
Chapter 1: New Neighbor?

Hi, my name is Pauline and today i'll be sharing my story with you.

One day, mom forced me to wake up. It was Saturday, a family has just moved in next door, so mom and i welcomed them to our neighborhood and helped them unbox their things. I was thirsty and asked my mom, "Mom, can i have a glass of water?." Mom was gonna speak but the woman suddenly said to help myself in the kitchen of some glass of water.

Then i bumped into a boy. "I'm so sor-" "Just call me Zen.."

"I'm sorry Zen." Zen: "K. " yes, i know that response is annoying but suddenly something tells me that....that person is so familiar..he made me familiar because of his necklace that has my name on it and the way he said it reminded me of my childhood friend and our promise..so i asked him. "Do you know a girl named Pauline?" He only responded. " Sounds familiar but no." "I immediately knew it was him because of his attitude, because he had a dark past he only talks about it to me."

After what happened i went home, and mom stayed for some tea. And i forgot to mention i have a online friend. We met 6 months ago, we got so close i talk about my problems with him like what i do to Zen, he was so sweet and kinda annoying too heh. But i never told my real name...And to me i think he did not told me as well cause we wanted me to call him Zane.

And about Zen, again he is my childhood friend we were so close he even protected me when my dad abused me because my dad was so drunk mom was at work. I did not want him to go away...We would play games together, walk home, go to school, and even visit each other if one of us gets sick. He was that important to me, suddenly one day he acted so strange he was avoiding me and he made me so worried then i invited him to roof top of the school. And asked him for the last time. "Okay, your making me so worry about you, what's going on? You know you can tell me everything.." " Okay i'm sorry about that it's just that i don't want to hurt you. " he said. "Just tell me." "We are moving out today.." He said. I was in silence..we just hugged each other till class was out. They were almost ready to leave, Zen and i was just talking for our last moment of each other.. We even made a promise that we would see each other again. We gave each other necklaces formed a heart my name was on his necklace and his name was on mine.

For our last moment we hugged for the last time..And said..Goodbye.