

Still, there was one reason why Oswald kept his mouth shut.

He had a name that was quite recognizable in the city, but he was currently working as an executor under the name of 'Number Eight'.

If he was now advocating for the newcomer Oswald, he may not know, but he is now number eight.

Moreover, it was only a newcomer who had just joined, and the relationship between the upper and lower ranks had to be clearly investigated.

Even though magic is nothing special, in the end, he is a member of a secret organization.

There may be something special that others cannot match.

"great. It's good to see our juniors' attitude."

"But, senpai. Do you know anything about 'Number One'?"

"uh… You mean number one?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know much about Number Two, 'The Messenger' that I introduced to this place."

Oswald, who was suddenly curious about Number One, asked.

number one. It is a name that seems to have something symbolic just by hearing it.

The dark merchant who brought him here was no more than number two, not number one, among the executioners.

If so, there must have been a person who surpassed the Dark Merchant, or the founder who established this place.

It was only natural for Oswald to have high hopes for Number One, as he would not have even thought of confronting the heir to any level.

Hearing Oswald's question, Number Seven stroked his gas mask and shook his head.

"Number one is… I don't know because I can't see it either."

"Oh, you don't know too well, don't you?"

"Still, he must be a great person. Actually, I don't know much about the messenger."

I asked if I could get any information, but the number seven seemed to be a no-brainer.

Let alone number one, you couldn't even discern the messenger's identity.

I wondered how I got here.

Still, Oswald understood him and decided to move on.

Since you are in the position of being a junior, you don't know how sincere you are after a while.

Above all else, the number seven in front of him seemed like a playful opponent.

"okay. Hmmmm. I still know a little about the Herald."

"You know about the messenger?"

"Sure. How could there be such a great man in a city?"

At Oswald's light-hearted, happy words, Number Seven asked with a look of excitement.

"really? Are you that great?"

"He's a great guy."

"I expected it from the fact that I was an executor, but… He was no ordinary person."

Oswald could see the excited figure of Number Seven from beyond the gas mask.

It's great to have someone with you.

If you have a sense of belonging to the organization, it was something that could inspire motivation.

How am I supposed to wind up with this ignorant old man?

Oswald, who was worried, said, rubbing Number Seven's shoulder.

"It's okay. He is one of the few who can be compared to a Heir!"

"Heir… The leader of the association."

"you're right. The Heir is a fearsome figure that no one in the city can match! The only thing that can be compared to such a person is the messenger."

I can't go into details.

However, it was not difficult to give a hint lightly.

Above all, in Oswald's opinion, there was no lie in the words he spoke.

The successor he envisioned was far more frightening than the crippled lame.

As far as he knew, there was only one Dark Merchant who had magic that was the opposite of such a successor.

Doctor Peronoff? Even that quack can't revive the dead.

Who in the world would work with a spare life as collateral?

Unless you want to be reborn as a skeleton gourd, the correct answer is to line up here early.

"By the way, is the Heir that strong?"

"Well. Maybe stronger than the lame?"

"limp… … ."

"Are you familiar with the lame?"

"No, I remember when I was younger."

As the atmosphere began to drift strangely, Oswald waved his hand in the air.

Unfortunately, it looks like it was smashed.

Wherever there was one or two people who were crippled to pieces.

Even if I caught about ten people walking along the road in this city and asked them, one of them would be able to confess the fact of the damage.

Instead of talking about the lame, Oswald said, picking up a weapon hanging from the wall.

"By the way. It feels like a secret base here."

"It's a secret base."

"Isn't the weapon also a raster weapon? Oh, this is made-to-order. I need to get one of these."

"There isn't a lot going on. After all, if it is a secret organization, it should have something like this."

"Even in the same secret organization, the association was not like this."

Hearing Oswald's words, Number Seven stroked the gas mask.

It was when he was thinking about it.

Through conversations so far, Oswald was able to catch his mood without difficulty.

"Have you ever been to a society?"

"Ah, that's a secret!"

Shh. said Oswald, putting his finger on the mask.

From Oswald's point of view, it wasn't a mistake that deserved much attention.

Maybe it's because I've seen Oswald's attitude so far.

The number seven simply mumbled past it.

"You're a dubious fellow. So, is it a secret organization?"

"sure. That's the charm of a secret organization."

immature and lack of knowledge.

The number seven reflected in Oswald's eyes was a person who could not erase the feeling of being the last.

Will such an organization be able to resist the union?

Just as Oswald was thinking about it, the door of the cradle opened and he felt a sense of popularity outside.

A new person in disguise had come inside.

"ah… … ."


It was a man wearing sunglasses and a mask, with his hat pressed deeply.

The eyes of Number Seven and Oswald turned to the new person at the same time.

Looking at the awkward atmosphere that Oswald felt for himself, it was clear that he and the number seven did not know each other.

Number 7, who was watching the new person, got up from his seat and asked a question in a slightly slurred voice.

"Perhaps… Are you an executor?"

"… … Executor number six. It's been a while since I've been here, so it's a little awkward."

"You are a senior. nice to meet you I am Executioner number seven."

number six.

As soon as he heard the story, Oswald ran out.

"Five… Number Six!"

It is a lower number than seven.

And there seemed to be an atmosphere more than a direct senior who was slightly lacking.

The solid-looking body seems to have deep knowledge in martial arts.

Oswald's lips twitched when he saw him.

I felt like I wanted to check my skills a little bit.

Oswald approached Number Six and tore a scroll out of sight.

shock. It was a magic of one circle that gave a simple electric shock.

"Who are you?"

"I am number eight. New here... … ."

The moment when the shock magic was activated to reach out to the number six.

Oswald felt the pressure and stood still.

Strangely, it felt like his breathing was unstable and his body was moving more slowly than usual.

It wasn't the first time I'd encountered this sort of invisible pressure.

pressure. It was the exclusive possession of the 6th Circle Archmage.

"I wonder what you are doing."

At Number Six's cold interrogation, Oswald immediately raised his hand to the height of his head.

Then, with a smirk, he opened his mouth to him.

"Hey, I don't know the Archmage! You must have committed a great disrespect."

"… … Archmage? Six circles?"

When he heard that he was an Archmage, Number Seven was astonished.

However, he did not care about the reaction of the old-timer to Oswald now.

Because what stood before Oswald's eyes was a beast hiding his wildness.

"I don't like pranks like this."

"I was trying to surprise you, but I failed."

"… … If you do that next time, you won't be okay."

"of course! I'll be more careful next time."

Number Six turned and walked away from Oswald.

Oswald smiled as he looked at the back of Number Six.

There is an Archmage in this organization.

It was also given a relatively low-key name called Number Six.

Oswald was a bit disappointed when he saw Number Seven, but now it was only a brief misjudgment.

ruler of life. And the Archmage who hid his identity.

Besides, the other executors who have not yet appeared.

In Oswald's opinion, this place was no less than an association.

The ruler of death will retreat.

Oswald looked at Number Six, who sat indifferently, as he recalled that simple prophecy in his head.

"I cleaned up a lot today."

A dark alleyway in District 8.

The number seven reflected in Oswald's eyes - Philip was watching the flames rising in his hand.

