
Promise To Be Destined

With a small smirk playing on her rosebud like lips she looks down at him, where he sat helplessly looking up at her. Not with fear but mesmerized by her beauty....... that's how they first met. Sometimes you want to see someone so badly that you wind up with only them in your heart. This narrative began with a promise. Ari Jung who has waited for thousands of years because of a promise. Will this promise last... Is she destined to be with him? Is there a happy ever after for them... A world where supernatural entities threaten the safety of humanity. Fortunately, there is a group of heroes known as Nero's squad who have been fighting against these entities for thousands of years. However, when they encounter a problem that they cannot solve, they turn to Yoo In Soo, a talented forensic doctor who might hold the key to their success. At the heart of this story is Ari Jung, who has been waiting for thousands of years because of a promise. As the squad navigates their new challenge, they begin to uncover a hidden plot that could threaten everything they have worked for. Will they be able to save humanity and themselves? However, there could be a secret conspiracy underway in the background that could threaten the very foundations of the Nero squad... Will Yoo In Soo and Ari Jung succeed?

Rainzai · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
88 Chs

Changing scenery...

She then touches her face and realizes she was indeed smiling at that time.

That's when Ari realized she showed something she shouldn't and quickly drew back her hand.

"You are done it seems."

"Oh yeah," he answers though startled by her sudden change in behaviour again and lets out a sigh.

Thinking he might have made her uncomfortable he shifts back to his original position.


Ari also turns and both again look out of the window as the scenery changes. Ari could see his reflection on the car window. But suddenly remembered his words and looked at him, he was now looking very tired and was dozing off where he sat . 

Lee Min Ho realizes Ari was looking at Yoo In Soo. 

"Oh .. Doctor Yoo has been working hard these days but still can't sleep ."

He says, smiling sadly.

"That doesn't concern us … Half puppy. It was him who wanted to see it through to the end."

 "But still we can't deny he is a human. He should be resting comfortably at this time of the day. I feel bad suggesting that he work with us…" 

"Look we didn't force him to come or to work with us… he decided on his own in the end. Plus though he is younger than us he is still an adult and he should know his limits … so don't worry."

Though Ari says that Lee Min Ho could see her looking at Yoo In Soo as though she was worried but holds back saying so.

He smiles a little and focuses again on the road ahead.


He sees someone crossing the road and forcefully presses on break in a hurry.

That's when Yoo In Soo, who was finally dozing off, falls on his face.

And gets up half asleep and startled. 

"Oh my …"

" Oops my bad … sorry I thought someone was crossing the road and pressed suddenly on the break"

 Seeing all this Ari lets out a sigh in exasperation. 


" Wear your seat belt, will you… "

Hearing her annoyed tone though half asleep he quickly grabs the seat belt and tries his best to buckle up but then fails to do so. That's when Ari loses his patients. 

"Leave it I will do that for you.." she grabs the seat belt and tries to buckle it up.

Thinking he might have angered her more Yoo In Soo tried to grab it from her hand but instead held her hand.

This annoys Ari Jung further.

"I told you to stay put didn't I .."

He finally lets go of her and sits back quietly when she buckles up the seat belt for him.

"Alright done."

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