Having lived a live of suffering at the hand of illness he is reincarnated in to another world as Shu He, soon he discovers the existence of cultivating and sets himself on a path far different from normal with an unusual golden flame in hand, armed with this unique flame he moves forward, trying to live as he desires, where will that path take him? Who knows.
Amber liquid swirled in the wooden mug that was a size too big for Shu He's hands as he looked down at it, he had never drunk any alcohol in his previous life because by the time he came of age his body was already falling apart, he didn't have the luxury to risk it.
And in this life, he was still 12…
"Wait… aren't I 13 now?" Shu He muttered with sudden realisation; his birthday should have passed within the last month, but he was so busy he forgot to keep track of it.
He looked up at the sky, at the spectral moon that seemed to be shining even brighter than before with a hint of melancholy, the 13 years of his second life flashed in the back of his mind as he closed his eyes.
'13 years already… just over half-way there to surpassing my previous age, it's passed by surprisingly fast' He gently opened his eyes and looked at the bubbling liquid that let of the scent of honey and spice.
He was enticed by the smell, but he still felt a little hesitant to drink it, he didn't know if he could handle his alcohol, especially since it seemed to be made stronger just for cultivators.
But in the end, his curiosity got the better of him.
'I already bought it for 2 points anyway' He said as he brought it to his mouth, feeling the bubbling liquid pass through his lips and down his throat; A hot sensation like liquid flames dripped down his neck making his eyes turn shocked for a moment before it transformed to a chilling cold that soothed the flames creating a satisfying feeling of relief.
Then a taste of bitterness struck him dancing with an intense sweetness carrying the intoxicating wooziness that comes with any alcohol, just a small sip caused this.
After swallowing Shu He let out deep breath that was entwined with hot and cold air as a smile crept up on his face.
"So good!" He couldn't describe it; he isn't usually a fan of bitter things, but the bitterness was like a opener that made the aftertaste all the better.
He took another, larger sip, and then a gulp as he felt his face heat up a little, he then shook his head.
'Woah, this is how it feels, huh?' To be drinking alcohol at this age was unthinkable to him, but no one else seemed to care so he just went along with it, it was something he wanted to experience anyway.
"Mind if I take this seat?" Someone said as they hopped on to the stall next to Shu He.
"Hn?" Shu He looked up at the person next to him, his eyesight turning hazy for a second as he furrowed his brows.
"I wonder what Shu Li would think, seeing his kid drunk at this age" The man said laughing before taking a gulp of his mug himself.
"Who?" His eyes focused finally, them man had long black hair tinged with white along with a tied beard "Oh, Yun Jiang it's just you" Shu He muttered before taking another sip.
"What's with that reaction? Are you actually drunk already?" Yun Jiang said, taking a closer look at Shu He.
"Not drunk… just a little tipsy".
"Che, that's what we called being drunk kid" He chuckled, shaking his head "I was waiting for you to come to me after the tournament, you broke the knife I made you didn't you".
"…I didn't mean to" Shu He expression turned a little sad like a sulking puppy.
"It's not your fault, if I made it better it wouldn't have broken" Yun Jiang lightly slammed his mug on the table, spiting himself "Next time, I'll do far better" the fires of a determined smith smouldered in his eyes.
"You'll make me another?" Shu He looked ecstatic, looking up at the older man.
Yun Jiang was slightly surprised, Shu He normally wasn't this emotive, "Haha, of course I will" but then his expression turned awkward "It'll have to take a while though, since I'll need some better materials".
'Why does he seem more like a child after drinking?' Yun Jiang couldn't help but think as he glanced over at Shu He.
"But I don't have many points right now…" Shu He suddenly turned depressive; a gloomy atmosphere surrounded him.
"It's fine! You can get me some nice materials when you're out on a mission in return" Yun Jiang replied while grinning.
Shu He's eyes widened like he had an epiphany "Right! I definitely will…".
The two spoke for another 10 minutes or so, Shu He talking about his progress in the alchemy division and Yun Jiang about what he was currently working on, eventually it turned peaceful as the two happily drank away until the cheering in the distance happened again.
"What's that?" Yun Jiang asked, curious.
"Oh… some other disciples are drinking themselves silly to see who can drink more" Shu He replied, giving the crowd a thousand-yard stare.
"Really? Sounds fun" Yun Jiang stood up cackling.
"You're going?"
"Can't miss out, you know? Now that my body is young enough I can't stop myself!" He laughed as he wandered off, draining his mug before leaving it on the table and heading to the crowd.
Shu He was left alone again, he sighed before drinking another gulp, and suddenly his mug was empty, he turned it upside down shaking it as a single drop fell out.
'Out already?' He flopped on to the table as he pushed the mug away.
'I feel a bit tired…' He decided to close his eyes.
Among the rowdy yelling and cheering, he fell into a peaceful sleep.