Fire magic.

For Oswald, it was magic that made him think of a commander.

He died of overconfidence in his own flame.

No, maybe he didn't know if he was overconfident in his colleagues.

In any case, Oswald looked at the number seven with a satisfied look as he burned the corpse.

"You worked hard, senpai!"

"Isn't there anything wrong with doing it?"

"I can. I can't light a flame like that."

Oswald said, waving his hand.

It wasn't completely empty.

Oswald's scrolls can only create 1 circle magic.

In other words, if the flamethrower was not attached to the back, there was no means to create a flame comparable to the number seven.

However, Oswald himself cannot carry a flamethrower.

For that reason, it was mostly Philip's responsibility to burn the body.

"What… Because it's not this kind of magic."

"But why are you doing this, senior?"

number seven. Does he know what he's doing?

Curious Oswald asked him, and number seven looked up at the sky quietly.

the sky covered with the moon.

Countless stars twinkled under the night sky.

"Because I signed a contract."

"Is this a contract?"

"Someone gave me this power. Destroy the evil in the world."

"I was empowered… … ? That's great."

I signed a contract with someone and received power.

Oswald's eyes narrowed at the story.

Efforts to awaken magic in ordinary people have been around for centuries.

Recently, most of them had to be killed, but in the case of the Ghost Corps, they were achieving remarkable results.

However, even the performance of the ghost corps was only at the level of a temporary magic manifestation.

Is there anyone who has accomplished research where even the ghost army and horse tower have failed?

The whole city would be turned upside down.

"senior. Do you know who you contracted with?"

"Well. I don't even know who it is."

"Isn't that person number one?"

"It could be."

Oswald was amazed by the definition of number one in his head.

It was a great organization, the more I knew.

Wouldn't it be nice to hire an Archmage and pamper him?

Can't you take someone and awaken the magic?

It was at a different level from the foundation of an association maintained by one successor's authority.

No matter what he thought, his choice was the right one.

"After all, the executors are great."

"What… Because there is also an archmage. As an archmage, I was surprised too."

"Are you surprised too? Still, you don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know if your senior will become an archmage someday, don't you?"

Number Seven's shoulders shuddered at the word "Archmage".

It is a word that every wizard has a romance.

The number seven was no exception.

Oswald giggled as he looked at the figure of Number Seven, but soon felt a sense of popularity and came to his senses.

Someone was moving near Oswald.


It's not a corpse that has just been burned.

Number 7 had already been incinerated so as not to be revived as an undead.

If so, whose legacy is it?

Oswald looked around and stabbed Number Seven in the side with his finger.

ugh Number 7, who let out a short moan, moved his gaze beyond the gas mask.

"What's up."

"Shh. Let's walk forward first."

"You want to go forward?"

"Please be as natural as possible."

Oswald ordered number seven to have a natural attitude.

If you think about it, the clothes were already far from natural.

But for Oswald today, that didn't matter.

The opponent's movements were very suspicious.

It was not the image of those who set a destination somewhere and moved.


"Come on, senior. Let's go to the next area."

"It should be. There is still work to be done."

Number seven began to move first.

Oswald followed after him, diligently scanning his opponent's path.

The opponent was moving with a deadly presence.

Looking at the appearance following this way, it must have been a follow-up.

Even if he reduced his popularity, in the end it was just a beginner's movement.

He couldn't completely escape Oswald's sharply polished sense.

"I have a pity. I don't know where it came from."

Oswald spoke quietly so that only the ears of number seven, who walked in the lead, could hear it.

After hearing the story, Number Seven asked, confused.

"tailing… … ?"

"I don't know what the purpose is."

"If you're following, shouldn't you be shunned?"

"What are you worried about? It's okay if you kill them all."

The number of opponents was not very large.

one or two.

It was a number that Oswald could quietly handle even if there was an engagement.

Even this was a calculation that assumed that number seven was in the way.

"I want to kill you… … ?"

"Do you hate killing?"

"No, where is the one you like?"

"It's unfortunate. There were a lot of them around me."


At Oswald's words, Number Seven kept her mouth shut.

Are you pretending to be naive?

Or is he as naive as his attitude up until now?

Oswald, confused, asked him.

"It's a joke. Senior, have you ever killed someone?"

"I've never been burned before."

"Haha, that's an interesting answer!"

I've burnt it many times.

It probably wouldn't be a lie.

There was already only one truck loaded in front of Oswald.

"Anyway, old man. Be careful, there may be a battle."

"… … battle. okay."

"I'll help you with any task, so it's okay to be bold!"

"I'm glad I have a trustworthy junior."

"The existence of the executors is a secret, isn't it? If your identity is likely to be revealed, you will need to keep your mouth shut."

It was not a sound intention at the time of stepping on the back.

It was clear that he was trying to find out where the executioners' headquarters were, or to find out the identities of the executioners.

If it wasn't for Oswald himself, this naive senior would have already guided his opponent to the cradle.

Oswald was constantly admiring his own cleverness, counting the scrolls he had.

Six attack magic. There are four secondary magic.

Among them, there were only two scrolls of the Invisible Magic.

'If I use this, I can get out of the worst situation, but... … .'

As long as the ghost army was subjugated, there was no way for Oswald to obtain the Invisible Magic Scroll.

It was better to save the scroll as much as possible.

The moment Oswald and the party started moving like that and entered an alleyway.

Oswald got goosebumps when he heard the familiar voice.

"It is you. People who have been carrying dead bodies lately."

Under the moonlit night sky.

There was a girl sitting on a pillow and floating in the air.

The fluttering gray hair looked like it had been braided into two braids.

Oswald, realizing her true identity, frowned involuntarily.

Skyscraper Wizard. A genius of unscrupulous money who dominates the city.

And a wizard like the crystal of arrogance.

One of Oswald's associates was stationed there.

"Who are you? Reveal your identity."

Number Seven, facing Spinel, immediately asked her identity.

Oswald touched his head at the direct speech of the immature senior.

The person in front of him was a person famous for being ruthless.

In any case, it was better not to touch the planting.

Especially in the current situation.

What does burning a corpse mean?

In the end, it meant turning the association into an enemy.

"Identity? Is that important?"

Spinel answered, stroking his hair.

Either way, it's full of leeway.

Spinel's trademark blades were not even revealed yet.

Did she feel that she wasn't a big threat?

Number Seven spoke to her in a confident voice.

"It doesn't matter. Only then can I decide whether to keep you alive."

"Hmm… … . Are you sure?"

oh Oswald swallowed a sigh that could not come out of his mouth.

Obviously, I was told to go out a little more confidently.

Oswald did it with his own mouth.

But, isn't it a bit unreasonable to go out against the Archmage like that?

It felt like the back of Oswald's bewildered neck was being pulled.

"What is the importance of confidence? I just do what I have to do."

"Good attitude. okay."

"So what is your identity?"

"I am a Spinel Clover Bloom. So who are you?"

Oswald clings to number seven.

The distance at which the breath can reach the other person's ear.

In a voice that could only be heard quietly by number seven, Oswald whispered in secret.

"… … senior. That woman is an archmage."

"big… Wizard?"

