onto the ground and she was having trouble seeing but then she had seen that there was a sword rushing toward her.

"Oh no, I about to die like this."