

Valdis clings to her small hope, healing from her wounds, growing her powers, and exacting her brutal revenge. Torn between the idea of love and the feeling of despair. Join her on this journey, and find out the hidden secrets the gods have left. And what darkness is hidden in the most obvious of places.

LuRai · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

Chapter two

**Trigger Warning: Intense Content**

This story contains themes and depictions of graphic violence, abuse, trauma, self-harm, suicide, and psychological distress. It may include unsettling and disturbing scenes that could be distressing or triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. If you are sensitive to any of the mentioned topics or find such content disturbing, we recommend refraining from reading this story. Take care of your well-being and seek support if needed.

Valdis felt something warm against her face, it was wet and uncomfortable. She groaned, her face scrunching up in distaste as her eyes fluttered open. She winced, her eyes squinting as she was met with brightness. Her hands flew to block such light from her eyes, shielding them from the sudden pain. It took her a moment to realize she was no longer trapped in darkness. Squinting she focused her eyes, having adjusted to the light blaring in her face. Valdis glanced around, unfamiliar walls, unfamiliar brightness, and the unfamiliar but soft ground under her body. Lowering the hand blocking her vision she sat up. The strange sheets covering her slid from her body, such unfamiliar things she wasn't sure what to call them. As the sheets fell she noticed herself covered, her once bare body concealed by another unfamiliar fabric in strange colors. The stains from the red river no longer stained her body, the only remnant of her peace was the red stain that now dyed her milky hair.

Valdis lifted her hands, examining the strange coverings on her body, and bandages that covered her wounds. It was then she realized she no longer had her small hope in her hands. Her eyes widened and she turned her head frantically searching for it, before spotting it on a fixture next to her. She grabbed it. Gripping it tightly to her chest before laying down and drifting into another deep slumber.

"Who is she?" Gil narrowed his ruby orbs at his brother. Felix sat on the couch across from his brother's desk unbothered, merely chewing bits from the apple in his hand. "Don't Know." Felix shrugged, causing his orange curls to bounce on his head. Gil sighed, running a hand over his face before crossing his arms. Gil leaned against his desk, the wood was comfortable enough for him to stay propped. He had grown weary of his brother's antics. Worried his troublesome younger brother had gotten into trouble again seemed to be at the forefront of his constant stress. "Where did you take her from- Better yet who?" Felix frowned at his brother's judgemental stare and tossed the apple core into the small bin across the room. "How bold of you to assume I've committed a crime brother." Gil only scoffed at the words, and Felix feigned a dramatic gesture of shock. "Given your track record, I don't know how you've yet to realize your mistakes, as of recent especially." Felix scratched his carrot-colored hair, "Brother, I am a robin hood. Not a criminal. Though my methods may be questionable- it is for the greater good."

Gil pushed himself off the desk grabbing Felix by his ear harshly, "You brat. Are you so dense you can't see what troubles you keep causing? Instead of going through the proper means, you act like some thief in the night." Felix hissed in pain moving his body so his ear wouldn't be pulled so harshly. "Hey- OW- Okay-OKAY I get it!" Gil released his copper-headed brother and sighed laying his hands on his hips. Felix muttered under his breath and held his now red ear pouting. "Now. You still haven't answered my question, Felix." Gil's voice was enough to cause Felix to tense, he grumbled before sighing. "Outside Kataner's Door." He spoke low and winced feeling that his brother might hit him, and he was right. Gil smacked his back with such fervor it caused him to jump.

"OW! Brother might you spare me Alega's wrath!" Felix hissed out, Alega the goddess of pain was known for her unrelenting strikes. Gil lifted his hand to smack his brother's back again before letting out a harsh breath. "Nophion willing, pray tell you apricot-headed fool, why were you there- no, of all the things- why did you take her?" He rubbed his temple, as though the motion might get him to understand the actions of his tribulating brother. "Because I wanted to." Felix shrugged again, and before he could even finish shrugging Gil had smacked him again. "How about we try this again Felix Antio Dominion." Felix flinched hearing his full name and held his hands up in defense. "W-wait I was joking! I picked her up because she's a small woman, and was covered in blood. Who in their right mind would leave the injured to die near Kataner's Door?!" He peaked through the hands that shielded him from his brother's harsh scoldings. Gil huffed and sat on the couch, "you brought home, someone of unknown origins. From the depths of Chaos, by Kataner's Door nonetheless-"

Gil leaned his head back, resting his strawberry blonde hair against the seat. "But…you saved her it seems. I heard from the chaplain that she was in a critical state once she had arrived….So just this once I'll let your reckless behavior slide." Just as Felix was celebrating his win Gil continued speaking. "In exchange, she is your responsibility."