

Knights of Nighttail.

Even in cities, leading private military enterprises have a doctor's office called the 'Round Table Conference'.

There are eight knights in the round table.

However, among the knights of the round table, the flamethrower, who is in the 4th seat, is currently suspended from work and is debating disciplinary action at the round table.

Therefore, only the remaining seven knights were gathered in the newly opened round table meeting.

One of the Knights of the Round Table, the Light Knight Herio, was glaring at the conference hall with eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"Herio. Again, I will never allow it."

Five Knights of the Round Table. Meteor Knight William.

The brown-haired man looked at Herio and said.

He was a person who temporarily assumed the right to summon the Knights Templar, which was currently held by the Flame Knight.

In William's opinion, the relationship between himself and Herio wasn't too bad.

But that's just the story so far.

From today onwards, even if the relationship splits, the thought that the relationship will be firmly split rose in William's mind.

"What's the matter? The subjugation of the ghost corps must have already been decided at the round table."

"The formation of the subjugation squad is not yet complete. If we carry out a subjugation operation right now, we will inflict great damage."

"Isn't that the place that supported the subjugation operation? You better move right now."

William sighed and looked at Herio.

Herio's face, reflected in William's eyes, was brimming with rage.

yea that's what i did

The girl from Lessert Industries, whom Herio truly served, was kidnapped.

Moreover, the person who kidnapped was not the ghost corps that was planning to subdue it.

For Herio, every second seemed like a precious moment.

"It doesn't matter either. That's it, I know."

"Then prepare for subjugation right now."

"Still, it's not okay. You can't go on subjugation of a wanted criminal without preparation."

The kidnapped person was a girl from the Viertin family, one of the twelve families of the Empire.

If anything goes wrong with her, Viertin will hold Nighttail accountable in one way or another.

William knew that too.

Still, William could not permit this operation.

"Why not?"

"The young lady was kidnapped by the bodyguards of Lesser Industries. You cannot succeed in subjugating the ghost corps with poor preparation."

The crisis itself was the problem.

Except for Herio, who was dispatched from Nighttail, the guards of Lesser Industries are first-class.

Through such a guard, the ghost corps kidnapped Bell Viertin.

If he entered the subjugation in an awkward state, he might be defeated.

So, even considering that William would be responsible for himself, he was planning to organize the subjugation squad to a level that could be subjugated with certainty.

If the subjugation fails, it is the apprentice knights of relatively low level who suffer the most.

William didn't want to see young talented people die in vain.

"Do I sound like a joke? William. It is a matter of whether Nighttail exists or not."

"I'm serious too. Really."

"Bell Viatain is the Knights of Nighttail's top priority."

"okay. I know."

"If something goes wrong with her… You will lose the trust of all customers."


There are times when you have to go through it even though you know it.

That was the world William lived in.

More lives can be saved with less sacrifice.

It was enough for just two people to sacrifice in this situation.

Sadly, a girl from the Viertin family was kidnapped by a wanted man.

And William himself, who is in charge of this operation.

If only the two of them gave up like this, they could proceed with the subjugation operation without being swayed by the hostage.

More valuable than one life.

That was the belief of William the Meteor Knight.

"You decide quickly. William."

"… … Herio."

"If you don't move, I'll go find it myself."

Therefore, William could not accept Herio's proposal until the end.

Last notice from Herio.

There was only one answer that William could return to it.

"I'm not telling you to give up."

"I have no intention of giving up. We plan to rescue them by any means possible."

"I wish you good luck."

"That is your answer."

Herio listened to William's answer and finally got his heart broken.

Hearing from the Round Table about the formation of the subjugation squad, Herio had no more business to do here.

He got up quietly and grabbed his bag.

Watching Herio getting ready to leave, William, who was beside him, said.

"Are you planning to leave right away?"

"… … I will proceed as quietly as possible. I hope we don't interfere with each other."

After speaking, Herio turned around and walked towards the exit.

Tub. Tub.

The sound of Herio's footsteps heading for the exit echoed through the quiet conference hall.

William bit his lip and watched Herio leave behind, then pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

For a moment, Herio's back figure reflected in his eyes overlapped with someone else.

"In the past… There were times like that."

Night Tail.

William smiled bitterly as he recalled the name of the fairy tale he had read as a child.

One day he, too, dreamed of becoming a noble knight.

But as time passed, he became an adult.

The knight of the old tale that had captured William's heart had long since died in his heart.

Now, all that remains is the old man who burns a cigarette in place of his waning passion.

Friction with association. And the conflict with Nei.

What I felt as I went through a series of events was that I needed an organization that could move for me.

It's not about the dark merchant's office.

Sword and Sinel were already working hard enough to overflow with indignation to have them as subordinates.

But apart from that, an organization that could move secretly was needed.

A special organization that can handle the things I want without being detected by the association and Usher.

In other words, they decided to form a secret organization.

"It's cool… … ."

To that end, today, I was alone on the road Philip often used to visit.

Philip calls himself a dark contractor.

I was thinking of making him the first member of my secret organization.

Naturally, he was wearing a bird-beaked mask and a flattering black coat so that his identity could not be recognized.

Even if it's an outfit that a passerby may find suspicious, you won't be able to guess its identity by looking at it.

I watched Philip wandering the streets from the roof of the building, and telepathically only heard him.

- "The time has come. Fulfill the contract."


It was the voice at the time when he insisted on a contract with Philip.

If he hadn't awakened his magic, it would have been just the voice of a con artist.

However, the story was different now that he had awakened from magic.

He was firmly convinced that his voice was involved in his awakening.

No matter what I said, I was more likely to believe it to some extent.

- "Fulfill the contract."

A voice resounding over and over again.

Hearing this, Philip looked around.

He looked around for a moment and looked at the people, then came into a sparsely populated alleyway.

After confirming that there were no people around, Philip looked into the air.

"What are you talking about?"

- "You have been chosen. Your strength is to face great evil."

"… … great evil."

- "The time has come. The Dark Enforcers await you. fulfill the contract Save the city."


Hearing the story, Philip swallowed.

great evil. city ​​crisis. and the Dark Enforcer.

Huge rice cakes thrown in a row would have been enough to grab his attention.

It was Philip who fell for the word that he would give me strength.

He would not refuse to invite him to a secret organization.

Whoa. Philip took a few deep breaths and opened his mouth.

"great. What should I do?"

- "I will show you the cradle of the enforcers."

"Cradle of Enforcers?"