When Number Seven heard the word "Archmage", he was astonished in a loud voice.

Was his loud voice heard?

Spinel nodded and looked down at number seven.

"Were you an archmage? Then he deserves to be himself."

"uh… … ."

"It's been a long time since the 6th circle fights. Then, where should I see your skills?"


The silver blades came out of the pocket with a clear sound of iron.

The blades covered in moonlight orbited around the spinel.

Countless number of blades floating in the air.

Seeing this, Number Seven immediately shut her mouth.


The silver blades came out of the pocket with a clear sound of iron.

The blades covered in moonlight orbited around the spinel.

Countless number of blades floating in the air.

Seeing this, Number Seven immediately shut her mouth.


Oswald naturally laughed out loud at Number Seven's mouth, which was only then shut.

What would be the solution if you say everything you want to say and then just keep quiet?

Not to mention, the wizard of the skyscraper was already in a state of great misunderstanding.

It was not easy to get out of such a situation.

Oswald looked away for a moment and looked behind him.

Although they couldn't see clearly, there were still people following Oswald's party.

"Why are you suddenly quiet?"

Spinel said in the quiet alley.

When someone who used to be confident suddenly shuts down, it tends to look weird.

No less, number seven was looking around restlessly.

Having escalated the situation earlier, it will not help anything if you keep quiet now.

Oswald whispered to Number Seven again.

"senior. Go and say something."

"Uh, um… … ."

"Don't answer me."

tuk. tuk.

Oswald pushed the number seven forward and pulled out a few scrolls from his pocket.

Number Seven also seemed to try to keep as calm as possible.

Of course, it was because he had heard that he was an archmage, although his attitude was a little different from before.

Still, it didn't seem like he had completely lost his confidence.

Number Seven, who approached Spinel, looked at her and shouted out loud.

"I am not alone."

"Yes, there are two."

"I have no reason to fight. From here on, my colleague will deal with you."

Kek. Oswald felt like his throat was going to choke.

I told you to talk on your own, but why are you handing the baton to yourself this time?

The figure of Number Seven reflected through the mask is now starting to look like a demon from hell.

Perhaps he realizes that he is trying to make fun of himself and feeds him in the opposite direction.

Also in this situation?

It occurred to me that even the seemingly indifferent figure might have been all planned.

Somehow, for an executor, he seemed too naive.

"You mean it's not even worth fighting with me?"

"There is no reason to fight. If I go out, I will die."

Number seven, waving his hands in an arrogant manner.

On the contrary, his confession of his own fate was faithfully flowing out of his mouth.

If he fights head-on with the Archmage, Number Seven will surely die.

It was a story that anyone could see.

But again, the tone was a problem.

Spinel was looking at the number seven with dissatisfied eyes.

I don't know what Number Seven was thinking when he said that, but Oswald was still faithful to what he had to do.

"Do you think I'll die if I go out on my own?"

"No, I… … ."

"How wonderful you are to say that. I need to get a glimpse of that brilliant skill."


The blades that were hovering in the air were aligned at once.

It was clear what he was aiming for.

Spinel's blades were all aimed at number seven.

The moment the blades are fired, the number seven will be torn to pieces and disappear.

If you lose your companion on your first mission, what will you hear from the messenger?

He would certainly rebuke Oswald for his incompetence.

In order not to hear such a sound, I had to resurrect the dead number seven and take it away.

Or maybe even the resurrection magic to protect him from being needed.

"Stop doing that."

"no. don't stop Because I'm going to fight you."

"I'm sorry… … ."

"I have no regrets."

Disregarding the regretful appearance of Number Seven, Spinel fired its blades forward.


The sound of snapping fingers echoed through the air.

At the same time, numerous blades rushed towards the number seven.

The moment Oswald had to move was now.


Oswald ran straight for number seven.

Then he tore a scroll in his hand.

He was holding a Flare Magic Scroll.

It was a simple magic that caused flames.

Immediately after Oswald tore the scroll, the flames of Circle 1 flashed in the air splendidly.


The trajectory of the blades approaching with the sound of an explosion was deflected.

The flames spreading around were enough to block the sight of enemies.

Beneath the veil of spreading flames, Oswald pulled out another scroll.


The hand holding the scroll began to turn transparent.

The same was true of the number seven, which was touching Oswald's hand.

Oswald, who moved with number seven in his arms, took him and clinged to the wall.

In the sight that was turning gray, the movement of the enemy following them could be seen.

"What is this… … ."

"Shh. If you shout out loud, you will be caught."

The enemy disappeared from sight after a huge explosion.

Under normal circumstances, it would definitely find the enemy hiding around it and move it.

But now it was not normal.

Because there was another force following them from the beginning.

The spinel's gaze, which had gathered the blade, turned towards the shadowed alley.

There, there were those who had been chasing Oswald and the others until just before.

"I said subordinate, but there were more rats hiding."

"You're too much of a mouse. It's a difficult corporation to hide like this."

Tub. Tub.

What came out of the dark alley was the shadows of the two men.

One tall man wearing a scarf.

And one blonde woman with a pistol.

Oswald saw them and sighed in relief.

I can't do my best with my current status.

Of course, there was no guarantee that even if he tried his best, he would be able to beat Spinel.

For Oswald, putting the two together was the best option.

"Usher… … . Who made the tea?"

"Of course, it must be our wise investigator. Hopefully I couldn't have done that."

"I was caught because of the smell of your cigarette when I saw it."

"If you think so, I have nothing to say… … ."

Oswald felt a blow to the head when he saw a man and a woman sharing a ridiculous question and answer.

The man told the woman who was accompanying him that he was an investigator.

It must have been the manpower dispatched from the security forces.

I wondered who was following them, but the police were chasing after the executioners.

If the security forces were to follow them directly, it would certainly not be an ordinary purpose.

It is a word that the security forces have already put the executioners on the alert for.

'Face doesn't make sense.'

Hopefully, it was information that the security forces also knew.

Besides, even Spinel was wary of the executioners and came directly to them.

Oswald alone was unaware of the forces on which neither side was vigilant.

If he had brought up the story at the meeting, he would have been exposed to public embarrassment.

"Investigator? Are they the security guards?"

Even while Oswald was troubled, the dialogue between the two factions was steadily progressing.

Responsive to the word investigator, Spinel raised a blade towards them.

I'm in a bad mood right now.

It was only natural that he was annoyed as he faced the police officer there.

"Looking at how vigilant you are, it looks like you were doing something to get caught by the security forces."

"I don't have a very good relationship with the police."

"That's the story I agree with."

"Still, it's a little surprising. I didn't know they were even connected with the security forces."

The story has long since gone off track.

Spinel's blade is aimed at the security guards.

And the security guards who faced her were already in a state of being ready for battle.

In such an instantaneous situation, a man belonging to the security force was staring at this side.

The hidden direction was discovered.

Oswald had an intuition that the time had come when he had to decide what to do.

It was necessary to get out of this place as quickly as possible before the spinel noticed their existence and fired their blades.


"Uh, uh… … ."

"I am moving now. If you spend more time, you will definitely get caught."

"You want to move here?"

Number Seven was still showing a dazed attitude.

