
Chapter 20 What Yet To Come

He was sitting on his computer screen and he was looking at the news.

"What the heck? Why are north and Korea going at it? That the last thing we need."

He was eating his breakfast and he was drinking afterward too.

"Dammit, I need to fix this or else."

Blake looks at himself in the mirror.

"But what can I do?"

He remembers what Haven said to him and he stops thinking about it.

"Okay, I need to make sure that I can help people but when it comes to war with the world leaders. They neither want something but Jerome did tell me about this. Maybe, I need to find out more about the world leaders, before it is too late."

He messages Jerome and told him to meet at his place.

Jerome message back and he said sure.

Blake got out of his chair and he went to the kitchen and he didn't want anybody to know about Mei living here.

Blake had clean his dish and he went outside and waited.

"Where are you going?" Mei ask

'I going outside but I will be back though."

"But I got no way to call you."

He got out his another phone and he said, "here use this phone and called me or text me that up to you."

"Okay, but be safe."

"I will be safe. I have gone."


He shut the door and at his doorstep was Jerome and he said, "What up man."

They shake hands and they were walking to the park down the street and they talk about the world leaders and there Jerome about the north first and then Korea leader.

"Okay, there are six world leaders in the north. We live in the south but that where the resistance is and the south lost their leaders due to us. The north leaders are a lot more dangerous and seek the power of the dream world."

"Why are they trying to get to the dream world?"

"Because the goddess and the gods that give the dream world the power to keep in up and it connect to all of us through our brains."


"Yes, in the back of our brains but the world leaders don't go in the dream world and if they do then they will probably be more dangerous than us."


"Because they are strong will."


"That just the way they are."


"There are five of them. First is Harris, he is the brain and also the genius second, Franklin, he the cool and calm type but he does that with his strong idea about the dream world and the real world. Third, Kolo, he more of the strong belief side of getting the power of the dream world into the real world and he will try anything to do that. Fourth, Victor, he the oldest out of everyone there and he sometimes called the Wise King."

"Why is that?"

"Because he has white hair and he is the right-hand man and also master of the boss."

"Who is the boss?"

"Zeth, he is a mystery and nobody knows what he is thinking but he does want to have peace with the world but after he found out that the dream world holds that power. He starts to work in the shadows and stays away from the spotlight of the news and reporters."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know but I do know that the world is corrupted but overseas. Korea has the power to get the dream world from another realm."

"How do you get this information?"

"I have my secrets. Just like you got your know."

"You speak the truth about that."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I wanted the real world to be peaceful."

"You may get a good heart but nobody listens to a nobody with no powers. That just how the world work."


"Because, when you look around. You got the strong and they walk over anyone that is in their way. You got the companies that you must talk to and they pay you. Some take and others steal by force. Then you got the weak, they struggle and they feel the pain of the world and they realize that they must change it and they do but it takes time to bring a weakling to greatness."

"I see. So what am I?"

"You are the weak. I'm sorry to tell you but you need to realize that you must gain the power to bring peace and if you want to get this then use your anger and emotions into your work and prove it don't say anything. You must show it and bring yourself the power to be heard with power."

"I don't know about this stuff but power can only get you to one place and that is to be like the strong."

Jerome was smiling.

"I knew you were different. Do you know why I like you because you not like those who seek power? You seek something else and that is understanding and bringing the peace in the right way but you might come across some people that will break you."

"Then I will make sure that I don't let that happen and if it does then I want to change their mind and their understanding of the world."

"That is what I like about you." Jerome laugh and he smile and then they talk about the Korea leaders.

"Okay, what about the Korean leader?'

"The Korea leader is Kim Jon Wung."

"What does he do?"

"He covers over the dream world."

'Which part?"

"He covers over Republic city."

"Where that from?"


'Yeah, the dream world does cover over anime and movies and other things too. That what makes up the dream world because of what people think about."

'Yeah, and that mean new things that we don't even know yet."

"So what his powers and his card?"

"The Queen of Aces."

"An ancient card."

"No, it is a rare card. It depends on the cardholder's mind and ability."

"So, we deal with a rare cardholder. Why are they trying to fight someone with that must power?"

"I don't know why but like I said Zeth is mysterious."

"So we might have someone that might be a cardholder."

"Maybe, but if he is then we might have a problem."

"I hope the resistances coming up with a plan."

"Yeah, I hope so too."

"Oh yeah, I want to ask you a question."

"What is that?"

"I want you to come to join my squad."

"Why me?"

"I need someone with your ability to get information and that is something that I will need in the dream world."

"What going on in the dream world?"

"There is a threat that going to come into the dream world."