- "There will be someone there to guide you."

Cradle of Executors.

The name is grandiose, but in reality it is just a hideout.

Last time I went to Black Market with Sinel, it was just a place I rented anonymously through a broker.

Even so, it was a pretty eerie place because it was hidden in a secluded alley in District 8.

That would make it suitable for use as a secret base, though.

"Can I go there?"

- "Have you been prepared? As long as you step in, you won't be able to get out easily."

"The resolution has already been made."

Philip raised his head with a determined face.

Seeing Philip suddenly looking up at the sky, I quickly hid myself over the railing.

I don't know what the hell he was thinking when he looked up at the sky.

He only returned the answer to me with a fervent determination.

"From the moment I acquired this power, my fate had already been decided."

- "You've made up your mind."

"Give me the location. I will go there."

- "okay. tell me the place It is--."

A sparsely populated alleyway.

There Philip dictated the address.

square. square.

Only the sound of the pen moving echoed through the quiet alley.

* * * * * *

Area 8, called Magul, because the power of public powers cannot reach it.

Even there, on the outskirts of a deserted street, there is a sign for a bar with the lights turned off.

From the outside, it looks like a closed shop.

However, when you open the worn-out door, you see an interior filled with monitors and equipment.

Firearms filling the wall by type.

A large round table for people to sit around.

Lastly, the state-of-the-art equipment of Lesser Industries that exists one at a time.

I sat in the corner and looked at the scenery of the hideout.

"Hmm… … ."

It is perfect.

Either way, it was a secret base itself.

Although it was disguised as a bar from the outside, the level of equipment inside was also excellent.

Anyone who comes will believe that we are an unusual organization.

I made it, but it was a really great place.

All that remains now is to wait for Philip to come here.


Tick-. Tick-.

How long has it been since you heard the clock ticking in silence?

After waiting for a long time reading the news reflected on the monitor, the door finally opened and someone appeared.

squeaky. A man came in with the sound of an old, fallen hinge.

The identity of the customer was the person I had been waiting for so long.

Philip. He came to the hideout.

"Uh, there… … ."

Philip looked around with a stiff expression on his face.

It is the hideout of a secret organization when you first enter.

It must be a tense situation for Philip himself.

He seemed to feel even intimidated by the weapons and equipment adorning the walls.

I ignored Philip for a moment and looked at the monitor.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

He slowly waited for the hands of the clock to move a few more times.

After another ten seconds have passed.

I looked at Philip and raised my voice.

- "It's been a while since a guest came."

When the bird is beaked, the face beyond is invisible.

There was no need to move your lips to convey a word.

And if you are a member of a secret organization, you must have some weight.

That's why I didn't answer right away.

relaxed attitude. heavy atmosphere.

That would be a virtue a senior in a secret organization should possess.

"… … hello."

- "What's the business?"

"that is… To fulfill the contract… … ."

Philip, dazed by the atmosphere, could not speak easily.

It was a story anyone could relate to.

To fulfill the contract and save the city from crisis.

How could you say such a thing with your own mouth?

Even I can only tell stories that can only be telepathically.

I got up from my seat to be considerate of Philip.

- "It's a contract. Did you hear who we are?"

"I've heard of the Dark Enforcer."

- "I know you well. I am Executioner Number Two. You can call me 'herald'."

The reason I'm number two was simple.

Wouldn't the whole secret organization look ridiculous if I insisted on being called 'Number One' with my fighting power.

Everyone must have a hidden tile.

It would have been more convenient later to just wrap it around the number two and move on.

It's number one, and it was enough to bring in a strong person later and put it in.

"messenger… … . All right."

- "So I said I was going to fulfill the contract… Who told you where this place is?"

"The voice in my heart brought me here."

- "The voice in my heart… You are the chosen one."

"The Chosen One?"

Philip asked at the word that seemed to exist.

the chosen one.

It was a word I had just coined.

I was thinking of imagining the necessary settings from now on.

- "Sometimes it happens. Those who have been given strong power for something."

"I am that kind of person."

- "And you… You have the magic of fire. It's magic suited to fighting our enemies."

"How do you… … !"

When I spoke, Philip looked surprised.

His background investigation has already ended.

Philip had a type of magic called 'Burning Hands'.

It was a story that had already been verified using telepathy once.

- "That's why I'm called a messenger."

"messenger… You were no ordinary man."

- "To face the ruler of death, you can't fight with anyone."

"The ruler of death… … ."

- "Then, you foolish one. Welcome to the cradle of the executioners."

It will be a long story.

Standing up and talking all the time is a pain in the legs.

I took a seat in a corner of the round table.

Then he pointed his finger at the other side of the round table and looked at Philip.

- "Sit down. From now on, that will be your place."

"My seat? So do you mean that you will accept me here?"

- "Speak of course. Aren't you the chosen one?"


- "From now on, you are the executioner number seven. Forget your name here."

number seven.

It is a number that is quite far from the number two.

The reason for giving Philip the number seven was the same as before.

It was for the weight of the organization.

I was number two, but if I give number three, it seems that there are not enough members of the organization.

three. pho. Five.

These numbers could be filled at any time.

"Number seven… … . All right."

- "And when you come here, make sure you wear a disguise and come inside."

"Number seven… … . All right."

- "And when you come here, make sure you wear a disguise and come inside."

Although the name is a secret organization, it is impossible to walk around with your identity exposed.

If the identity is revealed, there is no meaning in moving in secret.

In that sense, I pressed a button on the table.


The cabinet attached to the wall opened with a heavy mechanical sound.

Inside the cabinet were the equipment and clothes prepared for Philip.

- "You should wear that."

"That… … ."

- "It's a dress for the executor."

A flattering black coat like the one I'm wearing.

Large gas mask with built-in voice modulation function.

Last but not least, the communication earset made by Resert Industries.

It was an item that had all the functions to keep in touch with the headquarters while hiding its identity.

"okay. Attire for Executioner. All right."

Philip nodded and walked over to the cabinet with the door open.

Then he reached out towards the coat inside.

flutter. The coat, which was swung around in one large circle, completely wrapped around Philip's body.

Philip, wearing a coat, put the earphones in his ears and put on the gas mask lying next to his head.

A man in a black coat wearing a gas mask.

It has become suspicious to anyone who sees it.

- "You're a good match. number seven."

"It's overrated."

Of course it's overrated.

Who would be a good fit for that look?

Philip's face and body were completely obscured, and only one more suspicious person was added to the slum.