"Shu He?" A light voiced ticked his ears as he felt someone shake him lightly, he reluctantly opened his eyes and rubbed them with his hands as he looked around.
It was quiet, with only peaceful muttering as light blue lights lit the area, the atmosphere was almost the exact opposite of what It was before.
'I fell asleep?' He thought with surprise as he looked around.
"Why's it so quiet?" He pondered, whispering to himself.
"It's the peak of the spectral moon soon, so the festival is coming to an end" The light voice came from besides him making him gently look over, a girl with long white hair and beautiful sapphire-coloured eyes was sat gracefully next to him.
"Bai Lian, you're here too?..." Shu He said, yawning lightly.
She nodded lightly "I wasn't too interested in the drinking part of it, but the end of the festival is another story" she then glanced at Shu He and smiled "I was planning on watching it with Mei Ling but she's quite comfy with Wei Yu right now, I didn't want to interrupt; Then I saw a certain someone fast asleep in the middle of everything, I'm surprised you could sleep through that noise".
Shu He turned slightly red, embarrassed "Me too, I think the alcohol got to me…".
"So you're a lightweight" She giggled lightly.
"What about you?".
"I don't drink, less chance someone can take advantage of you" She said, her eyes seemingly looking blankly into the distance.
"…Is being a heir to a big clan hard?" Shu He asked while he was feeling loose lipped, he had heard plenty but nothing from the horse's mouth.
Bai Lian smiled, but that simple smile contained feelings of worry, pain, struggle, and fear "You'll ask that?" then she glanced over to the crowd, Shu He could tell many thoughts were racing in her mind at that moment "It's painful, so, so painful… but I wouldn't change it."
"…Can you not ask for help?" Thinking what he'd do, he asked her.
She looked down, gripping her robes lightly "From who? Within the clan, position is absolute, I'm to do what's expected of me and no less, the retainers are just retainers and servants are just that, there are no friends for me to ask…" she then glanced up, her eyes locking with Shu He's "If I asked you, would you help me?".
At first, Shu He wasn't sure if she was serious, but as he stared deep into her eyes he could see the sincerity and hope swirling within.
"I would, at least, that's what I think I'd do" He replied, it wasn't a solid answer, but it was the one he could give right now, he didn't know what would happen in the future after all.
A genuine smile bloomed on Bai Lian's face "That's great… that's enough for me".
Suddenly, on a stage in front of the tables a few lights turned on.
"Oh! It's starting!" Bai Lian turned her attention towards the stage.
"What is?"
"A zither performance, it's always done right before the spectral moon blooms" She said enthusiastically.
"A zither, huh… I've never heard one played". A zither was a rare instrument in his old life, and even in this world they were an instrument synonymous with status.
"What?! You're missing out!" She exclaimed hearing what he said.
"Are you a fan of them, then?" He asked, seeing her face light up.
"My mother used to play one all the time…"
"Used to?"
"…She disappeared many years ago" A wisp of rage passed her eyes as she spoke, so subtle that Shu He thought he only imagined it.
"…Sorry for asking".
"It's fine, I'll definitely find her" She stated plainly, like it was a foregone conclusion.
'This feels off…' Shu He thought as he looked at her, he decided to shift the subject.
"Can you play the Zither as well?".
"Huh?" She looked at him wide eyed, clotheslined by the question "Ah, um, I can, but I haven't really played for anyone in years" she spoke shyly.
"It's fine, maybe I can listen to you play sometime?" Shu He asked, not knowing what kind of question he was actually asking her.
"M-maybe in the future!" She replied, getting slightly high pitched at the end causing Shu He to send her a slightly confused glance "Look! It's starting!" She pointed to the stage in an attempt to distract him.
On the stage a graceful figure with long black hair walked out, she exuded a aura of tranquillity as the ghostly blue dress that she donned matched the colour of the moon above them, she sat on a chair as she placed the zither in her lap.
She then spoke, thanking everyone for coming, welcoming the new disciples, congratulating the winner of the tournament, and then she reached to her zither and plucked a string-
The single sound filled the area like a blanketing wave, Shu He felt a shiver rise up his spine, not from fear but pure chills, as the lady started playing he quickly sank into the song she was playing.
A calm lake beset by chilling winds as the silver moon hung in the sky, its reflection sitting upon the surface of the water.
That was the image that he felt conveyed, he felt his mind lapse into peace like it was embraced by the cold warmth of the spectral moon, he felt his mind become clear while also feeling like he was dreaming.
It wasn't just him, the entire plaza turned silent as everyone listened, a moment of serenity that is the end of a rowdy festival, almost like yang was being turned in to yin.
Up above, the moon turned brighter and brighter as the song went on, and then by the end it was almost as bright as the sun, petal like auras clung to its sides as it emanated powerful yin energies.
Shu He looked up at the moon, his heart and mind finding temporary peace, yet one thing still rested in the back of his mind.
'5 months'.