Whoa. Oswald couldn't even breathe a sigh of relief.

"If we leave it alone, they will lose and fry on their own, so what are we doing?"

"uh… That's right."

"Go, hurry. There is no time."

Oswald pulled the hem of Number Seven.

Number 7, who could not win at his prompting, moved in an awkward posture.

As they moved, Oswald's gaze was fixed on the man who continued to watch them.

A city night with bright moonlight.

The two executors successfully completed a dangerous secret mission.

4 zones. A house in Statrumb.

Oswald sighed in relief as he entered the house.

It was because the memory of being tired from running away flashed through my mind.

Executor number seven. Skyscraper Wizard.

And the security guards who followed them.

Whatever it was, it was tiring.

"The time is already running out."

Oswald looked in the mirror with tired eyes and patted his hair.

Coats that don't fit your body are dragged to the floor.

Oswald, who had the form of a young man who looked a little dazed, had returned to his original form.

Light brown hair down to the waist.

Dark brown eyes.

The reflection in the mirror that Oswald faced was a young girl.

The effect of the polymorph magic wrapped around her had ended.

Newcomer Mall. It is a nickname given to her who easily hides her appearance and appears easily anywhere.

And there were two magics, Polymorph and Invisible, that helped her move.

"Now I can only use Invisible once."

However, the ghost army that had lent her invisible magic was subjugated.

If Oswald had used his hand, he could have brought the ghost army back to life, but he did not choose such a method.

First of all, I was hesitant to go out.

The commander and I did not have a relationship where we could actively help each other.

It was even more so for the leader of the ghost corps, who did not appear for a while.

It was true that it was difficult to make friends with him, who suffered from severe social phobia in the first place.

Every time Oswald pranked him, he had a boring reaction.

"In that sense, number seven is… … ."

number seven. Oswald, thinking of his new mate, took off his coat and shook his head.

At first, I thought he was just a naive person.

A person who is a bit stupid and naive to be in a secret organization like an executioner.

So I was just trying to play around with it.

But as time went on, she realized something was wrong.

It wasn't naivety.

The number seven, which she felt herself, was just a crazy human being.

"Ehh. How are you going to survive?"

Whoa. Taking another deep breath, Oswald untied the sleeves of his now-too-long shirt.

There are countless organizations with dark secrets in this city.

combination. Mage Guard. royal guards.

And finally, the Executioner she recently joined.

The Enforcer was Oswald's most anticipated secret organization.

Where in the world does a job that pays for a spare life exist?

Although she continued to be tired, she had no intention of escaping from this place.

I didn't even expect it to get me out of the organization I had already set foot in in the first place.

Isn't it just an organization that uses archmages as its subordinates?

As far as she knew, the mage guard didn't even have an archmage.

"Even so, the security forces said Usher Heize, since they are using that person as a special alert… It must be funny."

At best, what kind of threat would a 5th circle wizard pose to the security forces?

The only thing that classified him as lame was the appearance of the security guard, which was just ridiculous.

In Oswald's eyes, there were plenty of people more dangerous than him.

Like the heir sitting at the top of the security guard.

Otherwise, the dark merchant who was commanding the executioners――a messenger or something.

"If I had to put it in, the heir or the ruler of life… Sure, the magic is dangerous. Now I have to wash."

Oswald smiled as he remembered the old, now-dead old man.

The ruler of death will retreat.

And the ruler of life will take his place.

She thought it was natural.

The moment when another magic possessed by the Dark Merchant crosses the border of truth.

Any intelligent person would kneel with that power in front of them.

would be astonished will be in awe

At the end we will worship.

The 'telepathy' that Oswald looked at was that much dangerous magic.

* * * * * *

Newly relocated office in District 3.

There, I had to face the chaotic surroundings.

How did things come to be like this?

Before I could understand the chaos, I looked at the gray-haired girl in front of me now.

Surprisingly, she looked like Sinel, but it wasn't Sinel.

Spinel Clover Bloom.

She, one of Sinell's family members and members of the organization, came to my office.

I don't remember inviting Spinel to this place.

It was only that Spinel had come here with a purpose of its own.

"therefore… What did you say now?"

"Sea travel. I will support you."

"No, before I brought that up."

"Did you ask me to tell you about those who burn corpses?"

okay. The start was surprisingly to get information.

Spinel came to the office and asked for information about the executioner.

I think I heard information about them somewhere.

Naturally, I went to the Lehman Caberant of Cross Network first, but I don't think I've heard any good sounds from there either.

As the story unfolds, groups and movements that did not exist before are emerging one after another.

It was only natural that Spinel's distrust of the existing informants had reached its limit.

Thanks to that, the burden on me was too much, though.

"I heard you came here for that purpose."

"So you answered it."

I shed some tales of the Executioner to Spinel, who wanted an answer.

Although it is information, it is not a detailed story.

Is it not possible for me to reveal every detail of the moving minions to the enemy?

Even so, it was difficult not to answer at all, as there is an image that Spinel expects of me.

What I told Spinel was the settings I used to persuade Philip.

Of course, when Spinel heard it, he had an impressive expression on his face.

It was something I was very sorry for even talking about it.

"How did that lead to the story of going on a trip together?"

"Because I was free. It's okay if I hang out with you for a while."

Again, back to the sea trip.

Initially, I had talked about going on a trip after the subjugation of the ghost army was over.

And when the topic of conversation suddenly appeared, Sinel and Swordsman had a conversation about it.

It was now that Spinel, who overheard the conversation between Sinel and Gumseong, joined him and made a proposal.

It was Spinel's suggestion that a private beach could be saved.

It was a sudden offer, but the reaction was intense.

Because Sword and Sinel were showing excessive response.

"Percival! This is a must go!"

"for a moment… … ."

"It's a private beach! They said there were several facilities and even a villa!"

From the time the story of sea travel first came out, the mood of the swordsman was strangely excited.

Now, three times more than that, showing more emotional than usual.

private beach. Umbrellas and sunbeds.

There is even a villa with a romantic atmosphere.

The fact that it was spring rather than summer was a little flawed, but it was a condition that looked good to anyone looking at it.

Perhaps that was the cause, the golden eyes of the swordsman were dazzling with a dazzling brilliance.

"Uel. Calm down and think about it."

"no. I wasn't very excited."

"… … You look excited enough."

"Anyway. This is your chance. They say you can rent a private beach for free. This is an opportunity for us to play together!"

Come to think of it, there was quite a bit of money that I had earned.

So the original plan was to spend a lot of money and spend a luxurious time.

However, with the appearance of Spinel, the direction of the trip became very strange.

private beach. Looking back, the intention was good.

But if you go there, who will cook?

Who will wash the dishes, and who will clean the house?

Sinel? swordsmanship? Spinel over there?

Everything I saw was unreliable.

It was obvious who was going to take over the chores.

Why am I leaving my employees alone to work?

With that thought in mind, I returned the answer to the sword castle.

"There are plenty of good places. If you spend some money... … ."

"If you have money, give me some bonuses."


At the words of the swordsman, my gaze naturally turned to another place.

The swordsman signed a long-term contract with me for the reason of repairing the sword.