Nevertheless, I nodded and pointed to the chair in front of me.

- "It will be a long story. Have a seat."

"good. What is the story?"

- "The mission of the executors. And the enemy we have to deal with. The story that will be brought up from now on is the story of that."

The face beyond the gas mask cannot be seen.

However, Philip's feelings were clearly conveyed.

"It must be an important story."

- "As soon as you know this, you will no longer be able to return to your normal life."


- "Never tell this story outside. Even if we don't move, we will eventually die."

Contrary to the stories we've talked about in the past, the stories we're telling now are unmistakably sincere.

The story has a set flow.

The release of information about the association must follow the time and order.

This was the reason why he had thoroughly hidden as much information about the association from Usher, who would face the association with his own hands.

As the sequence of events is pulled forward, the destruction of the city is also pulled forward together.

You can't move on to the final phase when you're not ready.

So we had to be careful in handling information about the association.

"Even if there is a limit to death, I will keep it shut."

- "That promise. number seven."

"therefore… Who are our enemies?"

- "Their name is Gyulsa. They hide in the darkness of the city and pray for the destruction of the empire."

"combination… … ."

There is no other name for the association.

There was no need for any other name to be given to those who sought to rebel against the Empire.

success or. otherwise it will fail.

It was the theory of the association that the victor of the story would take the place of leaving a name in history.

They were only interested in driving out the false emperor.

Until Abel Terdos becomes his heir.

- "But now, most are just blood-sucking leeches that cling to a boss called the Heir."

"Heir. That's the name."

"Our goal is one. Preparing for the fight until the final battle comes."

The battle with the successor is inevitable.

When the time comes, the whole city will be a mess.

It was Philip's job to reduce the number of possible enemies before that could happen.

Even if they are enemies, I am not dealing with people who are difficult even for me, like the executives of the society.

It was a surprisingly simple task to ask him.

"What am I supposed to do?"

- "Read the flow of death across the city. And prioritize by that number."

"The flow of death?"

- "Heirs can rule the dead. One day, he will bring the dead to life across the city and cause riots."

"When the time comes, it is too late. Before that, we need to reduce the number of possible corpses."

The Heir's magic power is more than anyone in the city.

Whenever a new heir is born in the association, magic is passed on to each other.

The total amount of magic accumulated over hundreds of years was at a level that no one could touch.

If it was the current successor, it was not unreasonable to cover the entire city.

In order to reduce the damage to be done at that moment, it was necessary to incinerate the body as much as possible.

"It was such a mission."

- "In Area 8, unrelated deaths occur frequently. If you see them, burn them."

"All right."

- "Sometimes, there will be cases where you are slightly influenced and turned into an undead. Those guys can be dealt with with the number seven flame."

I took a key out of my coat pocket.

I copied one of the keys here beforehand.

After all, I don't come here often.

The key in his hand was exclusively for Philip.

He threw the key he was holding at Philip.

Philip took the key in an awkward position, then looked at the key and asked me.

"This… … ."

- "This is the key here. Feel free to use whatever is hanging on the wall, whether it be objects or equipment."

"as you please… All right."

- "It is for the executors, so there is no need to feel burdened. Well then, please, number seven."

After the last guidance, I got up from my seat.

The guide to the mission ends here.

If you need detailed information, you can deliver it through the terminal you paid for.

There was no reason to stay here any longer.

The dark merchant's office isn't here.

* * * * * *

"Is this your new office?"

A high-rise building located in District 3.

Geomseong, who entered the office on the other side, said with a surprised face.

District 3 is one of the busiest areas in the city.

It was also the area where the tower and department stores were located.

Although a series of commotions occurred and the nearby real estate fell, the status of District 3 was still on the high side.

He found an office in a high-rise building in District 3, so it was natural to be surprised by Geomseong.

"Do you like the new office?"

"It's not on the level you like!"

"Then what?"

"whopping… It seems like a great company now."

The swordsman began to look around the office with admiration.

Sinel had already been clinging to the window and looking down.

Above Sinel's head, a blackbird was yawning.

I stared at them for a moment, then headed to the nearby refrigerator to get some coffee.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Then why did you move to this place?"

While I was opening the coffee can, Geomseong asked me a question.

It looked like he was worried about the level compared to the previous office.

I didn't hate living in a nice place.

However, what I had been saving money for was to stock up on an emergency fund as much as possible.

You need money to hire mercenaries and protect yourself.

However, he changed his mind after being deeply entangled in the association and confronting the crippled Bruno.

1 year at most.

After that, the whole city will be engulfed in ashes.

"Now I felt the need to go a little wider."

Through the events in the past, I have made quite a bit of money.

After the entire city is paralyzed, even protecting the money you have becomes difficult.

However, it is impossible to carry around ignorantly carrying the goods.

Above all, what's the use of this money when you die?

It was good to enjoy the leisure as much as possible while using it.

Coffee and beverages stored in the refrigerator were also filled with high-quality products, unlike before.

Of course, that was the case among mass-produced products, but I didn't buy the horrendous items that cost 10 credits per can.

"… … I see What else is that?"

The swordsman nodded, pointing his hand at the wooden structure built like an interior this time.

That structure is not something I bought.

It was the item delivered by Sinel, who had received a new salary.

"It's a cat tower. It was brought by Sinel."

"ah… It's something for black people."


"It's a better design than I thought."

"I like blackbirds too."

Synel, who came closer to the cat tower, put the blackbird on the cat tower and said.

In the past, he was a black man who refused to touch Shinel, but he accepted his touch as soon as he got used to it.

Sinel put the motionless blackbird on top of the cat tower and stepped aside.

The black man just looked down with indifferent eyes.

"… … You like it, right?"


"Do you know the heart of a cat?"

"If you like cats, you know."

Whether this is true or not is unknown.

It's a cat's heart, I can't figure it out even if I use telepathy, so I'm just doing it.

As we were discussing the cat's heart that no one could relate to, a buzz echoed outside the office.

Tub. Tub. Tub.

The clear sound of footsteps approaching here.

Hearing this, the swordsman looked at me.

"Percival. Looks like someone has come."

"Today, a guest is expected to come."


"The office has also moved, so it's a housewarming event… No, I can't call it houses."

"Anyway, are you a congratulatory guest?"

"I will congratulate you when you come. maybe."

The sound of footsteps approaching the office soon subsided completely.

It was replaced by the sound of the newly installed automatic door opening.


The office that was installed with great enthusiasm opened and a customer appeared.

