

(Luna's POV)

By the time that we got into the office, I had calmed down from my anger and my eyes we're back to normal. Nathan gave me an ice pack to put Athena's cheek.

Athena stopped crying when her face started to feel better. After calming her down, All I knew was that I had to ask her why she did what she did. I was about to ask her, when Jacob came in furious.

But as soon as he looked at us, his mood changed completely. He came up to us and squatted down in front of Athena. He turned her face to see if she was alright. She was fine. He then asked her "Why did you throw water at that woman?" He asked the exact question I was going to ask. What is he, a mind reader?

Athena didn't hesitate to answer. "That ugly lady was trying to take Daddy away from me and mommy and then she called mommy a mean name." Listening to her answer, he chuckled a little. "Baby I promise you that no one will take me away from you and mommy. And that name that she called mommy, well that lady is an even bigger one."

I smiled at his reply and Athena giggled. "Hey how about we get some dinner. Just us." he said. When Athena heard the word 'dinner' she instantly became really happy. I laughed and said "I guess that means yes". He got up from his squat and we got up with him and walked out of the office.

Everybody was watching us and I was beginning to get a little nervous. Jacob saw this and held my hand. I looked at him and he had a smile on his face. Him holding my hand and smiling at me made all the nerves in my body go away. I smiled back at him and we all walked in the elevator.


After leaving the company, Jacob took us to a family restaurant for dinner. It was a really nice place. It felt homey.

We are already seated and waiting for our food. "So Jacob, what were you working on that you were busy?" I asked with curiosity. "Oh just a contract for a singer in Selena. It was the reason I was in Selena. I was talking to her manager to hopefully set up a meeting to get her to join King Sights." he responded. "Hmm interesting. Who is the singer? I ask while slowly sipping some water. "Oh you probably heard of her. It's a singer named LK."

Hearing the name, I began to choke on the water I was drinking. Jacob got easily scared and began to pat my back. After a couple of minutes, I was able to calm down.

"What was that about?" he asked me. I started to awkwardly giggle. "Um.I guess that's another thing I didn't tell you." I said awkwardly and he looked at me confused. And I continued. "Um...You see....For the past four years that I was in Selena, I became a well known singer... to hide my identity I wore a wolf mask. My stage name was..... LK."

Jacob was in complete shock. Athena began to giggle when I was trying to get him to snap out of his trance. "Yo..you...you're LK" he finally was able to speak. I had to shush him so he didn't reveal my secret and then I nodded my head.

His shocked face quickly turned into a really creepy grin. He looked kind of like joker. I was getting freaked out. Then he spoke. "So in the end, you were going to have to see me and I would have known your real identity. Then you definitely would have had to tell me about Athena. So I guess it was destiny."

I was kind of shocked by his reply. I guess it is kind of true. I would have eventually had to see him again. "Yea I guess" I said to him.

Before he could say something else the food finally came. Athena and I dove right into our food while Jacob ate his food slower than we were. When we all got done, Jacob paid the check and we all went his house. Or should I say "home". I don't know yet.