And it was also true that I was giving her a pound for the contract.

Talking about bonuses, I had nothing to say.

The thing that caught my eye as I quickly turned my gaze was Sinel holding the snorkel.

"Sea goggles… … ."

The snorkel that Sinel was holding was a gift from Spinel.

Her advice was that it could also be used at sea.

Sinel was lying on the sofa, hugging the snorkel that she had been given as a gift.

Spinel, who was next to me, said to me, looking at Sinel like that.

"Sinel would rather give up."

"… … Don't go."

That was really great advice.


The office has become a quiet atmosphere.

I was left alone in such an office, watching the news.

It had been a long time since Sinel and Gumseong, who were noisy, went out to buy swimsuits with Spinel.

It seems that if you go to the sea, you will need a swimsuit.

Well, in the end, it's a matter for them to figure out on their own.

And the quiet atmosphere wasn't that bad either.

It is also an opportunity to plan for the future.


"Yeah, you were there too."

When I heard the sound of crying and turned my head, I saw the blackcurrant that was left with me on the desk.

I gently stroked the black man's head with my hand, thinking about the future.

In the last battle, we subjugated the ghost army.

The subjugation of the Ghost Corps, one of the executives of the association, was a considerable achievement.

The ghost corps is a force, not an individual.

And they were also the most demanding among the executives of the association.

Subjugating them early without any significant damage would bring significant benefits to the story in the future.

Of course, there were not only positive effects.

As the opportunity for Usher Hayes to reach the 6th circle has disappeared, something will change in the events that follow.


However, if you move the executioners to help him, I think you will be able to offset some of the problems.

The story of Usher Heize continues without being caught in the eyes of the desperation.

The executors were selected for it.

It is necessary to reduce the power of the association in order to solve the future work easily.

From burning corpses in the small scale to subjugating the executives of the association.

They were all for the final battle.

Moreover, the problem of wanted criminals, which the security forces had been neglecting, had to be resolved.

As long as you can't openly act in the name of the Dark Merchant, the existence of the Executor will be of great help in the future.

- "Recently, the activities of the 'Mage Guard' have become active again."

- "'Mage Guard' was created in response to the imperial oppression of wizards... … ."

Quietly captured by thoughts, I turned my attention to the voice I heard on the TV.

The biggest reason was that a familiar word came into my ears.

In the news, a male anchor was reporting about the Mage Guard.

Mage Guard. They are one of the criminal groups that appear in the middle of the war city.

A group of radical wizards, ostensibly declaring to protect Instant Mages from the Empire's oppression of wizards.

However, in reality, it was nothing more than a terrorist organization trying to practice a world where wizards are superior.

"… … It was about time."

The Mage Guard itself doesn't give much weight to the storyline of the War City.

Besides, the Imperial Guards were chasing them, so it was rare for them to come forward.

However, the problem was the leader of the Mage Guard.

―Black Mist, Paranote River.

Called the 'black mist' by the city dwellers, he was one of the most insane people in the city.

First of all, the magic they had was a type specialized in genocide.

They are carrying out terrorist activities by claiming a world where wizards are superior with the magic of the 5th circle that can be slaughtered.

He was also the most active person in the current Mage Guard.

- "The authorities have also added a bounty to Paranault, who is believed to be the head of the 'Mage Guard'... … ."

The moment 'Black Mist' comes to the fore in the story, the area will be in chaos.

That didn't mean there was no way to stop him in advance.

The Black Mist was a figure whose fate was as unclear as its ripple effect.

Even in the case notebook that appears in the later story of the episode, the information about the Black Mist was not clearly written.

Moreover, it was not an easy opponent to even face if he did not finish preparations in advance.

If possible, it was best to move so as not to overlap with him.

"What are you going to do with that guy, motherfucker?"


"You want me to shoot you? That's a good idea."

As I was stroking the blackbird while talking nonsense, the incident of Usher suddenly came to my mind.

Would it be better to give information about the Black Mist in advance?

As I pondered about him, I immediately shook my head.

There are limits to what I can interfere with the story.

If you move in a way that reduces damage before it happens, the Black Mist will behave differently according to the changing circumstances.

A supporting role has a supporting role to the end.

However, now he has not deviated quite a bit from his position as an extra.

It was also a bad habit to try to solve everything by yourself.

* * * * * *

If you ask the city's best private military company, anyone will tell you about the secondary beat.

Of course, there was plenty of room for debate about this until some time ago.

Knights of Nighttail. Their competitor, whom everyone in the city knew, was holding out.

Moreover, the status of the secondary beat, who had lost his face once due to an incident at the horse tower, had fallen to the bottom.

But even that was just a thing of the past.

As their rival, the Knights of Nighttail, became embroiled in controversy, Secondary Beat had risen to the top spot in both name and reality.

Secondary Beat's first team leader, Darren Belts, licked his lips as he read today's newspaper with such news.

The secondary beat was chosen as the best because of the internal problems of the Knights of Nighttail.

He could not help contemplating whether he should be genuinely happy with this situation.

"I can't even look at it."

Darren, who covered his face with the newspaper, lay flat on the chair.

squeaky. The back of the reclined chair supported Darren's body.

It's been over a month since the secondary beat's image got stuck on the floor.

Although they were mercenaries who successfully completed their previous operations and raised innovative majors, their image, which was tarnished by doing so, did not come back.

combination. That was the name of the criminal group that humiliated Darren and Team 1.

As long as Darren doesn't kill them with his own hands, the stigma of Secondary Beats won't be removed.

In particular, the man in the gas mask had to be killed by Darren's hand.

"manager. Aren't we the best in the industry now recognized in the city? Don't worry too much."

His longtime subordinate, Michael, who was next to Darren, has offered her own consolation to seeing such a thing.

The president of Secondary Beat was Jack Belts, Darren's older brother, but his subordinates believed in and followed him beyond that.

Michael, who had been on Secondary Beat for a long time, was no exception.

Of course, Darren, who had the newspaper closed and his eyes closed, spoke with a harsh tone typical of a mercenary.

"Shut up. It's annoying."

"Is this because of the Flash Knight?"


"yep. I will shut up."

At Darren's low voice, Michael quickly shut his mouth.

In the quiet atmosphere, Darren had to calm down his uneasy feeling once more.

As Michael said, the influence of the Flash Knight was not at all absent.

Even though he was the opposite of him and a rival in the same industry, Darren wasn't that much of a dislike for the Flash Knight.

Rather, it would be more accurate to say that I respect him.

In the world, there are people who are masculine even to the same man.

Sometimes it's foolish, sometimes frustrating, but there are people who pursue their own goals.

In that sense, in Darren's view, the Flash Knight deserved respect.

It was not a happy situation for Darren that a decent person had to face the end in such a way.

"He died too early. It's unfortunate."

"I haven't even decided who is stronger yet."

"Of course I will win."

"Of course, I think the team leader will win."

- I'm pretty sure it is.

Darren barely swallowed the reflex that was about to come out.

Then he lowered the newspaper and turned his gaze to the door where he felt popular.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A simple knock was heard from beyond the door.

Someone came to Darren's office.