The identity of the customer in a suit and with a bag was Herio.

"It was hard to come by. I am the first customer of the relocated office."

I opened the door and greeted Herio who came in.

But instead of replying to hello, Herio looked at me with a dark face.

Herio's feelings came to him when he met him face to face.

anger. sadness. and frustrated.

With all those emotions suppressed, Herio with a hard face opened his mouth.

"… … Dark Merchant. I have some request."

"What's going on?"

"No, I have a request. I want to ask you one thing with all my fortune."


"Lady Belle has been kidnapped by a ghost corps. I hope you can help me save her."

Herio Nightline.

He has admired knights since childhood.

east longitude. envy. and awe.

It was for a simple reason that he had fantasies about old-fashioned beings called knights.

night line. It was because his name had a word symbolizing a knight.

For such a light reason alone, Herio liked knights.

Because the heart of a child moves for a lighter reason than I thought.

When Herio was five years old, Herio's parents read to him a book.

The title of the book is 'Night Tail'.

It was a fairy tale that bundled up the heroic stories of the great old knights.

It was also a famous fairy tale that any men in the Empire should read at least once.

Nighttail became the most memorable book for Herio, who had been a fan of knights from the beginning.

From then on, Herio wanted to become a knight.

Even the children of his age saw the book and wanted to own it at least once, but Herio's passion was a little bigger than that of his peers.

So Herio set out to find a way to become a knight.

Of course, it wasn't easy.

Because being a knight was already an old profession.

Since the human emperor who ruled the empire was expelled, the spirits created by wizards began to call themselves emperor.

The proud knights who raised the honor of the empire had long since disappeared.

The battlefield where brave knights wielded lances has already become a stage for tanks and bullets.

Knights running on horseback were now something that could only be found in the old fantasy.

Nevertheless, Herio did not give up becoming a knight.

His heart was not broken as he began to age one by one, and changed from a child to a boy.

Only the passages of the stories he had read since he was a child remained in his mind and lingered around his whole life.

Herio's father was a soldier of the Empire.

Even if it was called a soldier, he was a man of great rank.

But he was a patriot.

He loved his empire, he loved the city he lived in, he loved his family.

He always taught Herio to love his country.

He also told me to love people.

He taught that it was his job to obey the orders of the Empire, and to fight for the Empire and its people.

Herio mostly agreed with his father's words.

Herio thought that knights and soldiers had similarities.

If I couldn't become a knight, I thought that becoming a soldier wouldn't be a bad thing.

Herio's father was imprisoned when Herio was 14 years old.

He has always been a loyal soldier.

But he was also a person who could not stand it when he found injustice.

Upon discovering his superior's corruption, he opened his mouth, and eventually he was entangled in the chains of corruption he hated so much.

Herio saw his father's back as he was taken away by the Imperial Army.

It was then that Herio gave up being a soldier.

Instead, he chose to become a knight.

And I chose to be strong.

Even if it failed, it was okay.

It didn't matter if others laughed at me.

It was the knights of heroism that Herio had read to persevere through all kinds of adversity.

The knight Herio knew was an honorable one.

Rescue the weak, punish the wicked, and straighten out the twists.

To do that, a strong force was required.

To break through any absurdity.

To overcome any absurdity.

So that you can punish any injustice you see.

Herio himself had to be strong.

because it's a knight

As if to take the place of the family tragedy he had seen before his eyes, he continued to cry for justice.

The months pass, the years change, and the inexperienced boy becomes an adult.

Herio continued to move forward.

To become stronger than anyone else.

To be fairer than anyone else.

As if that was his only mission, he did not stop whipping himself.

Now, ten years have passed since then.

Herio reached the end of his twenties.

Herio Nightline.

A young executive of the Knights of Nighttail.

The world now calls him the Flash Knight.

* * * * * *

Herio entered the office and talked about the incident for a long time.

He said he was a little excited at the thought of showing off his office to outsiders, but it wasn't a situation in which to show that feeling.

Rather, the situation was more urgent than expected.

Bell Byatin. General Manager of Lesser Industries.

Because she was kidnapped by a ghost army.

"So, the Lady of Lessert was kidnapped?"

"okay. We need to rescue them as soon as possible."

Leaving Herio with a desperate look, I quietly began to ponder.

In the novel 'War City', there is no mention of Belle Viertin being kidnapped.

There is only a scene where Usher Hayes and the ghost corps fight each other.

There are some differences from the original content.

The reason why the case turned out like this was probably because I gave information to Herio.

The subjugation of the Knights of the Nighttail was decided by me blowing in the wind.

It seemed that the ghost corps kidnapped Bell Viertin in order to contain Nighttail's subjugation force.

"It's a difficult problem."

When I think of the situation that I created, I feel a certain sense of responsibility.

But the opponent was the problem.

Subjugation of the most wanted criminal entails considerable manpower and preparation.

There was no guarantee that damage would not occur even if such preparations were completed.

But let's leave the subjugation team alone and go on a rescue operation?

It is an act that is tantamount to suicide by anyone looking at it.

"I will pay any amount of money."

"Money is not the problem."

Moreover, even if the rescue was successful, it was not a good way to get out of the middle of the enemy camp like this.

If we succeed in the rescue, what will happen next?

It is self-evident that the ghost corps that had been hit at the base disappeared.

It was a problem that might miss the opportunity to kill the ghost army with certainty.

The Ghost Legion is the most difficult enemy within the Order.

It is not only the wizard himself who is affected by the magic of the ghost army.

If possible, it was better to kill them when they could.

"Don't even make sure you're safe. Even if something dangerous happens, I will risk my life and let you go."

"… … There are not many opportunities to kill the ghost army. If you buy a grudge and let him live, it would be difficult to guarantee the next time."

"I will kill him too. I just want to help her rescue her safely."

Looking at Herio's condition, it looked like he would attack by himself if I refused.

If that happens, you will miss the opportunity to catch the ghost army.

Either way, it's a difficult situation.

I had to make a decision slowly.

Will you risk your life to take on the adventure?

Otherwise, will you gain safety and lose opportunities?

The choice was solely yours.

"Herio. Herio Nightline."

"I am listening."

"Think rationally."

"I am already rational enough."

"is it. In that case, it would be better to change the objective of the operation first."

After thinking about it, I finally came to a conclusion.

Follow him to work.

Instead, the core goal of this operation is not to rescue Bell Viertin, but to kill the ghost corps.

