
First Rehearsal

(Luna's POV)

It's been a week since the contract signing. Jacob and I are slowly getting better together. We've had some progress. Athena really loves her Daddy and her Daddy tends to really spoil her. I don't know if that is a good thing or bad.

Well anyways, today is my first rehearsal at King Sights. I'm kind of nervous, but yet I'm not at the same time. I don't know why.

I entered King Sights with my mask on and was shown to a dance studio. There was about six people in it. One was the choreographer and the rest were the other dancers. This should be fun.

I put my stuff down and began to stretch on the floor. After stretching we began to rehearse. We went over the dances we are supposed to do and I sang while dancing so that everybody can follow the dances the right way. It wasn't as bad as I thought.

When rehearsal was over, I stayed behind while everybody else left. I wanted to keep dancing. I took off my mask and put it away in my bag. I was about to go out on music when there was a knock at the door.

I opened the door to find Athena. I smiled and asked what she wanted. "Can I dance with you?" she asked. I chuckled a little and opened the door wider so that she can come in and then I closed the door.

We both went in front of the mirrors and I asked her "So what should we dance today? Salsa? Tango? Jazz? or maybe your favorite Hip Pop?" As soon as I said hip pop, she quickly nodded her head.

"Ok. Hip pop it is. Now what song exactly do you want to do?" I asked. She made her cute little thinking face for a minute and then said "16 Shots by Stefflon Dion." I chuckled a little and went and attached my phone to the speaker.

"Do you remember what you are supposed to do?" I asked and she nodded and said "You have start off slow. Tease the crowd a little. Then when it's time, you do your own thing." I nodded my head and started to play the song.

It was really fun dancing with my daughter. She was dancing with me like she was a professional. She is just so talented. I can actually see her becoming part of the music industry.

After the song ended, we were both tired. I grabbed everything and we left the studio. We were about to walk out of the building when a was receiving a call. It was from Jacob. We both stopped walking and I answered the phone.


"Luna, are you and Athena still at King Sights?"

"Yes, We were literally just about to walk out. Why?"

"I need you guys to come to my office."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

And with that he hung up on me. Really dude. Hanging up on me. I know I do it to some people, but come on. Ugh "Come on Athena. Daddy wants to see us in his office." and she nodded and headed to his office.

Arriving at his office door, I knocked and I heard Jacob's voice saying come in. We both entered the room and saw the pack. As soon as they saw me, their faces lit up and they all ran towards me. Athena got scared and ran to Jacob.

Before I could retreat, I was in a really big group hug. They were squeezing the life out of me. I was literally gasping for breath. It wasnt until Jacob told them to let me go that I was able to finally breathe.

I walked to Jacob still trying to catch my breath. "I missed you guys too." I said to them and they all chuckled.

"Okay guys, the reason I called you guys here is actually to meet someone new to our pack." Jacob said and he picked up Athena. Then he continued. "This is Athena... Our daughter."

After him saying that everybody was in shock. Athena waved at them and they snapped out of it and was in aww.

Athena got down from Jacob's arms and went to them. She was really happy. The pack was also happy as welcomed her to the pack. It was cute.

Jacob wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a kiss on my forehead. We just watched our daughter having fun with her new family.

The song 16 Shots is not that bad of a song. It might sound weird, but it's very catchy. Look it up on YouTube.

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