Judging by the appearance of knocking, it wasn't his older brother, Jack Belts.

"It's okay to come in."

squeaky. The door swung open and a man with a scruffy look entered the office.

It was a subordinate whom Darren had given orders earlier.

It seems it's been quite some time since I entrusted the job through Michael, but now my subordinate came to visit Darren.

"What's up?"

Perhaps there was an unexpected harvest.

Darren looked at the man and asked.

The man looked at Darren and Michael alternately, then took a breather.

Immediately after that, the man opened his tightly closed mouth.

"The woman the team leader met at the tower. We have finally figured it out."

When you think of summer, what comes to mind naturally.

It was definitely the strong sunlight and the blue sky.

In addition to that, it will be a summer beach where the blue sea water pours out.

The summer beach was a place anyone should consider going to at least once.

And, unfortunately, it was not summer, but spring, when bright flowers were blooming.

It was said that it was too early to find the romance of summer.

"… … Have you finally arrived?"

An archipelago located to the east of the Empire.

The place we came to was a small island located in such an archipelago.

Of course, as Spinel insists on privacy, it was impossible to come here by ordinary means of transportation.

We had to rent a boat from the port to enter the island.

The staff who took us to the island by boat offered to pick us up in two days and went back.

Even if the staff returned, I didn't worry too much.

Even if there was a problem, there was a belief that Spinel would save him with magic.

The result of an additional hour or so of moving from the port was the present sword castle.

"Wow… … ."

I was thinking to some extent that there would be people with seasickness.

No matter how large a ship is, there are often people who suffer from seasickness.

What's more, if it was a small boat, the aftermath could not be said.

Gumseong must have suffered from severe seasickness while coming here, so as soon as he landed on the land, he immediately sat down on the sandy beach.

It was a bonus to vomit while holding his neck.

"It looks like you have severe seasickness."

"I'm weak."

Sinel said while looking at the swordsman sitting on the floor.

Normally, it would not be something to say in such a situation.

It was something I would never have thought of if it wasn't for Shinel, who always played separately from the surrounding atmosphere.

Naturally, the swordsman reacted and glared at Sinel.

"you… Saying that, wow... … ."

Unfortunately, the resistance of the swordsman did not reach the end of Sinel.

Did you feel nauseated when you were about to speak?

The swordsman banged his head toward the floor again.

I approached the swordsman and patted her on the back.

It was an emergency measure to help you feel a little more comfortable.

tuk. tuk.

He didn't forget to say a word to Sinel while patting the swordsman's back.

"Sinel. Stop making strange noises and come closer and pat yourself on the back."

"Sal, save me… Percival... … Whoops."

"yes. [Haste]."

Sinel nodded and approached the swordsman.

Then he used magic to move his hands quickly.


An invisible hand moved and slammed the sword on the back.

If you're slow, you'll be patted on the back, but if you speed up, it's a penalty for anyone who sees you.

It was not difficult for anyone to imagine what his reaction was.

"Wow, hey, hey."

The swordsman's head, which had been crying in pain, dug into the sand and became invisible.

Sinel ignored her and continued to pat her on the back.

It was a bonus that Spinel, who was looking at him from behind, sighed.

Spinel, floating in the air, looked at Sinel and Sword Castle alternately and opened his mouth.

"It was quite noisy from the start."

"It's a trip, so there's nothing wrong with being a little noisy."

"It's my fault for having a troubled brother."

"Are you okay with motion sickness? Sinel didn't seem to have any problems."

At least to my own eyes, it was a spinel that looked fine.

Spinel nodded quietly.

When I tried to agree and move on because I thought it was a genetic problem with Sinel, Spinel added a word briefly.

She had a good reason for it.

"Because I came up a little bit from the floor."


Floated a little from the bottom of the boat.

Then I thought that the impact of the shaking would definitely be less affected.

As I suddenly thought about it, it was a bonus that strange worries followed.

If the spinel is floating in the air on a moving boat, would it be right for the boat to move with the spinel in place?

If not, would it be right for the spinel to float in the air and move with the boat?

To discuss this, first of all, we have to catch the reference point of Levitation magic.

"What are you thinking about?"

"It is nothing."

I thought it was really useless worrying.

In any case, in the end, Spinel will not move on its own with magic.

I shook my head and walked towards the sword.

Geomseong, who had lost his energy, looked up at me and had blank eyes.

"Percival… … ."

"Are you okay now?"

"I really think I'm going to die."

"… … Do not take me to the villa."

He reached out his hand towards the fallen sword castle.

In such a state, it would take a long time to even move to the villa.

Swordsman stretched out his hand hard and grabbed my hand.

pooh. The body of the swordsman, which had been embedded in the sand, was pulled up.

It was a swordsman wearing a sword, but the weight felt lighter than expected.

While he was going to play, he could leave his sword and go, but the swordsman refused like a sword, saying that laying down his sword was like death to a warrior.

"any… I think I will live."

"It seems difficult to move, so just carry it on my back."

"Is that so? I'll take care of you for a second."

The swordsman nodded and leaned on his back.

The swordsman leaned on his back and wrapped his arms around my neck, fixing himself firmly.

After confirming that the swordsman was holding up well, I started walking again with the party.

squeak. squeak.

Every time he walked forward, the sword of the swordsman shook and a fricative sound resounded.

"If you go a little further, you will find a villa."

It had been about a minute since I started walking with the sword.

Sinel, who was following me towards the villa, came closer to me.

It seemed that he was concerned about the way I was walking while carrying my sword.

Sinel, who stood next to me, looked at me and talked to me.


The sword I was carrying had a heavy sword hanging on my back.

Obviously, it would be difficult to watch from the side.

It was only natural that Shinel was worried about me.

Fortunately, my stamina itself was very good, so I returned the answer not to worry.

"do not worry. It's not that hard."

"What a relief."


"Please pick me up too."

But returning from Sinel was an unexpected request.

So I hugged Sinel in the princess hugging position and walked with the sword on my back.

what should i say about this

It felt like wearing heavy armor.

With each step forward, the sand dug deep.

It was natural for Spinel, who was watching from behind, to help out.

"… … Are you doing a power show right now?"

* * * * * *

It didn't take long to reach the villa in the center of the island.

Even though it was an island, it was not very large.

Wherever he was, he could easily find the appearance of a villa with palm trees standing next to it.

When I went out through the sand and arrived right in front of the villa, the swordsman pointed his finger at the villa and said:

"This is the villa we were looking for."

A palm tree stands tall in the middle of the island.

And next to it is a small, neatly stacked two-story wooden building.

A sandy beach is laid under such a building as a background.

Moreover, even the blue sea that adorns its surroundings.

It could be said that the landscape was like a painting.

It was only natural that the swordsman facing the villa naturally exclaimed in exclamation.

"I haven't seen a building like this in a long time! It looks like it goes well with the sea."

"Because it's a place I've decided and chosen. It's natural to like it."

"Ugh. I think I made the right choice for sure."

Perhaps he felt better at the praise of the swordsman, Spinel shrugged his shoulders and raised the corners of his mouth gently.

It was definitely a place for her to have herself.

It was unbelievable that we were alone in a place like this.