Bell's rescue was only secondary to the last.

Save it if you can.

And if it's impossible, run away.

That was the condition for me to take the risk.

"You want to change the objective of the operation?"

"okay. It's not a rescue operation, it's a subjugation operation."

"that… … ."

"Each one will be assigned a different mission, and I will take all the directing. Do you agree with this?"

Herio's eyes changed when he heard my story.

Herio would soon understand.

that I am taking care of him.

The opponent is that noble flash knight.

Even if I brought him a reckless choice, I couldn't easily let him go.


"It wouldn't be a difficult question."

I myself am not that honest.

There have been times when I have hurt someone for the sake of personal well-being, and there have been times when I have taken someone's misfortune as a snack.

Even so, he couldn't do that to the knight in front of him.

Is it a remorse of conscience? Or is it the spirit of adventurers?

Either way, it was a bad personality to die gracefully.

"… … Dark Merchant."


"Thank you."

Herio has expressed his gratitude on behalf of his consent.

short greetings.

A lot of emotions flowed out of it.

Human words do not contain all emotions.

However, the wizard's telepathy accepts more information than that.

a torrent of emotions. flow of thought.

And something deeper than that.

There are things that cannot be fully expressed in words.

I still don't know its name.

The story has an ending.

Sometimes there are unfinished stories, but even those stories have a final moment.

denouement. The finale moment is often referred to as the finale moment.

When that moment arrives, the climax of the story comes to an end, and the characters' time stops there.

The novel 'War City' that I read was no exception.

conflict and misunderstanding. and wanted.

A tragic end comes at the end of an endless pile of such things.

Killing a comrade with your own hands, losing a loved one.

A life that is cursed and runs towards ruin even after completing vain revenge.

That was the life allowed for the protagonist, Usher Hayes.

"Are you worried?"

Obviously, even the changed story will come to an end.

Defeat the ghost army with your own hands.

After that, another wanted criminal, if not, an executive of the organization will appear.

When you reach the end of the story after defeating them all.

What will I become of myself?

Are you going back to the original world?

If not, will I stay here?

If I ever die here.

At that time, maybe it will return to its original self.

Suddenly, such a thought occurred to me.

"It's nothing."

"It's a lie."

"Why do you think so?"

"It's a feeling."

As I gazed at the dimly lit ceiling in contemplation, Sinel, who was lying next to me, poked my cheek with her finger.

hooked. A finger that had digged slightly disappeared into the duvet.

Sinel quickly removed his fingers and pulled the blanket up to his head.

The corner of Sinel's mouth was completely covered by the blanket, and only her eyes were sticking out and staring at me.

This is Sinel, who has been with me for several months already.

What will Shinel do if I return?

He doesn't seem to have a good relationship with Spinel, so he didn't seem to go to Spinel.



"Have you ever thought that you could die doing something like this?"

"It's a problem, I'm always thinking about it."

When I asked Sinel a question without thinking, the answer came back that I was thinking about it unexpectedly.

It is Sinel who always shows only a stateless and peaceful appearance.

That Shinel was thinking about death like that.

It was somehow unimaginable.

"Were you always thinking about it?"

"It's like that."

"Then why do you keep doing this? Aren't you worried about dying?"

"Because it's fun to be together."

It's fun to be with colleagues.

It was a simple answer.

I used to think that way too.

You risk your life to face a dangerous moment, but when you get through it, a greater reward follows.

After a dangerous incident, he faces his colleagues and throws a party.

Order a lot of delicious food and eat it together.

Go shopping to use the money you earn.

Sometimes I live a luxurious life while on vacation.

Sometimes, I wish for a moment like this to last forever.

"is it."

"How is your boss?"

"I like it. You too, swordsman."

"The three of us are a little hard, isn't it?"


"it's nothing."

I closed my eyes, skipping the conversation that was nothing.

Looking back, I think I've been running so hard looking forward.

It felt like the fatigue was conveyed more intensely today.

survive That's not a bad goal either.

But doesn't the word "live" seem a little more valuable?

After this work is over, I thought that it would be okay for everyone to go somewhere to play.


"Yes, sir."

"After this is over, let's go to the sea together."

"… … Is it the sea?"


Summer was slowly approaching.

It's a little early, but isn't it better to go to the sea together?

Such a thought suddenly occurred to me.

Sinel blinked for a moment, then lowered the blanket that was covering her mouth and returned her answer.


* * * * * *

Rex O'Brien.

Called the commander of the ghost corps, he was looking ahead with a grim face.

There was one reason why he was expressing his dissatisfaction openly with his mask off.

It was because the man in front of him was so offensive to him.

"Gosh… Anyway, I'm back."

A man in a coat with his collar upright said to the commander with a sullen smile.

Newcomer Oswald.

He was one of the executives of the association, and was the only person who held the position even though he was not an archmage.

Considering the fact that he was on the most wanted list like other executives, it might not have come as a surprise that Oswald held the executive position.

The criteria for classification as a wanted criminal is greatly influenced by the size of damage and the period of escape of the wanted criminal.

He is even a person who deserves the name of a newcomer.

Even the commander who was dissatisfied with him recognized his skills.

"Today will be very difficult."

"Is something wrong? I think it will all fall off."

"He said he didn't want to meet anyone. Even for me, it is difficult to arrange a meeting on such a day."

"Hmm… That's very sad. Even if other people don't know, I thought you would be happy to do it."

Oswald didn't stop smiling, but he poured out his regrets to the commander.

The commander sighed after hearing his words.

The reason Oswald was here today was simple.

It was because of his magic of creating scrolls by storing other people's magic.

He must have been influenced by the 'Invisible' scroll to have been given the name of Rookie of the Year.

When the scrolls they had previously stockpiled ran out, they returned to the Legion's stronghold to stockpile.

"We also need money. But the human mind is not what we want it to be."

"Are you still struggling to control him?"

"It's control. They are colleagues who trust and depend on each other."

"I am quite afraid of eavesdropping. it's okay. Because he won't be here."

The commander unknowingly turned his gaze to the surroundings.

Although he had the title of commander, his power and authority were only coming from others.

Even if he wasn't around here, he had to be careful.

It's possible that a subordinate might pass by in front of this.

If trust between each other was broken, this frivolous role-play would end that day.

"You are so rude, Oswald. I thought there was a basic courtesy between us."

"Ahaha, sorry about this. I made a mistake."

"Unlike others, I expect a common sense conversation from you."

"This is won. In an instant, I almost felt the same way as the other guys."

