
Protocol: Stigmata

Art Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83397795 In a world on the brink of Honkai domination, the fate of Earth hinges on the formidable Valkyries. These extraordinary warriors are the last line of defense against the impending chaos, and their legacy is preserved at St. Freya High School. Established in 2000 by the visionary Theresa Apocalypse, the school's primary mission is to provide refuge and guidance to those scarred by Honkai experimentation. Here, they can learn to harness their latent powers and, upon graduation, join the ranks of the Valkyries. However, the status quo is shattered when an extraordinary young man is unexpectedly enrolled at St. Freya. Gifted with rare talents and abilities, he is destined to become a Valkyrie and bring about a new chapter in the battle against the Honkai. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters except for my OC, All credit to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse

Yamiru · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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85 Chs

Battle Between Swords

"You... How did you know?" Hokushin Mei's voice dropped, tense and wary, her grip tightening on her sword.

Tsurugi, in Shin's body, chuckled darkly. "Hehehe... I know many things, Hokushin Mei. Your reputation precedes you. The Demon Sword - Crimson Flame is no secret to those who have walked the paths I have."

Hokushin Mei's eyes narrowed as she slowly drew her katana, adopting a ready stance. "Right."

"That's more like it," Tsurugi sneered, unsheathing a pink katana that materialized from the air. "I'm sure you'll remember this once you see this stance."

Without warning, Tsurugi dashed forward, her blade already poised to strike. Hokushin Mei's eyes widened as she raised her sword to block, parrying Tsurugi's rapid slashes. Each strike was faster than the last, forcing Mei to move with precision and speed.

"Khh—!" Mei grunted, managing to parry each blow. "You're fast."

"Thank you, but this isn't my full potential yet," Tsurugi taunted, stepping back and summoning an array of swords from thin air. The blades rained down towards Mei.

Mei darted to the side, dodging the onslaught. She caught one of the falling swords and hurled it back at Tsurugi. With a swift motion, Tsurugi cut the sword in half, but when she looked up, Mei had vanished.

"Oh? Playing tag, are we?" Tsurugi's eyes gleamed with a predatory excitement. "Fine... I'm the IT."

As the two darted out of the cave, Hokushin Mei dashed toward the dense forest, her breath coming in quick bursts.

Tsurugi's mocking voice followed her, "Fufufu~ Do you really think you can escape me?"

Swords continued to rain down, embedding themselves into the ground around Mei. Tsurugi deftly stepped onto one of the blades, making it float in the air like a surfboard. She glided effortlessly above the forest floor, rapidly closing the distance between them.

The forest's thick canopy provided some cover, but Mei knew it wouldn't be enough to shake Tsurugi. She moved with calculated speed, weaving through trees and leaping over fallen logs.

Above her, Tsurugi navigated the treetops with ease, her movements fluid and confident. She smirked, enjoying the chase, her eyes locked on Mei's fleeing figure.

"You can't run forever, Hokushin Mei!" Tsurugi called out, her voice dripping with anticipation.

Mei glanced over her shoulder, her mind racing. She needed to find a way to turn the tables, to gain the upper hand. She spotted a thick grove of trees ahead and veered towards it, hoping the dense foliage would slow Tsurugi down.

As Mei entered the grove, the faint hum of Tsurugi's floating blade slicing through the air reached her ears. She crouched low, senses heightened, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Tsurugi descended into the grove, scanning the shadows. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," she taunted, her blade at the ready.

In the tense silence, Mei's grip on her katana tightened. She steadied her breathing, mind clear and focused. With a sudden burst of speed, she launched herself from her hiding spot, her blade aimed directly at Tsurugi.

Caught off guard, Tsurugi barely had time to react. She parried Mei's attack, their swords clashing with a resounding ring. The force of the blow sent both skidding backward, eyes locked in a fierce stare.

"You've got spirit, I'll give you that," Tsurugi said, her voice laced with amusement. "But spirit alone won't save you."

"We'll see about that," Mei replied, her voice steady and determined. Suddenly, the surroundings shifted into a bamboo forest. Two spirits appeared behind Mei: one in a kimono of dark hues with black hair, and the other in a white kimono with white hair, holding an umbrella.

"Oh? The Tatara Black Maple and Tatara White Sakura," Tsurugi remarked, eyes narrowing.

"You said spirit alone won't save me, right?"

"Heh... Funny," Tsurugi sneered.

Tsurugi immediately leaped away, facing the trio. She pointed her hand at them, forming a snap gesture. With a smile, she snapped her fingers, and swords materialized from the ground, thrusting upwards.

Mei and the spirits reacted swiftly. Black Maple and White Sakura moved in tandem, deflecting the thrusting swords with expert precision. Mei advanced on Tsurugi, her movements a blur of speed and grace. The spirits flanked her, their presence a powerful support.

Tsurugi danced around the attacks, her own blade flashing in the dim light. "Impressive," she said, her voice echoing through the bamboo forest. "But not enough."

Mei's eyes blazed with determination. She channeled her energy, feeling the strength of the spirits beside her. "Let's end this."

With a coordinated effort, Mei and the spirits launched their attack. Black Maple's blade moved with shadowy swiftness, while White Sakura's strikes were like the petals of a cherry blossom in the wind. Mei's katana gleamed as she thrust forward, aiming for Tsurugi's heart.

Tsurugi met their assault head-on, her blade a whirl of steel. She deflected Black Maple's strike, sidestepped White Sakura's elegant slash, and faced Mei's final thrust. Their blades collided with a deafening clash, sparks flying.

"No can't do..." Tsurugi vanished from her position, reappearing behind Mei.

Mei's eyes darted up, spotting a sword falling to Tsurugi's former position. "She switched with the sword!?"

"It seems that people rarely know about the Herrscher of Blade's powers," Tsurugi said, her tone mocking.

With a mischievous grin, Tsurugi moved swiftly, her blade a blur as it sliced through the air. Before Mei could react, Tsurugi's attack was complete. She sheathed her katana with a flourish, turning to face Mei.

Hokushin Mei's clothes fell away in shreds, leaving her exposed. She stood still, her eyes wide with shock.

"It seems I won again, Hokushin Mei," Tsurugi said smugly.

Mei's face tightened in anger and embarrassment. She slowly sheathed her blade, the sound of metal on metal sharp in the tense air.

Tsurugi's gaze lingered on Mei, a smirk playing on her lips. "But... hmm... it seems not just your mind has matured, but your body as well."

Mei's fists clenched. "Shut up."

"Do you remember now?"

"...I do..."

"That's good... Now, would you like to order your spirit fellows to retreat? I can feel their sharp blades at my back. Do remember that I'm only borrowing Shin's body."

Hokushin nodded, her eyes never leaving Tsurugi. She turned to her spirits, and with a silent command, they nodded back, slowly vanishing into the shadows. "Tell me... why are you inside this boy's body and not his?"

"It's a long story... how about we talk back at the cave since it looks like it's about to rain."

"Alright..." As Hokushin was about to head back first, Tsurugi halted her.


She paused, "What?"

"Do me a favor..."

"...After cutting my clothes to nothing, you're asking for a favor? Hmph... how bold of you."

"It's a simple favor... don't worry."

"I'll hear it once I hear your story and that boy's."

With that, the two of them made their wave back to the cave.