It's a sight you can see occasionally in famous tourist spots.

The thought of monopolizing a place like this made me feel a little lifted.

Have I already reached this level?

In the meantime, I was terrified to hear that I was a dark merchant, but at this rate, I might have become a truly legendary information merchant.

"Good job. Spinel."

"Sometimes times like this are not bad. what... Apologizing for what happened in the past is also a bit of a joke."

"If it happened then, it's been a long time since I've forgotten."

"Then you're lucky."

He had no intention of arguing with Spinel from the beginning when it came to work in the tower.

How can you hold Spinel responsible for the ghost corps' wanderings?

Besides, the ghost corps, the culprit of the incident, was already finished by my own hands.

Unless she intends to flirt with us for the sake of the association, I have no reason to be hostile to her.

nod. nod.

Spinel nodded as she listened to my story and flew closer to me.

"Then, are you the one doing the packing now?"


The bags that floated behind Spinel fell to the floor at once.

big luggage bag. And a suitcase full of clothes.

Only then did I understand who was carrying the luggage.

If we have brought all our luggage up to here, of course it would be right for us to organize our luggage.

"Of course we… … ."

we. I pulled out those words and looked back.

It was to call the staff to help organize the luggage.

And there was no one behind me.

what is travel

I think it is a memory that is built up with a little hassle, a little romance, and a little challenge.

okay. If you don't try, it won't become a memory.

If there is no hassle, romance will not come true.

So, despite a little trouble, I succeeded in catching Sinel and the sword castle.

"If you are an employee, you have to work."

Sinel and swords were drooping, one in each hand holding the nape of the neck.

I stopped them from running out to sea as soon as they came here.

We still have work to do.

I didn't have the generosity to look after me while I was playing, eating and doing nothing.

The swordsman held in my hand looked up at me as if he had something to say, and opened his mouth.

"You know, Percival. Didn't we come to play today?"

"So what's the matter?"

"I came here to play, but working is a bit harsh."

If you listen closely, it was a story that made some sense.

We came here to rest, and to the end, we didn't come here to work.

Swordsman insisted that it was a vacation, not a workshop.

However, there were many items in the bag waiting to be sorted.

In particular, the food prepared for the barbecue would be difficult to treat if left as it is.

Where are you going to leave them alone?

Annoyances inevitably accompany the trip.

"Of course, I also came to play."


"But it would not be desirable to rely solely on authority because of being the president."

"right. They don't even pay much."

"Anyway… For that reason, we will adopt an impartial approach."

In fact, it was best to share the work to some extent.

But where can you find such a beautiful image here?

Many people want to rest, but no one wants to work.

You can't even leave your luggage unattended.

It was also a specification that I had to shoulder the entire responsibility alone.

So I decided to propose the most fair game.

"In a fair way?"

"Let's make it rock-paper-scissors."

"… … Is it rock-paper-scissors?"

It is often called rock-paper-scissors to drive work.

The rationality of this method has been proven historically long ago.

Above all else, wouldn't it be the most attractive option to work on one and rest the rest?

As soon as the words rock, paper, scissors came out, their eyes met in the air.

gulp. The sound of swallowing saliva resounded.

"Really, can we just win?"

"okay. The loser will clear everything up."

"Are you just packing your luggage?"

"It would be better to prepare some meals."

"Okay. If that's the case, you can I've been good at games like this for a long time."

Having reached the conclusion, I put down the Sinel and the sword castle I was holding.

Geomseong showed a confident smile and loosened his wrist.

I don't know how confident the swordsman is in his luck, but I was a person with a bit of skill in rock, paper, scissors.

In the case of Sinel, he picked up a blackbird that was crawling on the floor.

Then he said, holding the black man's front paws with his hands.

"I'll give it to Blackbird instead."

"… … Does the blackbird do the work for you?"

"I will do the work."

"Then it wouldn't matter."

When I saw the soles of Blackbird's feet, I smiled.

It looked like no one could see anything other than a furoshiki in terms of structure.

Even with scissors, it was certain that Sinel would get caught.

Their gaze, which had been returning as they prepared for each other, turned to Spinel this time.

Everyone looked at her in unison, and Spinel asked, pointing a finger at himself.

"Am I wearing it too?"

Originally, there was no intention of having Spinel, who carried the luggage, even organize it.

However, this match is not a win-win game even if only scissors are used.

If the match was not difficult, there was no reason to feel very sorry even if you participated.

"Aren't you confident?"

"When it comes out like that, there's nothing I can do about it."

When he gave a simple provocation while looking at Spinel, Spinel accepted the match without any hesitation.

Even Spinel announced the participation, and everyone participated in the rock-paper-scissors bet.

Now all that was left was a rock-paper-scissors board to decide the match.

Their gazes crossed in the air.

They looked at each other's fists, and then headed towards the front paws of Blackbirds that Sinel was holding.

"… … You can do it right, right?"

"Blackbird is good at rock-paper-scissors."

"What if you… Let's start quickly."

Upon hearing Sinell's answer, Spinel did not raise any further disagreements.

They clenched their fists and looked at each other.

It was up to me to float the luck of the match.

Without worrying about it, I shouted rock-paper-scissors and held out my scissors.

"Scissors, rocks… paper!"

Their hands crossed in the air.

One of the scissors I brought out.

Spinel raised one fist.

Another fist the swordsman was holding.

Finally, the front paws of the black eyes that Sinel was holding—clearly clenched their fists.


I felt frustrated and looked at the blackbird.

How could a fist come out of a foot like that?

Rubbing my eyes and looking again, this was the reality.

It was his own scissors that were defeated in the rock-paper-scissors.


"The boss has lost."

Sinel walked away, stroking the black eye.

It was the same with the swordsman who quickly left the scene with a smile.

Geomseong picked up a bag lying nearby and said with an excited voice.

"Then I should go change my swimsuit."

"is that so. I have to prepare myself."

An empty living room where everyone left.

I stared blankly at my palm.

I'm afraid I'm going to get rock-paper-scissors to the cat.

Also, it seemed that people should not be vigilant.

* * * * * *

It's been an hour since I entered the villa.

Most of the bags that were hanging out were organized, and the ingredients to be used in the afternoon were also sorted separately.

The dust accumulated on the floor had also been cleaned once.

Considering that there was even a barbecue set up outside, everything that could be called preparation was almost finished.

Of course, there was no one to help me with the cleanup.

In the first place, it was rock-paper-scissors for that.

At first, it was full of frustration, but as time went on, his way of thinking also adapted to the situation.

It wasn't bad to become a boss who works hard for his subordinates who take a day off.

"… … How can I chop onions like this?"

Moreover, he seemed to have discovered an unexpected talent.

Normally, I ate everything, so there was hardly any chance to cook.

But it was only today that I discovered my natural talent.

I was an onion peeler.

I'm worried about where I'll use it, but there's nothing wrong with having talent.

As I cut the peeled onion into large pieces and put it on a skewer, Sinel, who was passing the stairs, saw me and stopped.

"Are you ready for the barbecue?"

Blue bikini with fluttering lace.

A snorkel with a rug that is worn on the head.

In addition to that, the unbalanced dagger hung on the thigh.