The commander clenched his teeth as he watched Oswald punch him in the face.

Oswald and himself have a business relationship.

They also pay a decent price for the transaction.

But that's the story so far.

Oswald wouldn't pay him more than that.

They wouldn't voluntarily help, and even if they needed money, they wouldn't lend it to them.

It wouldn't be of any help to the situation he was in right now.

"I wish I knew. So, Oswald, do you know any interesting stories?"

"It's a fun story. What kind of story do you want?"

"If possible, it would be good if it was a story related to the Knights of Nighttail."

"Ah, unfortunately I am not interested in that!"

It was a sneaky commander, but Oswald turned it down because he wasn't interested.

tt A sound that could not come out lingered in the commander's mouth.

'A shrewd guy.'

The commander looked at Oswald with a grin.

It's a face you want to see quickly when you're in a hurry.

But otherwise, it was just the opposite.

get hot I care.

Still, he was an irresistible person.

Oswald, he thinks, would be arguing again with uninteresting tales.

"ah… … ! Come to think of it, one 'executioner' was taken out this time?"


The commander's eyes changed when he heard Oswald's story.

Even the commander had heard about the infamous bullets that the successor had created himself.

It is said to be comparable to a mithril bullet in terms of utility.

Even the lame Bruno, who had been churning around the city at will, collapsed without a hitch by the fire of Mithril bullets.

If there was an executioner, it would not be unreasonable to neutralize at least one of the Knights of the Round Table without damage.

After thinking for a moment, the commander asked Oswald about his whereabouts.

"Do you know where you went?"

"I do not know?"

"I know."

"Well, I'd like to keep it a secret."

Oswald never told the whereabouts of the executioner.

But when he heard that, the commander's heart was filled with anticipation.

secret. It was a word Oswald used to play around with.

Perhaps the Heir is sending an Executioner to support him.

He was the heir who received the items sent by the Legion recently and showed interest in it.

Sooner or later, the executioner might be delivered through the wizard of the skyscraper.

With that thought in mind, the commander caressed the mask he had taken off.

"Are you ready?"

Inside the vehicle heading to Area 16.

Herio, who was holding the steering wheel, asked me.

Herio was driving the vehicle of the party that had planned for a day and departed.

The reason was simple.

Except for Herio, no one in this position had a license.

Naturally, Herio took over the driving.

"of course. plain words."

"Those sunglasses. It suits you pretty well."

"First of all, it's for disguise purposes, but I'm grateful for compliments."

I was sitting next to such a Herio wearing sunglasses.

Sunglasses were adopted as simple disguise tools.

When I accompanied the ghost corps and the horse tower, instead of showing my face, I wore a gas mask and attended the event.

Even if you only cover your eyes with sunglasses, most people will not be able to recognize you at a glance.

It is not something worn with the expectation of a perfect disguise.

Even a level that I could not recall from my memory for a moment was enough.

After invading only the depths of the laboratory, it was no longer necessary.

"What bag are you carrying next to you?"

To my right was a large bag.

Herio glanced at the bag and asked what it was for.

The vertically long bag was slightly longer than a normal instrument case.

"It's a gun."

"gun? It looks too big."

"Because it's a thing to kill a ghost army."

The item in the bag was a sniper rifle I bought from a black market.

Even with the armor Herio possessed, the lethality was enough to kill people.

However, unlike the other wanted criminals, the Ghost Corps was not singular.

These are the people who call themselves the Legion with their own mouths.

It is questionable whether it is a size that can be called a corps, but anyone can guess that the number is not small.

The core of such a ghost army is one archmage who uses 'Invisible'.

This sniper rifle was prepared to kill him.

It is impossible to break through the countless number of soldiers from the front.

A sniper from a distance was essential to break through the dead and humans that became the shield.

"Didn't I say that the ghost corps is invisible?"

"right. He will not appear while using magic."

"By the way, with what confidence did you prepare a sniper rifle?"

As Herio said, the appearance of the ghost corps cannot be confirmed.

At least as long as Invisible was working.

That's why I myself was going to launch the sniper of the ghost corps.

Because if we don't catch the wizard, the whole of this operation will lose its meaning.

"The direction can be hit to some extent."

"Can you set the direction? no way… … ."

"okay. If you use 'Spell Overlord', the magic will be broken, so if you aim at the gap and hit it, it will work somehow."

Spell Overlord.

The ultimate magic that can only be used by Archmage.

Magic using Spell Overlord will show a more advanced function than existing magic.

However, in order to use it, the existing magic flow had to be cut once.

There is no problem with magic that can be used in a single shot.

However, it was also a factor that caused gaps in the magic that had to be maintained for a long time like the ghost army.

"Do you think the Ghost Legion will use Spell Overlord?"

"Of course you have to take it. Are you not confident?"

"No way."

"Then there will be no problem."

Even considering such gaps, the power is certain.

Even if the opponent is a ghost corps, it will definitely be used when a crisis comes.

Spell Overlord was such a powerful skill.

And the moment I use my Spell Overlord to gain a combat advantage, my bullets will pierce his head.

Telepathically reads superficial psychology. guess the direction

When the magic is dispelled, the bullet is thrown.

It was a simple plan that consisted of three steps.

"… … Just make me believe in you."

"It's a perfect plan, so don't worry."

"It's perfect. Be confident."

"Because if there is no success, there is only death."

After throwing out a light joke to relieve Herio's tension, I looked out the window at the scenery leading up to me.

Area 16 is a space that contrasts a little with other areas.

Unlike the places where the forests of factories and buildings that emit soot are lined up, in District 16, you can see the abundant wheat fields from time to time.

A golden wheat field fills the field of vision.

You can see the peasants wandering between them.

Of course, since this place is also a part of the city, it is not that the building cannot be seen at all.

Nevertheless, the magnificent golden feast was different from other spaces in the city.

"It's my first time to come to Area 16."

Seeing the passing scenery, Herio opened his mouth.

I did just that.

Although it is not a place where security has completely collapsed like District 8, District 16 is a zone that belongs to the poorest part of the city.

There was no way that a member worthy of being escorted by the Knights of Nighttail lived there.

"Isn't it peaceful? There is no need for an escort."

"Peace be."

"Do you think it's hard to agree?"

"Aren't there guys like ghost corps in this place too?"

Just because it's a ghost corps doesn't make a fuss here.

There's nothing good about losing your reputation at the base.

For that reason, the commander was putting considerable effort into the management of the village.

