
Promise To Be Destined

With a small smirk playing on her rosebud like lips she looks down at him, where he sat helplessly looking up at her. Not with fear but mesmerized by her beauty....... that's how they first met. Sometimes you want to see someone so badly that you wind up with only them in your heart. This narrative began with a promise. Ari Jung who has waited for thousands of years because of a promise. Will this promise last... Is she destined to be with him? Is there a happy ever after for them... A world where supernatural entities threaten the safety of humanity. Fortunately, there is a group of heroes known as Nero's squad who have been fighting against these entities for thousands of years. However, when they encounter a problem that they cannot solve, they turn to Yoo In Soo, a talented forensic doctor who might hold the key to their success. At the heart of this story is Ari Jung, who has been waiting for thousands of years because of a promise. As the squad navigates their new challenge, they begin to uncover a hidden plot that could threaten everything they have worked for. Will they be able to save humanity and themselves? However, there could be a secret conspiracy underway in the background that could threaten the very foundations of the Nero squad... Will Yoo In Soo and Ari Jung succeed?

Rainzai · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
88 Chs

The slap..

The Wife of the man who was crying like crazy and holding his head got down from the police car.

"Sir please arrest him " she points to her husband.

Hearing this, all the neighbours were astounded since they never thought that the lovely couple who lost a kid just a few days ago would look like this. They start gossiping with each other.

"Oh ..my why did she ask him to be arrested weren't they so full of love?"

"Shh.. police are here. I think this problem is way deeper than what it seems to be ."

"Yeah she is right, let's just keep still and watch what's happening."

"Yeah "

"Yes yes.."

"Arrgh.. why do these people talk so much?" he says looking at the gossiping ladies.



He then turns around to his wife.

"Honey, where did you go? I went crazy looking all around for you. Sir thank you for taking her back to me." 

He tried to grab her hand but was stopped by the police.

"What is this behaviour? Give her back to me now officer."

"I am sorry but we can't hand her over to you please come with us when we are still being nice" The officer nods to other officers and he comes with a hand cuff to arrest him.

"This can't be why am I getting arrested?? Let go.."

Hearing him scream and deny all the charges his wife couldn't take it anymore.

"SLAP…." Within seconds his cheeks have red hand prints. He grunts when it stings. Everyone in the neighbourhood looks shocked again but soon her next words shock them even more.

"You murderer… How dare you? How dare you kill my son… officer please arrest this person I don't even want to see his face anymore … please.. quickly arrest him


The officers waste no time now and cufflink his hand and drag him to the car.

"Honeyy… you can't do this …I know you are angry but listen to me please…" but then he is shoved forcefully before he can say anything and his wife starts to cry.

A police officer looks at her apologetically and hands her a handkerchief. 

"Mrs.Kim I am sorry but you need to come with us to complete some formality. I know you are tired but will you be able to come with us? "

"It's alright officer ..." she accepts his kindness and then bows to her neighbours and then gets inside the car with the police officer.

All the neighbours go away after the whole drama ends except for one car.

I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!^^

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