Sinel in a bathing suit was staring at me sullenly.

I glanced at Sinell in her swimsuit for a moment, then looked at the dagger hanging from her thigh.

"… … Why are you holding a dagger?"

"The world is dangerous."

"The danger is in your head. Put down your dagger and leave."

"is that so."

shudder. Sinell expressed his disappointment and completely unbuckled the holster.

The heavy string, which lost its support, drooped.

Sinell snatched the holster before it fell to the floor and hung it on a nearby doorknob.

Sinell's holster was perfectly balanced and hung from the door handle.

The more I looked, the more amazing the positioning was.

After taking out the dagger, Sinel returned to me again.

"I took it off again."

"… … okay."

"Are you making skewers?"

"Well, I've been planning a barbecue since the beginning."

In answering Sinell's question, I alternately placed green onions, onions, and chunks of meat on an empty skewer.

When the various materials were harmonized, a skewer with a pretty color was completed.

In fact, if you want a variety of colors, you can put paprika and other things in it, but those kinds of vegetables were my specifications.

Aside from picky eating, don't you have a taste for food?

Just like some people prefer boneless chicken to boneless chicken.

"You look busy."

"Are you going to help?"

"I will support you."


Then yes.

Actually, I wasn't expecting much.

Again, he busily moved his hands to insert the skewers one by one.

One cooks, but four eaters.

In order to match the quantity to the number of people, it was necessary to complete it at a fairly speedy pace.

Sinel watched me making the skewers, then looked out the window and checked the appearance of the spinel and the sword castle.

"Aren't you watching?"

"Is there any reason to watch? The skewers must have been uncooked yet."

"There is good reason."

"For what reason?"

Sword and Spinel were each preoccupied with their own work.

Seeing that there were no eyes looking at this place, Sinel looked at me.

tock. Sinel's hands gently grabbed my face.

Then he brought his face closer.

brief moment. A soft touch touched her cheek.

A familiar body temperature that was not unfamiliar flew around his cheeks.

Immediately after that, Sinel's face quickly returned to its original position.

"It's a secret."

Having said that, Sinel immediately ran out of the villa.

The conversation ended with that.

I watched the door through which Sinel escaped, then smiled and put the skewer back in.

for a secret reason.

If it was just the two of them, it wasn't too bad either.

"Percival, here! Look at this!"

In front of a barbecue grill with a fire lit.

When a well-fitted skewer was placed on the fire, a swordsman standing on the beach was holding a crab.

Even though she was wearing the same swimsuit, she wasn't wearing a bikini like Shinel.

The swordsman was wearing a black rush guard and short dolphin pants underneath.

In a way, he was dressed like a swordsman.

Behind such a sword castle, a sinell with a tube was floating around.

With a snorkel on her head, Sinel was staring at the crab caught by the swordsman with blank eyes.

"You caught a crab."

"Can I eat this if I bake it?"

"You probably won't eat it."

I returned a cold answer to the swordsman who was shaking the crab proudly.

I don't remember eating such a crab, so I don't know the details.

However, the crab caught by the swordsman was too small in size.

Even if it is grilled on a fire, there will be no edible quantity.

chit. Disappointed, the swordsman briefly clicked his tongue and threw the crab.

The crab flew by the sword's all-powerful helmet and sank, causing ripples in the water.

"It's unfortunate. I thought I could eat it."

After throwing the crab, the swordsman shook his hand and expressed his regret.

Sinel's eyes floating on the sea were chasing the disappearance of the crab.

Will a crab that has fallen into the sea be able to survive safely?

While thinking about it, he answered the question of the swordsman.

"I don't know who will put it in the mouth of the sheep because it is so small."

"Can you put it in my mouth?"


Of course, you should put it in the mouth of the person who picked it up first.

It looked like he was having some trouble.

Feeling a little dizzy in my head, I turned over the skewers one by one.

Whoops. The blazing fire blew out smoke.

Spinel, who was watching it from the side, looked at me and asked.

"Is the skewer still far away?"

Spinel was lying on the sunbed installed next to the brazier.

The one and only sunbed naturally became the spinel's charge.

A large parasol was erected at an angle next to it, blocking the sunlight towards the spinel.

Apparently, he was more interested in skewers than playing in the water.

"It will be ripe soon."

"okay? I think it would be delicious just by smelling it."

"It is not difficult food. It's rare to find something that doesn't taste good."

Was there anything special about making the skewers?

It is a dish that is finished if you season it properly and pay a little attention to baking.

Of course, the process of inserting the skewers is quite cumbersome, though.

Since the cumbersome process had already been completed, all that was left was to bake it deliciously.

"You don't seem to be able to tell?"

"If not, maybe a little… It will be unfortunate."

"Did you cook a lot?"

"Well… That's a very difficult question."

Lately, I've always just eaten outside.

Especially since I started living with Sinel, most of them ordered delivery food even if they ate inside.

If ramen can be called a dish, there is nothing to offer it.

As the money started to come in quite a bit, cooking became cumbersome.

It didn't seem like Sinell would cook me for it either.

"You haven't done it."

"How are you? Do you tend to do it a lot?"

"Sometimes I even cook it myself."

"is it. It's just ripe. Let's eat one."

While talking with Spinel, a moderately cooked skewer caught my eye.

I picked up a skewer and brought it to Spinel on the sunbed.

Spinel, who took the plate with the skewers on it, said with a satisfied smile.

"You can bring it with magic, but you have a lot of sense."

"If you take it that way, there is a possibility that you will spill it."

"What do you see me as? Anyway, I don't make that kind of mistake."

Having said that, Spinel blew the skewer a few times and took a bite.

Meat and vegetables disappeared together in a small mouth.

But maybe the food in his mouth was hot?

Spinel's attitude, which had been biting the skewers with a satisfied face, was reversed within seconds.

Spinel licked his lips several times with a desperate look on his face, then exhaled and fanned his tongue.

"Hey, it's hot… … ."

"You should have taken it slow. Is it very hot?"

"Ugh… I put it in too hastily Let it cool a little more and eat."

"I just brought it, so it's hot. It's inevitable."

Spinel frowned and picked up the drink next to him.

It was a cocktail-flavored drink in a glass she brought herself.

Bump, buzz. Spinel took a quick drink.

The drink in the glass showed the bottom in an instant.

Spinel let out a sigh with a comfortable face, as if the pain seemed to have subsided only then.

"Whoa. It was a terrible experience."

"Do you like the taste?"

"I think it's okay to eat it chilled."

"I'm glad you seem satisfied."

Fortunately, it didn't seem to have failed to match the liver.

Spinel, who first took the skewers and ate the skewers, brought out the words, so it seemed that swordsman and Shinel would be satisfied.

Spinel, who took another bite of the skewer he was holding, looked at me and asked.

"By the way, what's your relationship with Sinel?"

Immediately after hearing the question, he turned his head to look at Sinel.

It is quite far from the location of the sword and the Sinel.

If you spoke in a quiet voice, there was a high chance that you wouldn't be able to hear it from the other side.

Seeing Spinel asking questions as if this was an opportunity, I couldn't help but ask the reason.