Occasionally, he catches the wizards of the village and conducts biological experiments, though.

"Well, if you look at it, it's all in one box."

"Are you saying it's a bundle?"

"okay. They are cooperating to some extent, voluntarily or unintentionally."

These words were invented to alleviate Herio's guilt.

Herio also nodded in agreement with my words.

"It's like a den of evil."

"It's a fun expression. Then get off here."

Quick profit-.

A car running through the wheat field came to a quick stop.

It was around the time when the ghost corps' research institute began to be visible.

It is not possible to get into the lab by car, so I had to get off at this point and walk.

When the car stopped, I got out of the car first.

Sword, Sinel, and Herio came out one after another.

In the case of the sword castle, it was the same as usual, but Sinel took off her goggles and put on a hood.

"I have arrived, what are you going to do?"

"You should get directions from someone nearby."

"Didn't everyone say it was the same thing?"

"It is a first-class attitude to use even such an enemy."

Just then, I saw a young man passing by a wheat field nearby.

Hopefully, you can get information about this place from that young man.

I beckoned to the young man passing us by.

"there. Let me ask you a question."

"… … Are you a foreigner?"

"It's my first time coming to Area 16. I want to ask you a few things."

There is no way a young man living in a place like this will be friendly to strangers.

It was a situation in which it was not free to be considered suspicious under normal circumstances.

But when I called out to the young man, I had a bundle of banknotes in my hand.

It was the magic of money that any normal person could use.

The young man hesitated for a moment looking at the bills, then came over and asked me.

"What are you curious about?"

"Wait this way."

"Ah yes."

The young man followed my beckoning and came closer to the car parked.

Perhaps because he was conscious of the gaze around him, he seemed to be aiming for a blind spot where no one could see.

With a friendly smile, I waited for the young man to come closer to me.

And when the figure of the young man was completely out of sight around him.

Holding him in the car, he put a pistol in his mouth.

"We have a lot of questions."

"Eup, eup eup… … ."

"So, I want you to think carefully and give me an answer."

The young man whose gun hit the roof of his mouth widened his eyes and looked at me.

The young man's eyes were dyed with a look of bewilderment.

He was only letting out a muffled moan because of the pistol that had closed his mouth.

I stirred the young man's mouth once with a pistol.

tuk. One of the young man's teeth caught in his pistol broke.

"town! Eup eup, eup eup... … ."

The young man who had lost his teeth struggled even louder and groaned.

Was it just because he was conscious of the locked gun?

The threatened young man never moved his hand to push me away.

However, if he kept making noises like this, he might not be noticed.

I warned the young man as I retracted the gun slightly.

"The sound is too loud. Just move your head."

nod. nod.

Hearing my words, the young man shook his head and agreed.

It seems that everything is ready for the conversation now.

All actions so far have been just preliminary work.

Facing the young man trembling with fear, I finally told the young man our business.

"Have you seen anyone lately? She's a pretty girl It's not a face you see often in places like this."

"The sound is too loud. Just move your head."

nod. nod.

Hearing my words, the young man shook his head and agreed.

It seems that everything is ready for the conversation now.

All actions so far have been just preliminary work.

Facing the young man trembling with fear, I finally told the young man our business.

"Have you seen anyone lately? She's a pretty girl It's not a face you see often in places like this."

The ghost corps does not always move only in the invisible state.

What's more, he wouldn't even be carrying all the personnel.

If it was the scene of moving the kidnapped bell, I thought that someone passing by might have seen it.

But the young man with the gun in his mouth only shook his head slowly.

He looked scared, but that was all.

I asked the young man, raising the gun even more, just in case.

"I'll show you the picture. Have you seen such a person recently?"

He took out a picture of Belle Viertin from his pocket and brought it closer to the young man's eyes.

The young man quietly moved his gaze, scanning Bell's picture up and down.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, then slowly moved his head up and down.

It was a positive answer.

If he knew where Bell had been taken, the plan might have come to light more easily than he thought.

I finally pulled out the gun that had been locked in the young man's mouth.

"Collock, Collock… … ."

"Where did you go?"

"I was taken to the second research lab. I looked smart."

"Right. You were more useful than I thought."


He held a thick bundle of banknotes in the young man's hand.

Then the young man looked at me with skeptical eyes.

The person who had just put a gun in his mouth before.

He didn't seem to understand that he suddenly gave him money.

"Hey, this is… … ."

"It's the cost of treatment. Apologize for breaking your teeth."

"ah… All right."

Seeing the bundle of money in his hand, the young man turned into a subtle face.

That's a lot of money left to put in a new tooth.

It would not be a disappointing amount to shake the heart of a young man.

Holding the young man's hand holding the money tightly, I asked him one more simple request.

It was a very simple request for him, but it was a fairly difficult request for an outsider.

"If it's okay, I'd like you to accompany me to the second lab."

"Hey, am I going to the lab?"

"okay. Is there any problem?"

"I don't have access to the lab… … ."

"You don't have to go inside. It's enough to guide you to that point."

He did not expect even the right to access the research center from the young farmer.

It was just the intention of finding out the location.

Was it because of the bundle of money in the young man's hand or the gun he had stuck in his mouth?

The young man readily accepted the guide.

"… … All right."

"great. don't leave now It's nice to be able to speak well."

money and bullets.

Two effective negotiating tools were used.

In a way, it was natural for the young man to listen.

I nodded to the young man to go forward, and the young man nodded and moved forward.

Herio followed in the footsteps of such a young man, making an absurd expression on his face.

"… … That's a hot way."

"It's unavoidable because we don't have time."

"I don't mean to blame."

"It should be. I was thinking of throwing it away if I blamed it."

It didn't fit Herio's personality.

It was enough for me to get my hands dirty.

It wasn't like he had brought Herio with me in the first place.

"It's nice to be quiet."


Herio with a light smile turned his gaze to the golden wheat field.

I turned my eyes away from Herio and looked at the young man who was guiding the way.

I was worried that I would do something stupid in the middle, but when I saw him taking me to a building that looked suspicious at first glance, he seemed to be guiding me well.

It was fortunate that bullets alone did not solve the problem.

"It's slowly getting closer."

"Is that the second lab?"

It must have been about 10 minutes since I entered the alley full of buildings.

The young man stopped in front of the building blocked by a thick stone wall.

Armed personnel stood guard in front of the laboratory.

Various security devices were seen, including surveillance cameras.

Judging by the strict security, it seemed that the research center we were looking for was the right one.

The young man, standing at a slight distance from the lab, pointed to the lab building with his finger and told us.

"Can I guide you all the way here?"

"Good work. Let me go back."

The young man guided us better than expected.

I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out another bundle of money.

Then he put it in the young man's hand.

If you feel any abnormality, the troops of the ghost corps will come to you immediately, but for now it was better to finish it neatly.

The young man who received the same amount of money as before looked at me with his eyes wide open.

"I hope you didn't make a big mistake. I came here to make a big deal with the warden."

"With the director?"

"okay. It's a conversation between giants, so it's hard to tell you the details."

"Oh, that's right… … ."

huge money. And friendship with the head of the institute.

It must have been sufficient grounds for the young man who heard the story to agree.

Still, it's a town run by suspicious guys.

What's more, isn't it difficult for a young man to know the details of the story?

Without any doubt, the young man took the money and bowed his head.

I did not forget to warn the young man over and over again.

"I hope you don't talk too loudly. It's between me and the director."

"ah… Okay. I will be quiet."

"Good job."

"thank you."

The young man with his head bowed once again passed by quickly.

Now it was time to think about how to infiltrate the lab.

The best way was to convince the researcher as just before.

For him, you'll need to first make contact with the researcher.

As I was about to walk out of the alley after thinking about it, Herio, who reached out his hand, grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"… … What's going on?"

"I can feel the enemies slowly hiding."

"Can you check that too?"

"okay. You can roughly figure out the size of the enemy."

If I can read superficial thoughts, too, I can predict the enemy's direction.

But that was all.

If he tried to find out the number of his opponent, the sounds would only mix and confuse.

So, I couldn't help but be surprised at Herio's words that he had figured out the enemy's size.

"How did you find out?"

"It can read the flow of a weakly spread radio wave."

"A human radar indeed."

"… … Take it as a compliment."

He used magic so much that he didn't notice it, and he seemed to have interpreted his reaction.

It was the ability to take a significant advantage in the battle against the ghost army.

Herio himself doesn't seem to like my compliments that much, though.

"Sign when they pass by."

"I'll do that."

If the soldiers of the Ghost Corps were passing by, it was necessary to be careful.

I hid deep in the alley so that I didn't notice.

We all held our breath as we waited for the Legion's forces to pass.

one minute. this minute. five minutes. and ten.

Slowly, around the time when my sense of time, watching the front of the lab, began to dull, Herio tapped me on the shoulder once more.

"Now it is. You may pass."

It was a signal of passage from Herio.

It took quite a while for the enemies to pass.

Only then did I get permission, put the bag I had parked back on, and asked Herio.

"Is being able to determine the size of the enemy a sustainable method?"

"There will be no problems until today is over."

"Then let us proceed as planned. We will divide the number of people as previously announced."

"I'll do that."

"And I plan to add one from the existing plan."

Before I came to Area 16 to subdue the ghost corps, I gathered my party and informed them of the plan.

The goal of this operation is to kill the ghost corps.

And in order to kill the ghost corps, it was necessary to create a standoff for a while.

For that, I divided the personnel into two roles.

One is to deal with enemies and continuously disturb them.

It was Sinel and Herio who were assigned to this role.

And me and Gumseong were responsible for rescuing Bell Viertin and securing a sniper point.

However, in this operation, the burden on Sinel and Herio becomes excessively large.

Since Herio knew that he could confirm the size of the enemies, he was going to add one more condition.

"What is it?"

"If you think the size of your enemies is difficult to deal with, give them a signal and back off."

"Are you worried about us?"

"I plan to adjust the plan according to the situation."

No matter how strong Herio is, there is a limit to the number he can counter.

What's more, this is not the enemy's base.

If he judged that it would be unreasonable to force the battle, he was planning to retreat after ordering a retreat.

If you roll your head according to the situation, you will be able to find a solution somehow.

Neither Sinel nor Herio could be lost here.

"This is an ineffective operation. Didn't I say that killing is the top priority?"

"The goal does not change. It just changes the order."

"… … is it."

After hearing the explanation, Herio smiled bitterly.

A subtle emotion was transmitted through the smiling face.

"Herio. Are you dissatisfied with the operation?"

"No, it could be. I will do as you command."

"Okay then."

The conversation ended like that.

Herio picked up the suitcase containing the armor to prepare for battle, and I handed him an earphone.

tuk. A small earphone set was placed on Herio's palm.

A wireless communication device made by Resert Industries.

It must be something that Herio is quite familiar with.

"It's a no-brainer. Do not pass the instructions separately."

Herio Nightline.

One night when he was still a child.

Herio was having dinner with his family at the table.

During the meal, his father, who was a soldier, posed a question to young Herio.


"yes. Dad."

"If one day an ordeal appears that blocks you, what will you do then?"

"You have to fight it. Because that's a knight!"

Herio answered without hesitation.

He longed for knights, and he learned that it was the way of a knight.

Articles of fairy tales he had read always looked like that.

His father pondered for a moment, then changed the content of the question to the previous one.

"There are a lot of strong people in the world."

"I know."

"No matter how strong you are, you cannot defeat everyone."

"yes. I know that too."

"If an opponent you can't beat interferes with you, can you act like I said before?"

"that… … ."

This time, it was Herio's turn to think about his father's question.

When you have to fight an enemy you can't win.

If such a moment came one day, would you be able to fight it yourself?

As Herio was waving his fork with sausage and contemplating, his mother appeared and sighed.

"Isn't that making Herio too much trouble?"

"I will still fight. Because I was taught chivalry."

Regardless of her mother's voice, Herio spoke in a confident voice.

Even if the enemy changed, his heart did not change.

"so? That's a cool idea."

"Hehe… … ."

Remembering her mother's hand stroking her hair, Herio made a decision in her heart.

Even when faced with a strong enemy, it fights against it.

Even when adversity comes, we persevere.

Protect the weak and punish the wicked.

That was the chivalry he knew.

He believed that even if one day he became an adult, his thoughts would not change.

"But you also need to know how to compromise."

"What are you saying to the kid!"

"No, I was trying to teach… … . You interrupted all of a sudden."

"Tell me about your stubbornness. Because you're rumored to be the most stubborn person in this town."

A harmonious conversation between the family at the dinner table.

Seeing that, Herio smiled brightly.

If he later becomes a great knight, then he will be able to keep his parents smiling.

Obviously, it will be.

Herio in his youthful days believed firmly.